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Dynamic shear stress in parallel-plate flow chambers   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An in vitro model using a parallel-plate fluid flow chamber is supposed to simulate in vivo fluid shear stresses on various cell types exposed to dynamic fluid flow in their physiological environment. The metabolic response of cells in vitro is associated with the wall shear stress. However, parallel-plate flow chambers have not been characterized for dynamic fluid flow experiments. We use a dimensionless ratio h / lambda(v), in determining the exact magnitude of the dynamic wall shear stress, with its oscillating components scaled by a shear factor T. It is shown that, in order to expose cells to predictable levels of dynamic fluid shear stress, two conditions have to be met: (1) h / lambda(v) < 2, where h is the distance between the plates and lambda(v) is the viscous penetration depth; and (2) f(0) < f(c) / m, where the critical frequency f(c) is the upper threshold for this flow regime, m is the highest harmonic mode of the flow, and f(0) is the fundamental frequency of fluid flow.  相似文献   
Background aimsFor engineering bone tissue to restore, for example, maxillofacial defects, mechanosensitive cells are needed that are able to conduct bone cell-specific functions, such as bone remodelling. Mechanical loading affects local bone mass and architecture in vivo by initiating a cellular response via loading-induced flow of interstitial fluid. After surgical removal of ectopically impacted third molars, human dental pulp tissue is an easily accessible and interesting source of cells for mineralized tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to determine whether human dental pulp-derived cells (DPC) are responsive to mechanical loading by pulsating fluid flow (PFF) upon stimulation of mineralization in vitro.MethodsHuman DPC were incubated with or without mineralization medium containing differentiation factors for 3 weeks. Cells were subjected to 1-h PFF (0.7 ± 0.3Pa, 5Hz) and the response was quantified by measuring nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production, and gene expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2.ResultsWe found that DPC are intrinsically mechanosensitive and, like osteogenic cells, respond to PFF-induced fluid shear stress. PFF stimulated NO and PGE2 production, and up-regulated COX-2 but not COX-1 gene expression. In DPC cultured under mineralizing conditions, the PFF-induced NO, but not PGE2, production was significantly enhanced.ConclusionsThese data suggest that human DPC, like osteogenic cells, acquire responsiveness to pulsating fluid shear stress in mineralizing conditions. Thus DPC might be able to perform bone-like functions during mineralized tissue remodeling in vivo, and therefore provide a promising new tool for mineralized tissue engineering to restore, for example, maxillofacial defects.  相似文献   
Shear stress inhibits while disuse promotes osteocyte apoptosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cell apoptosis operates as an organizing mechanism in biology in addition to removing effete cells. We have recently proposed that during bone remodeling, osteocyte apoptosis steers osteonal alignment in relation to mechanical loading of the whole bone [J. Biomech. 36 (2003) 1453]. Here we present evidence that osteocyte apoptosis in cell culture is modulated by shear stress. Under static culture conditions, serum starved osteocytes exposed phosphatidylserine (PS) on their cell membrane 6x more often than periosteal fibroblasts and 3x more often than osteoblasts. Treatment with shear stress reduced the number of osteocytes that exposed PS by 90%, but did not affect the other cell types. Fluid shear stress of increasing magnitude, dose-dependently stimulated Bcl-2 mRNA expression in human bone cells, while shear stress did not change Bax expression. These data suggest that disuse promotes osteocyte apoptosis, while mechanical stimulation by fluid shear stress promotes osteocyte survival, by modulating the Bcl-2/Bax expression ratio.  相似文献   
