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We present here a new, dedicated mechanical device for monitoring quick-release movements of the wrist. The ergometer was designed to easily assess musculotendinous properties during wrist flexion. Maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) and quick-release (QR) movements during wrist flexion were performed on 14 subjects. A validation of the ergometer, using a test-retest methodology, was performed to assess its reliability and sensitivity. The device has been technically and biomechanically validated in a range of situations, including inertia measurement (mean inertia was found 0.0119+/-0.0012 N m s(2) rad(-1)) and appearance of the unloading reflex. Our results indicate that the device provides highly reliable, sensitive evaluation of wrist muscle stiffness (intraclass correlation coefficient for inertia, maximal voluntary contraction and stiffness index were 0.873, 0.994 and 0.930, respectively). Its portability facilitates measurement of the influence of repetitive, occupational activity on the musculotendinous complex of the wrist flexors.  相似文献   
The cell-free translation products of polyribosomal and post-polyribosomal mRNAs from the non-infective epimastigotes and the infective metacyclic trypomastigotes of the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi were compared by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The result show that although many polypeptides are conserved, quantitative and qualitative differences are observed between both differentiation stages. The results also indicate the existence of post-polyribosomal mRNAs in equilibrium with polyribosomal counterparts. The immunoprecipitation of the in vitro synthesized polypeptides with chagasic human serum and the serum raised against an 85-kDa glycoprotein (P2-WGA), potentially involved in the process of T. cruzi penetration into mammalian cells, shows that while the chagasic serum recognizes the same 72-kDa, 68-kDa and 46-kDa polypeptides in both differentiation stages, the anti-P2-WGA serum immunoprecipitates a single 48-kDa polypeptide from in vitro translation products of metacyclic trypomastigotes.  相似文献   
Complex human diseases commonly differ in their phenotypic characteristics, e.g., Crohn’s disease (CD) patients are heterogeneous with regard to disease location and disease extent. The genetic susceptibility to Crohn’s disease is widely acknowledged and has been demonstrated by identification of over 100 CD associated genetic loci. However, relating CD subphenotypes to disease susceptible loci has proven to be a difficult task. In this paper we discuss the use of cluster analysis on genetic markers to identify genetic-based subgroups while taking into account possible confounding by population stratification. We show that it is highly relevant to consider the confounding nature of population stratification in order to avoid that detected clusters are strongly related to population groups instead of disease-specific groups. Therefore, we explain the use of principal components to correct for population stratification while clustering affected individuals into genetic-based subgroups. The principal components are obtained using 30 ancestry informative markers (AIM), and the first two PCs are determined to discriminate between continental origins of the affected individuals. Genotypes on 51 CD associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are used to perform latent class analysis, hierarchical and Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) cluster analysis within a sample of affected individuals with and without the use of principal components to adjust for population stratification. It is seen that without correction for population stratification clusters seem to be influenced by population stratification while with correction clusters are unrelated to continental origin of individuals.  相似文献   
Intraperitoneal injections of 6-OH-dopamine (80 mg kg−l) promote, in toad fish, killifish, lsummer and winter flounders, a darkening of their colour and loss of capacity to adapt tolthe colour of the background. This condition persisted for three weeks after which thelanimals gradually returned to normal. The study of the skin of 6-hydroxydopamineltreated killifish showed degenerative lesions in the fine nerves and synapses of its melanophores, 124 h after the administration of the drug. These lesions progressed and 4 days later, lno synaptic structures could be detected in these cells. This condition persisted up to thel20th day. These results suggest that melanophores have a single monoaminergic innervaion.  相似文献   
Deletion of genes for adenylate cyclase (delta cya) or cAMP receptor protein (delta crp) in E. coli K-12 confers a phenotype that includes resistance to UV radiation (254 nm). Such mutations lead to UV resistance of uvr+, uvrA, lexA and recA strains which could partly be abolished by the addition of cAMP to delta cya but not to delta crp strain culture medium. This effect was not related to either inducibility of major DNA repair genes or growth rate of the bacteria. Enhanced survival was also observed for UV-irradiated lambda bacteriophage indicating that a repair mechanism of UV lesions was involved in this phenomenon.  相似文献   
