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Seven untrained male subjects participated in a double-blind, crossover study conducted to determine the efficacy of different carbohydrate drinks in promoting carbohydrate storage in the whole body and skeletal muscle during recovery from exhaustive exercise. The postabsorptive subjects first completed an exercise protocol designed to deplete muscle fibers of glycogen, then consumed 330 ml of one of three carbohydrate drinks (18.5% glucose polymer, 18.5% sucrose, or 12% sucrose; wt/vol) and also received a primed constant infusion of [1-(13)C]glucose for 2 h. Nonoxidative glucose disposal (3.51 +/- 0.28, 18.5% glucose polymer; 2.96 +/- 0.32, 18.5% sucrose; 2.97 +/- 0.16, 12% sucrose; all mmol. kg(-1). h(-1)) and storage of muscle glycogen (5.31 +/- 1.11, 18.5% glucose polymer; 4.07 +/- 1.05, 18.5% sucrose; 3.45 +/- 0.85, 12% sucrose; all mmol. kg wet wt(-1). h(-1); P < 0.05) were greater after consumption of the glucose polymer drink than after either sucrose drink. The results suggest that the consumption of a glucose polymer drink (containing 61 g carbohydrate) promotes a more rapid storage of carbohydrate in the whole body, skeletal muscle in particular, than an isoenergetic sucrose drink.  相似文献   
Stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to study the reaction of human alpha-thrombin with recombinant hirudin variant 1 (rhir) at 37 degrees C and an ionic strength of 0.125 M. A 35% enhancement in intrinsic fluorescence accompanied formation of the thrombin-rhir complex. Over one third of this enhancement corresponded to a structural change that could be induced by binding of either the NH2-terminal fragment (residues 1-51) or the COOH-terminal fragment (residues 52-65) of rhir. Three kinetic steps were detected for reaction of thrombin with rhir. At high rhir concentrations (greater than or equal to 3 microM), two intramolecular steps with observed rate constants of 296 +/- 5 s-1 and 50 +/- 1 s-1 were observed. By using the COOH-terminal fragment of rhir as a competitive inhibitor, it was possible to obtain an estimate of 2.9 x 10(8) M-1 s-1 for the effective association rate constant at low rhir concentrations. At higher ionic strengths, this rate constant was lower, which is consistent with the formation of the initial complex involving an ionic interaction. The mechanism for the reaction of both the COOH- and NH2-terminal fragments of rhir appeared to involve two steps. When thrombin was reacted with the COOH-terminal fragment at high concentrations (greater than or equal to 6 microM), the bimolecular step occurred within the dead time of the spectrometer and only one intramolecular step, with a rate constant of 308 +/- 5 s-1 was observed. At concentrations of NH2-terminal fragment below 50 microM, its binding to thrombin appeared to be a bimolecular reaction with an association rate constant of 8.3 x 10(5) M-1 s-1. In the presence of saturating concentrations of the COOH-terminal fragment, a 1.7-fold increase in this rate constant was observed. At concentrations of NH2-terminal fragment greater than 50 microM, biphasic reaction traces were observed which suggests a two-step mechanism. By comparing the reaction amplitudes and dissociation constants observed with rhir and its COOH-terminal fragment, it was possible to obtain approximate estimates for the values of the rate constants of different steps in the formation of the rhir-thrombin complex.  相似文献   
Effects of chilling on tomato fruit texture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of chilling on tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Caruso) texture were investigated using fruit stored at 22°C (nonchilled) or 5°C (chilled) for 28 days. or at 5°C for 15 days before transfer to 22°C to facilitate ripening during and additional 13 days (prechilled). Prechilled fruit exhibited symptoms of slight chilling injury, i.e. development of mealiness, accelerated softening relative to that of nonchilled fruit and nonuniform surface colour development. The firmness of all fruit decreased during ripening and chilled storage when measured by flat plate compression and puncture, especially during the early stages of ripening of nonchilled and prechilled fruit. The compression firmness of pericarp tissue similarly decreased during ripening of nonchilled and prechilled fruit, but was maintained during chilling. Total moisture content (ca 94%) of tissue, uronide content (32-35% w/w) and extracted β-galactosidase activity did not differ significantly ( P > 0.05) among fruit during ripening and chilled storage. The degree of uronide methyl esterification in ethanol-insoluble solids prepared from pericarp tissue (EIS) was relatively low for all fruit. i.e. <40%. EIS from which greater levels of pectinesterase were extracted (i.e. nonchilled>chilled>prechilled) exhibited decreased levels of uronide methyl esterification. Markedly elevated levels of β-glucosidase activity were extracted from prechilled EIS. Total polygalacturonase activity (mainly as PGI) and autolysis of enzyme-extracted EIS were inversely correlated ( P ≤ 0.05) only with the loss of nonchilled fruit and tissue firmness and prechilled fruit firmness. Results suggest a possible role for β-glucosidase in textural changes of prechilled fruit and tissue (e.g. loss of firmness, development of mealiness) and also implicate loss of skin strength in the softening of whole fruit during chilling.  相似文献   
