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Experimental porphyria was induced in rats by allylisopropylacetamide. DL-Propranolol, a β-adrenergic-receptor blocking agent, significantly reduced the elevated urinary excretion of δ-aminolevulinic acid, porphobilinogen and total porphyrins. DL-Propranolol also partially prevented the increased activity of δ-aminolevulinic acid synthesis in liver homogenates of allylisopropylacetamide-treated rats. It had no effect on the above parameters in normal rats. These findings support the hypothesis that δ-aminolevulinic acid exists in two forms, a constitutive and an inducible one.In order to examine whether the action of the drug was caused by its membrane effect. D-propranolol and quinidine sulphate were used in similar sets of experiments. These drugs had no effect on the abnormal porphyrin metabolism of allylisoprpyl-acetamide-treated rats, indicating that the results obtained with DL-propranolol were not due to its membrane action.  相似文献   
Oxidation of fatty acids by Leishmania braziliensis panamensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heating cultures of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis (grown at 26 degrees C) to 34 degrees C for 1.5-12 h transformed the cells to an ellipsoidally shaped form. The heat treatment caused an increase in the rate of oxidation of both medium and long chain fatty acids but decreased the rate of oxidation of [1-14C]glucose. The rate of fatty acid oxidation continued to increase for times as long as 20 h after returning the cultures to 26 degrees C. In both the promastigote and heat-induced ellipsoidal forms, the ratio of 14CO2 release from [1-14C]laurate to that from [12-14C]laurate was generally larger than four, whereas this ratio from [1-14C]oleate relative to [10-14C]oleate was approximately two. These data show that metabolic and morphological differentiation begin after a short heat treatment and that some metabolic changes may continue even after the reverse transformation is initiated. The data also suggest that either the omega-terminal portion of the fatty acids is not completely oxidized to acetyl CoA and/or that there are two functional fatty acid oxidation pathways in Leishmania.  相似文献   
Summary Cucumber seedlings were grown in a Portsmouth soil-sand system to study how varying soil clay and organic matter content might modify cucumber seedling response to ferulic acid, a reported allelopathic agent. Leaf area expansion of cucumber seedlings, soil respiration, and soil solution concentrations of ferulic acid were monitored. Leaf area, mean absolute rates of leaf expansion, and shoot dry weight of cucumber seedlings were significantly reduced by ferulic acid concentrations ranging from 10 to 70 μg/g dry soil. Ferulic acid was applied every other day, since it rapidly disappeared from soil solution as a result of retention by soil particles, utilization by microbes and/or uptake by roots. The amount of ferulic acid retained (i.e., adsorbed, polymerized,etc.) by soil particles appeared to be secondary to microbial utilization and/or uptake by roots. Varying clay (5.3 to 9.8 g/cup) and organic matter (2.0 to 0.04g/cup) contents of the soil appeared to have little impact on the disappearance of ferulic acid from soil solution under “ideal” growth conditions for cucumber seedlings unless larger amounts of ferulic acid were added to the soil; in this case 200 μg/g. The addition of ferulic acid to the soil materials substantially increased the activity of the soil microbes. This latter conclusion is based on recovery of ferulic acid from soil solution and soil respiration measurements. Paper No. 10347 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, N C 27695-7601. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   
Nine normal women, 22 to 37 years old, consumed controlled quantities of natural foods to test their responses to dietary cholesterol and saturated fat. All diets contained, as percentage of calories, 14% protein, 31% fat, and 55% carbohydrate. The main sources of polyunsaturated and saturated fats were corn oil and lard, respectively, and egg yolk was used for cholesterol supplementation. All subjects participated in four diet protocols of 15 days duration, and each diet period was separated by 3 weeks without diet control. The first diet (corn) was based on corn oil, had a polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio (P/S) of 2.14, and contained 130 mg of cholesterol. The second diet (corn+) was identical to the first but contained a total of 875 mg of cholesterol. The third diet (lard) was based on lard, had a P/S ratio of 0.64, and contained 130 mg of cholesterol. The fourth diet (lard+) was identical to the third, but contained 875 mg of cholesterol per day. Changes of the plasma lipid, lipoprotein and apoprotein parameters relative to the corn diet were as follows: the corn+ diet significantly increased total plasma cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and apoB levels; the lard diet significantly increased total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and apoB; and the lard+ diet significantly increased the total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and apoA-I and apoB levels. There were no significant variations in VLDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, or apoE levels with these diets. The diets affected both the number of lipoprotein particles as well as the composition of LDL and HDL. Compared to the corn diet, cholesterol and saturated fat each increased the number of LDL particles by 17% and 9%, respectively, and the cholesterol per particle by 9%. The combination of saturated fat and cholesterol increased particle number by 18% and particle size by 24%. Switching from lard+ to lard, corn+, or corn diets reduced LDL-cholesterol of the group by 18%, 11%, and 28%, respectively, while a large inter-individual variability was noted. In summary, dietary fat and cholesterol affect lipid and lipoprotein levels as well as the particle number and chemical composition of both LDL and HDL. There is, however, considerable inter-individual heterogeneity in response to diet.  相似文献   
