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The genetic material of all retroviruses examined so far is an RNA dimer where two identical RNA subunits are joined at their 5' ends by a structure named dimer linkage structure (DLS). Since the precise location and structure of the DLS as well as the mechanism and role(s) of RNA dimerization remain unclear, we analysed the dimerization process of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) RNA. For this purpose we set up an in vitro model for RSV RNA dimerization. Using this model RSV RNA was shown to form dimeric molecules and this dimerization process was greatly activated by nucleocapsid protein (NCp12) of RSV. Furthermore, RSV RNA dimerization was performed in the presence of complementary 5'32P-DNA oligomers in order to probe the monomer and dimer forms of RSV RNA. Data indicated that the DLS of RSV RNA probably maps between positions 544-564 from the 5' end. In an attempt to define sequences needed for the dimerization of RSV RNA, deletion mutageneses were generated in the 5' 600 nt. The results showed that the dimer promoting sequences probably are located within positions 208-270 and 400-600 from the 5' end and hence possibly encompassing the cis-acting elements needed for the specific encapsidation of RSV genomic RNA. Also it is reported that synthesis of the polyprotein precursor Pr76gag is inhibited upon dimerization of RSV RNA. These results suggest that dimerization and encapsidation of genome length RSV RNA might be linked in the course of virion formation since they appear to be under the control of the same cis elements, E and DLS, and the trans-acting factor nucleocapsid protein NCp12.  相似文献   
Summary Streptomyces ambofaciens strain ATCC23877 contains the 11.1 kb plasmid pSAM2 stably integrated into its chromosome. This plasmidic sequence is able to loop out and to be transferred at high frequency to S. lividans where it is found simultaneously as both free and integrated plasmid. When a UV derivative of strain ATCC23877 (strain ATCC15154) is used, the resident copy of pSAM2 can be transferred to S. lividans, but only the integrated form is found in this strain. In both cases, the integration occurs at a unique chromosomal region through the same plasmidic integration site as that in strain ATCC23877. The resident copy of strain ATCC15154 can also be transferred at low frequency to S. ambofaciens DSM40697 (devoid of any pSAM2 sequence). In this case, as several copies of pSAM2 are integrated, the integration pattern is complicated. Integration of a complete pSAM2 sequence in this strain occurs in a region that hybridizes with the integration zones of S. lividans and of S. ambofaciens strain ATCC23877. Comparison of the cloned integration zone of S. lividans before and after the integration event showed that the restriction pattern of the resident pSAM2 in strain ATCC15154 is similar to that of the free form of pSAM2 found naturally in another UV derivative of strain ATCC23877 (strain JI3212).  相似文献   
Summary The differentiation capacity of the rat epididymis after depletion of androgen was studied in organ culture and in castrated rats. The differentiation of narrow cells in 5- and 10-day-old explants and in 10-day-old castrated rats suggests that: (i) the testicular androgens are not essential for their differentiation, (ii) a differential androgen dependence exists among the epididymal cell types, (iii) the undifferentiated epithelial cells are the precursors of the narrow cells.  相似文献   
Fusion proteins are used to define with precision an evolutionarily conserved domain on the carboxyl-terminal portion of the chromoprotein phytochrome. Simultaneously, assignments of two other epitopes are made with significantly greater precision, while the location of a fourth is confirmed. The epitope-mapping method that is described here is systematic, using complementary, overlapping nested sets of fusion proteins of predefined sequence rather than randomly generated peptides. Moreover, in contrast to previous methods, this approach yields rigorous and unambiguous assignments because it relies solely upon the ability of an antibody to detect a given polypeptide. A cDNA fragment encoding phytochrome amino acids 464-1129, which is its carboxyl terminus, was identified in lambda gt11 and subcloned in frame into the lacZ alpha sequence of pUC18. Four nested sets of subclones in pUC18 were created by digestion with selected restriction endonucleases and with the exonuclease Bal31. Fusion proteins were analyzed by immunoblotting following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The epitope for monoclonal antibody Oat-13 was confirmed to be between residues 551 and 617, while the epitopes for Oat-8 and Oat-28 were narrowed to 624-686 and 624-747, respectively. The epitope recognized by Pea-25, Pea-2, and Oat-15 was resolved unequivocally to a sequence of only seven residues (residues 765-771): N-Pro-Ile-Phe-Gly-Ala-Asp-Glu-C.  相似文献   
