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We have identified the presence of a lysophospholipase in human placental tissues and have purified this enzyme from the amnion. The specific activity was highest in the amnion and decreased across adjacent tissues. The purification involved the use of DEAE-Sephadex, phenyl-Sepharose, hydroxylapatite, and sulfylpropyl Sephadex chromatography. The activity of the purified enzyme toward palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine is 2.5 mumol min-1 mg-1 and the pH optimum is 7.0. The enzyme is not inhibited by EDTA and does not appear to have a metal ion requirement. The enzyme may be of membrane origin; the purified enzyme requires the presence of detergent during storage. The effects of substrate composition and physical state on enzymatic activity were explored. The enzyme was not active toward mono-, di-, or triglycerides, nor toward diacyl phospholipid. The enzyme was active toward myristoyl and palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine at concentrations where these substrates spontaneously form micelles or where Triton X-100 was used to induce co-micellization of the substrate at low concentrations with detergent. A role for this enzyme in processing the lysophospholipid product of phospholipase A action must be considered in evaluating arachidonic acid production in human fetal membranes and placental tissue, particularly during the initiation of labor.  相似文献   
The effects of pTR2030 on the replication of four small isometric bacteriophages were examined in Streptococcus cremoris R1. Three lytic phages (652, 720, and 751), which were isolated independently over a 29-year period, were unable to form plaques on a pTR2030 transconjugant of S. cremoris R1. The fourth phage evaluated, phage r(1)t, was a temperate phage induced from S. cremoris R1 by treatment with mitomycin C. A prophage-cured derivative of S. cremoris R1, designated R1Cs, was isolated and served as a lytic indicator for phage r(1)t. Strain R1Cs and a derivative of this strain that was relysogenized with r(1)t, designated R1Cs(r(1)t), were used as conjugal recipients for transfer of the phage resistance plasmid pTR2030. pTR2030 transconjugants of strains R1Cs and R1Cs(r(1)t) were evaluated for sensitivity to r(1)t phage and induction of r(1)t prophage, respectively. The temperate phage r(1)t adsorbed eficiently but did not form plaques on the prophage-cured, pTR2030 transconjugant strain T-R1Cs. However, in the r(1)t lysogen [T-R1Cs(r(1)t)], pTR2030 did not inhibit prophage induction with mitomycin C, cell lysis, or production of infective r(1)t phage particles. The data demonstrated that pTR2030-induced resistance inhibited lytic infection by r(1)t phage from without but did not retard lytic development after prophage induction within the cell. It was suggested that pTR2030-encoded phage resistance to small isometric phages may, therefore, act at the cell surface or membrane to prevent phage DNA passage into the host cell or inhibit early events required for lytic replication of externally infecting phage.  相似文献   
Summary A genomic clone of a wheat -amylase gene (Amy3/33) was identified, on the basis of hybridisation properties, as different from -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes which had been characterised previously. The nucleotide sequence revealed that this gene has the normal sequence motifs of an active gene and an open reading frame interrupted by two introns. The protein sequence encoded by this open reading frame is recognisably similar to that of -amylase from the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes and there is high sequence homology in all three proteins at the putative active sites and Ca++ binding region. In addition, the introns are at positions equivalent to the position of introns in the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes. However, the sequence was less similar to -Amy1 and -Amy2 than these are to each other. Southern blot analysis showed that the Amy3/33 DNA is one of a small multigene family carried on a different chromosome (group 5) from either the -Amy1 or -Amy2 genes. A further difference from the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes was the pattern of expression. Amy3/33 was expressed only in immature grains and, unlike the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes, not at all in germinating aleurones. These data suggested therefore that this gene represents a third type of -amylase gene, not described before, which shares a common evolutionary ancestor with the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes.  相似文献   
Mycelial cell walls from the potato blight fungus ( Phytophthora infestans ) (Mont.) de Bary were examined in the solid state by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with cross-polarization and magic-angle spinning. The spectrum was free from interference by spinning sidebands. The main component of the cell walls had the spectral properties of a β -(1,3')-glucan. Protein appeared to be present also. The presence of β -(1,6')-linked glucose residues, cellulose or chitin was not ruled out, but there was no evidence for these as major components of the cell walls.  相似文献   
The common mole-rat, Cryptomys h. hottentotus , is a social subterranean rodent occurring in colonies in which one female and one to three males are involved in reproduction and the remaining colony members are non-reproductive. Within each sex the reproductive animals are usually the largest and most dominant animals.
