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Total nodule nitrogenase activity (TNA, μmols ethylene plant-1 h-1) in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajari) increased with plant growth to reach maximum at flowering (75 days after sowing), decreasing thereafter until maturity (120 days after sowing). However, specific nodule nitrogenase activity (SNA, μmols ethylene g-1 nodule fresh wt h-1) reached its maximum earlier (45 days after sowing). The rate of photosynthesis and shoot and nodule respiration followed a similar pattern to TNA. However, higest rates of root respiration were observed at flowering and again immediately before final harvest. 14CO2 feeding studies showed that assimilates produced in leaves before flowering were retained in the vegetative parts. Assimilates produced after flowering were exported to the reproductive structure at the expense of the nodules. It is suggested that the decreased availability of photosynthate to nodules decreased nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   
The respiratory rate of the roots of mustard (Brassica cam-pestris L.) and tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) serving as hosts for the total root parasites Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers. and O.cernua Loefll. was measured using Warburg manometric technique. At the same time determinations were made of the respiration of the apical, basal and root regions of the parasites. The effects of sodium fluoride, malonic acid, sodium azide and DNP (2,4-dinitrophenol) on the rate of respiration of the host roots as well as of the parasites were studied. The Orobanche infection results in a marked increase in the respiratory rate near the host-parasite contact region. The damaging effect of infection seems to be due mainly to a continuous flow of water, minerals and metabolites from host to parasite. The haustorial invasion creates an obstruction in the translocation of metabolites. The respiration rate is lower in Orobanche than in the host, which might be related to its slower growth rate, inefficient oxidative processes and an escaping of certain energy-requiring interconversion processes. Roots of O. aegyptiaca are more well-developed and have higher rate of respiration. They can absorb more water and minerals from the soil. This fact might be connected with the specificity of the two species. NaF and malonic acid inhibit the respiration to a similar extent in healthy and infected roots. This indicates that the pathway of respiration does not change materially after infection. The EMP and Krebs cycle seem to operate at a lower intensity in Orobanche, which is proved by the lower inhibition of the respiration as compared to in the host. Azide causes a stronger reduction of the respiration in infected than in healthy roots. It would imply that the infection stimulates the activity of metal containing oxidases. The weaker inhibition of the respiration in Orobanche tissues indicates a mediation of other enzymes in the oxidation processes than in the host. The respiration is less stimulated by DNP in infected than in healthy roots. Contrary to the general effect of DNP, this substance decreases the O2 uptake in the parasite tissues. This fact may be explained by the occurrence of exceptionally high amounts of endogenous phenolic compounds and an insufficient production of ATP in the parasite.  相似文献   
定向诱导小鼠ES细胞向心肌细胞的分化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了提高体外诱导ES细胞向心肌细胞分化的效率 ,对以往的诱导方法加以改进 ,采用直接悬浮培养和 0 8%DMSO诱导 ,建立了简便、高效的定向诱导ES细胞向心肌细胞分化的体系 .诱导第 9d起可见自发性、有节律跳动的类胚体出现 ,第 14d达到高峰 ,约有 70 %的拟胚体产生跳动 .用RT PCR的方法在跳动的拟胚体中检测到心肌细胞特异性标志物的表达 ,采用免疫荧光染色的方法在蛋白水平检测到心肌特异的α辅肌动蛋白 (α actinin)的表达 ,并可见清晰肌小节 ,表明在改进的体外诱导条件下ES细胞可分化为成熟的心肌细胞 .  相似文献   
考洲洋重金属污染水平与潜在生态危害综合评价   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
在等级模型的基础上,利用化学和生态学的方法,在地理信息系统(GIS)的支持下对考洲洋养殖水域表层海水及表层沉积物的重金属污染水平及潜在生态风险进行了综合评价,同时对不同的评价方法进行了分析和比较。结果表明,枯水期整个水域表层海水的重金属污染指数均低于0.5,丰水期更是低于0.2。调查期间湾内海水重金属含量较低,重金属污染不明显。枯水期绝大部分水域表层沉积物重金属的生态风险指数值变化范围为20~70,其高值区出现于湾的西部和西北部水域。表明这些水域的表层沉积物已受到重金属的轻微影响;丰水期整个水域表层沉积物重金属的潜在生态风险指数值均低于20,重金属污染不明显。在生态学方面,枯水期大部分水域的饵料生物水平均处于2~3级水平,其密集分布区位于湾西北部、湾口和吉隆河口附近水域,达4级水平,饵料生物较为丰富。丰水期饵料生物水平的密集分布区位于湾中部和望京洲沿岸水域,饵料生物最丰富,达4~5级水平;其次为湾口,为4级水平;最低则分布于湾的西部和西北部,其饵料生物较低,为1~2级水平。由于重金属污染程度较低,因此水温、盐度和营养盐等环境因子已成为影响湾内生态系统的主要因素。对各种不同评价方法所进行的分析和比较结果表明,采用多指标综合评价方法是描述污染和预测生态效应的一种有效途径。  相似文献   