Vesicular lipoproteins (e.g., lipoprotein-X) are found in plasma in cholestasis or following infusion of Intralipid or phospholipid. To investigate the metabolism of vesicular lipoproteins, we isolated them from the plasma of subjects with cholestasis or following chronic or single Intralipid infusion. Cholestasis and chronic Intralipid therapy were found to be associated with elevated plasma concentrations of apoE, as determined by radioimmunoassay. Vesicular lipoproteins purified from each of the three types of plasma contained apoE, as well as other proteins. In cholestasis, in which levels of apoE were up to five times normal, a major portion of the plasma apoE was on vesicular lipoproteins. Normalized for apoE content, all preparations of vesicular lipoproteins displaced 125I-labeled LDL from apoB,E receptors of cultured fibroblasts identically. This displacement was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies that block receptor binding of apoE. Vesicular lipoproteins containing 125I-labeled apoE were internalized and degraded by fibroblasts. Different preparations caused small losses or gains of cellular cholesterol, with appropriate stimulation or suppression of apoB,E receptors. Thus, vesicular lipoproteins contain apoE, and apoE mediates their interaction with the apoB,E receptor. Our results suggest that the catabolism of cholesterol-rich vesicular lipoproteins, formed during cholestasis or following infusions of Intralipid or phospholipid, may be receptor-mediated.  相似文献   
Summary Phage Mud1 cts (Apr lac), or Mud1, insertion mutations may be accompanied by adjacent deletion formation which can complicate use of lac fusions generated with this phage for gene regulatory studies. As for phage Mu insertion mutations, phage Mud1 insertions fail to revert at significant frequency (whether or not accompanied by an adjacent deletion). We describe isolation of revertible (X mutant) derivatives of phage Mud1 in Salmonella typhimurium. The X mutant derivatives allow use of reversion as a simple test to determine whether a Mud1 insertion has occurred precisely without an adjacent deletion that may have fused the lac genes to a promoter outside of the gene of interest. In addition, a simple method for stabilizing Mud1 generated lac fusions against subsequent transposition is described.  相似文献   
Actophorin is a new actin-binding protein from Acanthamoeba castellanii that consists of a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of 15,000. The isoelectric point is 6.1, and amino acid analysis shows an excess of acidic residues over basic residues. The phosphate content is less than 0.2 mol/mol. There is 0.4 +/- 0.1 mg of actophorin/g of cells, so that the molar ratio of actin to actophorin is about 10:1 in the cell. Unique two-dimensional maps of tryptic and chymotryptic peptides and complete absence of antibody cross-reactivity show that Acanthamoeba actophorin, profilin, capping protein, and actin are separate gene products with minimal homology. Actophorin has features of both an actin monomer-binding protein and an actin filament-severing protein. Actophorin reduces the extent of actin polymerization at steady state in a concentration-dependent fashion and forms a complex with pyrene-labeled actin that has spectral properties of unpolymerized actin. During ultracentrifugation a complex of actophorin and actin sediments more rapidly than either actin monomers or actophorin. Although actophorin inhibits elongation at both ends of actin filaments, it accelerates the late stage of spontaneous polymerization like mechanical shearing and theoretical predictions of polymer fragmentation. Low concentrations of actophorin decrease the length and the low shear viscosity of actin filaments. High concentrations cause preformed filaments to shorten rapidly. Ca2+ is not required for any of these effects. Muscle and amoeba actin are equally sensitive to actophorin.  相似文献   
Angiotensins are produced by granuloma macrophages in murine Schistosoma mansoni. During the course of infection, granuloma undergo a T-cell-dependent process called modulation in which their maximal size decreases. This study was undertaken to establish whether angiotensin production by granuloma macrophages is altered by immunoregulatory lymphocytes. Granuloma macrophages from modulated lesions released and contained more angiotensin II/III (AII/III) and less angiotensin I (AI) than those from the acute infection. Captopril, a specific angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, appreciably decreased AII/III produced by macrophages from modulated granulomas. Adoptive transfer of splenic T lymphocytes from chronically infected donors into acutely infected recipients altered angiotensin production by the granuloma macrophages in a manner similar to that seen in modulated lesions. However, no difference was detected in the capacity of granuloma macrophages from acutely or chronically infected mice to metabolize 125I-AI or -AII added to cell cultures. Similarly, captopril did not alter the metabolism of exogenously administrated angiotensins. These findings suggest that regulatory T lymphocytes influence the metabolism by granuloma macrophages of endogenously produced angiotensins at least in part by induction of macrophage ACE activity. However, the degradation of extracellular AI and AII may result from the activity of enzymes other than ACE which are not inducible by modulation.  相似文献   
Enteric administration of antigen can induce systemic tolerance. In murine schistosomiasis mansoni, blood flukes produce eggs which enter the intestine. An immunologic phenomenon associated with this disease is a spontaneous diminution in the intensity of the granulomatous response in the liver, lungs, and colonic mucosa with chronic infection, which is termed modulation. It was determined whether modulation of liver granulomas could be induced by enteric immunization with schistosome eggs. Mice infected for 4 wk were immunized by injection of 25,000 eggs into cecal pouches. This induced modulation of liver granulomas by the eighth week of infection. Neither cecal injection of normal saline nor i.p. or subcutaneous injection of eggs could induce the modulatory process. Modulation could be adoptively transferred from enterically immunized donors by injection of spleen cells into infected recipients or into uninfected recipients with synchronous liver granulomas induced by the hepatic embolization of schistosome eggs. Spleen cells treated with anti-Thy-1.2 or anti-Lyt-1.1 and complement could no longer adoptively transfer modulation. These data show that enteric immunization with schistosome eggs can induce modulation of the liver granuloma by a cellular mechanism similar to that described for the natural infection.  相似文献   
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