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Evolution of parasite traits is inextricably linked to their hosts. For instance one common definition of parasite virulence is the reduction in host fitness due to infection. Thus, traits of infection must be viewed in both protagonists and may be under shared genetic and physiological control. We investigated these questions on the oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsis (= parasitica), a natural pathogen of the Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   
The response regulator AlgR is required for both alginate biosynthesis and type IV fimbria-mediated twitching motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this study, the roles of AlgR signal transduction and phosphorylation in twitching motility and biofilm formation were examined. The predicted phosphorylation site of AlgR (aspartate 54) and a second aspartate (aspartate 85) in the receiver domain of AlgR were mutated to asparagine, and mutant algR alleles were introduced into the chromosome of P. aeruginosa strains PAK and PAO1. Assays of these mutants demonstrated that aspartate 54 but not aspartate 85 of AlgR is required for twitching motility and biofilm initiation. However, strains expressing AlgR D85N were found to be hyperfimbriate, indicating that both aspartate 54 and aspartate 85 are involved in fimbrial biogenesis and function. algD mutants were observed to have wild-type twitching motility, indicating that AlgR control of twitching motility is not mediated via its role in the control of alginate biosynthesis. In vitro phosphorylation assays showed that AlgR D54N is not phosphorylated by the enteric histidine kinase CheA. These findings indicate that phosphorylation of AlgR most likely occurs at aspartate 54 and that aspartate 54 and aspartate 85 of AlgR are required for the control of the molecular events governing fimbrial biogenesis, twitching motility, and biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   
Gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells remains best practice for introducing complex mutations into the mouse germline. One aspect in this multistep process that has not been streamlined with regard to the logistics and ethics of mouse breeding is the efficiency of germline transmission: the transmission of the ES cell‐derived genome through the germline of chimeras to their offspring. A method whereby male chimeras transmit exclusively the genome of the injected ES cells to their offspring has been developed. The new technology, referred to as goGermline, entails injecting ES cells into blastocysts produced by superovulated homozygous Tsc22d3 floxed females mated with homozygous ROSA26‐Cre males. This cross produces males that are sterile due to a complete cell‐autonomous defect in spermatogenesis. The resulting male chimeras can be sterile but when fertile, they transmit the ES cell‐derived genome to 100% of their offspring. The method was validated extensively and in two laboratories for gene‐targeted ES clones that were derived from the commonly used parental ES cell lines Bruce4, E14, and JM8A3. The complete elimination of the collateral birth of undesired, non‐ES cell‐derived offspring in goGermline technology fulfills the reduction imperative of the 3R principle of humane experimental technique with animals. genesis 54:326–333, 2016. © 2016 The Authors. Genesis Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Gap junction structures were assembled in vitro from octyl-β- -glucopyranoside-solubilized components of lens fiber cell membranes. Individual pore structures (connexons), short double-membrane structures, and other amorphous material were evident in the solubilized mixture. Following the removal of the detergent by dialysis, these connexons associated to form single- and double-layered, two-dimensional hexagonal arrays (unit cell size a = B = 8.5 nm). The formation of larger arrays was dependent on the lipid-to-protein ratio and the presence of Mg2+ ions. Crystallographic analysis of electron micrographs revealed that lens junctional connexons consisted of six subunits surrounding a stain-filled channel. Upon further detergent treatment, in vitro assembled gap junctions were insoluble and formed three-dimensional stacks while other components were solubilized. SDS-PAGE and mass data from scanning transmission electron microscopy strongly suggest that a 38-kDa polypeptide, which is a processed form of the lens specific gap junction protein MP70, is a major component of the arrays. The in vitro assembly of gap junctions opens new avenues for the structural analysis of gap junctions and for the study of the intermolecular interactions of connexons during junctional assembly.  相似文献   
Although Bergmann’s rule – stating that among closely related species, the bigger ones will inhabit the colder climates/higher latitudes – was formulated for inter‐specific comparisons, most analyses that tested this pattern in mammals were on an intra‐specific level. To date, no large‐scale taxonomy‐driven cross‐species evaluation of the pattern predicted by Bergmann exists. Here we show, in a dataset comprising 3561 mammal species from 26 orders, that while there is no significant correlation between latitude and body mass using conventional methods, this correlation is highly significant when the phylogenetic structure of the dataset is accounted for, thus supporting Bergmann’s claim that the rule only applies to closely related species. Analyses of different subsets indicate that the Bergmann’s rule is evident across a variety of latitude ranges. In many taxonomic subsets, when analysed alone, there is no significant correlation between body mass and latitude. In combination with both the significant relationship in the overall dataset and with results of intra‐specific analyses from the literature, this suggests that Bergmann’s rule describes a fundamental principle within mammals, but that its expression has been modified by a variety of factors during mammalian diversification yet to be resolved.  相似文献   