The dominance hierarchy amongst a field-captured colony was linear ( h = 0.95, calculated from Landau's linearity index) soon after capture. The non-reproductive females were ranked low in the dominance hierarchy; many were subordinate to non-reproductive males. The order of capture of mole-rats was not related to the position in the dominance hierarchy. The hierarchy became non-linear ( h = 0.56) after six months in captivity during which two juvenile animals became adult. The breakdown in the hierarchy may result from the lack of opportunity in captivity for animals to disperse and establish satellite colonies, or from colony members becoming co-dominant in the hierarchy as a result of a rise in rank by young animals.
Dominant mole-rats are involved in a greater proportion of interactive behaviours than subordinates. Popularity studies show that females tend to be more popular animals than males. The largest reproductive male was the least popular animal in the first study, whereas a beta male was the least popular animal in the second study period. The reproductive female was the most popular in both periods.  相似文献   
Chromosomal Organization of Rrna Operons in Bacillus Subtilis   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Integrative mapping with vectors containing ribosomal DNA sequences were used to complete the mapping of the 10 rRNA gene sets in the endospore forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Southern hybridizations allowed the assignment of nine operons to distinct BclI restriction fragments and their genetic locus identified by transductional crosses. Nine of the ten rRNA gene sets are located between 0 and 70 degrees on the genomic map. In the region surrounding cysA14, two sets of closely spaced tandem clusters are present. The first (rrnJ and rrnW) is located between purA16 and cysA14 closely linked to the latter; the second (rrnI, rrnH and rrnG) previously mapped within this area is located between attSPO2 and glpT6. The operons at or near the origin of replication (rrnO,rrnA and rrnJ,rrnW) represent "hot spots" of plasmid insertion.  相似文献   
Instability of rRNA operons in Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Many laboratory strains of Bacillus subtilis contain 9 rather than 10 rRNA operons due to deletions occurring within the rrnJ-rrnW or rrnI-rrnH-rrnG gene cluster. These operons are members of two sets of closely spaced clusters located in the cysA-aroI region. Analysis of rescued DNA from integrants with insertions into rrnG and rrnH indicated that these tandemly arranged operons allowed frequent deletions of an rrn operon equivalent. These events may arise spontaneously by intrachromosomal recombination or by simultaneous double crossovers with a multimeric integrative plasmid.  相似文献   
The transmembrane topology of the nucleoside transporter of human erythrocytes, which had been covalently photolabelled with [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine, was investigated by monitoring the effect of proteinases applied to intact erythrocytes and unsealed membrane preparations. Treatment of unsealed membranes with low concentrations of trypsin and chymotrypsin at 1 degree C cleaved the nucleoside transporter, a band 4.5 polypeptide, apparent Mr 66 000-45 000, to yield two radioactive fragments with apparent Mr 38 000 and 23 000. The fragment of Mr 38 000, in contrast to the Mr 23 000 fragment, migrated as a broad peak (apparent Mr 45 000-31 000) suggesting that carbohydrate was probably attached to this fragment. Similar treatment of intact cells under iso-osmotic saline conditions at 1 degree C had no effect on the apparent Mr of the [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine-labelled band 4.5, suggesting that at least one of the trypsin cleavage sites resulting in the apparent Mr fragments of 38 000 and 23 000 is located at the cytoplasmic surface. However, at low ionic strengths the extracellular region of the nucleoside transporter is susceptible to trypsin proteolysis, indicating that the transporter is a transmembrane protein. In contrast, the extracellular region of the [3H]cytochalasin B-labelled glucose carrier, another band 4.5 polypeptide, was resistant to trypsin digestion. Proteolysis of the glucose transporter at the cytoplasmic surface generated a radiolabelled fragment of Mr 19 000 which was distinct from the Mr 23 000 fragment radiolabelled with [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine. The affinity for the reversible binding of [3H]cytochalasin B and [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine to the glucose and nucleoside transporters, respectively, was lowered 2-3-fold following trypsin treatment of unsealed membranes, but the maximum number of inhibitor binding sites was unaffected despite the cleavage of band 4.5 to lower-Mr fragments.  相似文献   
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