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For several decades the physical mechanism underlying discrete dark noise of photoreceptors in the eye has remained highly controversial and poorly understood. It is known that the Arrhenius equation, which is based on the Boltzmann distribution for thermal activation, can model only a part (e.g. half of the activation energy) of the retinal dark noise experimentally observed for vertebrate rod and cone pigments. Using the Hinshelwood distribution instead of the Boltzmann distribution in the Arrhenius equation has been proposed as a solution to the problem. Here, we show that the using the Hinshelwood distribution does not solve the problem completely. As the discrete components of noise are indistinguishable in shape and duration from those produced by real photon induced photo-isomerization, the retinal discrete dark noise is most likely due to ‘internal photons’ inside cells and not due to thermal activation of visual pigments. Indeed, all living cells exhibit spontaneous ultraweak photon emission (UPE), mainly in the optical wavelength range, i.e., 350–700 nm. We show here that the retinal discrete dark noise has a similar rate as UPE and therefore dark noise is most likely due to spontaneous cellular UPE and not due to thermal activation.  相似文献   
The alphoid repeat DNA on chimpanzee chromosome 22 was compared with alphoid repeat DNA on its human homologue, chromosome 21. Hybridization of different alphoid probes under various conditions of stringency show that the alphoid repeats of chimpanzee chromosome 22 are not closely related to those of human chromosome 21. Sequence analysis of cloned dimer and tetramer EcoRI fragments from chimpanzee chromosome 22 confirm the low overall level of homology, but reveal the presence of several nucleotide changes which are exclusive to the chromosome 21 subfamily of human alphoid DNA. Southern blot analysis of alphoid repeat DNA on the chimpanzee X chromosome suggests this subfamily has been strongly conserved during and since the separation of chimpanzee and man although the two subfamilies can be distinguished on the basis of Taq I restriction fragments.  相似文献   
The effect of oxygen on N2-dependent growth of two Azospirillum strains and two diazotrophic rods closely associated with roots of Kallar grass (Leptochloa fusca) was studied. To enable precise comparison, bacteria were grown in dissolved-oxygen-controlled batch and continuous cultures. Steady states were obtained from about 1 to 30 μM O2, some of them being carbon limited. All strains needed a minimum amount of oxygen for N2-dependent growth. Nitrogen contents between 10 and 13% of cell dry weight were observed. The response of steady-state cultures to increasing O2 concentrations suggested that carbon limitation shifted to internal nitrogen limitation when N2 fixation became so low that the bacteria could no longer meet their requirements for fixed nitrogen. For Azospirillum lipoferum Rp5, increase of the dilution rate resulted in decreased N2 fixation in steady-state cultures with internal nitrogen limitation. Oxygen tolerance was found to be strain specific in A. lipoferum with strain Sp59b as a reference organism. Oxygen tolerance of strains from Kallar grass was found to be root zone specific. A. halopraeferens Au 4 and A. lipoferum Rp5, predominating on the rhizoplane of Kallar grass, and strains H6a2 and BH72, predominating in the endorhizosphere, differed in their oxygen tolerance profiles. Strains H6a2 and BH72 still grew and fixed nitrogen in steady-state cultures at O2 concentrations exceeding those which absolutely inhibited nitrogen fixation of both Azospirillum strains. It is proposed that root-zone-specific oxygen tolerance reflects an adaptation of the isolates to the microenvironments provided by the host plant.  相似文献   
A new Desulfovibrio strain ThAc01 was isolated from freshwater mud; the strain conserved energy for growth under strictly anaerobic conditions by disproportionation of thiosulfate or sulfite to sulfate and sulfide according to the following reactions: $$\begin{gathered} S_2 O_3^{2 - } + H_2 O \to SO_4^{2 - } + HS^ - + H^ + \hfill \\ 4SO_3^{2 - } + H^ + {\text{ }} \to 3SO_4^{2 - } + HS^ - \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ Strain ThAc01 required acetate as a carbon source, but was unable to utilize acetate as an oxidizable energy source. In a defined medium with acetate and bicarbonate as carbon sources, the growth yields per mol of substrate disproportionated were 2.1 g or 3.2 g dry cell mass on thiosulfate or sulfite, respectively. Strain ThAc01 was also able to grow by dissimilatory sulfate reduction with lactate, ethanol, propanol, or butanol as electron donors and carbon sources which were incompletely oxidized to the corresponding fatty acids. However, growth by sulfate reduction was slower than by disproportionation. Elemental sulfur, nitrate, fumarate, or malate did not serve as electron acceptors. Strain ThAc01 contained desulfoviridin and cytochromes; it required panthothenate and biotin as growth factors and had a DNA base ratio of 64.1 mol% G+C. Disproportionating bacteria similar to strain ThAc01 were enriched with either thiosulfate or sulfite from various freshwater, brackish or marine mud samples. Most probable number enumeration indicated that 2×106 thiosulfate-disproportionating bacteria were present per ml freshwater mud. Of various other sulfate-reducing bacteria tested, only Desulfobacter curvatus (strain AcRM3) was able to disproportionate thiosulfate or sulfite. Desulfovibrio vulgaris (strain Marburg) slowly disproportionated sulfite, but effected only a slight increase in cell density. Strain ThAc01 is proposed as the type strain of a new species, Desulfovibrio sulfodismutans.  相似文献   
