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Size-related changes in hydraulic architecture, carbon allocation and gas exchange of Sclerolobium paniculatum (Leguminosae), a dominant tree species in Neotropical savannas of central Brazil (Cerrado), were investigated to assess their potential role in the dieback of tall individuals. Trees greater than ∼6-m-tall exhibited more branch damage, larger numbers of dead individuals, higher wood density, greater leaf mass per area, lower leaf area to sapwood area ratio (LA/SA), lower stomatal conductance and lower net CO2 assimilation than small trees. Stem-specific hydraulic conductivity decreased, while leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity remained nearly constant, with increasing tree size because of lower LA/SA in larger trees. Leaves were substantially more vulnerable to embolism than stems. Large trees had lower maximum leaf hydraulic conductance ( K leaf) than small trees and all tree sizes exhibited lower K leaf at midday than at dawn. These size-related adjustments in hydraulic architecture and carbon allocation apparently incurred a large physiological cost: large trees received a lower return in carbon gain from their investment in stem and leaf biomass compared with small trees. Additionally, large trees may experience more severe water deficits in dry years due to lower capacity for buffering the effects of hydraulic path-length and soil water deficits.  相似文献   
Microgeographical variation in shell morphology of the rock-dwelling land snail Chondrina clienta , collected from 30 sites within an area of 0.5 km2 on the island of Öland, Sweden, was examined in relation to its own population density and that of a potential competitor (the land snail Balea perversa ) and to environmental factors. Dispersal of marked individuals averaged 83 cm per year within a stone pile and 291 cm in an area of exposed bedrock. Local population density of active C. clienta ranged from 5 to 794 individuals per m2. Shell characters were highly intercorrelated, both within and between populations. Principal component analysis revealed that most of the interpopulational variation could be expressed by the single character of shell height, which ranged from 5.54 to 6.94 mm. In all populations, snails of a given size had the same whorl number. Shell size was not influenced by habitat type (exposed rock surface, stone pile or stone wall) or proportion of calcareous stones within habitat. It was, however, negatively correlated with local population density, indicating intraspecific competition, and positively correlated with the degree of plant cover within the habitat. Analysis of variance revealed additionally a density effect of B. perversa on shell size in C. clienta , probably as a result of interspecific competition. Breeding experiments using C. clienta from different sites and carried out under unifrom conditions caused most of the phenotypic variation to disappear, demonstrating the high phenotypic plasticity of the species.  相似文献   
Ribosomes,G-factor and Siomycin   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
G-factor interacts with the 50S ribo-somal subunit at a site which is distinct from the peptidyl transferase centre and which is inactivated by siomycin.  相似文献   
We studied gene flow and bottleneck events in the population history of locally isolated citril finches endemic to European mountains. For the present study, we used two genetic markers with different rates of evolution: a fast evolving mitochondrial marker (ATPase6/8) and a more slowly evolving nuclear marker (02401). Populations north of the Pyrenees showed in general fewer haplotypes and a considerable lower nucleotide and gene diversity than the Iberian populations. Unexpectedly, we found very little genetic variability in the fast evolving mitochondrial marker, arguing for a strong and relatively recent bottleneck event in the species population history. This pattern potentially reflects a sudden decrease of crucial resources during Mid‐Holocene (mountain pine, Scots pine, and black pine) and a subsequent breakdown of the population. The bottleneck could also have been caused or coincide with a selective sweep in the mitochondrion. By contrast, the slowly evolving nuclear marker showed a much higher variability. This marker probably reflects major gene flow along a potential expansion pathway from the Eastern Pyrenees, northwards to the populations of Central Europe, and southwards to the more fragmented populations of central and southern Spain. The population of the Western Pyrenees (Navarra) appears to be cut‐off from this major gene flow and our data indicate a certain degree of partial isolation, probably reflecting more ancient events (e.g. the separation in distinct refuge sites during the last glacial maximum). © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 707–721.  相似文献   
