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Primary production of phytoplankton and secondary production of a daphnid and a chaoborid were studied in a small eutrophic pond. The gross primary production of phytoplankton was 290 gC m−2 per 9 months during April–December. Regression analysis showed that the gross primary production was related to the incident solar radiation and the chlorophylla concentration and not to either total phosphorus or total inorganic nitrogen concentration. The mean chlorophylla concentration (14.2 mg m−3), however, was about half the expected value upon phosphorus loading of this pond. The mean zooplankton biomass was 1.60 g dry weight m−2, of whichDaphnia rosea and cyclopoid copepods amounted to 0.69 g dry weight m−2 and 0.61 g dry weight m−2, respectively. The production ofD. rosea was high during May–July and October and the level for the whole 9 months was 22.6 g dry weight m−2.Chaoborus flavicans produced 10 complete and one incomplete cohorts per year. Two consecutive cohorts overlapped during the growing season. The maximum density, the mean biomass, and the production were 19,100 m−2, 0.81 g dry weight m−2, and 11.7 g dry weight m−2yr−1, respectively. As no fish was present in this pond, the emerging biomass amounted to 69% of larval production. The production ofC. flavicans larvae was high in comparison with zooplankton production during August–September, when the larvae possibly fed not only on zooplankton but also algae.  相似文献   
Osteosarcoma, the most common type of primary bone cancer, is the second highest cause of cancer-related death in pediatric patients. To understand the mechanisms behind osteosarcoma progression and to discover novel therapeutic strategies for this disease, a reliable and appropriate mouse model is essential. For this purpose, osteosarcoma cells need to be injected into the bone marrow. Previously, the intratibial and intrafemoral injection methods were reported; however, the major drawback of these methods is the potential leakage of tumor cells from the injection site during or after these procedures. To overcome this, we have established an improved method to minimize leakage in an orthotopic mouse model of osteosarcoma. By taking advantage of the anatomical benefits of the femur with less bowing and larger medullary cavity than those of the tibia, osteosarcoma cells are injected directly into the femoral cavity following reaming of its intramedullary space. To prevent potential leakage of tumor cells during and after the surgery, the injection site is sealed with bone wax. This method requires a minor surgery of approximately 15 min under anesthesia. Our established orthotopic osteosarcoma model could serve as a valuable and reliable tool for examining progression of various types of bone tumors.  相似文献   
Large bag-type (75 m3) and tube-type (105 m3) enclosures were set up in the shallow eutrophic Lake Suwa and were each stocked with exotic planktivorous whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena). The release of whitefish caused the increase in nutrient concentration in the tube-type enclosure whereas no such increase was observed in the bag-type enclosure. Bottom sediment seemed to be an important source of chironomid food for whitefish. The proportion of phytoplankton measuring<10μm and 20–40μm, which respectively corresponded toOchromonas spp. andCryptomonas sp., were lower in the fish enclosures than in the control, which might have been caused by high grazing pressure by rotifers. The predation by whitefish might have affected the species composition of phytoplankton through reducing copepod predation on rotifers, not through reducing the densities of cladocerans which directly feed on phytoplankton as many investigators have reported. The phytoplankton biomass was not affected much by the release of fish. Possible reasons are that the increase in density of rotifers reduced the biomass of available phytoplankton and also that inedible Cyanophyceae were in the decreasing phase of their seasonal succession and could not increase successfully in spite of elevated nutrient levels.  相似文献   
Bag-type enclosures (75 m3) with bottom sheets and tube-type enclosures (105 m3) open to the bottom sediment were stocked with exotic whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena) to study their predation effects on the plankton community. The fish fed mainly on adult chironomids during the period of their emergence (earlier part of the experimental period). Thereafter, the food preference was shifted to larvae of chironomids and crustacean zooplankters. The predation effects on the plankton community were not evident in the bag-type enclosures where zooplankton densities were consistently low. The fish reduced the crustacean populations composed ofBosmina fatalis, B. longirostris andCyclops vicinus in the tube-type enclosures where the prey density was high (above ca. 50 individuals 1−1). The results suggested that the intensity of predation depended on the prey density. Rotifers increased in the fish enclosure, probably becauseCoregonus reduced the predation pressure byCyclops vicinus on rotifers and allowed the latter to increase. In the fish enclosures, no marked changes in species composition were observed. Zooplankton predated by the fish seemed to be distributed near the walls of the enclosures. Problems of enclosure experiments for examining the effects of fish predation on pelagic zooplankton communities are discussed.  相似文献   