We have shown earlier that mechanical stimulation by intermittent hydrostatic compression (IHC) promotes alkaline phosphatase and procollagen type I gene expression in calvarial bone cells. The bone matrix glycoprotein osteopontin (OPN) is considered to be important in bone matrix metabolism and cell-matrix interactions, but its role is unknown. Here we examined the effects of IHC (13 kPa) on OPN mRNA expression and synthesis in primary calvarial cell cultures and the osteoblast-like cell line MC3T3-E1. OPN mRNA expression declined during control culture of primary calvarial cells, but not MC3T3-E1 cells. IHC upregulated OPN mRNA expression in late released osteoblastic cell cultures, but not in early released osteoprogenitor-like cells. Also, in both proliferating and differentiating MC3T3-E1 cells, OPN mRNA expression and synthesis were enhanced by IHC, differentiating cells being more responsive than proliferating cells. These results suggest a role for OPN in the reaction of bone cells to mechanical stimuli. The severe loss of OPN expression in primary bone cells cultured without mechanical stimulation suggests that disuse conditions down-regulate the differentiated osteoblastic phenotype. J. Cell. Physiol. 170:174–181, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Bone remodelling is a dynamic process that requires the coordinated interaction of osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts, collaborating in basic multicellular units (BMUs). Communication between these cells can be by extracellular soluble molecules as well as directly propagating intercellular signalling molecules. Key to the understanding of bone remodelling is osteocyte mechanosensing and chemical signalling to the surrounding cells, since osteocytes are believed to be the mechanosensors of bone, responding to mechanical stresses. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important parameter to study osteocyte activation following mechanical loading. It is a small short-lived molecule, which makes its real-time, quantitative monitoring difficult. However, recently we demonstrated that DAR-4M AM chromophore can be used for real-time quantitative monitoring of intracellular NO production in individual cells following mechanical loading. Here we studied if a single mechanically stimulated osteocyte communicates with, and thus activates its surrounding cells via extracellular soluble factors. We monitored quantitatively intracellular NO production in the stimulated osteocyte and in its surrounding osteocytes, which were not interconnected. Mechanical stimulation by microneedle of a single-MLO-Y4 osteocyte-like cell upregulated the average intracellular NO production by 94% in the stimulated cell, and by 31-150% in the surrounding osteocytes. In conclusion, a single osteocyte can disseminate a mechanical stimulus to its surrounding osteocytes via extracellular soluble signalling factors. This reinforces the putative mechanosensory role of osteocytes, and demonstrates a possible mechanism by which a single mechanically stimulated osteocyte can communicate with other cells in a BMU, which might help to better understand the intricacies of intercellular interactions in BMUs and thus bone remodelling.  相似文献   
We used both stepwise and quantile regression to determine the sources of environmental variation that explained the observed inter-annual variation in end-of-season freshwater floating marsh aboveground biomass over an 18-year period. The vegetation at our study site had high species diversity with an average of 20 species recorded from 10 0.25 m−2 plots. However, Panicum hemitomon was clearly the dominant contributing 74% of the total biomass. Only three other species (Solidago sempervirens, Vigna luteola, and Thelypteris palustris) were so common that they were sampled in all years. We expected that the most important factors controlling interannual variation in aboveground biomass are temperature and nitrogen availability. We also expected that nitrogen availability to the plants is affected by water movement through and under the mat driven by precipitation (lower N), evaporation (transportation of higher N waters to roots), and local runoff (higher N). Stepwise regression analysis indicated that P. hemitomon average biomass was negatively related to average water level and positively related to maximum water level and had a curvilinear response with TKN. Using quantile regression the best fit for P. hemitomon maximum-biomass with two parameters was obtained using hot days (positive relationship) and maximum water level (negative relationship). Both analytical methods showed maximum water level (negative relationship) and cold front passage (positive relationship) to be the environmental parameters that best explained interannual variation in S. sempervirens biomass. V. luteola biomass was positively related to temperature. Stepwise regression added chloride concentration as an additional positive parameter explaining V. luteola biomass, while quantile regression identified nitrogen as an important positive parameter. Both analytical methods identified pH, TKN, and water level as environmental parameters that were negatively correlated with T. palustris biomass. The overall negative effect of water level on all species was unexpected in this floating mat system. We initially assumed that higher water levels were due to higher runoff which should have a positive effect on biomass. However, higher water levels may also be related to a higher retention time in this fresh-water tidal system, which decreases water exchange and nutrient replenishment.  相似文献   
