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Thermal hysteresis of longitudinal relaxation times (T1) ofwater protons in hypocotyls of etiolated Vigna radiata and V.mungo seedlings was investigated by pulse nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy. Various lengths of chilling exposures duringa cool-warm cycle between 20 and 0?C (below 10?C, about 4 h)for the T1 hysteresis measurement did not cause any visibleinjury symptoms in hypocotyls. However, the profiles of T1 hysteresisvaried as a result of different chilling exposures. The sumsof the T1 ratio (for detail see Introduction) reflecting T1prolongation or shortening upon the warming process were a goodquantitative index for the extent of T1 hysteresis, and thewide dispersion of this value ranging on the "minus" side (T1prolongation upon warming) suggested the occurrence of a primaryresponse of cells to chilling stress before obvious visiblesymptoms occur while the T1 ratio sums on the "plus" side (T1shortening upon warming) corresponded to a response of seriousvisible injury. Therefore, the sums of the T1 ratio can be usedas a non-destructive diagnostic tool for monitoring the primaryevent of chilling injury when lacking any visible injury symptoms.The data indicate that the critical temperature for the occurrenceof primary response for chilling stress was around 7.5?C forV. radiata and 12.5?C for V. mungo. (Received February 1, 1988; Accepted June 1, 1988)  相似文献   
To ascertain the effect of exogenously applied hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on drought stress, we examined whether the spraying of soybean leaves with H2O2 would alleviate the symptoms of drought stress. Pre-treatment by spraying leaves with H2O2 delayed foliar wilting caused by drought stress compared to leaves sprayed with distilled water (DW). Additionally, the relative water content of drought-stressed leaves pre-treated with H2O2 was higher than that of leaves pre-treated with DW. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of H2O2 spraying on photosynthetic parameters and on the biosynthesis of oligosaccharides related to water retention in leaves during drought stress. Under conditions of drought stress, the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of leaves pre-treated with H2O2 were higher than those of leaves pre-treated with DW. In contrast to DW spraying, H2O2 spraying immediately caused an increase in the mRNA levels of d-myo-inositol 3-phosphate synthase 2 (GmMIPS2) and galactinol synthase (GolS), which encode key enzymes for the biosynthesis of oligosaccharides known to help plants tolerate drought stress. In addition, the levels of myo-inositol and galactinol were higher in H2O2-treated leaves than in DW-treated leaves. These results indicated that H2O2 spraying enabled the soybean plant to avoid drought stress through the maintenance of leaf water content, and that this water retention was caused by the promotion of oligosaccharide biosynthesis rather than by rapid stomatal closure.  相似文献   
To examine whether silica bodies are essential for silicon-enhanced growth of rice seedlings, we investigated the response of rice, Oryza sativa L., to silicon treatment. Silicic acid treatment markedly enhanced the SPAD (soil plant analytical development) values of leaf blades and the growth and development of leaves and lateral roots in cvs. Hinohikari and Oochikara, and a low-silicon mutant, lsi1. Combination of ethanol–benzene displacement and staining with crystal violet lactone enabled more detailed histochemical analysis to visualize silica bodies in the epidermis under bright-field microscopy. Supply of silicon induced the development of motor cells and silica bodies in epidermal cells in Hinohikari and Oochikara but not or marginal in lsi1. X-ray analytical microscopy detected silicon specifically in the leaf sheath, the outermost part of the stem, and the leaf blade midrib, suggesting that silicon is distributed to tissues involved in maintaining rigidity of the plant to prevent lodging, rather than being passively deposited in growing tissues. Silicon supplied at high dose accumulated in all rice seedlings and enhanced growth and SPAD values with or without silica body formation. Silicon accumulated in the cell wall may play an important physiological role different from that played by the silica deposited in the motor cell and silica bodies.  相似文献   
Temperature dependence of longitudinal relaxation times (T1)of water protons in flower buds of six azalea species differingin cold hardiness and ecological distribution was investigatedby pulse nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Thermal hysteresiswas observed for T1 following a slow freeze-thaw cycle. TheT1 ratio (the ratio obtained from the difference between theoriginal T1 value in an unfrozen sample and the final T1 aftera freeze-thaw treatment, both at 20C, divided by the originalT1) was closely correlated with the viability of florets innon-acclimated buds of R. kiusianum. If the buds were frozento a lethal temperature and then thawed to 20C, the T1 ratioincreased. The T1 ratios of acclimated winter buds for the sixspecies used were correlated with the level of cold hardiness(supercooling ability of florets determined by differentialthermal analysis). The T1 ratio of deacclimated spring buds,especially those from hardier species, markedly increased uponcooling to a lethal temperature. Species differences observedin acclimated winter buds disappeared upon deacclimation. TheT1 ratio appears to be related to the viability of florets andthe degree of freezing damage (membrane disruption) in florets. (Received December 28, 1984; Accepted May 24, 1985)  相似文献   
