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A leptomonad flagellate found in the macronucleus of the hypotrichous ciliate Paraholosticha sterkii carries out its whole life cycle there. The ciliates can divide, encyst, and excyst even when parasitized, and the flagellates are maintained throughout. Parasite-free ciliates may be rapidly infected. The light- and electron-microscopic structure of the flagellate resembles that of other leptomonads.  相似文献   
CMU inhibits oxygen evolution in greening etiolated bean leaves.In the presence of this compound chlorophyll content is reducedand fine structure development of the chloroplasts is markedlyaffected. The number of grana per chloroplast is reduced butthe grana are larger and contain more thylakoids than the granain chloroplasts of the greening control leaves. Sucrose reversesthe effect of CMU on pigment content and fine structure developmentof chloroplasts. (Received September 14, 1965; )  相似文献   
Cardueline finches have become important models in studies of sexual selection and evolution of carotenoid‐based ornamentation. Here, we describe eight new polymorphic microsatellites isolated from the Scarlet rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) and four from the House finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Together with the cross‐species amplification of additional loci, originally published for two species of songbirds, we optimized a multiplex panel for C. erythrinus allowing genotyping of 22 polymorphic loci. Number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus in a sample of 34 individuals ranged from three to 38 and from 0.27 to 0.94, respectively.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The schizogonic development of Leucocytozoon smithi in the liver of experimentally infected turkey poults was examined by electron microscopy. Following intraperitoneal injection, sporozoites migrated to the liver and entered hepatic cells to become intracellular trophozoites. Three to four days post inoculation (PI), trophozoites underwent asexual multiple fission known as merogony or schizogony. Two generations of schizonts were observed. The primary or first generation schizonts, abundant on day 4 PI, appeared as interconnected cytoplasmic masses (pseudocytomeres). Each pseudocytomere was enclosed by a membranous vacuole and contained varying numbers of nuclei. As nuclear division and growth of the schizonts continued, larger discrete cytoplasmic masses or cytomeres were formed with rhoptries and multiple nuclei in various stages of division. Synchronous multiple cytoplasmic cleavage of the schizont resulted in the formation of numerous uninucleate merozoites. Second generation schizonts, which developed from hepatic merozoites released from primary schizonts, were abundant in hepatocytes on day 6 PI. Although tissue samples from liver, lung, spleen, kidney, intestine, brain, blood vessels and lymph nodes were examined, schizogonous forms were observed in liver only. No megaloschizonts were detected in any host tissue examined. Schizogonic development was completed by day 7 PI as merozoites developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes.  相似文献   
The sporogonic development of Leucocytozoon smithi in its black fly vector was studied by light and electron microscopy and was compared with that of other haemosporidians. Within 18 to 24 h after ingestion of gametocytes by black flies, ookinetes passing through the midgut epithelium were observed. Intracellular migration of ookinetes resulted in the apparent disruption and degeneration of host cells. Intercellular migration also occurred as was evidenced by the presence of ookinetes between midgut cells. Transformation of ookinete to spherical oocyst occurred extracellularly in three different sites. Although most oocysts were found between the host cell basal membrane and the basal lamina, large numbers also were found attached to the external surface of the basal lamina, projecting into the hemocoel. Ectopic development of oocysts in the midgut epithelium between cells was observed much less frequently than development on the basal side of the midgut. The oocyst wall of dense granules, believed to be of parasite origin, was distinguishable from the basal lamina of the host's midgut epithelium. As in other Leucocytozoidae, the cytoplasm of the oocyst differentiated into a single sporoblastoid from which 30–50 sporozoites were formed. Beginning on the third day post infection, elongation of segregated dense sporoblastoid material associated with pellicle thickening led to the formation of the finger-like sporozoite buds which projected into the oocyst cavity. Sporozoites within mature oocysts and salivary glands were structurally similar to sporozoites as described for other haemosporidians.  相似文献   
In recent years, NO, a gas previously considered a potentially toxic chemical, has become established as a diffusible universal messenger mediating cell—cell communication throughout the body. In mammals, NO is a recognized mediator of blood vessel relaxation that helps to maintain blood pressure. In the central nervous system NO acts as a non-conventional neurotransmitter and participates in the establishment of long-term plasticity required for memory formation. In addition, NO is responsible for some parts of the host response to sepsis and inflammation and contributes to certain disease states. A number of strategies have emerged with regard to a pharmacological control of pathological NO overproductions. This review will discuss these novel therapeutic approaches that may provide new means for clinical medicine.  相似文献   
Abstract: We assessed age-dependent survival, site-fidelity, and, together with data on prey and reproduction, trends in the population of ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis) breeding in western Canada. Our analysis included 7,129 ferruginous hawks banded near Hanna, Alberta, and Kindersley-Alsask, Saskatchewan, from 1972 to 2003. We estimated annual adult survival rate to be 0.708 (SE = 0.024) and first year survival for nestlings was 0.545 (SE = 0.147). Resighting probability was modeled as a constant for nestlings (0.009, SE = 0.010), but it varied among years for adults consistent with our sampling efforts. Band reporting rate was at 0.022 (SE = 0.007) for both nestlings and adults. Fidelity to the study site was 1.00 (SE = 0.000) for adults and 0.035 (SE = 0.014) for nestlings. Nesting density ranged from 3.1 to 14.0 pairs/100 km2 and averaged 9.8 pairs/100 km2. We observed an average clutch size of 3.2 (SE=0.06) and brood sizes of 2.71 (SE=0.07) near Hanna and 2.79 (SE = 0.99) at Kindersley-Alsask. Richardson's ground squirrels (Spermophilus richardsonii) made up 95% of ferruginous hawk prey. Prey availability was positively correlated with number of offspring near Hanna and Kindersley-Alsask. We believe the lower than expected adult survival did not result in population decrease; rather, declines in reproduction resulting from declines in the abundance of ground squirrels better explain an observed 4.5-fold decline in nesting densities during the study. The results suggest that ferruginous hawk management should address prey in addition to habitat management, and that management needs are regional in scope with particular emphasis on the breeding range within the northern Great Plains.  相似文献   
1. Phosphorus limitation was studied along the eutrophic, canyon-type ?ímov reservoir (Czech Republic) during a spring phytoplankton bloom. Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), C:P molar ratio in seston, extracellular alkaline phosphatase activity (APA), and P limitation (bioassay) were used as indices for phosphorus deficiency in the phytoplankton. 2. SRP, C:P, APA, and P limitation indicated a moderate P deficiency in the downstream, but not upper, part of the reservoir. 3. Significant correlations between these parameters were found in the downstream part. Chlorophyll a concentration correlated with APA and P limitation in the upper part. 4. APA was significantly enhanced in the phosphorus-deficient phytoplankton. However, APA was apparently not related to total biomass or species composition of the phytoplankton. 5. Generally, APA was closely correlated with pH in the reservoir. However, extracellular alkaline phosphatases, with a pH optimum above 9.0, were induced and active only during the phytoplankton bloom, whereas low background activity of extracellular phosphatases was found at low chlorophyll a concentrations (winter, clear-water phase).  相似文献   
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