Levels of allantoin and allantoic acid in shoots, roots, nodulesand leaves of pigeonpea plant, in general, followed the patternof acetylene reduction in nodules, increasing progressivelyfrom 15 days after sowing (DAS) and attaining peaks at 75 DASand 60 DAS, respectively, except in shoots where their contentsevinced maximum values at pod-setting (90 DAS). Activity ofGS in nodules and shoots reached a maximum at 60 DAS and 75DAS, respectively. However, in leaves and roots, the enzymeshowed a biphasic behaviour with peaks at days 60 and 105 inleaves and at days 75 and 105 in roots. GDH activity in nodulespeaked at 60 DAS, whereas, in leaves and roots, the maximumactivity was observed at flowering (75 DAS). Uricase was presentonly in nodules with peak activity at flowering. Allantoinaseactivity again peaked at flowering, where nodules had maximumactivity followed by leaves, roots and shoots. Urease couldbe detected in all the organs with maximum activity at 60 DASin leaves followed by roots and nodules. Except uricase, allthe enzymes reported above were also present in reproductivestructures. Compared to GS, GDH was more active both in flowerbuds and developing pods. Seeds, compared to podwalls, containedhigher activities of GDH, allantoinase and urease at day 105.Only allantoin could be detected in seeds and podwalls at day105. Key words: Cajanus cajan, Allantoin, Allantoic acid, Nitrogenase, Glutamine synthetase, Glutamate dehydrogenase, Uricase, Allantoinase, Urease, Development  相似文献   
Determination of different carbohydrate and nitrogen fractions was made in tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) and mustard (Brassica campestris L.) serving as hosts for Orobanche cernua and O. aegyptiaca respectively. Shoots of Orobanche were also subjected to such analyses. Infection raised the level of total reducing and total sugar in the host with a simultaneous decrease in the level of acid-hydrolyzable and total carbohydrates in the constituent organs of infected hosts. This has been explained to be due to predominance of hydrolytic activity in the infected host. Infection also brought about a depression in the proportion of sucrose to the pool of total sugar in the host. This was also possibly due to predominance of hydrolytic processes and retardation in the synthetic processes. Higher concentration of acid-hydrolyzable and total carbohydrates in Orobanche than in the host indicated a high demand for sugars by the parasite. The insignificant differences between the relative proportions of different nitrogen fractions to the pool of total nitrogen in healthy and infected hosts indicated that nitrogen metabolism was not deranged in any way due to infection. Orobanche always had a lower concentration of total soluble and total nitrogen than the host root.  相似文献   
Stem cell factor is a growth factor for normal human melanocytes, that acts through the tyrosine kinase receptor c-kit. We have previously demonstrated that stem cell factor increases melanocyte adhesion and migration on fibronectin, and regulates integrin protein expression. In this report, we have characterized the effect of stem cell factor on the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in human melanocytes attached to fibronectin, and have examined the effect of stem cell factor on the phosphorylation of the focal contact protein paxillin and on the expression of the focal contact proteins talin, paxillin, vinculin, and α-actinin. Paxillin is a vinculin-binding protein that is a substrate of focal adhesion kinase, a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, and in its phosphorylated form is believed to stabilize focal contacts. We show that stem cell factor induces a rapid increase in actin stress fiber formation in melanocytes, which can be abrogated by genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and that stem cell factor induces phosphorylation of paxillin on tyrosine residues. In contrast, stem cell factor did not regulate expression of any of the four focal contact proteins tested. These findings have implications for the models describing the mechanisms of action of stem cell factor on melanocyte adhesion and migration, and suggest that reorganization of the cytoskeleton is a primary effect of stem cell factor on human melanocytes.  相似文献   
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