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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) belongs to a family of heterodimeric glycoprotein hormones that share a common alpha-subunit and a hormone-specific beta-subunit. Among the gonadotropin beta-subunits, greater than 85% homology exists between lutropin (hLH)beta and hCGbeta in their first 114 amino acid residues. However, unlike hLHbeta, hCGbeta contains a 31-amino acid hydrophilic stretch at its carboxyl end (CTPbeta: C-terminal peptide). Although the crystal structure of deglycosylated hCG has been solved, the topography of CTPbeta remains unknown. In this study, we have attempted to define the topology of CTPbeta using mAb probes. We investigated three epitopes on hCGalpha, which are hidden in the hCGalphabeta dimer. However, these epitopes are not hidden in hLH, which has a similar subunit interface to that of hCG, but lacks CTPbeta. This suggested that these epitopes are not masked at the subunit interface of hLH or hCG. Hence, we hypothesized that, in the case of hCG, these epitopes are masked by the CTPbeta. Consistent with this view, several treatments of hCG that removed CTPbeta unmasked these epitopes and enhanced their reactivity with the corresponding mAbs. In order to localise the position of CTPbeta on the alpha-subunit, we used an epitope-mapping strategy [N. Venkatesh & G. S. Murthy (1997) J. Immunol. Methods 202, 173-182] based on differential susceptibility of epitopes to covalent modifications. This enabled us to predict the possible topography of CTPbeta. Further, we were also able to build a model of CTPbeta, completely independently of the epitope-mapping studies, using a homology-based modeling approach [S. Krishnaswamy, I. Lakshminarayanan & S. Bhattacharya (1995) Protein Sci. 4 (Suppl. 2), 86-97]. Results obtained from these two different approaches (epitope analysis and homology modeling) agree with each other and indicate that portions of CTPbeta are in contact with hCGalpha in the native hCG dimer.  相似文献   
The quantitative determination of succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), hexokinase (HK), phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase (PFK), glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-3-PDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was carried out in the homologous leg muscles of two aquatic Birds. It appears that the leg muscle fibres of the coot, a surface swimmer are more oxidative in nature and appear to utilize glucose as source of energy. The leg muscles of the dabchick, a diving Bird, on the other hand, seem to depend on glycogen as source of energy. The relative activity levels of HK, phosphorylase and PFK support the accepted r?le of glycogen as primary substrate of carbohydrate catabolism in the leg muscles. The ratio of G-3-PDH/LDH in the leg muscles revealed that glycerol 3-phosphate cycle appears to be insufficient to account for the major part of NADH oxidation. However, the LDH activity is quite high in all the muscles. These results led us to believe that glycerol 3-phosphate cycle may function during rest, when the rate of glycolysis will be low.  相似文献   
Juvenile hormone (JH) esterase found primarily in the hemolymph and tissues of insects is a low abundance protein involved in the ester hydrolysis of insect juvenile hormones, JHs. The enzyme was purified from the larval plasma of wild-type Manduca sexta using an affinity column prepared by binding the ligand, 3-[(4'-mercapto)butylthio]-1,1,1-trifluoropropan-2-one (MBTFP), to epoxy-activated Sepharose. The purification was greater than 700-fold with a 72% recovery, and the purified enzyme appeared as a single protein on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, and amino acid sequence analysis. The molecular weight was 66,000. The plasma JH esterase in wild-type, black, and white strains of M. sexta was similar when analyzed by immunotitration, wide range (pH 3.5-9.0) isoelectric focusing, and inhibition with MBTFP and 3-octylthio-1,1,1-trifluoropropan-2-one (OTFP). Inhibition studies revealed a sensitive and insensitive form (I50 = 10(-9) and 10(-6) M, respectively) in these three biotypes. Narrow range isoelectric focusing (pH 4.0-7.0) indicated the presence of two major isoelectric forms with pI values of 6.0 and 5.5, but their inhibition kinetics with OTFP and O,O-diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate were identical.  相似文献   
The bulbous tubular portion of the median ejaculatory duct functions as the accessory gland in the male stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. The gland started to enlarge after emergence when the fly was fed on sugar-water or blood. Implants of accessory glands from sugar-water or blood-fed males were effective in stimulating oviposition in virgin females. The injection into females of accessory-gland extracts from males fed blood prevented insemination; this extract was effective in concentration as low as 0.25 gland per female. Accessory-gland extracts from sugar-water fed males were only partially effective in preventing female insemination. However, the accessory-gland extracts of male stable flies had little effect on insemination when injected into three other species of female dipterans.Spermatogenesis was completed by the time of emergence, or shortly thereafter, a process independent of blood feeding. Three types of spermatids were identified, forming a continuum of spermiogenesis stages. Fat, fusiform spermatozoa elongated to become thin, elongate and mature spermatozoa.  相似文献   
