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Bonobos have a reputation as a female-dominated and egalitarian species. We examined the 2 aspects of dominance in 6 captive bonobo groups. Females do not consistently evoke submission from all males in all contexts. Though females occupy the highest-ranking positions in the dominance hierarchy, there are in each group males that obtain rather high ranks and are able to dominate ≥1 female. Thus female dominance is not complete and hierarchies can be better described as nonexclusive female dominance. We studied egalitarianism by measuring linearity and steepness of dominance hierarchies. The hierarchies of all groups are highly linear. Hierarchies among males are steeper than among females. On average, male bonobos are more despotic than females, but females too can have despotic relations, both with other females and with males. Hence one can call bonobos in captivity semidespotic rather than egalitarian.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a model for the development of connections between muscle afferents and motoneurones in the human spinal cord. The model consists of a limb with six muscles, one motoneurone pool, one pooled (Ia-like) afferent for each muscle and a central programme generator. The weights of the connections between the afferents and the motoneurone pools are adapted during centrally induced movements of the limb. The connections between the afferents and the motoneurone pools adapt in a hebbian way, using only local information present at the synapses. This neural network is tested in two examples of a limb with two degrees of freedom and six muscles. Despite the simplifications, the model predicts the pattern of autogenic and heterogenic monosynaptic reflexes quite realistically.  相似文献   
The rate of uptake of radioactive phosphatidylcholine molecules of different fatty acid composition in intact erythrocytes as facilitated by a phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein has been studied. When trace amounts of radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine molecules are present in donor vesicles consisting of egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, the transfer of the radiolabeled species depends strongly on their fatty acyl composition: dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine is transferred at the lowest rate, 1-saturated-2-unsaturated species are transferred faster and the highest rate is observed for dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine. Transfer of the various phosphatidylcholine molecules was measured furthermore using donor systems in which the bulk phosphatidylcholine was varied in its fatty acyl composition. Also in this type of experiment, the transfer protein preferentially stimulated transfer of unsaturated phosphatidylcholine molecules, especially from an environment containing more saturated molecules. Finally, the efflux of labeled phosphatidylcholine from intact erythrocytes to plasma in the absence of the phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein was studied and it became clear that in this case the nature of the effused molecules itself, rather than the composition of the bulk lipids, determined the effuse rates. An important conclusion to be drawn from these experiments is that radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine molecules, when used as markers for phospholipid exchange or transfer, should resemble in their fatty acid composition the composition of the bulk lipid in order to provide reliable data on rates and extents of the process studied.  相似文献   
The efflux of [3H]cholesterol from prelabelled human erythrocytes having modified phosphatidylcholine compositions was measured during 24-h incubations in the presence of unlabelled acceptor liposomes composed of equimolar amounts of egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. The cells were modified by replacement of part of the native phosphatidylcholine with either dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine or dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine catalyzed by phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein from bovine liver. The results indicated that the efflux of [3H]cholesterol was faster from erythrocytes in which the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine content was increased from 7 to 25% of the total, than from cells enriched in palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. Incorporation of dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine to a level of 13% of the total phosphatidylcholine slowed the rate of efflux of [3H]sterol. The phosphatidylcholine replacements produced no significant differences in cholesterol/phospholipid ratio before or after 24 h of incubation with the acceptor egg phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol vesicles. Using vesicles prepared from erythrocyte lipid, modified to reflect the changes in the phosphatidylcholine composition induced in the whole cells, the same influence of composition on the rate of cholesterol exchange was evident. Enhancement of the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine content from 7 to 25% of the total phosphatidylcholine pool increased the rate of [3H]cholesterol efflux, while the addition of the same amount of dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine slowed it compared to controls. The magnitude of the effect was comparable in intact cells and erythrocyte lipid vesicles enriched in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, while the influence of dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine was more marked in the intact cells. These results demonstrate that changes in the molecular species composition of the phosphatidylcholine pool can influence the rate of exchange of cholesterol but not necessarily the cellular content of sterol in the human erythrocyte. The influence of this phospholipid appears to be expressed independently of the presence of membrane protein or an underlying cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
