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The aim of the present work was to study the evolution of the color of an apple‐baby food and to estimate its sensory shelf life. Samples of apple‐baby food stored at 25C were analyzed using trained assessors and a consumer panel. A zero‐order reaction kinetics was found for the evolution of sensory color with storage time. Color was highly correlated with consumers' rejection percentage and overall acceptability, which indicates that consumers consider this attribute when deciding to accept or reject this product and in assigning their acceptability scores. Using this correlation, the sensory cutoff point for color, corresponding to a 25% consumer rejection, was calculated. Sensory shelf life was estimated using consumer data. Sensory shelf life estimated by survival analysis was in agreement with that calculated considering an acceptability limit of 6.0 in a 9‐point hedonic scale.  相似文献   
Incubation of 50 mM d -glucose with aspartate aminotransferase (AST, EC preparations (purified pig heart enzyme or a rat liver 20,000 × g supernatant) at 25°C had no effect on enzyme activity. 50 mM d -fructose or d -ribose gradually inhibited pig heart AST under the same conditions to zero activity after 14 days. 50 mM dl -glyceraldehyde decreased enzyme activity to zero after 6 days of incubation. The inhibition of pig heart AST by 50 mM d -fructose or d -ribose was marked even at a temperature of 4°C but it was less pronounced than at 25°C. There was no effect of 0.5 mM 2-oxoglutarate on AST activity during incubation, while the presence of 25 mM l -aspartate decreased it rapidly. 0.5 mM 2-oxoglutarate partly prevented inhibition of AST by d -ribose or d -fructose, while an analogous experiment with 25 mM aspartate resulted in a rapid decline similar to that in the absence of sugars.  相似文献   
Ethnobotanical review of wild edible plants in Spain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper compiles and evaluates the ethnobotanical data currently available on wild plants traditionally used for human consumption in Spain. Forty-six ethnobotanical and ethnographical sources from Spain were reviewed, together with some original unpublished field data from several Spanish provinces. A total of 419 plant species belonging to 67 families was recorded. A list of species, plant parts used, localization and method of consumption, and harvesting time is presented. Of the seven different food categories considered, green vegetables were the largest group, followed by plants used to prepare beverages, wild fruits, and plants used for seasoning, sweets, preservatives, and other uses. Important species according to the number of reports include: Foeniculum vulgare , Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum , Origanum vulgare , Rubus ulmifolius , Silene vulgaris , Asparagus acutifolius , and Scolymus hispanicus . We studied data on the botanical families to which the plants in the different categories belonged, overlapping between groups and distribution of uses of the different species. Many wild food plants have also been used for medicinal purposes and some are considered to be poisonous. This review highlights the rich traditional knowledge on edible plants that has remained in rural Spain. Until recently, many wild plants were used as dietary supplements. However, most of this knowledge survives only in the memory of the elderly, and will probably disappear in a few decades.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 27–71.  相似文献   
Abstract. Village-scale trials were carried out in southern Mexico to compare the efficacy of indoor-spraying of the pyrethroid insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin applied either as low-volume (LV) aqueous emulsion or as wettable-powder (WP) aqueous suspension for residual control of the principal coastal malaria vector Anopheles albimanus. Three indoor spray rounds were conducted at 3-month intervals using back-pack mist-blowers to apply lambda-cyhalothrin 12.5 mg a.i./m2 by LV, whereas the WP was applied by conventional compression sprayer at a mean rate of 26.5 mg a.i./m2.
Both treatments caused mosquito mortality indoors and outdoors (collected inside house curtains) as a result of contact with treated surfaces before and after feeding, but had no significant impact on overall population density of An. albimanus resting indoors or assessed by human bait collections. Contact bioassays showed that WP and LV treatments with lambda-cyhalothrin were effective for 12–20 weeks (>75% mortality) without causing excito-repellency.
Compared to the WP treatment (8 houses/man/day), LV treatment (25 houses/man/day) was more than 3 times quicker per house, potentially saving 68% of labour costs. This is offset, however, by the much lower unit price of a compression sprayer (e.g. Hudson 'X-pert' at US120) than a mist-blower (e.g. 'Super Jolly' at US350), and higher running costs for LV applications. It was calculated, therefore, that LV becomes more economical than WP after 18.8 treatments/100 houses/10 men at equivalent rates of application, or after 7.6 spray rounds with half-rate LV applications.  相似文献   
Chloroplast protein synthesis was measured during the expansion,maturity and senescence of the oldest leaf of barley, Hordeumvulgare L., var. Hassan. A maximum rate of protein synthesisoccurred near the end of the expansion stage 9 d after sowing.Protein synthesis increased again at the beginning of senescenceand reached a new maximum at day 14 after sowing. Detachmentand incubation of leaves in the dark stimulated chioroplastprotein synthesis by fully expanded or by senescent leaves butnot by expanding leaves. If the detached leaves were kept inthe light, chloroplast protein synthesis was stimulated in fullyexpanded but not in senescent leaves. Short treatments (18 h)of leaf segments with growth substances in either light or indarkness, significantly changed the rate of protein synthesisshown by chloroplasts. The relationship between chloroplastprotein synthesis and leaf senescence is discussed. Key words: Hormones, light, maturity  相似文献   