Time-dependent induction of clonal heterogeneity in the neoplastic micro-environment is analysed within the context of a competitive ecology. A model that describes a constant source for clonal emergence was analysed by Michelsonet al. (1987) as an extension of a model proposed by Jansson and Revesz (1974). The extended model has been termed the JRE Model. This paper extends these analyses to time-dependent emergence rates which may represent induction in the presence of a cytotoxic agent. If the analysis is constrained to the tumor micro-environment, and if the emergent subpopulation is drug resistant, then the model may describe the induction and emergence of drug resistant subclones in a growing neoplasm. Asymptotic closed form solutions are derived for a class of emergence rate functions which decay asymptotically to a constant mutation rate. This underlying mutation rate may represent spontaneous mutation to the resistant phenotype, and has been analysed stochastically (Coldmanet al., 1985). The asymptotic solutions to the time-dependent model approach the steady state solution for the JRE Model which represents the dynamics observed in the presence of a constant, spontaneous mutation rate. The clinical and biological implications of these results are discussed. Research support provided in part by Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research Grant No. 6032/6319 and ACS Grant IN45-Z and ACS PDT 243B.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of members of an alpha-repeat subfamily shared by human chromosomes 14 and 22 is presented. This subfamily is organized into a higher-order repeat unit composed of a tandem repetition of an ordered array of four related but distinct 340-bp repeat dimers. An analogous situation has been described for a related but distinct subfamily shared by chromosomes 13 and 21. These two subfamilies were further shown not to be present on the homologous chimpanzee chromosomes and therefore must have arisen by rearrangement of the human genome after separation of the two species. The sequence homology between the 13/21 and the 14/22 subfamilies is about 85%. The 14/22 subfamily represents the only major alphoid DNA species on these two chromosomes and is not present elsewhere in the human genome. Fluorescent in situ hybridizations show that sequences from the 13/21 and 14/22 subfamilies can be used as specific markers for their respective chromosomes.  相似文献   
The rate of introduction of neutral mutations is lower in man than in other primates, including the chimpanzee. This species is generally regarded as our closest relative among the great apes. We present here an analysis of sequences of X chromosomal alphoid repetitive DNA from man and the great apes, which supports the closer relationship between man and chimpanzee and indicates a considerably increased rate of recombination in the human repeat DNA. These results indicate that the 'molecular clock' is running more quickly in man.  相似文献   
From dilution series in defined mineral medium, a marine iregular coccoid methanogenic bacterium (strain MTP4) was isolated that was able to grow on methanethiol as sole source of energy. The strain also grew on dimethylsulfide, mono-, di-, and trimethylamine, methanol and acetate. On formate the organism produced methane without significant growth. Optimal growth on MT, with doubling times of about 20 h, occurred at 30°C in marine medium. The isolate required p-aminobenzoate and a further not identified vitamin. Strain MTP4 had a high tolerance to hydrogen sulfide but was very sensitive to mechanical forces or addition of detergents such as Triton X-100 or sodium dodecylsulfate. Methanethiol was fermented by strain MTP4 according to the following equation:
Formation of gas and of methylated sulfur compounds was observed in anaerobic enrichment cultures with methoxylated aromatic compounds as substrates. Via direct dilution of mud samples in defined reduced media supplemented with trimethoxybenzoate or syringate two new strains of anaerobic homoacetogenic bacteria (strain TMBS4 and strain SA2) were obtained in pure culture. Both strains produced dimethylsulfide and methanethiol during growth on methoxylated aromatic compounds. Growth tests and determination of stoichiometries demonstrated that the volatile sulfur compounds were formed from the methyl group at the aromatic ring and the sulfide added as reducing agent to the medium (R = aromatic residue): 2 R - O - CH3 + H2 S 2 R - OH + (CH3)2SDimethylsulfide was the major organic sulfur compound formed, whereas methanethiol appeared only as intermediate in small quantities. The isolates grew also with trihydroxybenzenes such as gallate, phloroglucinol, or pyrogallol without formation of methylated sulfur compounds. The aromatic compounds were degraded to acetate. The freshwater strain TMBS4 also fermented pyruvate. Other aliphatic or aromatic compounds were not utilized. External electron acceptors (sulfate, nitrate, fumarate) were not reduced. Both strains were mesophilic and formed rod-shaped, non-motile, Gram-negative cells. Spore formation was not observed. Tentatively, both isolates can be affiliated to the genus Pelobacter.Abbreviations TMB 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate - MT methanethiol - DMS dimethylsulfide  相似文献   
A 2.4 kb fragment containing the 5'-flanking region and the 5'-noncoding sequence of the Vicia faba legumin gene LeB4 mediates high level seed-specific expression in transgenic tobacco plants. Deleted derivatives of this legumin upstream sequence were fused to the npt-II reporter gene to determine the tissue-specific activity of the chimeric constructs in stably transformed tobacco plants. The results indicate the presence of positive regulatory, enhancer-like cis elements within 566 bp of the upstream sequence. Most importantly, however, these elements are only fully functional in conjunction with the core motif CATGCATG of the legumin box around position -95, since destruction of the motif by a 6 bp deletion in an otherwise intact 2.4 kb upstream sequence drastically reduces expression in seeds. At the same time, low level expression in leaves is observed. The occurrence of similar CATGCATG consensus cis elements with alternating purine and pyrimidine base pairs in front of several other plant genes suggests a functional role of the motif in a wider range of plant promoters.  相似文献   
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