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Abstract: African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are intensively managed in southern Africa and are routinely translocated between reserves. Domesticated elephants are used for elephant-back safaris and interactions with guests. Understanding how elephants respond to such activities is critical because of welfare issues associated with both humans and elephants. We investigated the stress response (i.e., fecal glucocorticoid metabolite secretion [FGM]) of working elephants in Letsatsing Game Reserve, South Africa, over 1 year to evaluate their response to transportation and ecotourism activities. We used free-ranging elephants in adjacent Pilanesburg National Park as controls. Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites were greatest prior to and during translocation and declined over the year. Within 1–2 months of transportation, FGM levels in working elephants became indistinguishable from those in wild elephants. Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels were higher during human interaction days than days without interaction. The highest observed FGM levels were associated with transportation and episodic loud noises. Transportation is a stressful activity for elephants, and ≥3 months should be provided to translocated elephants to acclimate to their new surroundings. Although stress levels of elephants increased slightly when interacting with humans in the contexts we studied, evaluating interactions under a wider range of contexts is necessary to minimize danger to elephants and humans.  相似文献   
We combined Eddy‐covariance measurements with a linear perturbation analysis to isolate the relative contribution of physical and biological drivers on evapotranspiration (ET) in three ecosystems representing two end‐members and an intermediate stage of a successional gradient in the southeastern US (SE). The study ecosystems, an abandoned agricultural field [old field (OF)], an early successional planted pine forest (PP), and a late‐successional hardwood forest (HW), exhibited differential sensitivity to the wide range of climatic and hydrologic conditions encountered over the 4‐year measurement period, which included mild and severe droughts and an ice storm. ET and modeled transpiration differed by as much as 190 and 270 mm yr?1, respectively, between years for a given ecosystem. Soil water supply, rather than atmospheric demand, was the principal external driver of interannual ET differences. ET at OF was sensitive to climatic variability, and results showed that decreased leaf area index (L) under mild and severe drought conditions reduced growing season (GS) ET (ETGS) by ca. 80 mm compared with a year with normal precipitation. Under wet conditions, higher intrinsic stomatal conductance (gs) increased ETGS by 50 mm. ET at PP was generally larger than the other ecosystems and was highly sensitive to climate; a 50 mm decrease in ETGS due to the loss of L from an ice storm equaled the increase in ET from high precipitation during a wet year. In contrast, ET at HW was relatively insensitive to climatic variability. Results suggest that recent management trends toward increasing the land‐cover area of PP‐type ecosystems in the SE may increase the sensitivity of ET to climatic variability.  相似文献   
1. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) distribution across a 0.36 km2 restored floodplain (Cosumnes River, California) was analysed throughout the winter and spring flood season from January to June 2005. In addition, high temporal‐resolution Chl a measurements were made in situ with field fluorometers in the floodplain and adjacent channel. 2. The primary objectives were to characterise suspended algal biomass distribution across the floodplain at various degrees of connection with the channel and to correlate Chl a concentration and distribution with physical and chemical gradients across the floodplain. 3. Our analysis indicates that periodic connection and disconnection of the floodplain with the channel is vital to the functioning of the floodplain as a source of concentrated suspended algal biomass for downstream aquatic ecosystems. 4. Peak Chl a levels on the floodplain occurred during disconnection, reaching levels as high as 25 μg L?1. Chl a distribution across the floodplain was controlled by residence time and local physical/biological conditions, the latter of which were primarily a function of water depth. 5. During connection, the primary pond on the floodplain exhibited low Chl a (mean = 3.4 μg L?1) and the shallow littoral zones had elevated concentrations (mean = 4.6 μg L?1); during disconnection, shallow zone Chl a increased (mean = 12.4 μg L?1), but the pond experienced the greatest algal growth (mean = 14.7 μg L?1). 6. Storm‐induced floodwaters entering the floodplain not only displaced antecedent floodplain waters, but also redistributed floodplain resources, creating complex mixing dynamics between parcels of water with distinct chemistries. Incomplete replacement of antecedent floodplain waters led to localised hypoxia in non‐flushed areas. 7. The degree of complexity revealed in this analysis makes clear the need for high‐resolution spatial and temporal studies such as this to begin to understand the functioning of dynamic and heterogeneous floodplain ecosystems.  相似文献   