In a previous report it was shown that the replacement of native erythrocyte phosphatidylcholine (PC) with different PC species which have defined acyl chain compositions can lead to morphological changes (Kuypers, F.A., W. Berendsen, B. Roelofsen, J. A. F. Op den Kamp, and L.L.M. van Deenen, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 99:2260-2267). It was proposed that differences in molecular shape between the introduced PC species and normal erythrocyte PC caused the membrane to bend outwards or inwards, depending on the shape of the PC exchanged. To support this proposal, two requirements would have to be fulfilled: the exchange reaction would take place only with the outer lipid monolayer of the erythrocyte, and the extent of lipid transbilayer movement would be restricted. If this theory is correct, any treatment causing unilateral changes in lipid molecular shape should lead to predictable morphological changes. Since this hypothesis is a refinement of the coupled bilayer hypothesis, but so far lacks experimental support, we have sought other means to change lipid molecular shape unilaterally. Shape changes of human erythrocytes were induced by the replacement of native PC by various PC species using a phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein: by hydrolysis of phospholipids in intact cells using sphingomyelinase C or phospholipase A2, and by the combination of both procedures. The morphological changes were predictable; additive when both treatments were applied, and explicable on the basis of the geometry of the lipid molecules involved. The results strongly support the notion that lipid molecular shape affects erythrocyte morphology.  相似文献   
Analyses of the fatty acid composition of the outer and inner pools of sphingomyelin in the human erythrocyte membrane revealed significant differences in molecular species composition of these two pools. The sphingomyelin in the inner monolayer, representing 15–20% of the total sphingomyelin content of this membrane, is characterized by a relatively high content (73%) of fatty acids, which have less than 20 carbon atoms, whereas these account for only 31% of the total fatty acids in the sphingomyelin in the outer leaflet. On the other hand, the ratio saturated/unsaturated fatty acids in the two pools is similar. Significant differences are also observed for the fatty acid composition of the sphingomyelin in human serum when compared to that in the outer monolayer of the corresponding red cell. These results are interpreted to indicate an (almost) complete absence of transbilayer movements of sphingomyelin molecules in the human erythrocyte membrane, whereas an exchange of this phospholipid between the red cell membrane and serum is either virtually absent, or affects only a minor fraction of the sphingomyelin in the outer membrane layer.  相似文献   
The transbilayer mobility of phosphatidylcholine (PC) molecules in the membrane of homozygous reversible sickle cells (RSCs) was studied using a PC-specific exchange protein from beef liver. In deoxygenated RSCs, all of the PC present in the membrane of the intact cell is rapidly available for exchange, mediated by this protein. Since a substantial amount of the PC is present in the inner membrane leaflet of these cells, this observation implies that the PC molecules in their membranes do experience rapid transbilayer movements. To determine the actual rate of transbilayer movement of the PC, radioactive PC was introduced into the outer monolayer of oxygenated RSCs using the PC-specific exchange protein. Subsequently, the cells were incubated at 37 degrees C under oxy- and deoxygenating conditions to enable the PC to equilibrate within the bilayer. At various time intervals, samples were taken and treated with phospholipase A2, which selectively degrades the PC in the outer monolayer. Analysis of the specific radioactivities of the lyso-PC thus produced, as well as of the residual PC, enabled us to follow the fate of the radioactive PC previously introduced into the outer membrane layer. The half-time value for transbilayer equilibration of the PC in deoxygenated RSCs was determined to be 3.5 h, which is about four times lower than that for oxygenated RSCs. This increased transbilayer mobility of PC, observed in deoxygenated RSCs, is immediately restored to the normal low rate upon reoxygenation of the cells, indicating a complete reversibility of this phenomenon.  相似文献   
 Subjects made fast goal-directed arm movements towards moving targets. In some cases, the perceived direction of target motion was manipulated by moving the background. By comparing the trajectories towards moving targets with those towards static targets, we determined the position towards which subjects were aiming at movement onset. We showed that this position was an extrapolation in the target’s perceived direction from its position at that moment using its perceived direction of motion. If subjects were to continue to extrapolate in the perceived direction of target motion from the position at which they perceive the target at each instant, the error would decrease during the movements. By analysing the differences between subjects’ arm movements towards targets moving in different (apparent) directions with a linear second-order model, we show that the reduction in the error that this predicts is not enough to explain how subjects compensate for their initial misjudgements. Received: 10 February 1995/Accepted in revised form: 30 May 1995  相似文献   
1. The action of eight purified phospholipases on intact human erythrocytes has been investigated. Four enzymes, e.g. phospholipases A2 from pancreas and Crotalus adamanteus, phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus, and phospholipase D from cabbage produce neither haemolysis nor hydrolysis of phospholipids in intact cells. On the other hand, both phospholipases A2 from bee venom and Naja naja cause a non-haemolytic breakdown of more than 50% of the lecithin, while sphingomyelinase C from Staphylococcus aureus is able to produce a non-lytic degradation of more than 80% of the sphingomyelin. 2. Phospholipase C from Clostridium welchii appeared to be the only lipolytic enzyme tested, which produces haemolysis of human erythrocytes. Evidence is presented that the unique properties of the enzyme itself, rather than possible contaminations in the purified preparation, are responsible for the observed haemolytic effect. 3. With non-sealed ghosts, all phospholipases produce essentially complete breakdown of those phospholipids which can be considered as proper substrates for the enzymes involved. 4. Due to its absolute requirement for Ca2+, pancreatic phospholipase A2 can be trapped inside resealed ghosts in the presence of EDTA, without producing phospholipid breakdown during the resealing procedure. Subsequent addition of Ca2+ stimulates phospholipase A2 activity at the inside of the resealed cell, eventually leading to lysis. Before lysis occurs, however, 25% of the lecithin, half of the phosphatidylethanolamine and some 65% of the phosphatidylserine can be hydrolysed. This observation is explained in relation to an asymmetric phospholipid distribution in red cell membranes.  相似文献   
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