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The present study was conducted to assess in rats the effects of oral aluminum (Al) exposure on calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) accumulation and urinary excretion. Three groups of plug-positive Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were given by gavage 0, 200, and 400 mg/kg/d of Al(OH)3 on gestational days 1–20. Three groups of nonpregnant female SD rats of the same age received Al(OH)3 by gavage at the same doses for 20 consecutive days. At the end of the treatment period, 24-h urine samples were collected for analysis of Al and essential elements. Subsequently, all animals were sacrificed and samples of liver, bone, spleen, kidneys, and brain were removed for metal analyses. With some exceptions, the urinary amounts of Al, Mn, and Cu excreted by pregnant animals as well as the urinary levels of Al excreted by nonpregnant rats were higher in the Al-treated groups than in the respective control groups. Although higher Al levels were found in the liver of pregnant rats, the concentrations of Al in the brain of these animals were lower than those found in the same tissues of nonpregnant rats. With regard to the essential elements, tissue accumulation was most affected in pregnant than in nonpregnant animals. In pregnant rats, the hepatic and renal concentrations of Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn, and Fe, as well as the levels of Ca in bone, and the concentrations of Cu in brain were significantly higher in the Al-exposed groups than in the control group. According to the current results, oral Al exposure during pregnancy can produce significant changes in the tissue distribution of a number of essential elements.  相似文献   
Hypoxia is a naturally occurring environmental challenge for embryonic reptiles, and this is the first study to investigate the impact of chronic hypoxia on the in ovo development of autonomic cardiovascular regulation and circulating catecholamine levels in a reptile. We measured heart rate (f(H)) and chorioallantoic arterial blood pressure (MAP) in normoxic ('N21') and hypoxic-incubated ('H10'; 10% O(2)) American alligator embryos (Alligator mississippiensis) at 70, 80 and 90% of development. Embryonic alligator responses to adrenergic blockade with propranolol and phentolamine were very similar to previously reported responses of embryonic chicken, and demonstrated that embryonic alligator has α and β-adrenergic tone over the final third of development. However, adrenergic tone originates entirely from circulating catecholamines and is not altered by chronic hypoxic incubation, as neither cholinergic blockade with atropine nor ganglionic blockade with hexamethonium altered baseline cardiovascular variables in N21 or H10 embryos. In addition, both atropine and hexamethonium injection did not alter the generally depressive effects of acute hypoxia - bradycardia and hypotension. However, H10 embryos showed significantly higher levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline at 70% of development, as well as higher noradrenaline at 80% of development, suggesting that circulating catecholamines reach maximal levels earlier in incubation for H10 embryos, compared to N21 embryos. Chronically elevated levels of catecholamines may alter the normal balance between α and β-adrenoreceptors in H10 alligator embryos, causing chronic bradycardia and hypotension of H10 embryos measured in normoxia.  相似文献   
The maximum values for heart rate ( f H), stroke volume ( V H), cardiac output ( Q ) and myocardial power output, measured in vitro with a perfused heart preparation, as well as the isometric force-frequency relationship for atrial and ventricular muscle strips, in triploid brown trout Salmo trutta were all comparable with established information for diploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . Therefore, it was concluded that triploidy is not associated with a major deficiency in maximum cardiac performance. However, a heightened sensitivity to ryanodine was discovered, which indicated an enhanced role for the sarcoplasmic reticulum in excitation-contraction coupling in these triploid fish. It is suspected that the enhanced role of the ryanodine receptor may be a cellular compensation related to larger cardiac myocytes. It was also clearly established that there was a plateau in maximum cardiac performance between 14 and 18° C and this plateau might be a contributing factor to the reduced factorial aerobic scope and increased fish mortality observed at 18° C.  相似文献   
We analyzed the pattern of distribution and the effect of moltingon the escape behavior of feather mites on the wing feathersduring the nonmolting and molting season of the barn swallowHirundo rustica. Feather mites showed consistent preferencefor the second outermost primary, with a steady decrease inproximal distance and avoidance of the outermost primary. Severalexplanations are suggested to explain this unusual distribution.Further, analyzing the escape behavior of feather mites on moltingprimaries, we show that mites avoid the feathers destined tobe dropped next on molting barn swallows, and in the case ofthe outermost primary, mites use the "last moment" strategy,namely, leaving feathers shortly before it is dropped. Next,we performed an experiment in which we simulated shedding feathersor feathers about to be shed on nonmolting barn swallows, inorder to test cues used by feather mites in avoiding moltingprimaries. Both the vibration of the incised feather and thegap of the pulled feather induced mites to leave primaries situateddistally, at two-feathers distance from the manipulated primary,related to the control group. Our results show that feathermites have the ability to perceive the signal produced by thefeather that will drop next and by the gap of the missing feather.It remains to be demonstrated, whether feather mites have theability to perceive the vibration of the feather per se or theyperceive the altered airflow caused by the vibrating feathers.  相似文献   