Insects and robots searching for odour sources in turbulent plumes face the same problem: the random nature of mixing causes fluctuations and intermittency in perception. Pheromone-tracking male moths appear to deal with discontinuous flows of information by surging upwind, upon sensing a pheromone patch, and casting crosswind, upon losing the plume. Using a combination of neurophysiological recordings, computational modelling and experiments with a cyborg, we propose a neuronal mechanism that promotes a behavioural switch between surge and casting. We show how multiphasic On/Off pheromone-sensitive neurons may guide action selection based on signalling presence or loss of the pheromone. A Hodgkin-Huxley-type neuron model with a small-conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channel reproduces physiological On/Off responses. Using this model as a command neuron and the antennae of tethered moths as pheromone sensors, we demonstrate the efficiency of multiphasic patterning in driving a robotic searcher toward the source. Taken together, our results suggest that multiphasic On/Off responses may mediate olfactory navigation and that SK channels may account for these responses.  相似文献   
Asynchronous and synchronized cultures of A549 and HTC cells were used to detect possible, cell cycle or cell density specific variations in the intracellular pools of dinucleoside tetraphosphates (Ap4X). No important variations of the nucleotide pools were observed during cell growth. When HTC cells were released from mitotic arrest, a decrease by a factor of N3 Ap4X and ATP levels was observed when the cells entered the G1 phase. This decrease is essentially due to cell doubling. When A549 cells were released from an arrest at the G1/S boundary, the nucleotide pool size increased slightly during the G2 phase just before mitosis. This result is in agreement with both earlier data from our laboratory and the observed decrease in Ap4X pool after release from mitotic-arrested HTC cells. These results suggest that the Ap4X and ATP pools are only subjected to very small variations during the cell cycle, essentially in the G2 phase and after mitosis.  相似文献   
Fragile×expression and×inactivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The inactive fragile×chromosomes of a 47,fra(X),fra(X),Y male with a typical fragile×phenotype were successfully separated from the active homologues by means of somatic cell hybridization. It was shown by FUdR-induction and caffein-posttreatment that the separated inactive×chromosomes expressed their fragile sites and that the presence of an active mutated \sxchromosome was not a prerequisite for fragile X expression. The fragility seems to be an intrinsic property of the individual fragile site. This result is in favour of the classical concept that the fragile site at Xq27.3 has a primary pathogenetic function in this syndrome, although the fragility itself could represent a secondary phenomenon related to an unknown alteration of the DNA in this chromosome region. It is also concluded that inactivation of the fragile\sxchromosome in females is not responsible for either false negative fragile\sxfindings or the observation of fragile\sxnegative colonies isolated from fragile\sxpositive fibroblasts in heterozygotes.  相似文献   
We report an analysis of the solubility and hydrophobic properties of the globular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) from various Torpedo tissues. We distinguish globular nonamphiphilic forms (Gna) from globular amphiphilic forms (Ga). The Ga forms bind micelles of detergent, as indicated by the following properties. They are converted by mild proteolysis into nonamphiphilic derivatives. Their Stokes radius in the presence of Triton X-100 is approximately 2 nm greater than that of their lytic derivatives. The G2a forms fall in two classes. Class I contains molecules that aggregate in the absence of detergent, when mixed with an AChE-depleted Triton X-100 extract from electric organ. AChE G2a forms from electric organs, nerves, skeletal muscle, and erythrocyte membranes correspond to this type, which is also detectable in detergent-soluble (DS) extracts of electric lobes and spinal cord. Class II forms never aggregate but only present a slight shift in sedimentation coefficient, in the presence or absence of detergent. This class contains the AChE G2a forms of plasma and of the low-salt-soluble (LSS) fractions from spinal cord and electric lobes. The heart possesses a BuChE G2a form of class II in LSS extracts, as well as a similar G1a form. G4a forms of AChE, which are solubilized only in the presence of detergent and aggregate in the absence of detergent, represent a large proportion of cholinesterase in DS extracts of nerves and spinal cord, together with a smaller component of G4a BuChE. These forms may be converted to nonamphiphilic derivatives by Pronase. Nonaggregating G4a forms exist at low levels in the plasma (BuChE) and in LSS extracts of nerves (BuChE) and spinal cord (AChE).  相似文献   
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