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A critical factor in clinical development of cancer immunotherapies is the identification of tumor-associated antigens that may be related to immunotherapy potency. In this study, protein microarrays containing >8,000 human proteins were screened with serum from prostate cancer patients (N = 13) before and after treatment with a granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-secreting whole cell immunotherapy. Thirty-three proteins were identified that displayed significantly elevated (P ≤ 0.05) signals in post-treatment samples, including three proteins that have previously been associated with prostate carcinogenesis, galectin-8, T-cell alternative reading frame protein (TARP) and TNF-receptor-associated protein 1 (TRAP1). Expanded analysis of antibody induction in metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients (N = 92) from two phase 1/2 trials of prostate cancer immunotherapy, G-9803 and G-0010, indicated a significant (P = 0.03) association of TARP antibody induction and median survival time (MST). Antibody induction to TARP was also significantly correlated (P = 0.036) with an increase in prostate-specific antigen doubling time (PSADT) in patients with a biochemical (PSA) recurrence following prostatectomy or radiation therapy (N = 19) from in a previous phase 1/2 trial of prostate cancer immunotherapy, G-9802. RNA and protein encoding TARP and TRAP1 was up-regulated in prostate cancer tissue compared to matched normal controls. These preliminary findings suggest that antibody induction to TARP may represent a possible biomarker for treatment response to GM-CSF secreting cellular immunotherapy in prostate cancer patients and demonstrates the utility of using protein microarrays for the high-throughput screening of patient-derived antibody responses.  相似文献   
Illicit trade carries the potential to magnify existing tobacco-related health care costs through increased availability of untaxed and inexpensive cigarettes. What is known with respect to the magnitude of illicit trade for Vietnam is produced primarily by the industry, and methodologies are typically opaque. Independent assessment of the illicit cigarette trade in Vietnam is vital to tobacco control policy. This paper measures the magnitude of illicit cigarette trade for Vietnam between 1998 and 2010 using two methods, discrepancies between legitimate domestic cigarette sales and domestic tobacco consumption estimated from surveys, and trade discrepancies as recorded by Vietnam and trade partners. The results indicate that Vietnam likely experienced net smuggling in during the period studied. With the inclusion of adjustments for survey respondent under-reporting, inward illicit trade likely occurred in three of the four years for which surveys were available. Discrepancies in trade records indicate that the value of smuggled cigarettes into Vietnam ranges from $100 million to $300 million between 2000 and 2010 and that these cigarettes primarily originate in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia, and Australia. Notable differences in trends over time exist between the two methods, but by comparison, the industry estimates consistently place the magnitude of illicit trade at the upper bounds of what this study shows. The unavailability of annual, survey-based estimates of consumption may obscure the true, annual trend over time. Second, as surveys changed over time, estimates relying on them may be inconsistent with one another. Finally, these two methods measure different components of illicit trade, specifically consumption of illicit cigarettes regardless of origin and smuggling of cigarettes into a particular market. However, absent a gold standard, comparisons of different approaches to illicit trade measurement serve efforts to refine and improve measurement approaches and estimates.  相似文献   
The neuropeptide thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) is capable of influencing both neuronal mechanisms in the brain and the activity of the pituitary-thyroid endocrine axis. By the use of immunocytochemical techniques, first the ultrastructural features of TRH-immunoreactive (IR) perikarya and neuronal processes were studied, and then the relationship between TRH-IR neuronal elements and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) or phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)-IR catecholaminergic axons was analyzed in the parvocellular subnuclei of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). In control animals, only TRH-IR axons were detected and some of them seemed to follow the contour of immunonegative neurons. Colchicine treatment resulted in the appearance of TRH-IR material in parvocellular neurons of the PVN. At the ultrastructural level, immunolabel was associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and neurosecretory granules. Non-labelled axons formed synaptic specializations with both dendrites and perikarya of the TRH-synthesizing neurons. TRH-IR axons located in the parvocellular units of the PVN exhibited numerous intensely labelled dense-core and fewer small electron lucent vesicles. These axons were frequently observed to terminate on parvocellular neurons, forming both bouton- and en passant-type connections. The simultaneous light microscopic localization of DBH or PNMT-IR axons and TRH-synthesizing neurons demonstrated that catecholaminergic fibers established contacts with the dendrites and cell bodies of TRH-IR neurons. Ultrastructural analysis revealed the formation of asymmetric axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synaptic specializations between PNMT-immunopositive, adrenergic axons and TRH-IR neurons in the periventricular and medial parvocellular subnuclei of the PVN. These morphological data indicate that the hypophysiotrophic, thyrotropin releasing hormone synthesizing neurons of the PVN are directly influenced by the central epinephrine system and that TRH may act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator upon other paraventricular neurons.  相似文献   