The pre-irradiation combustion (PC) of samples to liberate iodine, followed by trapping the iodine on charcoal and quantifying the element by neutron activation analysis (NAA), has been used at the National Institute of Standards and Technology for the determination of iodine in biological materials. The applicability of this technique to numerous environmental and dietary matrices is illustrated by analysis of a range of certified reference materials (CRMs) and a powdered grass material that was prepared as an in-house reference material (RM). Because of the combustion step involved, samples with low or no fat content (e.g., cereal products, selected botanical specimens, and nonfat milk powder) and inorganic materials (e.g., coal fly ash and dried sediments) are more suited for analysis by this method. In general, the results for several types of samples obtained by this method agreed with those obtained by a second radiochemical (R) NAA, as well as by a third method using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). PC-NAA is a useful technique for determining iodine in biological and environmental samples, especially for verification of iodine results obtained from other methods.  相似文献   
In this study, efforts were taken to compare solubilization of Avicel and AFEX pretreated corn stover (AFEX CS) by SSF and Clostridium thermocellum fermentation, with an aim to gain insights into microbial conversion of pretreated cellulosic biomass. Solubilization rates for AFEX CS are comparable for the two systems while solubilization of Avicel is much faster by C. thermocellum. Initial catalyst loading impacts final cellulose conversion for SSF but not for C. thermocellum. Hydrolysis of the two substrates using cell-free C. thermocellum fermentation broth revealed much smaller difference in cellulose conversion than the difference observed for growing cultures. Tests on hemicellulose removal and particle size reduction for AFEX CS indicated that substrate accessibility is very important for enhanced solubilization by C. thermocellum.  相似文献   
White adipocytes are known to function as endocrine organs by secreting a plethora of bioactive adipokines which can regulate cardiac function including the development of hypertrophy. We determined whether adipose tissue conditioned medium (ATCM) generated from the epididymal regions of normal rats can affect the hypertrophic response of cultured rat ventricular myocytes to endothelin-1 (ET-1) administration. Myocytes were treated with ET-1 (10 nM) for 24 hours in the absence or presence of increasing ATCM concentrations. ATCM supressed the hypertrophic response to ET-1 in a concentration-dependent manner, an effect enhanced by the leptin receptor antagonist and attenuated by an antibody against the adiponectin AdipoR1 receptor. Antihypertrophic effects were also observed with ATCM generated from perirenal-derived adipose tissue. However, this effect was absent in ATCM from adipose tissue harvested from corpulent JCR:LA-cp rats. Detailed analyses of adipokine content in ATCM from normal and corpulent rats revealed no differences in the majority of products assayed, although a significant increase in leptin concentrations concomitant with decreased adiponectin levels was observed, resulting in a 11 fold increase in the leptin to adiponectin ratio in ATCM from JCR:LA-cp. The antihypertrophic effect of ATCM was associated with increased phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an effect abrogated by the AdipoR1 antibody. Moreover, the antihypertrophic effect of ATCM was mimicked by an AMPK activator. There was no effect of ET-1 on mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activities 24 hour after its addition either in the presence or absence of ATCM. Our study suggests that adipose tissue from healthy subjects exerts antihypertrophic effects via an adiponectin–dependent pathway which is impaired in obesity, most likely due to adipocyte remodelling resulting in enhanced leptin and reduced adiponectin levels.  相似文献   
Both drought and high salinity stresses are major abiotic factors that limit the yield of agricultural crops. Transgenic techniques have been regarded as effective ways to improve crops in their tolerance to these abiotic stresses. Functional characterization of genes is the prerequisite to identify candidates for such improvement. Here, we have investigated the biological functions of an Oryza sativa Ribosome-inactivating protein gene 18 (OSRIP18) by ectopically expressing this gene under the control of CaMV 35S promoter in the rice genome. We have generated 11 independent transgenic rice plants and all of them showed significantly increased tolerance to drought and high salinity stresses. Global gene expression changes by Microarray analysis showed that more than 100 probe sets were detected with up-regulated expression abundance while signals from only three probe sets were down-regulated after over-expression of OSRIP18. Most of them were not regulated by drought or high salinity stresses. Our data suggested that the increased tolerance to these abiotic stresses in transgenic plants might be due to up-regulation of some stress-dependent/independent genes and OSRIP18 may be potentially useful in further improving plant tolerance to various abiotic stresses by over-expression.  相似文献   
Green photosynthetic bacteria adjust the structure and functionality of the chlorosome—the light-absorbing antenna complex—in response to environmental stress factors. The chlorosome is a natural self-assembled aggregate of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molecules. In this study, we report the regulation of the biogenesis of the Chlorobaculum tepidum chlorosome by carbon assimilation in conjunction with temperature changes. Our studies indicate that the carbon source and thermal stress culture of C. tepidum grows slower and incorporates fewer BChl c in the chlorosome. Compared with the chlorosome from other cultural conditions we investigated, the chlorosome from the carbon source and thermal stress culture displays (a) smaller cross-sectional radius and overall size, (b) simplified BChl c homologs with smaller side chains, (c) blue-shifted Qy absorption maxima, and (d) a sigmoid-shaped circular dichroism spectra. Using a theoretical model, we analyze how the observed spectral modifications can be associated with structural changes of BChl aggregates inside the chlorosome. Our report suggests a mechanism of metabolic regulation for chlorosome biogenesis.  相似文献   
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