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The aim of the investigation was to study the differences in the metabolism of substances that are utilized in the synthesis of glucosinolates between the Brassica napus cv. Bronowski, which is very low in glucosinolate content, and a cultivar (cv. Regina II) that contains approximately average amounts of these compounds. By experiments in which the plants were grown in nutrient solutions supplied with sulphate-35S, it was shown that the rate of sulphate uptake was similar in the two cultivars. No accumulation of intermediate metabolites could be demonstrated by autoradiography in Bronowski. Sulphate-35S, methionine-35S, methionine-2-14C, 2-amino-6-(methylthio)caproic acid-2-14C, and S-(β-d -glucopyranosyl)-4-pentenethiohydroximic acid (desulpho-3-butenylglucosinolate) (glucose-U-14C or 35S) were fed to shoots of the two cultivars. After incubation, the plant material was extracted with methanol. The extracts were separated into various fractions, and in some experiments glucosinolates or derivatives of their degradation products were isolated. When measuring the radioactivity of the various fractions or isolated products, the incorporation of radioactivity into glucosinolates was found to be poor in Bronowski from sulphate, methionine, and 2-amino-6-(methylthio)caproic acid. Desulpho-3-butenyl-glucosinolate was an efficient precursor of 3-butenylglucosinolate in Bronowski, but a poor precursor of 2-hydroxy-3-bute-nylglucosinolate, which suggests a metabolic block at the hydroxylation step in this cultivar. In Regina II desulpho-3-butenylglucosinolate was a good precursor of both 3-butenylglucosinolate and of 2-hydroxy-3-butenylglucosinolate, which demonstrates that these glucosinolates may be synthesized without prior formation of the corresponding co-methylthioalkyl glucosinolates and that the hydroxylation can take place after the formation of desulpho-3-butenylglucosinolate. The results indicate that the low glucosinolate content of Bronowski is caused by block(s) in the separate pathway leading to the biosynthesis of glucosinolates.  相似文献   
dl -Tryptophan(methylene)-14C and indole-3-acetaldehyde oxime(methylene)-14C were supplied to cut shoots of 7-day-old plants of Sinapis alba L. Although both compounds were effective as precursors of 3-indolylmethylglucosinolate, the incorporation of the aldoxime radioactivity was more effective than the incorporation of the amino acid radioactivity. This, together with other information, suggests that indole-3-acetaldehyde oxime is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of 3-indolylmethylglucosinolate from tryptophan.  相似文献   
Herein we report the effects of microtubule- and actin-like filament disrupting drugs, as well as the microtubule stabilizer taxol, on PCH-induced pigment granule aggregation within erythrophores of the freshwater crustacean Macrobrachium potiuna. Dose-response curves (DRCs) to the pigment-concentrating hormone PCH were determined under control and experimental conditions to evaluate the effects elicited by the cytoskeleton-affecting drugs. Colchicine, at temperatures 22°C and 4°C, and vinblastine significantly inhibited the aggregating response to PCH and affected the dynamics of the process, as shown by the change in the slope of the regression curve calculated from the DRCs. Lumicolchicine, a colchicine analogue with no affinity for tubulin, also inhibited pigment migration, though no change in the slope of the regression curve was observed. The inhibitory effects of lumicolchicine demonstrate that changes in sites other than cytoskeleton, such as membrane permeability, may also cause a decrease in the PCH-induced aggregating responses and that the colchicine effects may result from its action on cellular sites additional to the cytoskeleton. Taxol, a microtubule stabilizer, did not affect the DRC to PCH, and DMSO improved the PCH-evoked responses, pointing out to the maintenance of tubulin in the polymerized state as the appropriate condition for aggregation. Cytochalasin B, an actin-like filament disrupter, diminished the aggregating responses to the hormone, with no change in the slope of the regression curve, indicating that these elements take part in the process and that cytosolic calcium rise, sol/gel transformations and endoplasmic reticulum motility may well play an important role in granule migration. It is suggested that microtubules are steadily polymerized as a requirement for pigment aggregation and that the process is biphasic, the initial phase being dependent on the microtubule integrity.  相似文献   
To localize the metabolic block(s) in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates in the Brassica napus L. cv. Bronowski, 5-methylthiopentanal oxime-1-14C was synthesized and fed to this cultivar and cv. Regina II, which has average levels of glucosinolates. The aldoxime was as efficient as a precursor of 3-butenylglucosinolate in both cultivars, but less efficient as a precursor of 2-hydroxy-3-butenylglucosinolate in Bronowski. These results suggest that there is a block in the biosynthesis of 3-butenylglucosinolate in Bronowski that is situated before the synthesis of the intermediate 5-methylthiopentanal oxime, as well as a block in the hydroxylation step. The silique walls of Bronowski contained increased amounts of total sulphur and inorganic sulphate.  相似文献   
The crustacean pigment-translocating hormones, the red pigment-concentratinghormone (RPCH), an octapeptide, and the light-adapting distalretinal pigment hormone (DRPH), an octadecapeptide, are thefirst invertebrate neurohormones to be fully characterized.Studies with both purified and synthetic hormones show that,in certain decapods, RPCH is a general pigment-concentratinghormone (PCH), affecting the pigments of all kinds of chromatophores(erythrophores, xanthophores, leucophores and melanophores);the DRPH seems to serve not only light-adapting function, butalso act as a general chromatophore pigment-dispersing hormone(PDH). The two hormones thus function as antagonists when regulatingthe color-adaptation of the decapod crustaceans. PCH activityis widely distributed within the arthropod endocrine systems.The first characterized insect neurohormones, the locust adipokinetichormones (AKH I and AKH II), show close structural similaritiesto the crustacean hormone, indicating a common evolution ofsome of the arthropod neurohormones. Physiological studies ofthe three hormones (RPCH, AKH I, and AKH II) and their syntheticanalogs show that they crossreact, i.e., they all exhibit pigment-concentratingactivity when tested on decapod crustaceans, adipokinetic activitywhen tested on locusts, and hyperglycemic activity when testedon cockroaches, although each of the hormones is more potentin its own system. Structure-function studies show, however,that quite different binding-site requirements exist for thehormones in activating their receptors on the various targettissues. The physiological specificity in their action thereforeseems to depend on a differential evolution of the hormone receptors.  相似文献   
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