Soybean seeds have high lipid and protein contents. Adverse environmental conditions restrict seed yield and quality. We examined the changes in storage compounds caused by drought stress from R5 stage (beginning seed growth stage). Under drought stress, contents of lipid in seed were remarkably low compared to control at 24 and 29 days after treatment. Protein contents in seed were immediately decreased after water deficit treatment. On the other hand, soluble sugar contents in seed were increased by drought stress. Drought stress decreased the expression of genes involved in lipid biosynthesis (PK, BCCP2, and KAS1) and increased the genes expression involved in lipid degradation (ACX2, MS, and PEPCK). These results suggest that the increasing of sugar content in seed under drought stress was complemented by degradation of lipids. The expressions of genes encoding storage protein (Gy4 and β-conglycinin) were also decreased by drought stress. This study showed how drought stress during seed filling affects seed quality, especially lipid and protein contents, that may facilitate further research on seed storage compounds metabolism under environmental stresses.  相似文献   
Changes in NMR relaxation times (T1) of water protons and watercontents of leaves of woody plants affected by formation ofinsect galls were studied in Machilus, Zelkova and Cinnamomumparasitized with a gall-midge, an aphid and two different Triozinepsyllids, respectively. The presence of galls in Machilus leavesincreased both T1 and water contents in the galled leaf tissues,while such tissues in Zelkova showed only increases in T1. Similartrends for both parameters were also observed in gall-bearingleaf tissues of Machilus and Cinnamomum, with galls caused bytwo different psyllids. It seems that it is the particular characteristicsof leaf tissues of the host plant that determine whether thesystemic effect of the presence of galls is reflected both inT1 and in water content, or only in T1. Histologic features,including the presence of tannins in and leakage of electrolytesfrom these materials, were compared with those of normal (ungalled)leaves to determine possible causative factors involved in theprolongation of T1 relaxation times that were associated withthe presence of insect galls. The eco-physiological implicationof tannins with respect to the host-parasite relationship isalso discussed. (Received October 27, 1989; Accepted April 24, 1990)  相似文献   
The freezing resistance of various organs and tissues was determined in 24 Rhododendron species (mainly Subgenus Tsutsutsi) having different ecological distributions. The order of hardiness for organ or tissue is as follows: leaf bud > wood ≧ bark > flower bud, and the flower bud is characterized as the most cold-susceptible organ. The relationship of killing temperature (KT) to northern distribution was the most significant in leaf buds compared to other organs and tissues. KTs of leaf buds for the most hardy species were ?45 °C (or below) and those for the most tender species were about ?23 °C, while KTs of flower buds were about ?28 °C for the former and ?16 °C for the latter. Although KTs of flower buds native to southwestern Japan were well correlated with the exothermic temperature distribution (ETD) of florets, those in the more northern species were generally lower than ETDs. The supercooling ability of flower buds appears to be sufficient to avoid the freezing stress since the extreme minimum temperature (EMT) at the northern limit of natural distribution for each tree species examined was not lower than the KT and ETD of the flower buds.  相似文献   
The question of "break" or "straight" in Arrhenius plots forthe temperature dependency of NMR relaxation times (T1) of waterprotons in etiolated intact seedlings for chilling-sensitivetwo Vigna species and chilling-insensitive Pisum was statisticallystudied using the Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), a versatileprocedure for statistical model identification. Among sevenmodels, the most appropriate was based on the following assumptions:individual k (preparation numbers) two-half lines connectingat the break point (TCB) and imposing no restrictions for thegradient and the break point (Model 7). The worst two modelswere one straight line or one TCB (Model 1 or 4). Thus, thedata obtained from replicated preparations should not be treatedas a whole but as individual in each sample case. Break pointsdetermined with Model 7 ranged around 11-5°C for V. radiataand 17-10°C for V. mungo. The implication of the occurrenceof "break" for Pisum clearly differed from Vigna judging bythe model fitness based on the AIC values. The question of "break"or "straight" in Arrhenius plots is therefore fairly dependenton the validity of the model selection in the statistical analysis,and the AIC method is a useful procedure for the resolutionof the problem of the "use" or "misuse" of Arrhenius plots inplant physiology. (Received November 2, 1988; Accepted January 17, 1989)  相似文献   
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