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The “Earth of fortified settlement” is one of the last big discoveries of the end of the xxth century. Situated on the oriental slopes of the mounts of Ural, fortified settlement, date the Middle Bronze Age. These strengthened structures are particular in the archaeology of steppes. They were built according to geometrical plans, Cities in oval being the most ancient, the rectangular cities being the most recent. The most remarkable are together of strengthened structures appropriate for the culture of Sintachta-Arkaïm. This city distinguishes itself from the others by the unique integrity of the works of fortification and by the graves which are connected to these last ones. Situated on a prominence, Arkaim consists of two defensive walls, maybe of a third, the rampart and the ditch. The space between the defensive walls was occupied by the houses of trapezoidal shape and directed as beams to the center of the city. The center of the city, the rectangular shape, was not built and formed a place where foyers were found. Complex entrances were at the four corner of the city. The excavations of fortified settlement and graves allowed to have an idea on the level of development of the everyday life at the time of the Middle Bronze Age in transuralian plains.  相似文献   
Glycosylation is one of the most prominent and extensively studied protein post-translational modifications. However, traditional proteomic studies at the peptide level (bottom-up) rarely characterize intact glycopeptides (glycosylated peptides without removing glycans), so no glycoprotein heterogeneity information is retained. Intact glycopeptide characterization, on the other hand, provides opportunities to simultaneously elucidate the glycan structure and the glycosylation site needed to reveal the actual biological function of protein glycosylation. Recently, significant improvements have been made in the characterization of intact glycopeptides, ranging from enrichment and separation, mass spectroscopy (MS) detection, to bioinformatics analysis. In this review, we recapitulated currently available intact glycopeptide characterization methods with respect to their advantages and limitations as well as their potential applications.  相似文献   
Possible association between the C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene and estrogen-dependent cancer risk was assessed. Genotyping was performed using PCR amplification followed by digestion of products with specific restrictases. In a population of 260 healthy women (permanent residents of the southwest European Russia), mutant allele frequencies at the C282Y and H63D sites were evaluated as 3.3 and 16.3%, respectively. In patients with breast, ovarian, and endometrial cancer, C282Y frequencies were also low (1.0, 1.3, and 3.8%, respectively), and no cancer risk associated with the C282Y mutation was found. Odds ratios for breast cancer risk associated with the H63D mutation increased significantly with age: 0.5 in women below 48 years old, 1.0 in a range of 48-57 years, and 4.4 in older women (P(trend)=0.002). The latter value was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.4-14.1), indicating that women bearing the H63D mutation may be at an increased breast cancer risk at an age above 57 years. Preliminary results obtained in patients with two other estrogen-dependent malignancies revealed the same tendency to OR increase with age in ovarian cancer patients (P(trend)=0.008), but no age-related OR differences in endometrial cancer patients.  相似文献   
Members of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) family play a significant role in bladder cancer progression and may underlie the development of chemotherapy resistance. Dacomitinib is an irreversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor with structural specificity for the catalytic domains of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), HER2 and HER4 that has exhibited vigorous efficacy against other solid tumors. We evaluated the antitumor activity of dacomitinib in human bladder cancer cell lines expressing varying levels of HER family receptors. These cell lines also were established as bladder cancer xenografts in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) mice to assess dacomitinib activity in vivo. Significant cytotoxic and cytostatic effects were noted in cells expressing elevated levels of the dacomitinib target receptors with apoptosis and cell cycle arrest being the predominant mechanisms of antitumor activity. Cells expressing lower levels of HER receptors were much less sensitive to dacomitinib. Interestingly, dacomitinib was more active than either trastuzumab or cetuximab in vitro, and exhibited increased growth inhibition of bladder tumor xenografts compared with lapatinib. Pharmacodynamic effects of dacomitinib included decreased E-cadherin (E-cad) expression, reduction of EGFR and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation and reduced mitotic count. Dacomitinib also inhibited tumor growth in a chemotherapy-resistant xenograft and, when combined with chemotherapy in a sensitive xenograft, exhibited superior antitumor effects compared with individual treatments. Evaluation in xenograft-bearing mice revealed that this combination was broadly feasible and well tolerated. In conclusion, dacomitinib exhibited pronounced activity both as a single agent and when combined with chemotherapy in human bladder cancer models. Further investigation of dacomitinib in the preclinical and clinical trial settings is being pursued.  相似文献   
The identity of Chironomus atrella Townes has been confusing because the name has been used for at least 2 quite different species. This situation is clarified karyosystematically by describing the banding patterns and chromosomal polymorphisms from a number of locations in Canada and the US. Most populations show only moderate levels of polymorphism (average heterozygosity, 0.36), although in some samples from shallow waters, the level of polymorphism is much higher (average heterozygosity, up to 0.92). The banding patterns of the polytene chromosomes are either identical or closely related to those found in Holarctic species with a northern distribution. These patterns and the distribution of inversions in the C. atrella populations are consistent with a progenitor that colonized North America across the Bering Strait and spread down the Rocky Mountain chain; at the same time, new gene combinations developed that allowed it to spread eastward over the majority of the continent.  相似文献   
The findings from long-term field studies on biological effects in plant populations inhabiting radioactively contaminated territories contrast in levels and compositions of dose-forming radionuclides are presented. Plant populations developing under radioactive impact show enhanced frequencies of gene and chromosome mutations, and their reproductive potential is inferior to reference populations. Even relatively low levels of technogenic impact are able to increase genetic diversity and destroy regularities inherent for intact populations. Chronic radiation exposure from a certain level appears to be an ecological factor changing genetic structure of wild populations. Data presented indicate the presence of adaptation processes in plant populations in territories with technogenic impact. Under ecological stress, there are selection processes for resistance improvement in plant populations. But an appearance and rate of this process can essentially differ in dependence on radioecological conditions.  相似文献   
We have previously identified a family of novel androgen receptor (AR) ligands that, upon binding, enable AR to adopt structures distinct from that observed in the presence of canonical agonists. In this report, we describe the use of these compounds to establish a relationship between AR structure and biological activity with a view to defining a rational approach with which to identify useful selective AR modulators. To this end, we used combinatorial peptide phage display coupled with molecular dynamic structure analysis to identify the surfaces on AR that are exposed specifically in the presence of selected AR ligands. Subsequently, we used a DNA microarray analysis to demonstrate that differently conformed receptors facilitate distinct patterns of gene expression in LNCaP cells. Interestingly, we observed a complete overlap in the identity of genes expressed after treatment with mechanistically distinct AR ligands. However, it was differences in the kinetics of gene regulation that distinguished these compounds. Follow-up studies, in cell-based assays of AR action, confirmed the importance of these alterations in gene expression. Together, these studies demonstrate an important link between AR structure, gene expression, and biological outcome. This relationship provides a firm underpinning for mechanism-based screens aimed at identifying SARMs with useful clinical profiles.  相似文献   
An important challenge facing researchers in drug development is how to translate multi-omic measurements into biological insights that will help advance drugs through the clinic. Computational biology strategies are a promising approach for systematically capturing the effect of a given drug on complex molecular networks and on human physiology. This article discusses a two-pronged strategy for inferring biological interactions from large-scale multi-omic measurements and accounting for known biology via mechanistic dynamical simulations of pathways, cells, and organ- and tissue level models. These approaches are already playing a role in driving drug development by providing a rational and systematic computational framework.  相似文献   
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