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Replacement of ~100 mM of sodium chloride in the extracellular medium of quiescent hamster fibroblasts (Nil 8 and BHK cells) by potassium chloride causes an increase in the rate of uridine uptake. This increase is identical with that achieved by addition of 10% serum to the same cultures. The effects of serum and KCl are not additive. The dependence of the rate of uridine uptake on extracellular KCl concentration is of a sigmoid nature. The time course of the activation process is similar to that of serum activation of uridine uptake in the same cells. The high rate of uridine uptake persists for at least 30 min after return to an extracellular medium containing a high concentration of sodium.  相似文献   
R Koren  S Mildvan 《Biochemistry》1977,16(2):241-249
The interaction of Mn2+, substrates and initiators with RNA polymerase have been studied by kinetic and magnetic resonance methods. As determined by electron paramagnetic resonance, Mn2+ binds to RNA polymerase at one tight binding site with a dissociation constant less than 10 muM and at 6 +/- 1 weak binding sites with dissociation constants 100-fold greater. The binding of Mn2+ to RNA polymerase at both types of sites causes an order of magnitude enhancement of the paramagnetic effect of Mn2+ on the longitudinal relaxation rate of water protons, indicating the presence of residual water ligands on the enzyme-bound Mn2+. A kinetic analysis of the Mn2+-activated enzyme with poly(dT) as template indicates the substrate to be MnATP under steady-state conditions in the presence or absence of the initiator ApA. ATP and UTP interact with the tightly bound Mn2+ to form ternary complexes with approximately 50% greater enhancement factors. The dissociation constant of MnATP from the tight Mn2+ site as determined by longitudinal proton relaxation rate (PRR) titration (4.7 muM) is similar to the KM of MnATP in the ApA-initiated RNA polymerase reaction (10 +/- 3 muM) but not in the ATP-initiated reaction (160 +/- 30 muM). Similarly, the dissociation constant of the substrate MnUTP from the tight Mn2+ site (90 muM) is in agreement with the KM of MnUTP (101 +/- 13 muM) when poly[d(A-T)]-poly[d(A-T)] is used as template, indicating the tight Mn2+ site to be the catalytic site for RNA chain elongation. Manganese adenylyl imidodiphosphate (MnAMP-PNP) has been found to be a substrate for RNA polymerase. It has the same affinity as MnATP for the tight site but, unlike the results obtained with MnATP, the enhancement is decreased by 43% in the enzyme Mn-AMP-PNP complex. These results suggest that the enzyme-bound Mn2+ interacts with the leaving pyrophosphate group. The initiators ApA and ApU and the inhibitor rifamycin interact with the enzyme-Mn2+ complex producing small (15-20%) decreases in the enhancement. The dissociation constant of ApA estimated from PRR data (less than or equal to 1.5 muM) agrees with that determined kinetically (1.0 +/- 0.5 muM) as the concentration of ApA required to produce half-maximal change in the KM of MnATP. In the presence of the initiation specific reagents ApA, ApU, or rifamycin, the affinity of the enzyme-Mn complex for ATP or UTP shows little change. However, ATP and UTP no longer increase the enhancement factor of the tightly bound Mn2+ but decrease it by 30-55%, indicating a change in the environment of the Mn2+-substrate complex on the enzyme when the initiation site is either occupied or blocked. Although the role of the six weak Mn2+ binding sites is not clear, the presence of a single tightly bound Mn2+ at the catalytic site for chain elongation which interacts with the substrate reinforces the number of active sites as one per molecule of holoenzyme and provides a paramagnetic reference point for further structural studies.  相似文献   
Adriamycin semiquinone radicals are spontaneously generated by adriamycin solutions at physiologic pH. Rate of radical formation and equilibrium-state radical yield increase with increasing pH from 7.4 to 8.85. The radicals are oxygen sensitive, but the mechanism of radical formation is oxygen independent and associated with proton removal from the dihydroquinone of adriamycin. The less cardiotoxic and non-mutagenic (Ames test) anthracycline 5-iminodaunorubicin does not form semiquinone radicals spontaneously at physiologic pH.  相似文献   
G. Koren  Z. Barzilay  M. Modan 《CMAJ》1983,129(7):721-723
The 85 members of the pediatric and neonatal divisions of a medical centre were tested for their ability to calculate the appropriate volumes of drugs commonly administered to pediatric patients. Of a total of 680 computations 43 (6.3%) were wrong. Half the errors would have led to either a 10-fold overdose or a dose a 10th of that prescribed. Significantly more of the errors (p less than 0.01) were made by the nurses in the neonatal division (11.5%) than by those in the pediatric division (3.4%). A deficiency in the in-service training of the nurses in the neonatal division appeared to contribute to the higher proportion of errors in this group. There was also a trend towards a greater chance of error as the length of professional experience increased. All medical personnel involved in the ordering and administration of drugs should be taught computing skills and be evaluated routinely.  相似文献   
Cocaine and its major metabolites are incorporated into hair during the growth of the shaft and stay there for the whole life of the hair. Cocaine crosses the placenta and its metabolites for example Benzoylecgonine (BZ), have been found in neonatal urine, meconium and hair. In order to utilize hair measurements of cocaine as a biological marker of systemic exposure, we conducted both animal and human investigations on the dose response characteristics of this phenomenon. Our data suggest that both maternal and fetal accumulation of cocaine and its metabolite follow a linear pattern within the clinically used doses. Similarly, a good correlation was observed in animals between maternal dose and fetal hair accumulation.  相似文献   
R Koren  G G Hammes 《Biochemistry》1976,15(5):1165-1171
