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Infochemicals are the most important cues used by parasitoids for host location. The attractiveness of infochemicals in a tritrophic context is expected to be determined by the degree of specialization of the parasitoid and its host(s). Microctonus hyperodae Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is an oligophagous parasitoid that attacks adult Curculionidae of the Brachycerinae subfamily, especially Listronotus bonariensis Kuschel, on Gramineae. In 1996, a new host–parasitoid association between the carrot weevil Listronotus oregonensis LeConte and M. hyperodae was created in the laboratory. In this study, the infochemicals used by M. hyperodae when searching for its adult weevil hosts were determined using a Y‐shaped olfactometer. Three curculionid species (L. oregonensis, Listronotus sparsus Say, and Neydus flavicaudis Boheman) and one bruchid species [Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius)], and their feces, were tested. It was expected that hosts phylogenetically and ecologically close to L. bonariensis would be more attractive than species less related but in fact, M. hyperodae responded only to L. oregonensis and its feces. When feces and host insects were tested separately, M. hyperodae responded to the odors emitted by L. oregonensis adults but not to their feces, suggesting that most of the kairomones came from the host itself. Host plants were also tested, but M. hyperodae responded neither to Lolium multiflorum Lamark (Gramineae) nor to Daucus carota L. (Umbelliferae) leaves.  相似文献   
Vertebrates harbor abundant lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in their gut microbiota. Alkaline phosphatases can dephosphorylate and detoxify the endotoxin component of LPS. Here, we show that expression of the zebrafish intestinal alkaline phosphatase (Iap), localized to the intestinal lumen brush border, is induced during establishment of the gut microbiota. Iap-deficient zebrafish are hypersensitive to LPS toxicity and exhibit the excessive intestinal neutrophil influx characteristic of wild-type zebrafish exposed to LPS. Both of these Iap mutant phenotypes are dependent on Myd88 and Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor (Tnfr), proteins also involved in LPS sensitivity in mammals. When reared germ-free, the intestines of Iap-deficient zebrafish are devoid of neutrophils. Together, these findings demonstrate that the endogenous microbiota establish the normal homeostatic level of neutrophils in the zebrafish intestine through a process involving Iap, Myd88, and Tnfr. Thus, by preventing inflammatory responses, Iap plays a crucial role in promoting mucosal tolerance to resident gut bacteria.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to conduct reconstructions of concussive and non-concussive impacts in ice hockey to determine the biomechanics and thresholds of concussive injury in ice hockey. Videos of concussive and non-concussive impacts in an elite professional ice hockey league in North America were reconstructed using physical and finite element model methods. Eighty concussive and 45 non-concussive events were studied. Logistic regressions indicate significant thresholds for concussion for linear/rotational acceleration and CSDM10%. Impacts in ice hockey were mostly long duration events, longer than 15?ms. These results have significant implications for helmet standards and development to prevent concussion.  相似文献   
Sponges, simple and homogeneous relative to other animals, are particularly adept at regeneration. Although regeneration may appear to be obviously beneficial, and many specific advantages to regeneration of lost portions have been demonstrated, comparisons of regeneration among species of sponges have consistently revealed substantial differences in style (i.e., relative rates of reconstituting surface features, infilling depressions, regaining lost primary substratum), and overall time course, raising questions about adaptive significance of variations in patterns of regeneration. Do sponges simply regenerate as quickly as possible, given constraints imposed by skeletal construction, morphology, or other traits that are determined primarily by evolutionary heritage? Does allocation of energy or materials impose trade-offs between regeneration versus competing processes such as growth or reproduction? Is regeneration time-course and style an integral part of coherent life history and morphological strategies? One approach to answering these questions is to compare regeneration among species that represent a spectrum of higher taxa within the demosponges as well as different growth forms and life-history strategies. Because detailed ecological studies of sponges have tended to focus on small sets of species of the same growth form, community-wide comparisons have been hampered. Data on growth rate, colonization, mortality, susceptibility to predation, and competitive ability have recently been accumulated for species of sponges typical of the Caribbean mangrove prop-root community. Experimentally generated wounds in individuals of 13 of these species allow comparison of the timing and style of regeneration among sponge species that span a range of life histories and growth forms. The species chosen represent four orders of the class Demospongiae, and include four sets of congeneric species, allowing distinction of patterns related to life history and morphology from those determined by shared evolutionary heritage.  相似文献   
Dr. Janie Merkel is the director of Yale’s Chemical Genomics Screening Facility, a high-throughput screening laboratory that is part of the Yale University Center for Genomics and Proteomics. The Screening Facility connects Yale researchers with industry-quality robotic machinery and a diverse group of compound libraries, which have been used successfully to link therapeutic targets with potential therapies.  相似文献   
Involvement of the bacterial thiopurine methyltransferase (bTPMT) in natural selenium methylation by freshwater was investigated. A freshwater environment that had no known selenium contamination but exhibited reproducible emission of dimethyl selenide (DMSe) or dimethyl diselenide (DMDSe) when it was supplemented with an organic form of selenium [(methyl)selenocysteine] or an inorganic form of selenium (sodium selenite) was used. The distribution of the bTPMT gene (tpm) in the microflora was studied. Freshwater bacteria growing on 10 μM sodium selenite and 10 μM sodium selenate were isolated, and 4.5 and 10% of the strains, respectively, were shown by colony blot hybridization to hybridize with a Pseudomonas syringae tpm DNA probe. Ribotyping showed that these strains are closely related. The complete rrs sequence of one of the strains, designated Hsa.28, was obtained and analyzed. Its closest phyletic neighbor was found to be the Pseudomonas anguilliseptica rrs sequence. The Hsa.28 strain grown with sodium selenite or (methyl)selenocysteine produced significant amounts of DMSe and DMDSe. The Hsa.28 tpm gene was isolated by genomic DNA library screening and sequencing. BLASTP comparisons of the deduced Hsa.28 bTPMT sequence with P. syringae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio cholerae, rat, and human thiopurine methyltransferase sequences revealed that the levels of similarity were 52 to 71%. PCR-generated Escherichia coli subclones containing the Hsa.28 tpm open reading frame were constructed. E. coli cells harboring the constructs and grown with sodium selenite or (methyl)selenocysteine produced significant levels of DMSe and DMDSe, confirming that the gene plays a role in selenium methylation. The effect of strain Hsa.28 population levels on freshwater DMSe and DMDSe emission was investigated. An increase in the size of the Hsa.28 population was found to enhance significantly the emission of methyl selenides by freshwater samples supplemented with sodium selenite or (methyl)selenocysteine. These data suggest that bTPMT can play a role in natural freshwater selenium methylation processes.  相似文献   
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