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Fiber Ultrastructure and Contraction Kinetics in Insect Fast Muscles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SYNOPSIS. Isometric contraction kinetics were measured and fiberstructure was quantified in tymbal muscles from different cicadaspecies. Twitch duration is directly correlated with the sizeof the myofibrils and with the ratio of the fraction of fibervolume which is myofibril to that which is sarcoplasmic reticulum(SR) and T-tubules (fast muscles have small myofibrils and arelatively large volume of SR and T-tubules). Twitch durationis not significantly correlated with fiber size, with sarcomerelength, nor with the fractional volume of the fibers which ismitochondria, indicating that these structural features arenot strongly involved in the determination of isometric contractionkinetics. In the tettigoniid Neoconocephalus robustus, twitchesfrom forewing muscles of male animals become progressively shorterover the first five days following the adult molt. This changein contraction kinetics is associated with an increase in therelative volume of SR and T-tubules. Denervation blocks theacquisition of rapid kinetics, indicating that neural inputis necessary for this transformation.  相似文献   
Sectioning experiments and electrical recording indicate thatthere are many potential pacemakers in polyps of the hydroidTubularia. Functionally the pacemakers are organized primarilyinto pacemaker systems, groups within which there is tight coupling.The different pacemaker systems of a polyp are loosely coupledto one another. There are two principal systems in Tubularia,one in the polyp neck (the NP system) and one in the hydranth(the HP system). In addition, there are pacemakers controllingactivities of individual tentacles. Activity in the NP systemis usually not associated with observable polyp behavior. HPsystem activity is correlated with behavioral responses termedconcerts. Concerts are probably digestive activities; they resultin the mixing of food being digested and the distribution ofthe products of this digestion. The NP systems of polyps ona colony are loosely coupled to one another through one of thethree conducting systems found in Tubularia stalks. The loosecoupling between NP systems of polyps on a colony and the loosecoupling between NP and HP systems within single polyps resultsin there being some coordination of concert activity throughouta colony.  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reaction amplifications are finding increased applications in environmental microbiology. The development of sensitive and specific methods to detect amplified products is necessary especially when these amplifications are conducted in the presence of the environmental matrix. Gene probes specific to the npt11 locus were prepared by nick translation, 5'end labelling and by a PCR driven amplification. These probes were tested against a 300 bp PCR amplified segment of the npt11 region of the transposable element Tn5. The nick translated probe was the most sensitive, though not as specific as the other two types of probes. Sensitivity and specificity were found to be dependent on the hybridization format (Southern blots versus dot blots), the number of amplification cycles and on the purity of the target sequence.  相似文献   
Although the cellular substrates of behavioral coordinationare uncertain in the hydroid Tubularia, much is known aboutthe strategies of behavioral control. The picture which emergesis that of an animal with diffusely distributed sites capableof initiating spontaneous activity, regional coordination ofpotential pacemaker loci to form pacemaker systems, and a loosehierarchical organization of pacemaker systems. At least onepacemaker system shows a short term increase in excitabilityand a longer duration depression of excitability following firing.The short-term excitability increase gives a tendency to firein bursts, the long-term depression acts as an intrinsic inhibitoryfeedback to terminate bursts and to control output frequency.All the known interactions between pacemaker systems are excitatory.Exogenous stimuli can excite a conducting system which inhibitsmost of the pacemaker systems, and one pacemaker system specificallyinhibits one set of muscles.  相似文献   
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