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Sixteen wildebeest were marked with radio transmitters and tracked for varying lengths of time during the period between late November, 1971, and mid-July 1972. They were repeatedly radiofixed from an aircraft prior to, during and after their annual wet season visit to the Serengeti Plain. Fix-to-fix tracks of animals showed that each hurried to the Plain at the onset of the rains, performed oscillatory movements over an individually distinct, elliptically shaped, fractional part of the Plain area, and departed into the woodland as the Plain dried out. Average fix-to-fix rate of travel approximated 3–75 km/day. Large aggregations of animals, armies, were smaller and more restless in the woodlands than on the Plain. Smaller aggregations included within armies, troops, varied in size as a function of activity. They were small when feeding and large when marching. Troops averaged larger in the woodlands mostly because they were more often marching there than on the plain. The tracked animals were equally successful in finding green forage in the presence of water in both habitats. The item in shortest supply appeared to be the presence of green forage in the woodlands and of water on the Plain. It is concluded that structural attributes of the woodlands, by lowering the security level of animals, played a part in making the Serengeti Plain attractive to the animals.  相似文献   
Molecular Characterization of a Barley Gene Induced by Cold Treatment   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A cDNA library was made from low positive temperature (6 ?C/2?C) grown barley shoot meristems. Several genes which are differentiallyexpressed, as measured by mRNA abundance, were selected fromthe library using a differential screen. This paper reportsan analysis of in vivo expression in several cultivars, theDNA sequence, copy number and chromosomal location of one gene(BLT14). In addition, genomic restriction fragment length polymorphismfor this gene in the 10 most widely UK-grown spring and 9 mostwidely UK-grown winter barley cultivars is analysed. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, low temperature, RFLP, differential expression, cDNA sequence  相似文献   
A GROUP B herpesvirus is important in the aetiology of Marek's disease, a highly contagious lymphoproliferative disease of chickens1,2. Chicks inoculated with enveloped Marek's disease herpesvirus (MDHV), extracted from feather follicle epithelium of chickens with the disease, developed tumour-like aggregates of lymphoid cells in the viscera and frequently in the peripheral nerves3,4. Cultures of chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells infected with MDHV develop discrete foci of altered cells5. Our data show that MDHV infection of cultures of CEF cells, previously infected with an avian leucosis virus (RAV-2), results in both a reduction in the number of MDHV foci and an increase in the complement fixing avian leucosis antigen (COFAL)6 titre.  相似文献   
  • 1 Renewed batch cultures of three algivorous and one bacterivorous ciliate showed that ciliate reproductive rates increase with increasing food concentration up to an asymptote. Maximum rm values for Strobilidium gyrans, Bursaridium difficile and Euplotes eurystomus feeding on the cryptomonad alga Rhodomonas minuta were 0.87, 0.86 and 0.45 day-1, respectively, while Paramecium aurelia feeding on the bacterium Enterobactor aerogenes had an rm of 0.40 day-1. B. difficile had a food threshold (rm= 0) of 0.38 μg Cml-1 and P. aurelia had a threshold of 1.6μg Cml-1.
  • 2 The presence of suspended fine (particle size <1 μm) and coarse (particle size 1–2μm) clay suppressed the half maximum reproductive rate of the ciliate Strobilidium gyrans by up to 69% but had no effect on B. difficile, E. eurystomus or P. aurelia. Populations of ciliates unaffected by clay may be released in situations where suspended particles negatively affect their metazooplankton predators and competitors.
