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The measles virus (MV) accessory proteins V and C play important roles in MV replication and pathogenesis. Infection with recombinant MV lacking either V or C causes more cell death than infection with the parental vaccine-equivalent virus (MVvac), and C-deficient virus grows poorly relative to the parental virus. Here, we show that a major effector of the C phenotype is the RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR. Using human HeLa cells stably deficient in PKR as a result of RNA interference-mediated knockdown (PKRkd cells), we demonstrated that a reduction in PKR partially rescued the growth defect of C knockout (Cko) virus but had no effect on the growth of either wild-type (WT) or V knockout (Vko) virus. Increased growth of the Cko virus in PKRkd cells correlated with increased viral protein expression, while defective growth and decreased protein expression in PKR-sufficient cells correlated with increased phosphorylation of PKR and the α subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2. Furthermore, infection with WT, Vko, or especially Cko virus caused significantly less apoptosis in PKRkd cells than in PKR-sufficient cells. Although apoptosis induced by Cko virus infection in PKR-sufficient cells was blocked by a caspase antagonist, the growth of Cko virus was not restored to the WT level by treatment with this pharmacologic inhibitor. Taken together, these results indicate that PKR plays an important antiviral role during MV infection but that the virus growth restriction by PKR is not dependent upon the induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, the results establish that a principal function of the MV C protein is to antagonize the proapoptotic and antiviral activities of PKR.  相似文献   
Thirteen species of nematodes from the family Epsilonematidae Steiner, 1927 were found to be associated with a cold-water coral reef in the Porcupine Seabight. Among them, four species were already known from various locations such as Chile and Papua New Guinea. Three new species are described here: Glochinema trispinatumsp. n. is recognized by three dorsal thorns in the pharyngeal region. This species was also recovered from the Antarctic shelf. Epsilonema multispiralumsp. n. is characterised by a multispiral amphid consisting of 3.25 coils. Bathyepsilonema lopheliaesp. n. is characterised by its body length, the position and relative width of the amphids and the nature of the cuticular ornamentation. Within the subfamily Glochinematinae Lorenzen, 1974, the number and arrangement of ambulatory setae is considered not to be of diagnostic importance. The former species Metaglochinema strigosumGourbault & Decraemer, 1993 is therefore classified under the genus GlochinemaLorenzen, 1974. The original genus diagnosis of Metaglochinema, now a monotypic genus, is adjusted. The geographic distribution of epsilonematid nematodes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Evolution of Sickness and Healing. Horacio Fábrega Jr. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997 (cloth), xv. 364pp.  相似文献   
It is clear from reviewing the findings of our own studies and those of others that the cerebral cortex has combined two very different strategies of organisation. Firstly it has a strictly defined genetically determined substrate of specific neurons classes, specific rules for which kinds of cells interconnect, a laminar architecture where efferent and afferent relays and interlaminar links are predetermined. But, as well, a second strategy allows great developmental lability in the precise spatial patterns of intralaminar circuits of the excitatory neurons and in the actual weights of excitatory and inhibitory synapses that are contributed to each neuron. This second strategy presumably allows the cortex to be tailor-made to the early experience of each individual and, as well, allow for lability of responses to different conditions of stimulation and adjustment of the system to compensate to some degree for injuries affecting afferents and circuitry in the adult system.  相似文献   
Daily ingestion of iodide alone is not adequate to sustain production of the thyroid hormones, tri- and tetraiodothyronine. Proper maintenance of iodide in vivo also requires its active transport into the thyroid and its salvage from mono- and diiodotyrosine that are formed in excess during hormone biosynthesis. The enzyme iodotyrosine deiodinase responsible for this salvage is unusual in its ability to catalyze a reductive dehalogenation reaction dependent on a flavin cofactor, FMN. Initial characterization of this enzyme was limited by its membrane association, difficult purification and poor stability. The deiodinase became amenable to detailed analysis only after identification and heterologous expression of its gene. Site-directed mutagenesis recently demonstrated that cysteine residues are not necessary for enzymatic activity in contrast to precedence set by other reductive dehalogenases. Truncation of the N-terminal membrane anchor of the deiodinase has provided a soluble and stable source of enzyme sufficient for crystallographic studies. The structure of an enzyme·substrate co-crystal has become invaluable for understanding the origins of substrate selectivity and the mutations causing thyroid disease in humans.  相似文献   
We previously reported that aged mice lacking complement factor H (CFH) exhibit visual defects and structural changes in the retina. However, it is not known whether this phenotype is age-related or is the consequence of disturbed development. To address this question we investigated the effect of Cfh gene deletion on the retinal phenotype of young and mid-age mice. Cfh −/− mouse eyes exhibited thickening of the retina and reduced nuclear density, but relatively normal scotopic and photopic electroretinograms. At 12 months there was evidence of subtle astroglial activation in the Cfh −/− eyes, and significant elevation of the complement regulator, decay-accelerating factor (DAF) in Müller cells. In the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of young control and Cfh −/− animals mitochondria and melanosomes were oriented basally and apically respectively, whereas the apical positioning of melanosomes was significantly perturbed in the mid-age Cfh −/− RPE. We conclude that deletion of Cfh in the mouse leads to defects in the retina that precede any marked loss of visual function, but which become progressively more marked as the animals age. These observations are consistent with a lifelong role for CFH in retinal homeostasis.  相似文献   
The single enlarged claw of male sand fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, is used in contests for control of breeding burrows. The larger of the two contestants has the larger claw and usually wins. Males use one or more of 10 agonistic elements that vary in intensity from a no-contact extension of the claw to the flip of an opponent. We used the sequence of elements employed and the duration of unstaged, naturally occurring contests in a South Carolina salt marsh to evaluate three models of extended contests: (1) energetic war of attrition, (2) cumulative assessment and (3) sequential assessment. Contests usually began with elements of low action intensity and often proceeded to elements of high intensity. Elements of higher intensity were correlated with both contest duration and the number of contest elements. Contest duration increased as opponents became more evenly matched in size, a result consistent with both cumulative and sequential assessment models. Variation in duration increased as the relative sizes of opponents increased, also in accordance with sequential assessment. The absolute size of the smaller contestant had no effect on contest duration, in contrast to predictions based on cumulative assessment or energetic war of attrition models. Contestants that lost a fight were more likely to engage immediately in another fight without loss of contest intensity, if their previous fight had been long and intense. This result is inconsistent with contests of endurance, such as the energetic war of attrition or the cumulative assessment game, but it is consistent with the ritualized display of strength and fighting skill. Thus, sequential assessment appears to best explain ritualized fiddler crab contests. Cumulative assessment, however, may be the appropriate model for extended, nonritualized, all-out fights. Cumulative assessment may also explain the tenure of individuals on breeding grounds where multiple engagements are likely to test endurance and tolerance to damage over a period of days. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   
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