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Drought-stressed flatpea (Lathyrus sylvestris L.) plants from8 to 22 weeks old were analysed for nitrogen, soluble proteinand free amino acids. An increase in nitrogen and free aminoacid concentrations and a decrease in soluble protein levelwere observed in roots of plants up to 16 weeks old. The cumulativeconcentration of free amino acids increased with drought stress.Tissue concentrations of 2, 4-diaminobutyric acid (1.6–2.6%of the dry weight) were highest in leaves. Levels increasedsteadily, nearly doubling, in leaves and stems between weeks10 and 16. Levels in drought-stressed leaves were, on average,11.9% higher than those of controls. Estimated concentrationsof a mixture of 4-aminobutyric acid and an unknown amino acidwere highest in stems, increased in this tissue with age andtended to increase in stems and leaves and decrease in rootsin response to water deficit. Levels of the mixture of homoserineand another unidentified amino acid were not influenced by ageor water status of the plants. Root concentrations of asparagine,arginine, glutamine, aspartate, and another prominent, unidentifiedamino acid increased with plant age and reached a peak at thetime of flowering (14 to 18 weeks). Only the concentration ofthe unknown compound was elevated following drought stress.Concentrations of valine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine,and methionine also increased during this period and were elevatedin drought-stressed plants. Proline levels increased with plantage and drought stress, but proline accounted for only about10% of the total free amino acids in the drought-stressed plants. Key words: 2, 4-Diaminobutyric acid, drought, flatpea  相似文献   
Microsatellite loci were isolated from Carnaby's black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris: Aves), a highly valued, endangered, and endemic species of bird from Western Australia. This study describes three dinucleotide and one tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for which the primers produced clear and polymorphic amplification patterns with between two and nine alleles and moderate levels of variability. Two additional dinucleotide markers which were monomorphic in the Carnaby's cockatoo were able to amplify and were polymorphic in two other species of black cockatoo, greatly increasing the utility of these markers.  相似文献   
Sorghum plants were grown in the laboratory with the root systemof each plant split between two pots. Three split pot treatmentswere established: (– –) treatment, where both halvesof the root were free from Striga; (– +) treatment, wherethe soil in one half of the pot had been inoculated with Strigaseed; (+ +) treatment, where the soil in both halves of thepot had been inoculated with Striga. Seed, stem and leaf weight were reduced by 82, 60 and 26 percent respectively in (+ +) plants compared to (– –)plants. Partially infected plants (– +) behaved similarlyto (+ +) plants. Rates of light saturating carbon dioxide fixation in (+ +) and(– +) plants were only 60 per cent of those measured in(– –) plants. This reduction was independent ofchanges in stomatal conductance. The effects of Striga on the growth and photosynthesis of sorghumappear to be independent of the degree of parasitism to whichthe host is subjected. The difference in production betweeninfected and uninfected plants was greater than could be accountedfor in term of competition with the parasite for resources,and Striga appears to have a pathological effect on the host. Sorghum, Striga, parasitic angiosperm, growth, photosynthesis  相似文献   
Responses of Vegetable Seeds to Controlled Hydration   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Leek, onion and carrot seeds were imbibed in water and in solutionsof polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 over the range –0.5to –4.0 MPa osmotic potential, for periods up to 28 dat 15 C. Seeds started to germinate after 7 and 14 d at –0.5MPa and –1.0 MPa PEG, respectively, but in the lattercase, germination did not exceed 5%. No germination occurredin solutions of lower (more negative) osmotic potential. Seedmoisture content increased with osmotic potential in all threespecies and the relationships were unaffected by the durationof imbibition in solutions of –1.0 to –4.0 MPa,though leek seeds had higher moisture contents than the otherspecies for any given osmotic potential. Linear relationships between response to priming (differencebetween mean germination times of primed and untreated seeds)and seed moisture content were obtained for each species, positiveresponses being obtained above 30–35% seed moisture contentwith optima at 46, 44.5 and 44% seed moisture contents in leek,onion and carrot, respectively. Priming had no effect on embryovolume or cell number per embryo in leek and onion. Carrot embryovolume increased by 43% and cell number per embryo doubled inprimed compared with untreated seeds, whereas seeds imbibedin water showed only a slight increase in cell number per embryoat the stage when radicles were beginning to penetrate the seedcoat. Allium cepa L. cv. Rijnsburger Robusta, onion, Allium porrum L. cv. Winterreuzen, leek, Daucus carota L. cv. Nantaise, carrot, germination, priming, polyethylene glycol, seed moisture, cell number, embryo volume  相似文献   