1. In situ enclosure experiments were performed in the mesotrophic Bermejales reservoir to evaluate the algal response to changes in the nutrient supply and in the zooplankton size structure and density in a 2 × 2 factorial design. The experiments were conducted during the spring bloom of nanoplanktonic diatoms in 1989. 2. Nutrient enrichment promoted a great increase of phytoplankton biomass indicating a strong nutrient limitation on phytoplankton growth. Total phytoplankton biomass was significantly lower in the Daphina-added enclosures at a given nutrient level and strong direct an indirect effect of zooplankton on phytoplankton community structure and nutrient availability were observed. 3. Most of the nanoplanktonic species were effectively grazed but species with protective coverings and large size colonies were favoured by grazers and small chlorococcales were unaffected probably because of their compensatory high growth rates. The decrease in total biomass imposed by grazers is attributable mainly to the decrease of Cyclotella ocellata, the most abundant species. This taxon suffers two net effects of zooplankton: direct grazing and the indirect decrease of Si availability caused by the growth of C. ocellata which was promoted by P excretion by zooplankton. Indirect effects of grazers on Si availability should, therefore, be taken into account in explaining phytoplankton succession and community structure. 4. In this experiment grazers affected considerably the nanoplanktonic community in Bermejales reservoir. The extent which they were affected, however, depended not only on the algal size as a determinant of edibility but also greatly on the specific nutrient requirements and taxonomic features of the algal species.  相似文献   
Current climate change is a major threat to biodiversity. Species unable to adapt or move will face local or global extinction and this is more likely to happen to species with narrow climatic and habitat requirements and limited dispersal abilities, such as amphibians and reptiles. Biodiversity losses are likely to be greatest in global biodiversity hotspots where climate change is fast, such as the Iberian Peninsula. Here we assess the impact of climate change on 37 endemic and nearly endemic herptiles of the Iberian Peninsula by predicting species distributions for three different times into the future (2020, 2050 and 2080) using an ensemble of bioclimatic models and different combinations of species dispersal ability, emission levels and global circulation models. Our results show that species with Atlantic affinities that occur mainly in the North‐western Iberian Peninsula have severely reduced future distributions. Up to 13 species may lose their entire potential distribution by 2080. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that the most critical period for the majority of these species will be the next decade. While there is considerable variability between the scenarios, we believe that our results provide a robust relative evaluation of climate change impacts among different species. Future evaluation of the vulnerability of individual species to climate change should account for their adaptive capacity to climate change, including factors such as physiological climate tolerance, geographical range size, local abundance, life cycle, behavioural and phenological adaptability, evolutionary potential and dispersal ability.  相似文献   
The Earth is experiencing historically unprecedented rates of warming, with surface temperatures projected to increase by 3–5 °C globally, and up to 7.5 °C in high latitudes, within the next century. Knowledge of how this will affect biological systems is still largely restricted to the lower levels of organization (e.g. species range shifts), rather than at the community, food web or ecosystem level, where responses cannot be predicted from studying single species in isolation. Further, many correlational studies are confounded with time and/or space, whereas experiments have been mostly confined to laboratory microcosms that cannot capture the true complexity of natural ecosystems. We used a ‘natural experiment’ in an attempt to circumvent these shortcomings, by characterizing community structure and trophic interactions in 15 geothermal Icelandic streams ranging in temperature from 5 °C to 45 °C. Even modest temperature increases had dramatic effects across multiple levels of organization, from changes in the mean body size of the top predators, to unimodal responses of species populations, turnover in community composition, and lengthening of food chains. Our results reveal that the rates of warming predicted for the next century have serious implications for the structure and functioning of these fragile ‘sentinel’ ecosystems across multiple levels of organization.  相似文献   
The location of major quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to stem and leaf [Na+] and [K+] was previously reported in chromosome 7 using two connected populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of tomato. HKT1;1 and HKT1;2, two tomato Na+‐selective class I‐HKT transporters, were found to be closely linked, where the maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) score for these QTLs located. When a chromosome 7 linkage map based on 278 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used, the maximum LOD score position was only 35 kb from HKT1;1 and HKT1;2. Their expression patterns and phenotypic effects were further investigated in two near‐isogenic lines (NILs): 157‐14 (double homozygote for the cheesmaniae alleles) and 157‐17 (double homozygote for the lycopersicum alleles). The expression pattern for the HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 alleles was complex, possibly because of differences in their promoter sequences. High salinity had very little effect on root dry and fresh weight and consequently on the plant dry weight of NIL 157‐14 in comparison with 157‐17. A significant difference between NILs was also found for [K+] and the [Na+]/[K+] ratio in leaf and stem but not for [Na+] arising a disagreement with the corresponding RIL population. Their association with leaf [Na+] and salt tolerance in tomato is also discussed.  相似文献   
1. Predation‐exclusion experiments have highlighted that top‐down control is pervasive in terrestrial communities, but most of these experiments are simplistic in that they only excluded a single group of predators and the effect of removal was evaluated on a few species from the community. The main goal of our study was to experimentally establish the relative effects of ants and birds on the same arthropod assemblage of canopy trees. 2. We conducted 1‐year long manipulative experiments in an organic citrus grove intended to quantify the independent effects of bird and ant predators on the abundance of arthropods. Birds were excluded with plastic nets whereas ants were excluded with sticky barriers on the trunks. The sticky barrier also excluded other ground dwelling insects, like the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. 3. Both the exclusion of ants and birds affected the arthropod community of the citrus canopies, but the exclusion of ants was far more important than the exclusion of birds. Indeed, almost all groups of arthropods had higher abundance in ant‐excluded than in control trees, whereas only dermapterans were more abundant in bird‐excluded than in control trees. A more detailed analysis conducted on spiders also showed that the effect of ant exclusion was limited to a few families rather than being widespread over the entire diverse spectrum of spiders. 4. Our results suggest that the relative importance of vertebrate and invertebrate predators in regulating arthropod populations largely depends on the nature of the predator–prey system.  相似文献   
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