It is well known that many anurans do not reproduce easily in captivity. Some methods are based on administration of mammalian hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin, which are not effective in many frogs. There is a need for simple, cost-effective alternative techniques to induce spawning.  相似文献   
Predominantly outcrossing plant species are expected to accumulate recessive deleterious mutations, which can be purged when in a homozygous state following selfing. Individuals may vary in their genetic load because of different selfing histories, which could lead to differences in inbreeding depression among families. Lineage-dependent inbreeding depression can appear in gynodioecious species if obligatory outcrossed females are more likely to produce female offspring and if partially selfing hermaphrodites are more likely to produce hermaphrodites. We investigated inbreeding depression at the zygote, seed, and germination stages in the gynomonoecious-gynodioecious Dianthus sylvestris, including pure-sexed plants and a mixed morph. We performed hand-pollinations on 56 plants, belonging to the three morphs, each receiving 2-3 cross treatments (out-, sib- and self-pollination) on multiple flowers. Effects of cross treatments varied among stages and influenced seed provisioning, with sibling competition mainly occurring within outcrossed fruits. We found significant inbreeding depression for seed mass and germination and cumulative early inbreeding depression varied greatly among families. Among sex morphs, we found that females and hermaphrodites differed in biparental inbreeding depression, whereas uniparental was similar for all. Significant inbreeding depression levels may play a role in female maintenance in this species, and individual variation in association with sex-lineages proclivity is discussed.  相似文献   
Pollen accumulation rates and their relationship to stigma morphology and pollinator visitation behavior were compared between female and hermaphrodite sex morphs of the alpine plant Silene acaulis var. subacaulescens (Caryophyllaceae). Although stigmas of female and perfect flowers collected comparable pollen loads, stigmas of female flowers became receptive earlier in anthesis and therefore recruited a larger number of pollen tubes. Together with early receptivity young female flowers had a larger stigmatic area with longer papillae than did perfect flowers. Pollinator behavior also differed between morphs, with bumble bees spending more time probing female than perfect flowers. Differences in stigma receptivity schedules of female and perfect flowers have consequences for different opportunities for sexual selection in the two sex morphs. Female flowers, by providing a more effective gametophytic screen, have the potential to produce higher quality offspring. This is proposed as a further compensatory advantage maintaining females, with a single fitness function, in populations containing hermaphrodites which have both male and female fitness functions.  相似文献   
We describe a Xenopus P2Y receptor that shares only weak homology with members of the mammalian P2Y family, being most similar to human P2Y(11). When activated by nucleotide analogs, it stimulates both calcium and cAMP mobilization pathways, a feature unique, among mammalian P2Y receptors, to P2Y(11). Activity can be blocked by compounds known to act as antagonists of mammalian P2Y(11). Genomic synteny between Xenopus and mammals suggests that the novel gene is a true ortholog of P2Y(11). Xenopus P2Y(11) is transcribed during embryonic development, beginning at gastrulation, and is enriched in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   
Membrane glycoconjugates on the Leishmania parasites, notably leishmanolysin and lipophosphoglycan, have been implicated in attachment and invasion of host macrophages. However, the function of parasite surface Ag 2 (PSA-2) and membrane proteophosphoglycan (PPG) has not been elucidated. In this study we demonstrate that native and recombinant Leishmania infantum PSA-2, which consists predominantly of 15 leucine-rich repeats (LRR) and a recombinant LRR domain derived from L. major PPG, bind to macrophages. The interaction is restricted to macrophages and appears to be calcium independent. We have investigated the PSA-2-macrophage interaction to identify the host receptor involved in binding and we show that binding of PSA-2 to macrophages can be blocked by Abs to the complement receptor 3 (CR3, Mac-1). Data derived from mouse macrophage studies were further confirmed using cell lines expressing human CR3, and showed that PSA-2 also binds to the human receptor. This is the first demonstration of a functional role for PSA-2. Our data indicate that in addition to leishmanolysin and lipophosphoglycan, parasite attachment and invasion of macrophages involve a third ligand comprising the LRRs shared by PSA-2 and PPG and that these interactions occur via the CR3.  相似文献   
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