In this study, we have analyzed the consequences, on several neuroblastoma cell lines, of combined treatments with (R)-roscovitine (CYC202, Seliciclib), a CDK inhibitory drug, and nutlin-3, a p53 activating drug. Both compounds were found to synergize, causing significant levels of apoptosis in cultured cells when combined at sublethal concentrations. In SH-SY5Y cells, Bcl-XL protein overexpression protected from apoptosis induced by either nutlin-3 alone or the (R)-roscovitine plus nutlin-3 association but failed to prevent apoptosis triggered by (R)-roscovitine alone. Moreover, Western blot studies showed that (R)-roscovitine increased nutlin-3-mediated p53 stabilization. Therefore, we conclude the contribution of (R)-roscovitine to the synergism is basically the sensitization of SH-SY5Y cells to the action of nutlin-3 on p53. The relevance of this pharmacological synergism with respect to the treatment of neuroblastoma is discussed.  相似文献   
Renewed interest in the use of the embryonic chicken as a model of perinatal cardiovascular regulation has inspired new questions about the control mechanisms that respond to acute perturbations, such as hypoxia. The objectives of this study were to determine the cardiovascular responses, the regulatory mechanisms involved in those cardiovascular responses, and whether those mechanisms involved the central nervous system (CNS) of embryonic chickens. Heart rate (f(H)) and blood pressure were measured in chicken embryos of different incubation ages during exposure to different levels of hypoxia (15, 10, and 5% O(2)). At all levels of hypoxia and at all developmental ages, a depression of f(H) and arterial pressure was observed, with the exception of day 20 embryos in 15 and 10% O(2). The intensity of the embryonic f(H) and blood pressure responses were directly related to the level of hypoxia used. Muscarinic and alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulation limited the hypoxic hypotension on days 15-19 and 15-21, respectively, as indicated after blockade with atropine and phentolamine. During the final 3 days of incubation, the intensity of the hypoxic hypotension was magnified due to alpha-vasodilation caused by beta-adrenergic and muscarinic receptor stimulation. In 19- to 21-day-old embryos, the f(H) response to hypoxia was limited by alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulation as indicated by the accentuated bradycardia after blockade with phentolamine. Furthermore, on day 21, atropine limited the hypoxic bradycardia, indicating that muscarinic receptors also play a role in the f(H) response at this age. In addition, the muscarinic actions on the heart and the adrenergic effects on the vasculature appeared to occur through a hypoxic-induced direct release from chromaffin tissue and autonomic nerve terminals. Thus, in embryonic chickens, the only cardiovascular response to hypoxia that involves the CNS was the cholinergic regulation of arterial pressure after day 15 of incubation. Therefore, although embryonic chickens and fetal sheep, the standard models of perinatal cardiovascular physiology, respond to hypoxia with a similar redistribution of cardiac output, the underlying mechanisms differ between these species.  相似文献   
In the mammalian heart the metabolic costs of pressure loading exceed those of volume loading. As evidence suggests that the opposite may be true in fish, we evaluated the metabolic costs of volume and pressure loading in the isolated trout heart and compared the results with the mammalian heart based on the biomechanical properties of cardiac muscle. The highest power output (2.33+/-0.32 mW g(-1), n=5) appeared at the highest preload pressure tested (0.3 kPa) and at an afterload of 5 kPa. At a higher afterload, power did not increase because stroke volume fell. The highest mechanical efficiency (20.7+/-2.0%, n=5) was obtained at a preload of 0.15 kPa and an afterload of 5 kPa. Further increases in preload or afterload did not increase mechanical efficiency, probably because of increases in ventricular wall stress which increased the oxygen consumed disproportionately more than the stroke work. Under pressure unloading (25% decrease in power output), mechanical efficiency was significantly higher in comparison with volume unloading. Given that stiffness of the ventricular tissue is larger in trout than in rat papillary muscles, it is suggested that the increased strain during volume loading is energetically disadvantageous for stiff muscles like those of trout, but it is advantageous when muscle stiffness is lower as it occurs in the rat papillary muscle.  相似文献   
