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Dynamics of surface water/groundwater ecotones in a karstic aquifer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Interactions between surface waters and groundwaters were analysed by studying degrees of similarity between a surface stream and groundwater in a karstic system.
  • 2 Exchange of water and solutes (‘abiotic interactions’) and living organisms (‘biotic interactions’) were quantified by characteristic parameters measured at the outlet of the karstic system during hydrological changes across the year as well as during a flood.
  • 3 The ratio of bicarbonate to calcium described abiotic interactions. In the seasonal study, biotic interactions were estimated from the proportion of epigean organisms in the communities sampled at the outlet. These interactions during the flood were estimated by comparing numbers of Cladocera, epigean organisms, with numbers of Niphargus virei, hypogean organisms.
  • 4 The location of the ecotone created by interactions between the surface stream and the karstic system showed marked spatial fluctuations according to the prevailing hydrology. Interactions were strong during high-water periods whereas they were negligible during low-water. Similar fluctuations occurred within a few hours during the flood.
  • 5 Results are compared with those from fluvial systems to discuss the importance of the dynamics of these surface/underground ecotones in the functioning of lotie ecosystems.
  • 1 Choice experiments on interspecific host discrimination in A.lopezi and A. diversicornis were carried out on discs of cassava leaf containing four hosts (P.manihoti) that had been parasitized by the other species and four unparasitized hosts.
  • 2 A.lopezi accepted both host types equally for oviposition, whereas A.diversicornis accepted fewer hosts that had been parasitized by A.lopezi than unparasitized ones. A.diversicornis is therefore capable of interspecific host discrimination, but such a capability was not demonstrated for A.lopezi.
  • 3 Survival probability in singly parasitized hosts was 0.85 for both parasitoid species. When the time interval between ovipositions was 2 h or less, survival in multiparasitized hosts was 0.68 for A.lopezi and 0.17 for A.diversicornis, irrespective of priority. Increasing A.lopezi priority to 24±2h did not increase A.lopezi survival. A.diversicornis survival, however, increased to 0.43 when A.diversicornis was given 24 ± 2 h priority. A.diversicornis eggs took 19 h longer than A.lopezi eggs to hatch. This could explain the difference in competitive abilities in multiparasitized hosts.
  • 4 The observed difference in host selection behaviour between A.lopezi and A.diversicornis is in accordance with the different benefits of multiparasitism: A.lopezi gains more than A.diversicornis because of its superior within-host competitive abilities.
  • 5 Neither species avoided multiparasitism completely. The low survival probability of A.diversicornis in multiparasitized hosts may partly explain its failure to establish when introduced into Africa as part of a biological control programme of P.manihoti.
Animal bioerosion trace fossils upon mineral substrates are analyzed from the point of view of the Seilacherian ethological classification. Several of the currently accepted ethological classes: cubichnia, fugichnia, repichnia, fodinichnia, agrichnia, calichnia and aedificichnia are not represented in these substrates. This fact points out a lower behavioral diversity of hard substrate trace fossils when compared with soft sediment trace fossils. Bioerosion traces can be classified in just five classes: domichnia, pascichnia, equilibrichnia, praedichnia and fixichnia. Fixichnia is here erected to gather superficial etching scars resulting from the anchoring of fixation of sessile epiliths by means of a soft or skeletal body part. Praedichnia and fixichnia are exclusive of the bioerosion realm.  相似文献   
Strains of Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) Hymenoptera: Scelionidae, an egg parasitoid of the green vegetable bug, Nezara viridula (L.), were obtained from three regions of Australia and from Homestead, Florida (USA). Percent parasitoid emergence was approximately the same for freezer-stored (-75°C) and fresh eggs, and freezer-stored eggs were suitable hosts for a longer time. Optimum host age, oviposition and emergence patterns, mean number of progeny per female, sex ratio and longevity were examined and certain comparisons were made between the Australian and USA parasitoids. Genetic crosses made between males and females of each strain revealed that reproductive isolation did not occur. Higher fecundity of the Australian strains may make them more successful than indigenous (USA) strains for controlling pest populations of N. viridula in the southern USA.  相似文献   
Originally utilized or developed as human poisons, anticholinesterasecompounds are among the most widely used pesticides in the worldand non-target wildlife are frequently exposed. Because thesecompounds primarily act by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase atsynapses within the central and peripheral nervous systems,the potential for altering physiological and behavioral responsesessential for survival and reproduction in exposed animals isgreat. We review the effects of acute but sublethal exposureto organophosphates and carbamates on thermoregulation (hypothermia),food consumption (anorexia and altered foraging behavior), andreproduction (altered hormone levels, reductions in clutch andlitter size, and alterations in reproductive behavior), andthe mechanisms believed to cause them. We believe these arethe direct toxic effects most likely to reduce populations offree-living birds and mammals within treated areas. Data fromstudies of captive birds and laboratory mammals and free-livingindividuals given controlled dosages are included with an emphasison information published within the last 5 years. The limitationsof existing data for determining the biological and regulatorysignificance of these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the location of the vitellogenesis inhibiting hormone (VIH)-producing cells in the eyestalk of the lobster Homarus americanus. In the present study, the neurosecretory pathways of VIH in Homarus, have been described immunocytochemically by use of a mouse serum against Homarus VIH. The location of the VIH cells was compared with the location of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) cells visualized by a rabbit serum raised against CHH of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. Immunocytochemical detection procedures, both at the light and electron microscopic level, revealed frequent but not complete co-localization of VIH and CHH in a variable number of the same group of perikarya. In the sinus gland, both neuropeptides were mostly demonstrated in distinct axonal endings characterized by different granule types. Postulations on the biosynthesis of these factors and suggestions concerning the processing of both neurohormones have been made.  相似文献   
Belaústegui, Z., Nebelsick, J.H., Gibert, J.M. de, Domènech, R. & Martinell, J. 2012: A taphonomic approach to the genetic interpretation of clypeasteroid accumulations from the Miocene of Tarragona, NE Spain. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 548–565. Clypeasteroid accumulations are common in Cenozoic shallow marine sediments, particularly in the Neogene, as they are also in analogue modern environments. In this article, four clypeasteroid accumulations from Miocene (Serravallian) shallow marine carbonates of the El Camp de Tarragona Basin (NE Spain) are studied. Two of them are dominated by flat‐shaped Parascutella, whereas the other two consist exclusively of bell‐shaped Clypeaster. The combination of the taphonomic analysis of the tests, the palaeoecological and taphonomic information provided by the associated fossils, and the stratigraphical and sedimentological context of each one of these beds allows interpreting them as autochthonous/parautochthonous accumulations resulting from in situ reworking in moderate energy settings, except for one that constitutes a true sand dollar coquina deposited by a storm event. This contribution explores the potential of thorough taphonomic analysis of marine invertebrate skeletal concentrations and substantiates the importance of clypeasteroid echinoids as producers of shell beds in the Neogene. □ Clypeasteroids, Echinoids, Miocene, Taphonomy, Tarragona.  相似文献   
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