Gibberellins, Amylase, and the Onset of Heterosis in Maize Seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rood, S. B. and Larsen, K. M. 1988. Gibberellins, amylase, andthe onset of heterosis in maize seedlings.—J. exp. Bot.39: 223–233. The possible involvement of gibberellins and amylase in heterosisof maize seedlings was investigated in two parental inbreds,CM7 and CM49, and their single cross F1 hybrid, CM7xCM49. Germinationof all three genotypes was complete within 36 h after the onsetof imbibition. By 48 h, heterosis (hybrid vigour) for increasedshoot and root length was consistently observed. The endogenousconcentration of gibberellin A1 (GA1) was measured in 48 h seedlingsby gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring(GC-SIM) using [2H2]-GA1 as an internal standard. The GA1 concentrationwas highest in the hybrid (59 ng g–1 dry wt.), intermediatein CM49 (9.0 ng g–1), and lowest in CM7 (<5.0 ng g–1).Amylase activities in all three genotypes were very low at 24h, but increased during the next 24 h, after which time amylaseactivity in the hybrid was significantly higher than that ofeither parental inbred. Inhibitors of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis,AMO-1618 or CCC, inhibited germination, shoot and root growth,and amylase activity in all three genotypes. Conversely, exogenousgibberellic acid (GA3) increased amylase activity, particularlyin the inbred CM7. Amylase isozymes were separated through polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis and generally similar profiles of starchdegrading enzymes were observed in the three genotypes. SinceGA is known to control a-amylase biosynthesis in some cereals,these results are consistent with the hypothesis that GAs areinvolved in the regulation of heterosis in maize. A higher endogenousGA1 concentration in the hybrid could result in increased amylaseactivity in the hybrid seedlings and consequently, more rapidstarch hydrolysis which fuels heterosis for early growth. Key words: Amylase, germination, gibberellic acid, Gibberellin A1, heterosis, hybrid vigour, Zea mays  相似文献   
Ruta graveotens subshrubs, known to contain a large fractionof their furanocoumarins on the leaf surface, were used forinvestigation of salt and acid rain effects on the plant surfaceand substances occurring there. Groups of shoots on each plantcovered by plastic bags were sprayed with either sulphuric acid,pII 2.5, saturated sodium chloride solution, or a distilledwater control. Uncovered shoots, an additional control, hadthe highest concentrations of furanocoumarins both on the surfaceand in the whole leaf. The upper leaves contained less furanocoumarinsin absolute amounts but were similar to the lower leaves ona percentage basis. Spraying caused a decrease in total furanocoumarinconcentrations, slight in the case of distilled water and greaterfor acid and salt, but the percentage on the surface after sprayingincreased. The upper and lower leaves reacted differently tosalt than to sulphuric acid and water: with salt, the percentagesof furanocoumarins on the surface of both kinds of leaves showedsimilar increases; with the other two sprays, upper leaves showeda similar increase, but the lower leaves had a much higher percentageon the surface owing to a high rate of extrusion. Simulated acid rain, salt sprays, plant surface, furanocoumarins, Ruta graveolens  相似文献   
Pre-treatment of straw with anhydrous ammonia increased its susceptibility to solubilization by the predominant cellulolytic bacteria from the rumen, Bacteroides succinogenes, Ruminococcus albus and R. flavefaciens. Ammonia treatment also increased the production of microbial protein and fermentation products by all three species. Scanning electron microscope observations of straw during digestion suggested that the attack of straw by these bacteria was accompanied by the formation of substantial numbers of adherent microcolonies.  相似文献   
Metabolically active phosphorus-starved cultures of blue-green algae assimilate 32P rapidly in the light and in the dark. The uptake of phosphorus results in a rapid (within 15 min) stimulation in acetylene reduction by Anabaena cylindrica, A. flosaquae, Anabacnopsis circuiaris and Chlorogloea fritschii, with a response being obtained to less than 5 μg/1 of phosphorus. Uptake of phosphorus also causes a rapid increase in respiration in the dark but not in photo respiration, and the size of the cellular ATP pool and the 14CO2 fixation rate both increase more slowly. The metabolism of phosphorus-sufficient cells, which assimilate phosphorus more slowly, shows little response when phosphorus is provided. Excess phosphorus is stored in the vegetative cells of blue-green algae as polyphosphate bodies which may form within 60 min of adding phosphorus to phosphorusstarved cells and which serve as a source of phosphorus for the algae when exogenous phosphorus is limiting. Preliminary results from Scottish waters suggest that urban effluents are important sources of available-phosphorus for algal growth and that the levels entering fresh waters from agricultural land are, per unit volume, lower. In both types of water the levels of available-phosphorus are rather similar to the levels of orthophosphate-phosphorus present. Most detergents tested serve as a source of phosphorus for nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae and cause a rapid stimulation in reduction when added to phosphorus-starved cultures. Of the detergents assayed, the biological types were richest in available phosphorus. The addition of detergents may result in a rapid increase in number of polyphosphate bodies present in the algae. Detergents in general also contain an inhibitor of algal metabolism. Whether a stimu-lation or an inhibition occurs depends on the quantities of detergent added and on whether or not the alga is phosphorus-deficient.  相似文献   
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