Mdm2 and Mdm4 loss regulates distinct p53 activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutational inactivation of p53 is a hallmark of most human tumors. Loss of p53 function also occurs by overexpression of negative regulators such as MDM2 and MDM4. Deletion of Mdm2 or Mdm4 in mice results in p53-dependent embryo lethality due to constitutive p53 activity. However, Mdm2(-/-) and Mdm4(-/-) embryos display divergent phenotypes, suggesting that Mdm2 and Mdm4 exert distinct control over p53. To explore the interaction between Mdm2 and Mdm4 in p53 regulation, we first generated mice and cells that are triple null for p53, Mdm2, and Mdm4. These mice had identical survival curves and tumor spectrum as p53(-/-) mice, substantiating the principal role of Mdm2 and Mdm4 as negative p53 regulators. We next generated mouse embryo fibroblasts null for p53 with deletions of Mdm2, Mdm4, or both; introduced a retrovirus expressing a temperature-sensitive p53 mutant, p53A135V; and examined p53 stability and activity. In this system, p53 activated distinct target genes, leading to apoptosis in cells lacking Mdm2 and a cell cycle arrest in cells lacking Mdm4. Cells lacking both Mdm2 and Mdm4 had a stable p53 that initiated apoptosis similar to Mdm2-null cells. Additionally, stabilization of p53 in cells lacking Mdm4 with the Mdm2 antagonist nutlin-3 was sufficient to induce a cell death response. These data further differentiate the roles of Mdm2 and Mdm4 in the regulation of p53 activities.  相似文献   
Population dynamics ofDaphnia rosea in a small eutrophic pond   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The population dynamics ofDaphnia rosea were studied in a small, eutrophic fish-free pond during November 1986–November 1987.D. rosea showed two density peaks in 1987, a high peak in spring and a slightly lower one in autumn, but they disappeared in mid- and late summer when a smaller cladoceran,Ceriodaphnia reticulata, dominated. The rapid decline in density ofD. rosea in mid-May and the low density in June/July were preceded by or coincided with a period of increased male density, the appearance of ephippial females, smaller body length of adult females, decreased brood size, and increased frequency of empty brood chambers, all of which indicate a worsening food situation. The rapid density decline ofD. rosea in mid-May was considered attributable neither to increasing water temperature, nor predation by the dipteranChaoborus flavicans, but to insufficient food conditions for the maintenance of stable reproduction. Although edible phytoplankton was abundant in June/July, the general food situation was not suitable forD. rosea due to blooms of the large-celled dinoflagellate,Ceratium hirundinella, which probably inhibited the feeding activity ofD. rosea. TheC. hirundinella blooms might also be important for the shift of the dominant herbivore from the largerD. rosea to the smallerCeriodaphnia reticulata in August/September.  相似文献   
A new series of indane derivatives were prepared and evaluated for their thromboxane A2 (TXA2, 1) antagonistic activity. Among these compounds, 24a (Z-335) was found to be a potent TXA2 antagonist in oral administration.  相似文献   
The murine double minute 2 (mdm2) gene encodes a negative regulator of the p53 tumor suppressor. Amplification of mdm2 or increased expression by unknown mechanisms occurs in many tumors. Thus, increased levels of MDM2 would inactivate the apoptotic and cell cycle arrest functions of p53, as do deletion or mutation of p53, common events in the genesis of many kinds of tumors. MDM2 functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase to degrade p53. MDM2 also binds another tumor suppressor, ARF. This interaction sequesters MDM2 in the nucleolus away from p53, thus activating p53. Many additional MDM2 interacting proteins have been identified. Functions of MDM2 independent of p53 have also been identified. This article is an introduction to MDM2, its structure and biological functions, as well as its relationship to its binding partners.  相似文献   
The viability of free-living glochidia of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera laevis) was studied in the laboratory at water temperatures of 10 degrees C, 15 degrees C and 20 degrees C. To obtain glochidia, gravid female mussels were collected from the Chitose River, inhabited by adult and juvenile mussels, and from the Abira River, where only adult mussels were found. Daily survival rates of glochidia from each population at various water temperatures were significantly different, and survival time was longest at the lowest temperature in each population. Maintenance of some field mussel populations might become difficult at higher water temperatures due to the short survival time of glochidia and expected low density of host fish. Daily survival rates of glochidia were compared between the Abira population at 15 degrees C and the Chitose population at 20 degrees C, since these temperatures were close to the mean water temperature during the period of glochidial release in the respective rivers. Daily mean survival rates were significantly different between the Abira population at 15 degrees C and the Chitose population at 20 degrees C. Mean glochidial survival rate for the Chitose population changed from 85.3% to 66.2% from 9 to 13 h, whereas that for the Abira population dropped suddenly from 80.4% to 34.2% from 10 to 14 h after the initiation of experiment. Absence of juveniles in the Abira River might have been caused by the low glochidial viability. Survival times of free-living glochidia in Margaritiferidae tend to be shorter than in other families in Unionoida. A trade-off is suggested between high fertility and low glochidial survival rate in Margaritiferidae.  相似文献   
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