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and mechanical stress both stimulate bone formation but have opposite effects on bone resorption. PTH increased loading-induced bone formation in a rat model, suggesting that there is an interaction of these stimuli, possibly at the cellular level. To investigate whether PTH can modulate mechanotransduction by bone cells, we examined the effect of 10-9 M human PTH-(1-34) on fluid flow-induced prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and nitric oxide (NO) production by primary mouse osteoblastic cells in vitro. Mechanical stress applied by means of a pulsating fluid flow (PFF; 0.6 +/- 0.3 Pa at 5 Hz) stimulated both NO and PGE2 production twofold. In the absence of stress, PTH also caused a twofold increase in PGE2 production, but NO release was not affected and remained low. Simultaneous application of PFF and PTH nullified the stimulating effect of PFF on NO production, whereas PGE2 production was again stimulated only twofold. Treatment with PTH alone reduced NO synthase (NOS) enzyme activity to undetectable levels. We speculate that PTH prevents stress-induced NO production via the inhibition of NOS, which will also inhibit the NO-mediated upregulation of PGE2 by stress, leaving only the NO-independent PGE2 upregulation by PTH. These results suggest that mechanical loading and PTH interact at the level of mechanotransduction.  相似文献   
To identify genetic loci involved in the regulation of organ-specific enzyme activities, a specific histochemical staining protocol was used in combination with quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. Using phosphoglucomutase (PGM) as an example, it is shown that enzyme activity can specifically, and with high resolution, be visualized in non-sectioned seedlings of Arabidopsis. The intensities of staining were converted to quantitative data and used as trait for QTL analysis using Landsberg erecta x Cape Verde Islands recombinant inbred lines. Independently, PGM activities were quantified in whole-seedling extracts, and these data were also used for QTL analysis. On the basis of extract data, six significant (P < 0.05) loci affecting PGM activity were found. From the histochemical data, one or more specific QTLs were found for each organ analyzed (cotyledons, shoot apex, hypocotyl, root, root neck, root tip, and root hairs). Loci detected for PGM activity in extracts colocated with loci for histochemical staining. QTLs were found coinciding with positions of (putative) PGM genes but also at other positions, the latter ones supposedly pointing toward regulatory genes. Some of this type of loci were also organ specific. It is concluded that QTL analysis based on histochemical data is feasible and may reveal organ-specific loci involved in the regulation of metabolic pathways.  相似文献   
Skeletal muscle fibers have the ability to increase their size in response to a mechanical overload. Finite element modeling data suggest that mechanically loaded muscles in vivo may experience not only tensile strain but also shear stress. However, whether shear stress affects biological pathways involved in muscle fiber size adaptation in response to mechanical loading is unknown. Therefore, our aim was twofold: (1) to determine whether shear stress affects growth factor expression and nitric oxide (NO) production by myotubes, and (2) to explore the mechanism by which shear stress may affect myotubes in vitro. C2C12 myotubes were subjected to a laminar pulsating fluid flow (PFF; mean shear stress 0.4, 0.7 or 1.4 Pa, 1 Hz) or subjected to uni-axial cyclic strain (CS; 15 % strain, 1 Hz) for 1 h. NO production during 1-h PFF or CS treatment was quantified using Griess reagent. The glycocalyx was degraded using hyaluronidase, and stretch-activated ion channels (SACs) were blocked using GdCl3. Gene expression was analyzed immediately after 1-h PFF (1.4 Pa, 1 Hz) and at 6 h post-PFF treatment. PFF increased IGF-I Ea, MGF, VEGF, IL-6, and COX-2 mRNA, but decreased myostatin mRNA expression. Shear stress enhanced NO production in a dose-dependent manner, while CS induced no quantifiable increase in NO production. Glycocalyx degradation and blocking of SACs ablated the shear stress-stimulated NO production. In conclusion, shear stress activates signaling pathways involved in muscle fiber size adaptation in myotubes, likely via membrane-bound mechanoreceptors. These results suggest that shear stress exerted on myofiber extracellular matrix plays an important role in mechanotransduction in muscle.  相似文献   
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