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In this communication, the contribution of cytosine deamination to spontaneous mutagenesis in the lacI gene of E. coli was examined. In a wild-type strain, 75% of the amber mutations recovered were G:C----A:T transitions and 60% of these were at the 5-methylcytosine spontaneous hotspots Am6, Am15 and Am34. In a strain deficient for uracil-DNA glycosylase (Ung-), 96% of the amber mutations were G:C----A:T transitions while only 15% of these occurred at the hotspot sites. This shift in the mutational distribution demonstrates that cytosine deamination is a potent mutagenic process, which is enhanced in the absence of glycosylase. Moreover, some amber sites were greatly enhanced in the Ung- strain while others were only slightly enhanced. This result suggests that the rate of cytosine deamination at individual sites may be influenced by surrounding base composition. Therefore, we examined the neighboring sequences and found a strong correlation between the fold-increase in mutation and the A/T richness of the surrounding sequence. It is suggested that A/T-rich regions denature more often, forming transient single strands in which cytosine residues would be expected to deaminate more readily.  相似文献   
The lac repressor has been studied extensively but a precise three-dimensional structure remains unknown. Studies using mutational data can complement other information and provide insight into protein structure. We have been using the lacI gene-repressor protein system to study the mutational specificity of spontaneous and induced mutation. The sequencing of over 6000 lacI- mutations has revealed 193 missense mutations generating 189 amino acid replacements at 102 different sites within the lac repressor. Replacement sites are not distributed evenly throughout the protein, but are clustered in defined regions. Almost 40% of all sites and over one-half of all substitutions found occur within the amino-terminal 59 amino acid residues, which constitute the DNA-binding domain. The core domain (residues 60 to 360) is less sensitive to amino acid replacement. Here, substitution is found in regions involved in subunit aggregation and at sites surrounding residues that are implicated in sugar-binding. The distribution and nature of missense mutational sites directs attention to particular amino acid residues and residue stretches.  相似文献   
Hemoglobin E, an allele generally considered to confer malarial resistance in heterozygotes, is found in high frequencies across a wide area of Southeast Asia. Apparently it originated as a single-point mutation which was spread by gene flow. The rate of diffusion of this adaptive allele is studied using four computer simulation models. It is shown that in small populations deterministic equations for gene flow may overestimate rates of diffusion. Other aspects of population structure, however, such as kin-structuring of migrant groups, increase the rate of advance. Finally, population growth coupled with the spread of the allele leads to much more rapid diffusion. These results suggest that population structure can be an important factor affecting the diffusion of advantageous genes.  相似文献   
Assembly of ribosomal subunits into active ribosomal complexes is integral to protein synthesis. Release of eIF6 from the 60S ribosomal subunit primes 60S to associate with the 40S subunit and engage in translation. The dynamics of eIF6 interaction with the uL14 (RPL23) interface of 60S and its perturbation by somatic mutations acquired in Shwachman–Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is yet to be clearly understood. Here, by using a modified strategy to obtain high yields of recombinant human eIF6 we have uncovered the critical interface entailing eight key residues in the C-tail of uL14 that is essential for physical interactions between 60S and eIF6. Disruption of the complementary binding interface by conformational changes in eIF6 disease variants provide a mechanism for weakened interactions of variants with the 60S. Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) analyses uncovered dynamic configurational rearrangements in eIF6 induced by binding to uL14 and exposed an allosteric interface regulated by the C-tail of eIF6. Disrupting key residues in the eIF6–60S binding interface markedly limits proliferation of cancer cells, which highlights the significance of therapeutically targeting this interface. Establishing these key interfaces thus provide a therapeutic framework for targeting eIF6 in cancers and SDS.  相似文献   
Starting from HTS hit 1a, X-ray co-crystallization and molecular modeling were used to design potent and selective inhibitors of PI3-kinase. Bioavailablity in this series was improved through careful modulation of physicochemical properties. Compound 12 displayed in vivo knockdown of PI3K pharmacodynamic markers such as pAKT, pPRAS40, and pS6RP in a PC3 prostate cancer xenograft model.  相似文献   
Typically, laboratory studies on the physiological effects of temperature are conducted using stable acclimation temperatures. Nonetheless, information extrapolated from these studies may not accurately represent wild populations living in thermally variable environments. The aim of this study was to compare the growth rate, metabolism and swimming performance of wild Atlantic salmon exposed to cycling temperatures, 16–21°C, and stable acclimation temperatures, 16, 18.5, 21°C. Growth rate, metabolic rate, swimming performance and anaerobic metabolites did not change among acclimation groups, suggesting that within Atlantic salmon's thermal optimum range, temperature variation has no effect on these physiological properties.  相似文献   
The western distinct population segment of yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus; western cuckoo) has been extirpated from most of its former breeding range in the United States because of widespread loss and degradation of riparian cottonwood (Populus spp.)-willow (Salix spp.) forests. Restoration and management of breeding habitat is important to the recovery of this federally threatened species, and identification of high-quality breeding habitat can help improve the success of recovery. In 2005, the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program, a long-term, multi-agency effort, was initiated to maintain and create wildlife habitat within the historical floodplain of the lower Colorado River (LCR) for federally endangered and threatened species, including western cuckoos. We conducted an empirical, multi-scale field investigation from 2008–2012 to identify habitat characteristics selected by nesting western cuckoos along the LCR. Multiple logistic regression models revealed that western cuckoos selected nest sites characterized by increased densities of small, native, early successional trees measuring 8–23 cm diameter at breast height, and lower diurnal temperature compared to available habitat in restoration and natural forests. Nesting cuckoos selected sites with increased percent canopy closure, which was also important for nest success in restoration sites along the LCR. Our results show habitat components selected by nesting western cuckoos in restoration and natural riparian forests and can help guide the creation, enhancement, and management of riparian forests with habitat conditions necessary to promote nesting of western cuckoos. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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