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A species distribution may be determined by its responses to patterns of human disturbance as well as by its habitat preferences. Here we investigate the distribution of the Upland Goose Chloephaga picta, which has been historically persecuted by farmers and ranchers in Patagonia because it feeds on crops and pastures and is assumed to compete with sheep for forage. We assess whether its current breeding distribution is shaped by persecution by ranchers or whether it can be better explained by differences in habitat primary productivity and preference for wetlands, or by other anthropogenic disturbances not associated with ranching. We built species distribution models to examine the relative effect of environmental and anthropogenic predictors on the regional distribution of Upland Goose. We performed vehicle surveys in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, in two years, surveying 8000 km of roads and recording 6492 Geese. Generalized additive models were used to model the presence/absence of Geese in 1‐km cells. The models suggested that Upland Goose distribution is not currently affected by rancher control, as the species is more abundant in areas with high sheep stocking levels, but it is positively influenced by primary productivity and negatively influenced by urban areas. Anthropogenic disturbance caused by urban areas and oil extraction camps had a greater impact in limiting the species distribution than sheep ranching.  相似文献   
Nicotiana glauca , a hummingbird pollinated plant, exhibits geographical variation in several floral traits. We examined whether geographical differentiation occurred for different flower characters and if this differentiation could be explained, at least in part, by the existence or abundance of different hummingbird species in the respective pollinator assemblages. The comparison between five populations showed significant variation in six floral traits and two female fitness measures. The traits that better discriminated between populations were corolla length and corolla width. There were metric correlations between corolla length and style length in all populations studied and, in four of the five populations, both corolla length and width were also correlated. Among plants in each population, seed weight was correlated positively and significantly with style exertion, suggesting that fruit quality is dependent on the degree of cross pollination. Assemblages of hummingbirds differed between populations in species composition, visitation frequencies, and bill length. Linear regression involving bill length of the more frequent hummingbird pollinators and corolla length yielded positive and significant relationships. Thus, there appears to be an adjustment between pollinators and flowers traits that have high incidence in the among population variation.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 657–667.  相似文献   
Productivity, habitat heterogeneity and environmental similarity are of the most widely accepted hypotheses to explain spatial patterns of species richness and species composition similarity. Environmental factors may exhibit seasonal changes affecting species distributions. We explored possible changes in spatial patterns of bird species richness and species composition similarity. Feeding habits are likely to have a major influence in bird–environment associations and, given that food availability shows seasonal changes in temperate climates, we expect those associations to differ by trophic group (insectivores or granivores). We surveyed birds and estimated environmental variables along line‐transects covering an E‐W gradient of annual precipitation in the Pampas of Argentina during the autumn and the spring. We examined responses of bird species richness to spatial changes in habitat productivity and heterogeneity using regression analyses, and explored potential differences between seasons of those responses. Furthermore, we used Mantel tests to examine the relationship between species composition similarity and both the environmental similarity between sites and the geographic distance between sites, also assessing differences between seasons in those relationships. Richness of insectivorous birds was directly related to primary productivity in both seasons, whereas richness of seed‐eaters showed a positive association with habitat heterogeneity during the spring. Species composition similarity between assemblages was correlated with both productivity similarity and geographic proximity during the autumn and the spring, except for insectivore assemblages. Diversity within main trophic groups seemed to reflect differences in their spatial patterns as a response to changes between seasons in the spatial patterns of food resources. Our findings suggest that considering different seasons and functional groups in the analyses of diversity spatial pattern could contribute to better understand the determinants of biological diversity in temperate climates.  相似文献   
Despite collecting copious amounts of data, wood anatomists rarely perform appropriate statistical analyses, especially in the case of categorical variables. Nevertheless, anatomists have succeeded in identifying strong ecological trends. We show that, with only a slightly more sophisticated analysis, the strength and significance of 'well-known' associations can be quantified, and new associations pinpointed. Using logistic regression to reanalyse the classic Carlquist and Hoekman data set for the southern Californian flora, we show strong support for the notion that true tracheid presence lowers vessel grouping; in contrast, vasicentric tracheids are associated with a diversity of vessel grouping strategies. We show that statistical models can refine anatomical interpretations by identifying unusual species. For example, Fremontodendron californicum and Baccharis salicifolia (=  B. glutinosa ) were identified as unusual in lacking vasicentric tracheids; a consultation of preparations revealed that they are indeed present. For purposes of ecological wood anatomy, anatomical terminology should reflect cell function; we suggest that terminological systems that yield better predictive power in statistical models such as ours are preferable. Finally, we make recommendations ranging from the statistical, e.g. the need to check assumptions and the need for the inclusion of phylogeny, to the biological, e.g. gathering data expressly designed to test functional hypotheses rather than all of the information in standardized lists.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 331–351.  相似文献   
1. In environments in which resources are distributed heterogeneously, patch choice and the length of time spent on a patch by foragers are subject to strong selective pressures. This is particularly true for parasitoids because their host foraging success translates directly into individual fitness. 2. The aim of this study was to test whether: (i) females of the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae) can discriminate among patches according to host numbers; (ii) the surrounding context affects the initial choice of patch, as well as time spent on patch; and (iii) the perceived quality of a given patch is affected by the quality of the surrounding patches. 3. Each female was randomly exposed to one of three different three‐patch environments which differed in host number per patch, mean environment host number and host distribution among patches. For each treatment level, the first patch chosen and the time allocated to each patch visited by the female were recorded. 4. Females of I. leucospoides were able to discriminate different levels of host numbers among patches from a distance. The patch bearing the highest number of hosts was, predominantly, the first choice. Patch host number in association with mean habitat profitability influenced the length of time spent on the first patch visited. By contrast, variance in habitat profitability did not influence time allocation decisions. Contrary to the study prediction, there were no significant habitat‐dependent time allocation differences among patches holding the same number of hosts. 5. The results indicate that, for I. leucospoides, patch exploitation decisions are partially influenced by information obtained from the habitat as a whole, a behaviour that may prove to indicate adaptive ability in highly patchy environments, as well as suggesting the presence of good cognitive abilities in this parasitoid species.  相似文献   
The burden of infestation of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Muscidae), differs among bovines within the same herd. We hypothesized that these differences might be related to the epidermal thickness of the cattle and the blood intake capacity of the fly. Results showed that dark animals carried more flies and had a thinner epidermis than light‐coloured animals, which was consistent with the greater haemoglobin content found in flies caught on darker cattle. Similarly, epidermal thickness increased with body weight, whereas haemoglobin content decreased. Overall, we suggest that accessibility of blood is a factor that partially explains cattle attractiveness to flies.  相似文献   
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