Kinetic studies have been carried out of the monomer-dimer interaction of insulin, beta-lactoglobulin, and alpha-chymotrypsin using stopped-flow and temperature-jump techniques. The pH indicators bromothymol blue, bromophenol blue, and phenol red were used to monitor pH changes associated with the monomer-dimer interaction. In all three cases a kinetic process was observed which could be attributed to a simple monomer-dimer equilibrium, and association (k1) and dissociation (k-1) rate constants were determined. The results obtained are as follows: for insulin at 23 degrees C, pH 6.8, 0.125 M KNO3, k1 = 1.14 X 10(8) M-1 s-1, k-1 - 1.48 X 10(4)s(-1); for beta-lactoglobulin AB at 35 degrees C, pH 3.7, 0.025 M KNO3, d1 = 4.7 X 10(4) M-1 s-1, k-1 = 2.1 s-1; for alpha-chymotrypsin at 25 degreesC, pH 4.3, 0.05 M KNO3 k1 - 3.7 X 10(3) M-1 s-1, k-1 - 0.68 s-1. The kinetic behavior of the separated beta-lactoglobulin A and B was similar to that of the mixture. In the case of chymotrypsin, bromophenol blue was found to activate the enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate, and a rate process was observed with the temperature jump which could be attributed to a conformational change of the indicator-protein complex. The association rate constant for dimer formation of insulin approaches the value expected for a diffusion-controlled process, while the values obtained for the other two proteins are below those expected for a diffusion-controlled reaction unless unusally large steric and electrostatic effects are present.  相似文献   
Mapping the epitope of an antibody is of great interest, since it contributes much to our understanding of the mechanisms of molecular recognition and provides the basis for rational vaccine design. Here we present Mapitope, a computer algorithm for epitope mapping. The algorithm input is a set of affinity isolated peptides obtained by screening phage display peptide-libraries with the antibody of interest. The output is usually 1-3 epitope candidates on the surface of the atomic structure of the antigen. We have systematically tested the performance of Mapitope by assessing the effect of the algorithm parameters on the final prediction. Thus, we have examined the effect of the statistical threshold (ST) parameter, relating to the frequency distribution and enrichment of amino acid pairs from the isolated peptides and the D (distance) and E (exposure) parameters which relate to the physical parameters of the antigen. Two model systems were analyzed in which the antibody of interest had previously been co-crystallized with the antigen and thus the epitope is a given. The Mapitope algorithm successfully predicted the epitopes in both models. Accordingly, we formulated a stepwise paradigm for the prediction of discontinuous conformational epitopes using peptides obtained from screening phage display libraries. We applied this paradigm to successfully predict the epitope of the Trastuzumab antibody on the surface of the Her-2/neu receptor in a third model system.  相似文献   
Local adaptation of plants along environmental gradients provides strong evidence for clinal evolution mediated by natural selection. Plants have developed diverse strategies to mitigate stress, for example, drought escape is a phenological strategy to avoid drought stress, while polyploidy was proposed as a genomic adaptation to stress. Polyploidy as an adaptation to aridity (an environmental parameter integrating temperature and precipitation) was previously documented in annual Brachypodium spp. (Poaceae) in the Western Mediterranean. Here, we examined whether polyploidy or phenology are associated with aridity in annual Brachypodium spp. along the aridity gradient in the Eastern Mediterranean. Using flow cytometry, we determined ploidy levels of plants from natural populations along the Israeli gradient, spanning ∼424 km from mesic Mediterranean to extreme desert climates. In a common garden we recorded time of seedling emergence, flowering and senescence. We tested whether the proportion of allotetraploids in the populations and phenological traits were associated with aridity. Contrary to a previous study in the Western Mediterranean, we found no effect of aridity on the proportion of allotetraploids and diploids within populations. Interestingly, phenology was associated with aridity: time of emergence was later, while flowering and senescence were earlier in desert plants. Our results indicate that in the Eastern Mediterranean, adaptation of Brachypodium to aridity is mediated mainly by phenology, rather than ploidy level. Therefore, we suggest that genome duplication is not the main driver of adaptation to environmental stress; rather, phenological change as a drought escape mechanism may be the major adaptation.  相似文献   
Suspect screening analysis is a targeted metabolomics approach in which identification of compounds relies on specific available information such as their molecular formula and isotopic pattern. This method was applied to the study of grape metabolomics with an UPLC/MS high-resolution Q-TOF mass spectrometer (nominal resolution 40,000) coupled with a Jet Stream ionization source. The present paper describes the detailed qualitative and quantitative study of grape stilbenes, the principal polyphenols associated with the beneficial effects of drinking wine. For identification of compounds, a new database was expressly constructed from the molecular information of potential metabolites of grape and wine from the literature and other electronic databases. Currently, GrapeMetabolomics contains about a thousand putative grape compounds. If untargeted analysis of a sample provides identification of a new compound with a sufficiently confident score, it is added to the database. Thus, by increasing the number of samples studied, GrapeMetabolomics can be expanded. This method is effective for identification of the molecular formulae of several hundred metabolites in two runs (positive and negative ionization) with minimal sample preparation, and can also be used to analyse some single classes of compounds involved in cell and tissue metabolism. With this approach, a total of 18 stilbene derivatives was identified in two grape samples (Raboso Piave and Primitivo) on the basis of accurate mass measurements and isotopic patterns, and identification was confirmed by MS/MS analysis. The approach can also potentially be applied to the metabolomics of other plant varieties.  相似文献   
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