SUMMARY. Effects of forest clearcutting on rates of leaf breakdown were studied in Big Hurricane Branch, a second-order stream located at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA. Breakdown rates of leaves of three tree species were measured in the stream before, during and after the catchment was clearcut. Changes in the stream attributable to logging and associated activities—principally road building—were increased stream flow, increased sediment transport, elevated water temperatures, increased nitrate concentrations and decreased allochthonous organic inputs. Breakdown rates of all three leaf species were slowed during clearcutting and accelerated later. Following logging the breakdown rate of dogwood leaves was equal to the pre-treatment rate, and white oak and rhododendron leaves broke down faster than prior to treatment. We attribute the slow breakdown during treatment to burial of the leaf packs in sediment. Subsequent acceleration may have been due to a lack of alternative food sources for invertebrate detritivores.  相似文献   
Proteins of the Crustacean Exoskeleton   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We describe here some of the components of the exoskeleton ofthe decapod crustacean with emphasis on the constituent proteins,including both structural and enzymatic. All four layers, butparticularly the inner three, of the exoskeletons of four brachyuranscontain high concentrations of proteins 31 kDa; the innermostmembranous layer is especially rich in such proteins. A numberof crab exoskeletal proteins resemble insect cuticle proteinsin size (Mr) and isoelectric point (pI). A further similarityis the cross reactivity of crab exoskeletal proteins with fourdifferent antibodies against cuticular proteins of two speciesof insects. One of the small Mr exoskeletal proteins in theBermuda land crab Gecarcinus lateralis has a similar distributionas a protein of similar size in the cuticle of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. The partial dissolution of an old exoskeletonand formation of the two outer layers of a new exoskeleton aremajor events in readying a crustacean for the increase in sizethat occurs at each molt. Expressing both parallel and sequentialactivation of a number of genes, a single layer of epidermalcells that bounds a crustacean such as G. lateralis synthesizesspecific proteins at different stages of the intermolt cycleas the outermost epicuticle and exocuticle are formed duringproecdysis and as the endocuticle and membranous layer are formedduring metecdysis. Finally, two sets of proteinases isolatedfrom integumentary tissues of land crabs degrade the same exoskeletalproteins in vitro as are degraded in vivo during proecdysis.  相似文献   
Infrared heater arrays for warming ecosystem field plots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is a need for methodology to warm open‐field plots in order to study the likely effects of global warming on ecosystems in the future. Herein, we describe the development of arrays of more powerful and efficient infrared heaters with ceramic heating elements. By tilting the heaters at 45° from horizontal and combining six of them in a hexagonal array, good uniformity of warming was achieved across 3‐m‐diameter plots. Moreover, there do not appear to be obstacles (other than financial) to scaling to larger plots. The efficiency [ηh (%); thermal radiation out per electrical energy in] of these heaters was higher than that of the heaters used in most previous infrared heater experiments and can be described by: ηh= 10 + 25exp(? 0.17 u), where u is wind speed at 2 m height (m s? 1). Graphs are presented to estimate operating costs from degrees of warming, two types of plant canopy, and site windiness. Four such arrays were deployed over plots of grass at Haibei, Qinghai, China and another at Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA, along with corresponding reference plots with dummy heaters. Proportional integral derivative systems with infrared thermometers to sense canopy temperatures of the heated and reference plots were used to control the heater outputs. Over month‐long periods at both sites, about 75% of canopy temperature observations were within 0.5 °C of the set‐point temperature differences between heated and reference plots. Electrical power consumption per 3‐m‐diameter plot averaged 58 and 80 kW h day? 1 for Haibei and Cheyenne, respectively. However, the desired temperature differences were set lower at Haibei (1.2 °C daytime, 1.7 °C night) than Cheyenne (1.5 °C daytime, 3.0 °C night), and Cheyenne is a windier site. Thus, we conclude that these hexagonal arrays of ceramic infrared heaters can be a successful temperature free‐air‐controlled enhancement (T‐FACE) system for warming ecosystem field plots.  相似文献   
FISHER, J. B. & EWERS, F. W., 1992. Xylem pathways in liana stems with variant secondary growth. The three-dimensional construction of stem xylem in tropical lianas (woody vines) was studied using several approaches: 1. observations of the xylem surface in stems with bark removed after NaOH treatment or natural retting; 2. reconstructions from serial transverse sections; 3. movement of dye solutions up isolated xylem sectors in intact plants, and 4. flow of dye solutions down branches and xylem sectors in isolated stem segments. Long distance (up to several metres) xylem pathways in unbranched stems and connections between lateral branches and main stems are described for !5 species in eight families which represented seven differnt patterns of secondary growth. The xylem in even the most complex stems is integrated by three-dimensional interconnections of xylem regions which may appear isolated in transverse section. Interconnections are most common at leaf and branch nodes. Some old stems have peripheral xylem that remains isolated over long distances in unbranched stems, but even these had structural and physiological interconnections between xylem regions at branch nodes.  相似文献   
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