The behaviour of five broods of radio-tagged Spanish Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaca adalberti was studied in Doñana National Park, Spain during the post-fledging period. The distance between perching sites and nest, the mean flight duration and distance, the percentage of time spent flying and the home range all increased exponentially with age. As the young got older, the parents spent less time in their vicinity. Young were not seen hunting, but depended on their parents for food. They begged and chased their parents throughout the post-fledging period, with higher intensity at the end. Nevertheless, the adults became progressively more reluctant to feed them, as reflected in the decrease in feeding frequency and in the number of approaching flights towards the young. At the end of the post-fledging period, adults often performed aerial displays and frequently chased their offspring. The age of independence of the different young studied varied between 123 and 145 days. The correlations between individual independence and the dates when the young were last fed by their parents, and when the highest intensity of parental aggressive behaviour occurred, were higher than correlations with the variables related to the maturation of flying. Therefore, it is suggested that parental 'meanness' and aggressive behaviour may be the factors determining the date of juvenile independence and dispersal from the home territory.  相似文献   
Occasional observations of Black‐shouldered Kites Elanus caeruleus in Europe date back to the mid‐19th century, but it was only recorded as a breeding species in the early 1960s in Portugal and a few years later in neighbouring Spain. This recent colonization, possibly from Africa where the species is abundant, may be due to climate change, land‐use changes in southern Europe, or both. As a first step to understanding this range expansion process we have developed a habitat selection model using data from the current strongholds of its European distribution. Comparing the proportion of different habitat types around 46 breeding sites and 45 randomly chosen plots, we have found that the area of cultivated parklands known as dehesas in Spain is a strong predictor of the current distribution range of breeding pairs of Black‐shouldered Kites. Specifically, the percentage of dehesas with planted cereal and a low density of trees (i.e. < 7 trees/ha and thus a savannah‐like habitat) within the study plots explained 44.6% of the residual deviance in our model. The minimal adequate model classified 81.3% of breeding sites and random plots correctly. Our results suggest that Black‐shouldered Kites may have taken advantage of the gradual increase of cultivated dehesas in the second half of the 20th century to expand its range in Europe. This particular type of dehesa is structurally similar to the African savannahs where the species thrives and may offer a higher density of rodents than traditional dehesas, which primarily contain pastureland for livestock ranching.  相似文献   
本研究以双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus工厂化菌株A15和筛选得到的耐高温菌株A15-TH为研究对象,比较了高温胁迫对两个菌株菌丝生长的影响,并从氧化损伤修复及基础碳代谢-糖酵解途径两个角度探索双孢蘑菇对高温胁迫的响应及耐热机理.高温胁迫下,对照菌株A15的菌丝生长速度降低,菌丝分叉增加;而耐高温菌株A15-...  相似文献   
Benedetto, J.L. 2013: Presence of punctae in the ‘plectorthoidean’ brachiopod Famatinorthis turneri (Middle Ordovician) from western Argentina: implications for early diversification of punctate orthides. Lethaia, Vol. 46, pp. 170–179. Famatinorthis Levy & Nullo is a distinctive orthide brachiopod of Dapingian age from the volcaniclastic rocks of the Famatina Range of western Argentina. Although it was originally classified among the plectorthoideans, a new collection from the La Escondida Formation has yielded exceptionally well‐preserved moulds of Famatinorthis turneri in which silicified infillings of punctae are clearly visible, leading to the reassignment of the genus to the dalmanellidines. In this paper, phylogenetic analyses are used to determine the evolutionary relationships of Famatinorthis, the Tremadocian linoporellid Lipanorthis, and other Ordovician Gondwanan genera. The placement of Plectorthoidea in the same major clade as linoporellids, and the separation of Dalmanellidina as an independent clade are the most important features of all shortest trees, supporting the idea that linoporellids may have originated from a plectorthoid ancestor. Cladistic analysis reveals that Lipanorthis lies close to the ancestry of the linoporellid lineage, and Famatinorthis clusters within the more derived taxa of the clade with which it shares a large septalium. It seems that the presence of endopunctae in the orthides does not necessarily indicate close phylogenetic relationships as it could have occurred at different times in different clades. If the homoplasic nature of endopunctae in the order Orthida is supported by further morphologic and phylogenetic studies, the fundamental division of orthides in non‐punctate (Orthidina) and punctate (Dalmanellidina) may need revision. □Brachiopods, Ordovician, Gondwana, Famatina, phylogeny, punctate orthides.  相似文献   
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