To determine, by means of quantitative analyses, the distribution patterns of the insectivores and rodents in Catalonia using physiographical regions as Operative Geographical Units (OGUs). Catalonia (north‐eastern Iberian Peninsula). Based on the presence/absence of twenty‐five small mammals in thirteen physiographical regions, which were used as OGUs, the following aspects were studied: (a) identification of biotic boundaries; (b) determination of chorological association of species; (c) climatic characterization of the biotic regions and the chorotypes. Groups of biotic regions and species were established, and their statistical significance was tested. The possible effect of several climatic factors on these groupings was studied using discriminant analyses. A significant biotic boundary was found to separate the central and eastern Pyrenees from the remaining physiographical regions. The climatic variables that defined this boundary were related to the severity and the availability of environmental energy. Four chorotypes were identified. One chorotype was constituted by Pyrenean or Pre‐Pyrenean species, an association determined by their mid‐European requirements; another chorotype was formed by Eurosiberian species, but showed a variable degree of tolerance to Mediterranean conditions; a third chorotype included species with a wide distribution that are Mediterranean, anthropic, generalist or have very specific habitats; and finally the fourth chorotype was constituted by a strictly Mediterranean species. The climatic factors that accounted for the distribution of these chorotypes were the mean July temperature and the mean annual precipitation. We conclude that the axial zone of the Pyrenees, except the coastal portion, determines two biotic regions in Catalonia. As for the classification of species, using quantitative techniques for the first time, we offer a new biogeographicalal configuration for the small mammals in this temperate‐Mediterranean transition.  相似文献   
Analysis of selective sweeps to pinpoint causative genomic regions involved in chicken domestication has revealed a strong selective sweep on chromosome 4 in layer chickens. The autoregulatory α-adrenergic receptor 2C (ADRA2C) gene is the closest to the selective sweep and was proposed as an important gene in the domestication of layer chickens. The ADRA2C promoter region was also hypermethylated in comparison to the non-selected ancestor of all domesticated chicken breeds, the Red Junglefowl, further supporting its relevance. In mice the receptor is involved in the fight-or-flight response as it modulates epinephrine release from the adrenals. To investigate the involvement of ADRA2C in chicken domestication, we measured gene expression in the adrenals and radiolabeled receptor ligand in three brain regions comparing the domestic White Leghorn strain with the wild ancestor Red Junglefowl. In adrenals ADRA2C was twofold greater expressed than the related receptor gene ADRA2A, indicating that ADRA2C is the predominant modulator of epinephrine release but no strain differences were measured. In hypothalamus and amygdala, regions associated with the stress response, and in striatum, receptor binding pIC50 values ranged between 8.1–8.4, and the level was not influenced by the genotyped allele. Because chicken strains differ in morphology, physiology and behavior, differences attributed to a single gene may be lost in the noise caused by the heterogeneous genetic background. Therefore an F10 advanced intercross strain between White Leghorn and Red Junglefowl was used to investigate effects of ADRA2C alleles on fear related behaviors and fecundity. We did not find compelling genotype effects in open field, tonic immobility, aerial predator, associative learning or fecundity. Therefore we conclude that ADRA2C is probably not involved in the domestication of the stress response in chicken, and the strong selective sweep is probably caused by selection of some unknown genetic element in the vicinity of the gene.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to identify significant biotic regions (groups of areas with similar biotas) and biotic elements (groups of taxa with similar distributions) for the marsupial fauna in a part of northern South America using physiographical areas as Operational Geographical Units (OGUs). We considered Venezuela a good model to elucidate this issue because of its high diversity in landscapes and the relatively vast amount of information available on the geographical distribution of marsupial species. Based on the presence-absence of 33 species in 15 physiographical sub-regions (OGUs) we identified Operational Biogeographical Units (OBUs) and chorotypes using a quantitative analysis that tested statistical significance of the resulting groups. Altitudinal and/or climatic trends in the OBUs and chorotypes were studied using a redundancy analysis. The classification method revealed four OBUs. Strong biotic boundaries separated: i) the xerophytic zone of the Continental coast (OBU I); ii) the sub-regions north of the Orinoco River (OBU III and IV); and those south to the river (OBU II). Eleven chorotypes were identified, four of which included a single species with a restricted geographic distribution. As for the other chorotypes, three main common distribution patterns have been inferred: i) species from the Llanos and/or distributed south of the Orinoco River; ii) species exclusively from the Andes; and iii) species that either occur exclusively north of the Orinoco River or that show a wide distribution throughout Venezuela. Mean altitude, evapotranspiration and precipitation of the driest month, and temperature range allowed us to characterize environmentally most of the OBUs and chorotypes obtained.  相似文献   
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