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Genes encoding insecticidal crystal proteins were cloned from three strains of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kenyae and two strains of B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki. Characterization of the B. thuringiensis subsp. kenyae toxin genes showed that they are most closely related to cryIA(c) from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki. The cloned genes were introduced into Bacillus host strains, and the spectra of insecticidal activities of each Cry protein were determined for six pest lepidopteran insects. CryIA(c) proteins from B. thuringiensis subsp. kenyae are as active as CryIA(c) proteins from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki against Trichoplusia ni, Lymantria dispar, Heliothis zea, and H. virescens but are significantly less active against Plutella xylostella and, in some cases, Ostrinia nubilalis. The sequence of a cryIA(c) gene from B. thuringiensis subsp. kenyae was determined (GenBank M35524) and compared with that of cryIA(c) from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki. The two genes are more than 99% identical and show seven amino acid differences among the predicted sequences of 1,177 amino acids.  相似文献   
Cultured fetal rat hepatocytes derived from 12, 15 and 19-day gestation rats are capable of secreting transferrin. When dexamethasone is added to the medium an increased secretion rate is observed. The changes in secretion rates in control as well as dexamethasone-treated cells during culture have been shown to correlate with the level of mRNA coding for transferrin. Immunocytochemical experiments show that initially all hepatocytes contain transferrin which is localized in the lumina of the perinuclear space, rough endoplasmic reticulum and in the saccules and vesicles of the Golgi apparatus. During culture, particularly in control cells, the intensity of labelling varies from cell to cell. In addition, adjacent cells are observed to label more intensely in different intracellular organelles.  相似文献   
Quinolinic acid is synthesized in E. coli by the enzymes L-aspartate oxidase and quinolinate synthase A, the genes of which are named nadB and nadA. In our previous work we cloned and characterized the two genes (Flachmann, R., Kunz, N., Seifert, J., Gütlich, M., Wientjes, F.J., L?ufer, A. & Gassen, H.G. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 175, 221-228). Here we report on the expression of the nadB gene under control of the inducible left promoter of the bacteriophage lambda. The yield of the active gene product L-aspartate oxidase was enhanced up to 20% of the soluble cell protein. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity in a three-step procedure and the reading frame of the L-aspartate oxidase gene was confirmed by Edman degradation of five cyanogen bromide peptides. L-Aspartate oxidase shows no classical Michaelis-Menten behaviour but is subject to a substrate inactivation. The apparent Km values were different for substrate concentrations below and above 1mM and were determined to 0.5 mM and 4.1mM, respectively. The active form of the enzyme is a monomer of 60,284 Da and contains one molecule of FAD and nine cysteine residues, four of which built up two disulfide bonds. The isoelectric point of the protein was determined to be at pH 5.6. Chemical modifications of the enzyme showed that at least one tyrosine and one histidine residue are essential for enzyme activity. The coenzyme-binding domain is located in the amino-terminal part of the polypeptide chain as revealed by a sequence comparison to other dinucleotide binding enzymes. Furthermore, there is evidence for a relationship to fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase of E. coli.  相似文献   
The active tetrameric glucose dehydrogenase from Bacillus megaterium is rapidly inactivated upon reaction with tetranitromethane. The inactivation is correlated with the nitration of a single tyrosine residue/subunit. The nitration does not influence the dissociation-reassociation process of the enzyme. The inactivation is prevented by the presence of NAD, AMP, ATP. The sequence around the nitrated tyrosine residue was determined and the residue was identified as Tyr-254 in the covalent structure of the enzyme. After dissociation of the enzyme into its monomers two tyrosine residues become susceptible to nitration. The nitrated subunits are unable to reassociate to the tetramer. Isolation and sequence analysis of the peptides containing nitrotyrosine indicated that two different tyrosine residues are predominantly modified. One residue is Tyr-254 which is essential for the catalytic activity and the other one is Tyr-160 which seems to be located in the subunit binding area.