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Monographic data rely on specimens deposited in herbaria and museums, which have been thoroughly revised by experts. However, monographic data have been rarely used to map species richness at large scale, mainly because of the difficulties caused by spatially heterogeneous sampling effort. In this paper we estimate patterns of species richness and narrow endemism, based on monographic data of 4,055 Neotropical angiosperm species. We propose a geometric interpolation method to derive species ranges at a 1° grid resolution. To this we apply an inverse distance-weighted summation scheme to derive maps of species richness and endemism. In the latter we also adjust for heterogeneous sampling effort. Finally, we test the robustness of the interpolated species ranges and derived species richness by applying the same method but using a leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV). The derived map shows four distinct regions of elevated species richness: (1) Central America, (2) the Northern Andes, (3) Amazonia and (4) the Brazilian Atlantic coast (‘Mata Atlantica’). The region with the highest estimated species richness is Amazonia, with Central America following closely behind. Centers of narrow endemism are located over the entire Neotropics, several of them coinciding with regions of elevated species richness. Sampling effort has a minor influence on the interpolation of overall species richness, but it substantially influences the estimation of regions of narrow endemism. Thus, in order to improve maps of narrow endemism and resulting conservation efforts, more collection and identification activity is required.  相似文献   
The effects of protein-protein interactions and substrate binding on the structure of the active site of rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 LM2 have been analyzed by resonance Raman spectroscopy of the monomeric and oligomeric protein in solution. Also H2O2-dependent catalytic activities of the two states have been compared. The two vinyl substituents of the heme exhibit different orientations, as indicated by the frequencies and intensities of their stretching vibrations. One group lies in the plane of the heme and remains unchanged in the two states of cytochrome P-450 LM2, the other is tilted out of the plane. The tilting angle in oligomers was smaller than in monomers. These vinyl stretching modes together with some porphyrin modes, were found to be sensitive indicators of the quaternary structure and of substrate binding. In both the oligomer and the monomer, substrate binding causes changes of the relative intensities of some porphyrin modes and the vinyl stretching vibrations which may reflect modifications of the electronic transitions due to hydrophobic interactions between the bound substrate and the heme. In contrast to the monomeric cytochrome P-450 LM2, benzphetamine binding to the oligomers of this isozyme additionally produces a shift of the spin-state equilibrium. This indicates that in the oligomer the substrate-binding pocket is converted by protein-protein interaction to a structure that forces substrates to interfere with the sixth ligands, inducing an increase of the five-coordinated high-spin configuration. In the monomer the substrate-binding pocket can accommodate benzphetamine without affecting the spin state. Binding of imidazole to the monomeric and oligomeric cytochrome P-450 LM2 produces essentially the same resonance Raman spectra. Apparently the replacement of the native sixth ligand by imidazole disturbs the structure of the active site in such a way that it becomes insensitive to protein-protein interactions. H2O2-dependent N-demethylation of benzphetamine and aniline p-hydroxylation by cytochrome P-450 LM2 did not depend on its state of aggregation.  相似文献   
The gene encoding for bacterio-opsin (bop gene) from Halobacterium halobium has been introduced in a yeast expression vector. After transformation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, bacterio-opsin (BO) is expressed and was detected by antisera. The precursor protein of BO (pre-BO) is processed by cleavage of amino acids at the N-terminal end as in H. halobium. Addition of the chromophore, retinal, to the culture medium results in a slight purple colour of the yeast cells indicating the in vivo regeneration of BO to bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and its incorporation into membranes. Therefore, in contrast to the expression in E. coli, isolation of the membrane protein and reconstitution in lipid vesicles is not necessary for functional analysis. The kinetics of the ground state signal of the photocycle BR in protoplasts is demonstrated by flash spectroscopy and is comparable to that of the natural system. The present investigation shows for the first time the transfer of an energy converting protein from archaebacteria to eukaryotes by genetic techniques. This is a basis for further studies on membrane biogenesis, genetics, and bioenergetics by analysis of in vivo active mutants.  相似文献   
Filtration rate capacities in 6 species of European freshwater bivalves   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Summary Filtration rate capacities in undisturbed freshwater bivalves were determined by means of two different methods (indirect clearance and suction methods) in Anodonta anatina (L.), Unio tumidus Philipsson, Unio pictorum (L.), Unio crassus Philipsson, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) and Sphaerium corneum (L.). In A. anatina, D. polymorpha, and S. corneum the filtration rate (FR, 1 h-1) at 19–20°C as a function of dry tissue weight (DW, g) or ash-free dry weight (AFDW, g) could be expressed by the equations: 1.10 DW0.78, 6.82 DW0.88, and 2.14 AFDW0.92, respectively. In U. tumidus, U. pictorum, and U. crassus filtration rates were comparable with those of A. anatina. In D. polymorpha the b value of the corresponding regression of gill area on dry weight was 0.87. The rates of water transport in freshwater bivalves are 2–8 times lower than in marine bivalves of comparable size. A corresponding difference in the filtration rate per gill area unit is found. The measured filtration rates in undisturbed bivalves are substantially higher (at least 4 times) than previously reported. This indicates that the impact of bivalve water processing on freshwater ecosystems is greater than hitherto suggested.  相似文献   