A polyallylamine carrying long hydrophobic dodecyl groups and adenine residues as side chains (PALAD C12) may be able to catalyze the hydrolysis ofN-carbobenzoxy-l-alaninep-nitrophenyl ester (N-Cbz-Ala) as well asp-nitrophenyl acetate (pNPA). The progress curve of hydrolysis of the former displays a long lag and apparently no steady state. After this transient the rate falls off due to the accumulation of the products. Conversely, the hydrolysis ofp-nitrophenyl acetate displays classical burst kinetics followed by a slow decline of the reaction rate. Theoretical considerations show that a steady state may be expected to occur only if the concentration of the free catalyst is very small during the reaction. This condition is sufficient to allow the rate of disappearance of the substrate to be equal to the rate of appearance of the products, which is precisely a condition for the existence of a steady state. If the catalyst is poorly active and has a loose affinity for its substrate and product, the measurement of a significant reaction rate will require a much larger concentration of the catalyst. Therefore, under these conditions, one cannot expect a steady state to occur. The mathematical expression of the error made in the steady-state assumption has been derived. This error increases with the catalyst concentration and decreases if the affinity of the substrate for the catalyst is high. Therefore the lack of steady state is associated with the affinity (or the dissociation) of the substrate and the product for the catalyst. When this affinity is low, the free concentration of the catalyst during the reaction is high and one cannot expect a steady state to occur. This is precisely what takes place with N-Cbz-Ala. A mathematical expression of the rate of hydrolysis of N-Cbz-Ala and of any reactant that displays this type of kinetics may be derived at the end of the transient when the rate is close to its maximum value. Under these conditions the rate cannot follow classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics and displays positive cooperativity. It may therefore be speculated that primordial template-like catalysts that were displaying a poor affinity for their substrates and products were already exhibiting apparent positive cooperativity in the kinetic reactions they were able to catalyze. Correspondence to: J. Ricard  相似文献   
Abstract: Neurons and glial cells are capable of synthesizing various steroid hormones, but biosynthesis of testosterone in the CNS has never been reported. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the synthesis of testosterone in the frog brain. The presence of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD)-like immunoreactivity was detected in a population of glial cells located in the telencephalon. Reversed-phase HPLC analysis of brain tissue extracts combined with radioimmunoassay detection revealed the presence of substantial amounts of testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT) in the telencephalon where 17β-HSD-positive cells were visualized. In male frogs, castration totally suppressed testosterone and 5α-DHT in the blood and in the rhombencephalon but did not affect the concentration of these two steroids in the telencephalon. Chemical characterization of testosterone in female frog telencephalon extracts was performed by coupling HPLC analysis with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Using the pulse-chase technique with [3H]pregnenolone as a precursor, the formation of a series of metabolites was observed, including dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, 5α-DHT, and estradiol. These data demonstrate the existence of an active form of 17β-HSD in the frog telencephalon, which is likely involved in testosterone biosynthesis within the brain.  相似文献   
Sporozoites and merozoites of three species ofEimeria, E. tenella, E. maxima, andE. necatrix, that cause diarrhea in chickens worldwide, were examined for their expression of sialidase (SA) activity. The enzyme was found in three species, and the activity of merozoites was 10–20 times higher than that of sporozoites. The enzyme was resistant to degradation by proteases that are normally present in the intestine, a site inhabited by theEimeria parasites, and it was relatively resistant to heat, with optimum activity being at 40°C, which is within the range of temperature in the chicken intestine (40–43°C).E. tenella SA was immuniprecipitated by monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies raised against theTrypanosoma cruzi SA (TCSA), and enzyme activity was neutralized by these antibodies.E. tenella SA was identified by immunoblots as a doublet of molecular weight 190 000 and 180 000 using, as a probe, anti-TCSA antibodies and antibodies against a synthetic peptide (TR) derived from the long tandem repeat domain of TCSA. Binding of the monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies toE. tenella was completely blocked by TR, but not by an irrelevant peptide (BR). Therefore,E. tenella expresses a developmentally regulated SA that is structurally related to theT. cruzi counterpart. Because of the high SA activity in merozoites, and by analogy with other SA-producing microbes that inhabit mucin-rich epithelia, we suggest that theEimeria SA plays a role in desialylating intestinal mucins to reduce viscosity of the local environment and thereby facilitate parasite migration. The enzyme could also play a role in host cell-parasite interaction.Abbreviations SA sialidase (neuraminidase) - Neu5Ac N-acetylneuraminic acid - 4-MU-Neu5Ac 2-(4-methylumbelliferyl)--N-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid - BSA bovine serum albumin - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - PNA peanut agglutinin - Ab antibody - TCN-2 monoclonal antibody toT. cruzi sialidase, anti-Ars, monoclonal antibody top-azophenylarsonate - TCSA Trypanosoma cruzi sialidase  相似文献   
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