We evaluated the status of 16 of 22 recognized Sri Lankan Cnemaspis Strauch species, and flagged overlooked diversity with two mitochondrial (cyt b & ND2) and two nuclear markers (RAG1 & PDC) totalling 2829 base pairs. A fossil-calibrated timetree and sampling of other South Asian Cnemaspis provide insights into the diversification of the genus in peninsular India and Sri Lanka. Phylogenetic analyses consistently inferred two broad clades within South Asian Cnemaspis, with Sri Lankan species in two clades, which we call the podihuna and kandiana clades. Each Sri Lankan clade as a whole is sister to Indian taxa and nested within Indian lineages. Cnemaspis modigliani Das from Indonesia is a member of the kandiana clade. This suggests a minimum of two dispersal events between India and Sri Lanka and one between Sri Lanka/India and South-east Asia. South Asian Cnemaspis date back to at least the Eocene, in Sri Lanka to the early Miocene, with late Miocene diversification in the kandiana clade. All but one of the named species we sampled is likely to be valid, and 10 divergent unnamed lineages may warrant specific recognition. A resolution of Sri Lankan Cnemaspis taxonomy will require thorough sampling and the use of both morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   
We investigated the degradation of angiotensin I (Ang I) by guinea pig aqueous humor at physiological pH (pH 7.4) and assessed the activity of responsible enzymes using various enzyme inhibitors. The aqueous humor was incubated with Ang I in the presence or absence of an enzyme inhibitor at 37 degrees C for the appropriate time period. The resulting peptides were analyzed by a Beckman HPLC system with a Waters microBondapak C18 analytical column using a 30-min increasing linear gradient of 10 to 40% acetonitrile containing 0.05% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and H2O containing 0.05% TFA at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Detection was done by absorbance at 214 nm. Angiotensin II (Ang II) was a major product (39.3+/-4.10 nmol x h(-1) mL(-1), n = 5) of Ang I hydrolysis. Traces of angiotensin 1-9, angiotensin IV, and angiotensin 1-7 were also produced. Chymostatin (0.05 mmol/L), EDTA (1 mmol/L), enalaprilat (0.1 mmol/L), and ebelacton B (0.01 mmol/L) inhibited generation of Ang II from Ang I by guinea pig aqueous humor by 89+/-4.6, 56+/-7.6, 33+/-5.1, 20+/-6.5%, respectively. Our findings indicate that guinea pig aqueous humor contains several enzymes that can form Ang II. The chymostatin-sensitive type of enzyme was the most active one found in guinea pig aqueous humor. Angiotensin I converting enzyme, carboxypeptidase A, and deamidase may also contribute to angiotensin II formation in guinea pig ocular fluid.  相似文献   
We investigated the genotoxicity of middle distillate jet fuel, Jet Propulsion 8 (JP-8), on H4IIE rat hepatoma cells in vitro. DNA damage was evaluated using the comet (single cell gel electrophoresis) assay. Cells were exposed for 4h to JP-8 (solubilized in ethanol (EtOH) at 0.1% (v/v)) to concentrations ranging from 1 to 20microg/ml. Exposure to JP-8 resulted in an overall increase in mean comet tail moments ranging from 0.74+/-0.065 (0.1% EtOH control) to 3.13+/-0.018,4.36+/-0.32,5.40+/-0.29,7.70+/-0.52 and 11.23+/-0.77 for JP-8 concentrations 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20microg/ml, respectively. Addition of DNA repair inhibitors hydroxyurea (HU) and cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) to cell culture with JP-8 resulted in accumulation of DNA damage strand breaks and increase in comet tail length. Inclusion of 4mM HU and 40microM Ara-C with 3, 5, 10 and 20microg/ml JP-8 concentrations resulted in increased mean tail moments to 5.94+/-0.43,10.12+/-0.72,17.03+/-0.96,and29.25+/-1.55. JP-8, in the concentrations used in this study, did not result in cytotoxicity or significant apoptosis, as measured using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TDT)-mediated dUTP-X nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay. These results demonstrate that relevant exposures to JP-8 result in DNA damage to H4IIE cells, and suggest that DNA repair is involved in mitigating these effects.  相似文献   
The segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain into rhombomeres is highly conserved, but how early hindbrain patterning is established is not well understood. We show that rhombomere 4 (r4) functions as an early-differentiating signaling center in the zebrafish hindbrain. Time-lapse analyses of zebrafish hindbrain development show that r4 forms first and hindbrain neuronal differentiation occurs first in r4. Two signaling molecules, FGF3 and FGF8, which are both expressed early in r4, are together required for the development of rhombomeres adjacent to r4, particularly r5 and r6. Transplantation of r4 cells can induce expression of r5/r6 markers, as can misexpression of either FGF3 or FGF8. Genetic mosaic analyses also support a role for FGF signaling acting from r4. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a crucial role for FGF-mediated inter-rhombomere signaling in promoting early hindbrain patterning and underscore the significance of organizing centers in patterning the vertebrate neural plate.  相似文献   
Active cyclin B1-Cdk1 first appears on centrosomes in prophase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyclin B1-Cdk1 is the key initiator of mitosis, but when and where activation occurs has not been precisely determined in mammalian cells. Activation may occur in the nucleus or cytoplasm, as just before nuclear envelope breakdown, Polo-like kinase1 (Plk1) is proposed to phosphorylate cyclin B1 in its nuclear export sequence (NES), to trigger rapid nuclear import. We raised phospho-specific antibodies against cyclin B1 that primarily recognise the active form of the complex. We show that cyclin B1 is initially phosphorylated on centrosomes in prophase and that Plk1 phosphorylates cyclin B1, but not in the NES. Furthermore, phosphorylation by Plk1 does not cause cyclin B1 to move into the nucleus. We conclude that cyclin B1-Cdk1 is first activated in the cytoplasm and that centrosomes may function as sites of integration for the proteins that trigger mitosis.  相似文献   
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