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We present evidence for a dimorphic life cycle in the vacuolate sulfide-oxidizing bacteria that appears to involve the attachment of a spherical Thiomargarita-like cell to the exteriors of invertebrate integuments and other benthic substrates at methane seeps. The attached cell elongates to produce a stalk-like form before budding off spherical daughter cells resembling free-living Thiomargarita that are abundant in surrounding sulfidic seep sediments. The relationship between the attached parent cell and free-living daughter cell is reminiscent of the dimorphic life modes of the prosthecate Alphaproteobacteria, but on a grand scale, with individual elongate cells reaching nearly a millimeter in length. Abundant growth of attached Thiomargarita-like bacteria on the integuments of gastropods and other seep fauna provides not only a novel ecological niche for these giant bacteria, but also for animals that may benefit from epibiont colonization.  相似文献   
The levels of GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8 in genotypes Le, le and led of Pisum sativum L. were determined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM) after feeds of [3H, 13C]-GA20 to each genotype. The levels of endogenous and [13C]-labelled metabolites were determined by reverse isotope dilution with unlabelled GA1, 3-epiGA1 and GA8. The results demonstrate a quantitative relationship between the level of GA1 and the extent of elongation both on a per plant and a per g fresh weight basis. These results are consistent with previous findings in peas and other species possessing a predominant early 13-hydroxylation pathway for GA biosynthesis.
The levels of 3-epiGA1 also decreased in the genotypic sequence Le, le, led although not as rapidly as for the level of GA1. This may suggest that the alleles at the le locus also influence the formation of 3-epiGA1.  相似文献   
Steviol(ent-13-hydroxykaur-16-en-19-oic acid) is rapidly metabolised by the mutant B1-41a of Gibberellafujikuroi. The initial product is the ent- 7-α-hydroxy derivative which is then further metabolised to gibberellins A1, A18, A19, A20, 13-hydroxy GA12, the ent-6α, 7α, 13- and ent-6β, 7α, 13 (19,6-lactone)-trihydroxykaurenoic acids, and a seco-ring B diacid. This apparently low substrate specificity of the enzymes operative beyond the block in the mutant B1-41a provides a useful model for the biosynthetic pathways to 13-hydroxylated gibberellins of higher plants and a preparative route to these plant gibberellins.  相似文献   
Recent decades have seen a surge in awareness about insect pollinator declines. Social bees receive the most attention, but most flower-visiting species are lesser known, non-bee insects. Nocturnal flower visitors, e.g. moths, are especially difficult to observe and largely ignored in pollination studies. Clearly, achieving balanced monitoring of all pollinator taxa represents a major scientific challenge. Here, we use time-lapse cameras for season-wide, day-and-night pollinator surveillance of Trifolium pratense (L.; red clover) in an alpine grassland. We reveal the first evidence to suggest that moths, mainly Noctua pronuba (L.; large yellow underwing), pollinate this important wildflower and forage crop, providing 34% of visits (bumblebees: 61%). This is a remarkable finding; moths have received no recognition throughout a century of T. pratense pollinator research. We conclude that despite a non-negligible frequency and duration of nocturnal flower visits, nocturnal pollinators of T. pratense have been systematically overlooked. We further show how the relationship between visitation and seed set may only become clear after accounting for moth visits. As such, population trends in moths, as well as bees, could profoundly affect T. pratense seed yield. Ultimately, camera surveillance gives fair representation to non-bee pollinators and lays a foundation for automated monitoring of species interactions in future.  相似文献   
The processes that lead to the precipitation of authigenic calcium phosphate minerals in certain marine pore waters remain poorly understood. Phosphogenesis occurs in sediments beneath some oceanic upwelling zones that harbor polyphosphate‐accumulating bacteria. These bacteria are believed to concentrate phosphate in sediment pore waters, creating supersaturated conditions with respect to apatite precursors. However, the relationship between microbes and phosphorite formation is not fully resolved. To further study this association, we examined microbial community data generated from two sources: sediment cores recovered from the shelf of the Benguela upwelling region where phosphorites are currently forming, and DNA preserved within phosphoclasts recovered from a phosphorite deposit along the Benguela shelf. iTag and clone library sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene showed that many of our sediment‐hosted