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The Light mutation (Blt) is a dominant allele of the b-locus on mouse chromosome 4 which causes progressive dilution of coat colour. Melanocytes within the hair follicles of mutant mice develop normally but later degenerate, due to the accumulation of a toxic product, so that the hair becomes lighter with age. Previous studies on W-locus spotting mutants, from which melanocytes are absent, have shown that melanocytes in the stria vascularis of the inner ear are essential for the development and/or maintenance of the endocochlear potential (EP) which is normally around 100 mV. In this study, physiological recordings from the ears of Light mutants were correlated with strial ultrastructure. EPs recorded from all b/b controls and young homozygous and heterozygous mutants (20–22 days old) were normal (77 to 113 mV), but were reduced (19 to 59 mV) in about 30% of ears from older mutants (Blt/Blt and Blt/b). Strial function therefore appears to develop normally but later degenerates in some mutants. This suggests that strial melanocytes are affected by the Light allele and that the continued presence of melanocytes is necessary for strial function. There was no obvious association between the recorded EP value and the ultrastructural appearance of the stria. No structural abnormalities of the stria were noted in control or mutant mice aged 20 days to 4 months including those which had a reduced EP. Strial atrophy was common in old controls and mutants (1–2 years), and appeared to be an age-related process rather than an effect of the Light mutation. Similarly, pigment build-up was common in all strial cells of old mice. However, the accumulations of lipofuscin-like pigment were much larger and more abundant in aged brown non-agouti mice than those observed in old agouti mice, which suggests that this age-related process also has a genetic component.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The initial colonization of periphyton on natural and artificial apices of Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx was compared at three depths in the littoral zone of Lake Winnipesaukee, a soft-water New England lake. After a 1 week incubation period, the apices were sampled and the periphyton was removed and counted as numbers of periphyton organisms per centimetre of stem.
2. Initial colonization on both substrates was characterized by diatoms, particularly small single-celled species, throughout the spring and summer. Blue-green and green algae occurred in low numbers on both substrates during mid-summer, usually forming a greater percentage of the population of the natural apices. Blooms of the green alga Zygnema sp. dominated both substrates in late August.
3. Community composition generally did not differ significantly by depth or substrate on the natural and artificial apices: however, total abundance was significantly greater on the natural apices. M. heterophyllum appeared to serve as a neutral substrate in terms of community composition but had a positive effect on the total numbers of algae.  相似文献   
1. Nutrient-diffusing artificial substrata were used in summer and autumn to assess limiting nutrients for periphytic algal growth in streams draining sub-alpine, forested, agricultural and urban catchments in eastern Victoria, Australia. 2. Chlorophyll a density was primarily limited by nitrogen in most cases; often phosphorus was secondarily limiting. One sub-alpine, one forest and one agricultural stream were primarily phosphorus limited in at least one season. Added trace elements and vitamins did not increase chlorophyll density. 3. The dominant filamentous algal genera did not differ greatly between various nutrient enrichments. However, the relative abundance of Stigeodanium spp. was sometimes increased on substrata containing the limiting nutrient. 4. The results suggest that nutrient limitation is a widespread phenomenon in Victorian streams, and that limiting nutrients can be inferred from stream-water nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in many instances.  相似文献   
Energy crops offer an opportunity to substantially increase bioenergy resources which can replace rapidly depleting fossil fuel reserves and mitigate the effect of climate change. Energy crops are typically established within traditional agricultural systems such as tillage land or grassland. Associated land use conversion has environmental implications. The aim of this paper is to propose a framework to examine how such environmental implications can be assessed, based on (a) a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) approach which considers potential impacts at different stages of a plan across a wide range of environmental receptors and (b) a literature review. The example we used was that of Miscanthus replacing grassland farming. This scenario is particularly relevant to Ireland, where over 90% of the agricultural land is permanent pasture, but is also applicable to grassland conversion throughout Europe and the United States. Two consecutive phases of land‐use change were identified for assessment, each with a distinct set of environmental impacts. The first was a transition phase, lasting from initial livestock clearance and grassland ploughing until the Miscanthus crop became established (2–3 years). The second phase was the mature crop phase, lasting up to 25 years. Miscanthus cultivation was more likely to impact negatively on the environment during the transition phase than the mature phase, primarily due to abrupt disturbance and the time required for a new equilibrium to establish. However, a literature review of the impact on the environmental receptors revealed that replacing Irish agricultural grassland with Miscanthus had the potential to improve biodiversity, water, air and soil quality, and climatic factors once the crop became established and reached maturity. In order to confirm these findings an appropriate monitoring programme involving objectives and indicators associated with each environmental receptor would need to be developed.  相似文献   
