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A revised infrageneric classification of Nothofagus (Fagaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HILL, R. S. & READ, J., 1991. A revised infrageneric classification of Nothofagus (Fagaceae). An examination of cupule morphology, leaf architecture and cuticular morphology of Nothofagus species demonstrates that the existing infrageneric classifications are inaccurate. Four subgenera are proposed, based on these characteristics as well as other morphological information. This analysis indicates that the traditional pollen groupings of Nothofagus closely reflect the infrageneric taxonomy. It is hypothesized that deciduousness is primitive in Nothofagus , and the evergreen habit has arisen more than once, and therefore the deciduous or evergreen habit is invalid as a primary taxonomic character.  相似文献   
Skull length is the measurement most commonly used as a standard against which other aspects of cranial morphology are compared to derive an index of relative size or proportions. However, skull length is composed of two different functional components, facial skull and cerebral skull, which vary independently and have different scaling relationships with body size. An analysis of carnivore skull shape with measurements standardized against basicranium length produced very different results than an analysis using skull length as the standard. For example, expressions of relative size of cranial measurements were reduced by 13% in mustelids and increased by 20% in canids, reflecting removal of jaw length (short in mustelids and long in canids) from the comparative standard (basicranial axis length). Cranial measurements scale with higher allometric exponents against basicranial axis length than against skull length.  相似文献   
1. Biofilm development and activity on wood substrata (Nothofagus menziesii) were examined at four forested sites in a South Island, New Zealand, river catchment over a period of 6 months. Two of the sites had brown waters and mean pH of 3.7 and 4.5, whereas the other two had clear waters and mean pH of 6.3 and 6.8. 2. Fungi and other filamentous heterotrophs were the dominant colonizers of wood at all sites; few algal cells were present. Incorporation of 14C-glucose by biofilms was greatest in all four streams after 3 months, whereas endocellulase activity fluctuated over time and temporal patterns differed among streams. 3. No clear relationship was found between the incorporation of 14C-glucose or endocellulase activity of biofilms and pH, although at one near-neutral pH site 14C-glucose uptake increased in response to nutrient (N + P) additions. 4. After 6 months, incorporation of 14C-glucose and endocellulase activity of biofilms on Pinus radiata dowels buried vertically in the stream beds did not differ at depths of 3–9 cm and 19–25 cm in each stream. 5. Radiotracer experiments with a grazing amphipod (Paraleptamphopus sp.) demonstrated that biofilms on wood from all four sites could be ingested and at least partially assimilated. Chironomid larvae and harpacricoid copepods were the most abundant invertebrates colonizing wood substrata at all sites. Different chironomid species dominated at acidic and near-neutral pH sites. 6. Overall, our findings provide little support for the hypothesis that microbial activity on organic substrata is necessarily lower in streams of low pH.  相似文献   
Snails were collected from seven chalk grassland sites, in orderto assess variation in snail faunas with respect to location,vegetation, and management practices. Four of the sites weregrazed, intermittently to continuously, and three had been irregularlyburned and mown. Snails that are characteristic of the dry,open conditions of chalk grasslands made up 28% to 94% of allindividuals, and 33% to 75% of all species at the differentsites. Open-country snails tended to be relatively more commonat sites that had been consistently grazed than at sites thatwere mown or burned, although some heavily grazed sites showedlow overall snail abundance. Sites varied with respect to turfheight, the size of gaps in the turf, soil moisture, and higherplant species richness, but none of these site characteristicswere good predictors of the proportion of open-country snails.Comparisons of fresh and old shells at any given site can indicatewhether particular species have changed in relative abundanceover time. No changes were evident at two sites, Wylye Downand Galley Hill, but three of nine species changed at AstonRowant South, and four of ten species at Castle Hill. As a group,open-country snails declined relative to other snails at justone site, Castle Hill, which had been consistently grazed. Thisstudy confirms site-to-site variability in chalk grassland snailfaunas, while finding faunal composition to be generally constantthrough time within each site. Thus, mechanical cutting andburning, as well as grazing, may be able to maintain habitatfor some open-country British snail species. (Received 24 January 1994; accepted 21 April 1994)  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. As a homozygous recessive, gene e in the Mexican axolotlprevents optic vesicles from forming, thus producing an eyelessanimal. Previous experimental evidence has indicated that thegene acts by affecting the ability of anterior medullary plateectoderm in the eye field to respond to inductive mesodermalsignals. Other possible mechanisms of gene action are described.The hypothalamus is also affected and "eyeless" animals aresterile. The absence of eyes results in increased levels ofcirculating MSH and thus the animal is also highly pigmented.Eyes may be grafted into the heads of "eyeless" axolotls. Theseeyes become functional and lead to normal pigmentation. Whenpresent as a homozygous recessive, gene r acts to allow thepenetration of heterozygous e (E/e r/r). This results in abnormaleye development.  相似文献   
A comparative assessment has been made of the performance of minerals modified glutamate medium (MMGM), lauryl sulphate tryptose broth (LST), MacConkey broth (MAC) and brilliant green bile broth (BGBB) in the enumeration of coliform organisms present in soft cheese, cooked meat and pâté. The medium MMGM was superior in sensitivity to the other three media and compared favourably with them in specificity; BGBB was inferior to the other media tested.  相似文献   
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