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional images can be assembled by piling up consecutive confocal fluorescent images obtained by confocal scanning laser microscopy. The present work was based on three-dimensional (50-microns-deep) images at high (x, y) resolution obtained with an MRC-500 after en bloc staining of thick slices of rat liver by chromomycin A3 for nuclear DNA. The results of studies on bleaching, fluorescence excitation and emission intensities at various depths of histologic preparations are described. These effects could be evaluated separately by acquiring piled-up ("brick-stepping") and non-piled-up ("side-stepping") (x, y) images at consecutive depths and also (x, z) images. Empirical equations allowed the fitting of experimental plots of bleaching versus time, at different laser intensities and at different depths, and of fluorescence emission intensity versus depth. The main conclusions were that under our experimental conditions: (1) there was no attenuation by depth of the fluorochrome penetration, (2) there was no attenuation of the exciting beam intensity up to at least 50 microns deep, (3) there was an attenuation of the fluorescence emission intensity by depth, (4) bleaching happened equally on all planes above and below any confocal plane being studied, and (5) the fluorescence bleaching half-life was independent of depth. A mathematical correction scheme designed to compensate for bleaching and for attenuation of fluorescence emission in depth is presented. This correction is required for obtaining three-dimensional images of better quality, for optimal three-dimensional image segmentation and for any quantitative analysis based upon voxel-discretized emission intensities (gray levels)--e.g., estimating, by confocal image cytometry, textural chromatin parameters and nuclear DNA amounts.  相似文献   
K D Jany  H Haug  G Pfleiderer  J Ishay 《Biochemistry》1978,17(22):4675-4682
An endopeptidase from the larvae of the hornet Vespa crabro has been purified to homogeneity. The enzyme has been characterized with respect to molecular weight, amino acid compositon, and amino- and carboxyl-terminal sequences. The catalytic properties of the hornet protease are similar to those of bovine chymotrypsin with respect to inactivation by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and carbobenzoxyphenylalanine chloro ketone and preferential peptide bond cleavage at aromatic amino acid residues. In contrast to bovine chymotrypsin, the hornet protease is not inhibited by the basic pancreatic Kunitz inhibitor, soybean inhibitor, or chicken ovomucoid. The molecular weight, as determined by several independent methods, was found to be 14 500. The protease is a single-chain protein containing two disulfide bonds. The terminal sequences are: NH2-Ile-Val-Gly-Gly-Ile-Asp.....Gly-Lys-Tyr-Pro-Tyr-Gln-Val-Ser-Leu-Arg-COOH.  相似文献   
HIV-1 Env mediates virus attachment to and fusion with target cell membranes, and yet, while Env is still situated at the plasma membrane of the producer cell and before its incorporation into newly formed particles, Env already interacts with the viral receptor CD4 on target cells, thus enabling the formation of transient cell contacts that facilitate the transmission of viral particles. During this first encounter with the receptor, Env must not induce membrane fusion, as this would prevent the producer cell and the target cell from separating upon virus transmission, but how Env''s fusion activity is controlled remains unclear. To gain a better understanding of the Env regulation that precedes viral transmission, we examined the nanoscale organization of Env at the surface of producer cells. Utilizing superresolution microscopy (stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy [STORM]) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), we quantitatively assessed the clustering and dynamics of Env upon its arrival at the plasma membrane. We found that Gag assembly induced the aggregation of small Env clusters into larger domains and that these domains were completely immobile. Truncation of the cytoplasmic tail (CT) of Env abrogated Gag''s ability to induce Env clustering and restored Env mobility at assembly sites, both of which correlated with increased Env-induced fusion of infected and uninfected cells. Hence, while Env trapping by Gag secures Env incorporation into viral particles, Env clustering and its sequestration at assembly sites likely also leads to the repression of its fusion function, and thus, by preventing the formation of syncytia, Gag helps to secure efficient transfer of viral particles to target cells.  相似文献   
A DNA containing the coding sequence for the human cysteine proteinase inhibitor stefin A was obtained by enzymic ligation of chemically synthesized deoxyoligonucleotides, using the Khorana ligation method. The 306-bp synthetic gene carries signals for the initiation and termination of its translation. The gene was expressed in E. coli using a cytoplasmic expression vector and stefin A was secreted under the control of the E. coli alkaline phosphatase signal sequence, respectively. The secreted hybrid protein was shown to exhibit biological properties similar to the native protein isolated from human plasma.  相似文献   
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