High-resolution flow cytometry, using avian erythrocytes as an internal standard, was employed to study constitutive genome size variation of G2-phase nuclei of Physarum polycephalum strains during the macroplasmodial stage of their life cycle. Our results document a previously unknown extent of genome size variation and mixoploidy in this organism. The unimodal diploid strain Tu 291 displayed the largest genome of the strains tested; in contrast, the Colonia strain displayed only half of the Tu 291 G2-phase fluorescence, confirming its haploid nature. An additional strain, derived from a recent cross between Lu897 and Lu898 amoebae, must have arisen by selfing (propagation of only one of the parental genomes to the macroplasmodial stage), since its nuclei display close to the haploid G2-phase DNA content. The observation of a small fraction of corresponding diploid nuclei within the haploid population of this strain, while maintained as microplasmodia, supports the notion that meiosis in haploid strains may require the presence of diploid nuclei. Two of the descendants of the prototype haploid Colonia strain, which were kept for extended periods of time in submerse culture, proved to be near diploid and mixoploid. Polyploidization and subsequent loss of DNA thus seems to contribute to the extremes of genome size variation in Physarum. In addition to unimodal fluorescence distributions, a number of diploid strains displayed bi- and even trimodal distributions within harvests of a single G2-phase macroplasmodium. Analysis of these mixoploid strains by means of gaussian curve-fitting suggests that the smaller genome size differences in Physarum may arise in step-wise diminution of DNA in approximate units of 3-5% of the original Tu 291 genome.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive enzymatic assay for diadenosine 5′,5?-P1,P3-triphosphate (Ap3A) has been established on the basis of the coupled luminescence assay for diadenosine 5′,5?-P1,P3-tetraphosphate (A. Ogilvie (1981)Anal. Biochem.115, 302–307). Snake venom phosphodiesterase splits Ap3A into AMP plus ADP which can be measured in a luminescence reaction containing pyruvate kinase, phosphoenolpyruvate and luciferin-luciferase. The procedure is linear with Ap3A levels ranging from 0.1 to 2 pmol. The assay has been used to measure Ap3A in various eukaryotic cells after ion-exchange chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography of acidic extracts of the cells. The level of diadenosine triphosphate was higher in all instances than the level of diadenosine tetraphosphate. When growing in the abdominal cavity of mice, Ehrlich ascites tumor cells contained high amounts of Ap3A (0.1 nmol106cells), allowing direct optical determination in the HPLC chromatography. The quantitative measurement of Ap3A with the luminescence assay gave identical results. Ap3A extracted from Ehrlich cells was also chromatographed with authentic nucleotide in two thin-layer systems providing additional proof for the existence of Ap3A in biological material.  相似文献   
Summary Bacteriophages for three strains of A. tumefaciens were concentrated by ultracentrifugation, stained with 1% phosphotungstic acid (PTA), or 0.5% uranyl acetate, and examined with the electron microscope. Phage PT11 was a bacillary-shaped particle with a whip-like tail containing a knob at its distal end. Phage PIIBNV6 appeared to have an icosahedral head. The wide non-contractile tail terminated in a plate with pegs. Phage PIIBNV6-C was an icosahedral particle with a short, spike-like tail. Host cells of A. tumefaciens were encapsulated rods bearing polar or lateral flagella.Published with approval of the Director, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 53706.  相似文献   
The relationship between the source strength and the “manifest vector” in the Einthoven Triangle is derived for a line and a point dipole source and confirmed experimentally. The result permits the interpretation of the standard ECG leads in absolute terms and corrected for body size. The manifest vector is shown to be approximately times what it would be in an otherwise similar circular slab which circumscribes the triangle.  相似文献   
Abdominal distension (AD) occurs in pregnancy and is also commonly seen in patients with ascites from various causes. Because the abdomen forms part of the "chest wall," the purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of AD on ventilatory mechanics. Airway pressure, four (vertical) regional pleural pressures, and abdominal pressure were measured in five anesthetized, paralyzed, and ventilated upright pigs. The effects of AD on the lung and chest wall were studied by inflating a liquid-filled balloon placed in the abdominal cavity. Respiratory system, chest wall, and lung pressure-volume (PV) relationships were measured on deflation from total lung capacity to residual volume, as well as in the tidal breathing range, before and 15 min after abdominal pressure was raised. Increasing abdominal pressure from 3 to 15 cmH2O decreased total lung capacity and functional residual capacity by approximately 40% and shifted the respiratory system and chest wall PV curves downward and to the right. Much smaller downward shifts in lung deflation curves were seen, with no change in the transdiaphragmatic PV relationship. All regional pleural pressures increased (became less negative) and, in the dependent region, approached 0 cmH2O at functional residual capacity. Tidal compliances of the respiratory system, chest wall, and lung were decreased 43, 42, and 48%, respectively. AD markedly alters respiratory system mechanics primarily by "stiffening" the diaphragm/abdomen part of the chest wall and secondarily by restricting lung expansion, thus shifting the lung PV curve as seen after chest strapping. The less negative pleural pressures in the dependent lung regions suggest that nonuniformities of ventilation could also be accentuated and gas exchange impaired by AD.  相似文献   
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