Functional rarefaction: estimating functional diversity from field data   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Studies in biodiversity-ecosystem function and conservation biology have led to the development of diversity indices that take species' functional differences into account. We identify two broad classes of indices: those that monotonically increase with species richness (MSR indices) and those that weight the contribution of each species by abundance or occurrence (weighted indices). We argue that weighted indices are easier to estimate without bias but tend to ignore information provided by rare species. Conversely, MSR indices fully incorporate information provided by rare species but are nearly always underestimated when communities are not exhaustively surveyed. This is because of the well-studied fact that additional sampling of a community may reveal previously undiscovered species. We use the rarefaction technique from species richness studies to address sample-size-induced bias when estimating functional diversity indices. Rarefaction transforms any given MSR index into a family of unbiased weighted indices, each with a different level of sensitivity to rare species. Thus rarefaction simultaneously solves the problem of bias and the problem of sensitivity to rare species. We present formulae and algorithms for conducting a functional rarefaction analysis of the two most widely cited MSR indices: functional attribute diversity (FAD) and Petchey and Gaston's functional diversity (FD). These formulae also demonstrate a relationship between three seemingly unrelated functional diversity indices: FAD, FD and Rao's quadratic entropy. Statistical theory is also provided in order to prove that all desirable statistical properties of species richness rarefaction are preserved for functional rarefaction.  相似文献   
The probability that protected areas will deliver their potential for maintaining or enhancing biodiversity is likely to be maximised if they are appropriately and effectively managed. As a result, governments and conservation agencies are devoting much attention to the management of protected areas. In the U.K., the demand for performance accountability has resulted in Public Service Agreements (PSA) that set out targets for government departments to deliver results in return for investments being made. One such target for England is to ensure that all nationally important wildlife sites are in favourable condition by 2010. Here, we tested the hypothesis, of potential strategic importance, that the ecological condition of these sites is predictable from relationships with a range of physical, environmental and demographic variables. We used binary logistic regression to investigate these relationships, using the results of English Nature’s 1997–2003 condition assessment exercise. Generally, sites in unfavourable condition tend to be larger in area, located at higher elevations, but with higher human population density and are more spatially isolated from units of the same habitat. However, despite the range of different parameters included in our models, the extent to which the condition of any given site could be predicted was low. Our results have implications for the delivery of PSA targets, funding allocation, and the location of new protected areas.  相似文献   
Germ cell degeneration during spermatocytogenesis and meiosis was investigated to explain the age-related decline in daily sperm production (DSP). Numbers of Types A-dark, A-pale, and B-spermatogonia, potential daily sperm production per g parenchyma (PDSP) based on type B-spermatogonia, early primary spermatocytes, and late primary spermatocytes, and DSP per g based on early spermatids were determined in 15 men aged 20 to 48 yr (mean +/- SEM, 33 +/- 2 yr) and 15 men aged 52 to 90 yr (65 +/- 3 yr). Testes obtained within 15 h of death (largely due to trauma or heart failure) were perfused vascularly with glutaraldehyde. The number of each cell type per g parenchyma was calculated as the product of the percentage of nuclei in the parenchyma times a correction factor for section thickness and nuclear diameter divided by the volume of a single nucleus of that cell type. Paired testicular weight was lower (p less than 0.01) in older men (33 +/- 3 g) than in the younger men (49 +/- 3 g). Younger and older men had similar numbers of A-dark, A-pale, and B-spermatogonia per g parenchyma. PDSP based on late primary spermatocytes and DSP based on early spermatids were lower (p less than 0.01) in older men than in younger men. In younger men, PDSP was similar (p greater than 0.05) between B-spermatogonia and late primary spermatocytes, whereas DSP measured at the spermatid level was abruptly lower than that estimated from younger cell types. Older men showed reduction in PDSP between early and late primary spermatocytes, with further reduction occurring in DSP at the spermatid level.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
1. Two methods of assessing gastric digestion rates of three prey types fed to Sooty albatrosses Phoebetria fusca were compared: removal of stomach contents, using a water-flushing stomach pump (a technique used commonly in diet studies), and inspection using a fibre-optic gastroscope (a previously unused technique). 2. The stomach pump yielded quantitative information, but proved stressful and resulted in incomplete recovery of meals ingested 3-6 hr before pumping. Gastric morphology of the animals studied and digestion state of their stomach contents may influence the effectiveness of this technique. 3. Inspection using the gastroscope yielded qualitative information only but permitted serial inspection of the same animal, and was less stressful than the stomach pump. Times for total evacuation of the stomach were 6-12 hr less when estimated using the gastroscope than when using the stomach pump. 4. The specifications of endoscopes relevant to their use by biologists are given. 5. Previous non-medical biological uses of endoscopes are given. Potential uses include underwater observations, sampling of digestive juices and stomach linings for enzyme analyses, observations of ingested prey, and assessment of parasite infestation.  相似文献   
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