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The introduction into Lake Kivu of the planktivorous fish Limnothrissamiodon at the end of the 1950s raised major concern about thefate of mesozooplankton, but few data were available to assessthe impact of predation. In this study, we followed zooplanktonvariations in Lake Kivu for 3.5 years. Present Lake Kivu mesozooplanktonis dominated by cyclopoid copepods (Thermocyclops consimilis,Mesocyclops aequatorialis and Tropocyclops confinis), but cladoceransand rotifers are also present. Each year, total crustacean abundancein the plankton increased to a distinct seasonal maximum followinga rise of phytoplankton production associated with a deep epilimneticmixing in the dry season (August–September). This dependenceon phytoplankton resource suggests that mesozooplankton dynamicsin Lake Kivu is mainly bottom-up controlled, contrary to expectationsfrom the food web structure. However, measurements of body sizeindicate that sardine predation affects the cladoceran Diaphanosomaexcisum, whereas the larger copepods may efficiently escapepredation by migration in the deep mixolimnion at daytime. Totalbiomass of mesozooplankton in Lake Kivu is lower than in lakesTanganyika and Malawi. This may be related to the disappearanceof a large grazer that existed before the sardine introduction,whereas the large lakes of the same region have a more complexpelagic food web, with piscivorous fish, and with calanoid copepods,which can more efficiently exploit phytoplankton production.  相似文献   
The African cyprinid genus Labeobarbus is characterized by a high polymorphism in mouth morphology. The association between four species of this genus (two chiselmouths, one rubberlip with a well-developed fleshy mental lobe on the lower jaw, i.e., a fleshy appendage on the chin, and one usually with a poorly developed one) and 26 environmental variables was investigated in four affluents of the Luhoho River in the Albertine Highlands of the Upper Congo basin. A combination of univariate and multivariate analyses suggested that differences exist in habitat composition at localities where different Labeobarbus species were reported, and within different mouth phenotypes. The association of L. longidorsalis with the presence of cobbles and pebbles and of L. brauni with the presence of boulders suggests that the occurrence of chiselmouths phenotype is associated with stony habitats, whereas phenotypes with a mental lobe, i.e., Labeobarbus longifilis and L. paucisquamatus, mostly occupy habitats without stones. Differences in the distribution between these two species appear to be linked to physico-chemical parameters such as electrical conductivity and water temperature rather than substrate type. The findings of this study are relevant for developing guidelines that aim effective local preservation and conservation of these Labeobarbus species.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the possible competition for food between Lamprichthys tanganicanus, recently introduced in Lake Kivu, and Limnothrissa miodon, which has been the basis of the pelagic fishery in this lake for several decades. Since 2006, L. tanganicanus has expanded in the lake and its numbers have increased in the captures, raising concern for the sardine fishery. We carried out a 2-year monthly survey, based on experimental captures in littoral and pelagic stations, which demonstrated the invasive dispersal of L. tanganicanus in littoral and pelagic waters. The diet of both species was determined on the basis of gut content analyses, taking into account the influence of site and season, and a diet overlap index was calculated. In the pelagic zone, where almost all size classes of both species were present and essentially fed upon mesozooplankton, the diet overlap was high. This situation stems from the fact that L. tanganicanus has colonized the pelagic zone in Lake Kivu, likely in search for more abundant mesozooplankton. Inshore, the diet overlap between the two species was lower, as L. tanganicanus consumed a broad range of food, whereas L. miodon strongly selected insects and, chiefly for the largest specimens, fishes. These results suggest a likelihood of interspecific competition, particularly offshore, where mesozooplankton is the main available food type, and call for further monitoring of the sardine fishery, to assess a possible impact of the invader.  相似文献   
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