1. Organisms associated with lotic systems rank among the most threatened because of global change. Although translocation is being increasingly applied as a conservation strategy, most studies have focused on survival and recruitment of individuals, and few have attempted to identify how habitat attributes influence short‐term settlement of animals during the critical post‐release period. 2. We demonstrate the application of resource selection modelling in an information theoretic framework to identify release‐site characteristics that will increase the likelihood of settlement for a fully aquatic benthic stream salamander, the Ozark hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi). We fit discrete choice models using data from 29 radio‐tagged hellbenders that were translocated to two sites in the North Fork of the White River (NFWR), Missouri (U.S.A.). We defined resource availability at two spatial scales (stream reach and home range) and quantified abiotic habitat attributes at 3181 salamander locations and 6329 random available locations collected between May 2008 and August 2009. 3. At both sites and spatial scales, a single model received substantially greater support (0.96–1.00 of total model weight) than all other models, and top‐ranked models were similar in form and predictive ability. At both spatial scales, selection was positively influenced by the presence of cobble‐boulder substratum relative to bedrock and finer substrata. We also noted a negative interactive effect between distance to the nearest substratum particle large enough to provide cover (i.e. at least one axis ≥15 cm in length) and an increase in either a direct or relative (i.e. pool, run, and riffle) measure of water velocity. 4. Collectively, salamanders released in our study selected resources indicative of long‐term benthic microhabitat stability. However, despite strong selection of cobble‐boulder substratum, 8% (282 of 3181) of captive‐reared hellbender locations occurred in bank crevices and root masses. Although several studies have reported the importance of near bed hydraulics in determining occurrence of stream macroinvertebrates, our findings are the first to indicate that spacing among cobble‐boulder substrata may be important for hellbenders. 5. To increase the likelihood of short‐term settlement of captive‐reared hellbenders in the wild, we recommend prioritising release sites where the average distance between cobble‐boulder particles within habitat patches is minimised. In general, average spacing among cobble and boulder substrata should be <1 m in habitat patches where mean benthic water velocity exceeds 0.1 m s?1, and <0.5 m where water velocity approaches 0.30 m s?1. Based on home range sizes of captive‐reared Ozark hellbenders, the collective extent of suitable cobble‐boulder habitat patches within release sites should approximate at least 10 m2 per salamander released.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) assays are a popular means of monitoring adrenocortical activity (i.e., physiological stress response) in wildlife. Species-specific differences in glucocorticoid metabolism and excretion require assay validation, including both laboratory and biological components, before assay use in new species. We validated a commercially available radioimmunoassay (MP 125I corticosterone RIA kit [MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH]) for measuring FGMs of several South African herbivores, including giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), impala (Aepyceros melampus), nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni), kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), and zebra (Equus burchelli). These herbivores are important in South African parks and reserves for ecotourism and as a prey base for predators and serve an integral role in ecosystem processes. Standard biochemical validations (e.g., recovery of exogenous corticosterone, intra- and interassay variation, and parallelism) demonstrated that the assay accurately and precisely measured FGMs of all 6 herbivore species. Our biological validations demonstrated that the assay was sensitive enough to detect changes in FGM production associated with season. Samples collected during the dry season (Jun-Aug) contained higher FGM concentrations than those from the wet season (Dec-Feb) in all species. We established optimal sample dilutions and reference FGM levels for these 6 herbivores, which can now be used to monitor the effects of management and ecotourism activities on the stress responses of these herbivores.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Animal-borne video and environmental data collection systems (AVEDs) are an advanced form of biotelemetry that combines video with other sensors. As a proxy for physiological stress, we assessed fecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) excretion in 7 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fitted with AVED dummy collars; 9 additional deer served as controls. We collected fecal samples over 3 2-week periods: pretreatment, treatment, and posttreatment periods. There were no differences in FGMs across time periods (F2,218 = 1.94, P = 0.147) and no difference between FGMs of control and treatment individuals (F1,14 = 0.72, P = 0.411). Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite excretion in AVED-collared deer was indistinguishable from uncollared animals and within the normal, baseline range for this species. Absence of an adrenal response to collaring suggested that AVED collaring does not induce physiological stress in deer.  相似文献   
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