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Representatives of seven genera from five tribes ofRubiaceae have been compared in respect to a non-coding intergene cpDNA region of about 1000 bp, situated between the atpB and the rbcL genes. The resulting most parsimonious PAUP cladogram corresponds very well with one based on total cpDNA restriction site data obtained byBremer & Jansen (1991). The two different molecular analyses thus corroborate each other and contribute to an improved systematic arrangement of the large family, e.g., in respect to placing the tribeHedyotideae clearly into the subfamilyRubioideae, closer toRubieae than toPsychotrieae.  相似文献   
A new quantitative radiometric assay for adenosine deaminase is described. The reaction conditions are similar to those used in other radioassays and are shown to result in an activity which increases linearly with time and with enzyme concentration. An original feature of the technique resides in the use of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography to separate adenosine from inosine. The separation is complete, fast, and reproducible. Both compounds can be recovered almost quantitatively from the plates. The assay is very simple and allows the determination of up to 36 samples in 3 h.  相似文献   
Summary We have investigated the dynamics and structural behaviour of two antigenic peptides using 1H NMR. The two cyclic peptides mimic the antigenic site A of influenza haemagglutinin protein; they only differ in the way they were cyclized and in the size of their respective linkers. Homonuclear relaxation parameters extracted from a complete NOE matrix were interpreted in terms of local dynamics. A set of distance constraints was deduced from these parameters which allowed 3D models to be constructed using distance geometry. NOE back-calculation was used to check the validity of the final models. Strong variations of internal motion amplitude have been found in both peptides along their backbone. Motions with high amplitudes have been localized in the Gly-Pro-Gly sequence which forms a -turn in both structures.Abbreviations DSS 3-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propanesulfonic acid - D-loop aspartic acid loop - ELISA enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay - f.i.d free induction decay - HOHAHA homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - K-loop lysine loop - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - r.m.s.d. root-mean-square deviation of atomic positions  相似文献   
Tree species differences in crown size and shape are often highlighted as key characteristics determining light interception strategies and successional dynamics. The phenotypic plasticity of species in response to light and space availability suggests that intraspecific variability can have potential consequences on light interception and community dynamics. Species crown size varies depending on site characteristics and other factors at the individual level which differ from competition for light and space. These factors, such as individual genetic characteristics, past disturbances or environmental micro-site effects, combine with competition-related phenotypic plasticity to determine the individual variability in crown size. Site and individual variability are typically ignored when considering crown size and light interception by trees, and residual variability is relegated to a residual error term, which is then ignored when studying ecological processes. In the present study, we structured and quantified variability at the species, site, and individual levels for three frequently used tree allometric relations using fixed and random effects in a hierarchical Bayesian framework. We focused on two species: Abies alba (silver fir) and Picea abies (Norway spruce) in nine forest stands of the western Alps. We demonstrated that species had different allometric relations from site to site and that individual variability accounted for a large part of the variation in allometric relations. Using a spatially explicit radiation transmission model on real stands, we showed that individual variability in tree allometry had a substantial impact on light resource allocation in the forest. Individual variability in tree allometry modulates species’ light-intercepting ability. It generates heterogeneous light conditions under the canopy, with high light micro-habitats that may promote the regeneration of light-demanding species and slow down successional dynamics.  相似文献   
In order to study the effect of a diet on metabolites found in body fluids such as plasma, we have developed and validated a UPLC/MS method. While methods using NMR have been well established to analyse different biological tissues, recent studies have described robust untargeted UPLC-MS methods for plasma analysis. One major concern when profiling plasma is the presence of an important quantity of proteins which have to be precipitated without any loss of metabolites prior to LC/MS analysis. The utilization of untargeted approaches in nutritional metabolomics still suffers from the lack of identification of specific biomarkers. We therefore suggest an alternative method still using a global approach but focusing at the same time on metabolites previously described in human plasma in order to detect biomarkers of metabolic dysregulations. Thus, to fulfil our objectives, analytical parameters were tested (i) the anticoagulant type for sample collection, (ii) the protein precipitation method and (iii) UPLC/MS analytical conditions. Three protein precipitation methods and two anticoagulants were tested and compared. The method utilizing blood collection on heparin and methanol precipitation was chosen for giving the most reproducible results while keeping the complexity of the sample. Finally, a validation was proposed to evaluate the stability of this analytical method applied to a large batch of samples for nutritional metabolomic studies.  相似文献   
Models of the adhesion of a population of cells in a plane flow are developed, considering the dilute regime. Cells considered as rigid punctual entities are virtually injected at regular times within a plane channel limited by two fixed planes. The pressure profile is supposed to be triangular (constant gradient), in accordance with the assumptions of a Poiseuille flow. The cell adherence to the channel wall is governed by the balance of forces, accounting for gravity, non-specific physical interactions, such as electrostatic effects (repulsive) and Van der Waals forces (attractive), specific adhesive forces representing the ligand–receptor interactions, and friction between cells and the fluid in the vicinity of the endothelium wall. The spatial distribution of the adhesion molecules along the wall is supposed to be a random event, accounted for by a stochastic spatial variability of the dipolar moments of those molecules, according to a Gaussian process. Experimental trends reported for the rate of aggregation of L-selectin mediated leukocytes under shear flow are in qualitative accordance with the evolution versus time of adhering cells obtained by the present simulations. The effect of the maximal injection pressure on those kinetics is assessed.  相似文献   
A survey of the leaves and flowers of 62 representatives of the tribe Loteae (Leguminosae) showed the presence of several classes of flavonoids: flavonol 7-methyl ethers (rhamnocitrin, rhamnetin), 8-O-substituted flavonols (gossypetin, limocitrin, sexangularetin, corniculatusin), 3′,4′,5′-tri-O-substituted flavonols (myricetin, mearnsetin, syringetin, laricitrin), proanthocyanidins and flavone-C-glycosides. The trisubstitution of the B-ring and the 8-O-substitution of the A-ring allow the definition of a major group including the genera Dorycnium, Bonjeania, Lotus and Tetragonolobus. The presence of proanthocyanidins and 7-O-methylation determine a second group consisting of the genus Anthyllis. Finally, Securigera, on the basis of its flavonoid chemistry, appears to be rather remote from other members of the tribe.  相似文献   
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been successfully performed in animals for the treatment of different experimental models of inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effect of VNS involves the release of acetylcholine by vagus nerve efferent fibers inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. TNF-α) produced by macrophages. Moreover, it has recently been demonstrated that splenic lymphocytic populations may also be involved. As anesthetics can modulate the inflammatory response, the current study evaluated the effect of two different anesthetics, isoflurane and pentobarbital, on splenic cellular and molecular parameters in a VNS rat model. Spleens were collected for the characterization of lymphocytes sub-populations by flow cytometry and quantification of cytokines secretion after in vitro activation. Different results were observed depending on the anesthetic used. The use of isoflurane displayed a non-specific effect of VNS characterized by a decrease of most splenic lymphocytes sub-populations studied, and also led to a significantly lower TNF-α secretion by splenocytes. However, the use of pentobarbital brought to light immune modifications in non-stimulated animals that were not observed with isoflurane, and also revealed a specific effect of VNS, notably at the level of T lymphocytes’ activation. These differences between the two anesthetics could be related to the anti-inflammatory properties of isoflurane. In conclusion, pentobarbital is more adapted than isoflurane in the study of the anti-inflammatory effect of VNS on an anesthetized rat model in that it allows more accurate monitoring of subtle immunomodulatory processes.  相似文献   
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