communities shared large numbers of phylotypes with one another, and that the same metabolic guilds were represented at localities across the shelf. Sulfate‐reducing bacteria and sulfur‐oxidizing bacteria were particularly abundant in our datasets, as were phylotypes that are known to carry out nitrification and the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium. The DNA extracted from phosphoclasts contained the signature of a distinct microbial community from those observed in the modern sediments. While some aspects of the modern and phosphoclast communities were similar, we observed both an enrichment of certain common microbial classes found in the modern phosphogenic sediments and a relative depletion of others. The phosphoclast‐associated DNA could represent a relict signature of one or more microbial assemblages that were present when the apatite or its precursors precipitated. While these taxa may or may not have contributed to the precipitation of the apatite that now hosts their genetic remains, several groups represented in the phosphoclast extract dataset have the genetic potential to metabolize polyphosphate, and perhaps modulate phosphate concentrations in pore waters where carbonate fluorapatite (or its precursors) are known to be precipitating.  相似文献   
Resuspension cultures of Gibberella fujikuroi, strain GF-1a, were shown to metabolise potassium [3′-13C] mevalonate to 13C-enriched C19-gibberellins, plus 13CO2 (derived from the loss of carbon-20). The formation of [13C]-gibberellins could be observed in vivo using 13C NMR; however that of 13CO2 could not. In contrast, removal of the mycelium and concentration of the filtrate at pH 12 enabled the 13CO2 produced to be observed using 13C NMR. During incubations of H14CO2Na with this fungus, complete conversion to other radioactive products was observed, and the significance of these results in the light of previous work is discussed.  相似文献   
Top-down effects of apex predators are modulated by human impacts on community composition and species abundances. Consequently, research supporting top-down effects of apex predators occurs almost entirely within protected areas rather than the multi-use landscapes dominating modern ecosystems. Here, we developed an integrated population model to disentangle the concurrent contributions of a reintroduced apex predator, the grey wolf, human hunting and prey abundances on vital rates and abundance of a subordinate apex predator, the puma. Increasing wolf numbers had strong negative effects on puma fecundity, and subadult and adult survival. Puma survival was also influenced by density dependence. Overall, puma dynamics in our multi-use landscape were more strongly influenced by top-down forces exhibited by a reintroduced apex predator, than by human hunting or bottom-up forces (prey abundance) subsidized by humans. Quantitatively, the average annual impact of human hunting on equilibrium puma abundance was equivalent to the effects of 20 wolves. Historically, wolves may have limited pumas across North America and dictated puma scarcity in systems lacking sufficient refugia to mitigate the effects of competition.  相似文献   
The relationship between surface electromyography (SEMG) amplitude and the ventilatory threshold has been extensively studied. However, previous studies of muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) are scarce and present insufficient evidence concerning the relationship between MFCV and metabolic responses during cycling. Based on that fact, the purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to investigate the existence of a MFCV threshold (MFCVT) during cycling and (2) to verify if this possible breakpoint is correlated with the ventilatory threshold (VT) and the SEMG threshold (SEMGT). Eight trained male cyclists (age 36.0 ± 9.7 years) performed an incremental cycling test with initial workload of 150 W gradually incremented by 20 W min?1 until the exhaustion. Gas analyses were conducted using a breath-by-breath open-circuit spirometry and SEMG were registered from vastus lateralis in each pedaling cycle with a linear array of electrodes. A bi-segmental linear regression computer algorithm was used to estimate VT, MFCVT and SEMGT respectively in the carbon dioxide production (VCO2), MFCV and electromyography root mean square (EMG RMS) curves. The one way ANOVA for repeated measures did not reveal any significant difference among VT (77.1 ± 7.5% of VO2max), MFCVT (80.3 ± 10.4% of VO2max) and SEMGT (81.9 ± 11.7% of VO2max). The Bland and Altman procedure confirmed a good concordance between SEMGT and VT (Bias = 5.5 of %VO2max) as well as MFCVT and VT (Bias = 5.2 of %VO2max). The present findings suggest that muscle fiber conduction velocity threshold is a valid and reliable non-invasive tool to obtain information about ventilatory threshold in trained cyclists.  相似文献   
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