1. Male-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in mammals has been explained by sexual selection favouring large, competitive males. However, new research has identified other potential factors leading to SSD. The aim of this review is to evaluate current research on the causes of SSD in mammals and to investigate some consequences of SSD, including costs to the larger sex and sexual segregation. 2. While larger males appear to gain reproductive benefits from their size, studies have also identified alternative mating strategies, unexpected variance in mating success and found no clear relationship between degree of polygyny and dimorphism. This implies that sexual selection is unlikely to be the single selective force directing SSD. 3. Latitude seems to influence SSD primarily through variation in overall body size and seasonal food availability, which affect potential for polygyny. Likewise, population density influences resource availability and evidence suggests that food scarcity differentially constrains the growth of the sexes. Diverging growth patterns between the sexes appear to be the primary physiological mechanism leading to SSD. 4. Female-biased dimorphism is most adequately explained by reduced male–male competition resulting in a decrease in male size. Female–female competition for dominance and resources, including mates, may also select for increased female size. 5. Most studies found that sexual segregation arises through asynchrony of activity budgets between the sexes. The larger sex can suffer sex-biased mortality through increased parasite load, selective predation and the difficulty associated with sustaining a larger body size under conditions of resource scarcity. 6. None of the variables considered here appears to contribute a disproportionate amount to SSD in mammals. Several promising avenues of research are currently overlooked and long-term studies, which have previously been biased toward ungulates, should be carried out on a variety of taxa.  相似文献   
Abstract Habitat models are now broadly used in conservation planning on public lands. If implemented correctly, habitat modelling is a transparent and repeatable technique for describing and mapping biodiversity values, and its application in peri‐urban and agricultural landscape planning is likely to expand rapidly. Conservation planning in such landscapes must be robust to the scrutiny that arises when biodiversity constraints are placed on developers and private landholders. A standardized modelling and model evaluation method based on widely accepted techniques will improve the robustness of conservation plans. We review current habitat modelling and model evaluation methods and provide a habitat modelling case study in the New South Wales central coast region that we hope will serve as a methodological template for conservation planners. We make recommendations on modelling methods that are appropriate when presence‐absence and presence‐only survey data are available and provide methodological details and a website with data and training material for modellers. Our aim is to provide practical guidelines that preserve methodological rigour and result in defendable habitat models and maps. The case study was undertaken in a rapidly developing area with substantial biodiversity values under urbanization pressure. Habitat maps for seven priority fauna species were developed using logistic regression models of species‐habitat relationships and a bootstrapping methodology was used to evaluate model predictions. The modelled species were the koala, tiger quoll, squirrel glider, yellow‐bellied glider, masked owl, powerful owl and sooty owl. Models ranked sites adequately in terms of habitat suitability and provided predictions of sufficient reliability for the purpose of identifying preliminary conservation priority areas. However, they are subject to multiple uncertainties and should not be viewed as a completely accurate representation of the distribution of species habitat. We recommend the use of model prediction in an adaptive framework whereby models are iteratively updated and refined as new data become available.  相似文献   
Abstract: A common situation in capture-mark-recapture (CMR) studies on birds and other organisms is to capture individuals not belonging to the studied population only present during the short time of the capture session. Presence of such transient individuals affects demographic parameter estimation from CMR data. Methods exist to reduce biases on survival estimates in the presence of transients and have been shown to be particularly efficient within the Robust Design framework (several secondary capture sessions within a short time interval during which the studied population can be assumed closed). We present a new model to estimate population size accounting for transients. We first used simulated data to show that the method reduces positive biases due to transients. In a second step, we applied the method to a real CMR dataset on a reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) population. Population size estimates are reduced by up to 50% when correcting for the presence of transients. Many field studies on managed animal populations use capture-recapture methodology to obtain crucial parameters of the focal population demography. The resulting data sets are used either to estimate population size ignoring the presence of transients, or to estimate vital rates, accounting for transients but overlooking abundance estimation. Our method conciliates these 2 approaches.  相似文献   
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