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In a field of potatoes, top-roll, which is induced by the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae feeding on the leaves, was restricted to two rows of plants which accidentally received no phorate aphicide granules at planting. The photo-synthetic rate per unit leaf area and the ground cover of top-rolled leaves were respectively 50% and 20% less than those of normal plants which may account for the smaller yields of affected plants observed in previous experiments.  相似文献   
The uptake and translocation of fluazifop-butyl was investigated in Setaria viridis. Young plants (three to four leaves) with a portion of the second, third or fourth leaf covered, were sprayed with a dose equivalent to 0.25 kg a.i. ha-1. 14C-fluazifop-butyl was subsequently applied to the unsprayed area and the treatment resulted in plant death within 2 wk. Uptake by leaf 3 was rapid, with less than 5% of the applied dose remaining on the leaf surface after 24 h. The highest proportion of 14C-activity was retained in the treated portion of the leaf. Only 2% of the applied dose was translocated from leaf 3 and 0. 76% accumulated in the apical meristem. Uptake by the younger leaf 4 was more rapid and the pattern of translocation differed in that more 14--activity accumulated in apical meristematic tissue. 6–30% of the applied dose was undetected and this was greatest when foliar uptake was slow. Artificial leaf surface experiments indicated that this undetected activity may have been due to volatility of fluazifop-butyl or degradation to volatile products. 14C-activity extracted from treated leaves was identified as fluazifop-butyl, fluazifop acid and polar conjugates. The major 14C-activity extracted from the apical meristem was fluazifop acid and no fluazifop-butyl was detected in this extract.  相似文献   
Six types of nematocysts and their nematocytes in tentaclesand acontia of the sea anemone Metridium senile fimbriatum werestudied by electron microscopy. Microbasic b-mastigophores, microbasic amastigophores, and basitrichshave one fundamental feature in common: a straight, complexly-foldedshaft with dense spines pointing apically. An additional resemblancebetween a b-mastigophore and a basitrich is the possession ofa long, narrow, coiled thread bearing spines. An amastigophoreis characterized by a short, looped, unspined thread and a cup-shapedgranular matrix. Atrich and holotrich nematocysts have a coiled, spined tubeof uniform diameter which lies in an evenly granular matrixfilling the entire capsule. The above five nematocysts have three flaps at the apex of thecapsule which open upon discharge, and each nematocyte possessesa flagellum with which is associated one or two centrioles anda striated rootlet. The long rootlet of the b-mastigophorebearingnematocyte passes through a circular band of fibrils surroundingthe neck region of the capsule, and the short rootlet of theatrich lies in a dense fibrous sheath surrounding all but theapex of the capsule. The spirocyst differs from the other nematocysts in having athin, ridged, singlewalled capsule; an inverted tube containingbundles of tubules; an apical disk covered only by a thin layerof granular material and the nematocyst membrane; and the absenceof a flagellum in its nematocyte. Theories of excitation and mechanism of discharge of nematocystsand the function of spirocysts are discussed in the light ofthis and other recent studies of the fine structure of nematocysts.Special attention is drawn to the probable role of the foldsin the walls of shaft and thread in increasing the length ofthe tube upon discharge.  相似文献   
Molecular genetics of cellular differentiation in leaves   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract. Regulation of the concentration of osmotic solutes was studied in Chlorella emersonii grown at external osmotic pressures (II) ranging between 0.08 and 1.64MPa. NaCl was used as osmoticum. The total solute content of the cells was manipulated by applying 2 mol m−3 3- O -methylglucose (MG), which was not metabolized, and accumulated at concentrations ranging between 60 and 230 mol m−3 within 4 h after its addition to the medium. Methylglucose uptake resulted in decreases in concentrations of proline and sucrose, the two solutes mainly responsible for osmotic adaptation of C. emersonii to high external II. The responses were consistent with the hypothesis that proline and sucrose concentrations are controlled by a system of osmotic regulation, with turgor and/or volume as a primary signal. Short-term experiments showed that even very small increases in turgor and/or volume, due to accumulation of methylglucose, resulted in large decreases in proline and sucrose. Over the first 30-60 min the total solute concentration in the cells increased by at most 15 osmol m−3 which would represent an increase in turgor pressure of at most 0.04 M Pa. Yet, the decreases in proline and sucrose were as fast as those in cells exposed to a sudden decrease of 0.25 MPa in external II, when the turgor pressure would have increased by at least 0.15 MPa. High concentrations of methylglucose in cells grown at high II did not affect the rapid synthesis of proline and sucrose which started when the cells were transferred to yet higher II. Thus, methylglucose had no direct effects on proline and sucrose metabolism, and it has been assumed that it acted solely as an inert osmotic solute within the cell.  相似文献   
1. Population dynamics and interactions that vary over a species' range are of particular importance in the context of latitudinal clines in biological diversity. Winter moth (Operophtera brumata) and autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) are two species of eruptive geometrids that vary widely in outbreak tendency over their range, which generally increases from south to north and with elevation. 2. The predation pressure on geometrid larvae and pupae over an elevational gradient was tested. The effects of background larval density and bird occupancy of monitoring nest boxes on predation rates were also tested. Predation on larvae was tested through exclusion treatments at 20 replicate stations over four elevations at one site, while pupae were set out to measure predation at two elevations at three sites. 3. Larval densities were reduced by bird predation at three lower elevations, but not at the highest elevation, and predation rates were 1.9 times higher at the lowest elevation than at the highest elevation. The rate of predation on larvae was not related to background larval density or nest box occupancy, although there were more eggs and chicks at the lowest elevation. There were no consistent differences in predation on pupae by elevation. 4. These results suggest that elevational variation in avian predation pressure on larvae may help to drive elevational differences in outbreak tendency, and that birds may play a more important role in geometrid population dynamics than the focus on invertebrate and soil predators of previous work would suggest.  相似文献   
Heterophylly in Ranunculus flabellaris Raf.: The Effect of Abscisic Acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ranunculus flabellaris Raf., the Yellow Water-Crowfoot, is aheterophyllous semi-aquatic dicotyledonous plant, showing strikingmorphological and anatomical differences between terrestrialleaves and those formed underwater. After plants are submergedin a 25 µM solution of abscisic acid, leaves are producedat a normal rate but they exhibit many of the characteristicsof terrestrial leaves. Ranunculus flabellaris Raf., Yellow Water-Crowfoot, heterophylly, abscisic acid  相似文献   
Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are group-living birds found across much of mainland Australia. Adults commonly remain in a breeding territory until death. Young of the year either remain on the natal (birth) site or are forced by their parents to disperse. Observational studies in south-eastern Australia suggest that most dispersing juveniles settle within 7 km of their natal territory. Therefore, despite potential for considerable gene flow (via flight), social organization predisposes magpies towards local population structuring. In this study, we measured genetic variation at both nuclear (allozyme) and mitochondrial loci and found evidence of substantial gene flow over very large distances (up to 1599 km). Thus, some juvenile magpies may disperse much greater distances than was previously thought. For mtDNA, geographic and genetic distance were strongly correlated, consistent with a pattern of isolation by distance. Therefore, although female gene flow is substantial it is apparently geographically restricted over large distances, in approximately a stepping-stone fashion. We conclude that a strong relationship between gene flow and geographic distance can develop even over large distances if populations have experienced no major historical disturbances to gene flow.  相似文献   
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