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Abstract Prays oleae Bern, (OM) and Palpita unionalis Hüb., (JM) are two of the most important pests in olive groves in Egypt. A 3‐year monitoring study using sex pheromone traps in semi‐arid and arid olive groves was performed. In the semi‐arid grove, flight pattern of the OM was the same as in other Mediterranean countries, but in dates concordating plant phenology. The moth completes three generations annually: the first flight is in March to April, the second is in May to June and the third occurs in August to October. In the arid olive grove, an interesting flight pattern was observed. First flight was always very close or overlapped with the second one with no male catches during August to October. However, eggs were present most of the season, indicating unusually high female presence and oviposition activity of the OM during the absence of males in the traps. Generally, moth densities were significantly lower in low fruiting years than in higher ones and were also lower in the arid olive grove than in the semi‐arid one. In contrast, JM males were present all season, exhibiting six to seven and three to four overlapping flight peaks in arid and semi‐arid olive groves, respectively. Moth densities were significantly higher in the arid olive grove than those in the semi‐arid one. This study shows that trapping location and fruit bearing year are characteristics that strongly affect the grove‐specific information needed to estimate correctly adult emergence and thus the timing of control measures.  相似文献   
The solitary endoparasitoid, Microplitis rufiventris, attacks and can develop in earlier instars of Spodoptera littoralis larvae with preference to third‐instar larvae. We used the last stadium (sixth instar), a stage which is not naturally parasitized. The newly moulted larvae (0–3 h old) of this stadium were more acceptable for parasitization by the wasp females than the older ones (24 h old). Parasitization by M. rufiventris wasp of last instar S. littoralis larvae leads to dose (no. of eggs + parasitoid factors)‐dependent effects which were more pronounced at 20°C than at 27°C. A single oviposition into a sixth instar host larva resulted in normal development of the host. However, superparasitization increased the proportions of developmentally arrested hosts and number of live wasp larvae. Development of supernumerary individuals of the parasitoid in the host larva leads to dose‐related adverse effects on host growth and development. The present study may provide interesting opportunities for studying the physiological bases of host–parasitoid interactions and parasitoid intra‐specific competition in the biological system considered.  相似文献   
Dispersal ability and field progeny production of augmentative released biological control agents depend on ecological adaptations of the particular species or strains used. Four species of the egg parasitoid genus Trichogramma were compared aiming to select suitable candidates for control of lepidopteran olive pests. Three of them (T. bourarachae Pintureau and Babault, T. cordubensis Vargas and Cabello, T. euproctidis Girault) had been previously collected from olive groves, whereas the commercially available strain used (T. evanescens Westwood) was originally isolated from sugarcane fields. During five consecutive field releases in an olive orchard near Cairo, dispersal and/or progeny production of these species was monitored using sentinel eggs placed at different heights in the release tree canopies as well as in neighboring trees (“distance effect”). The cardinal direction of dispersal was random for T. euproctidis and T. evanescens. Significant higher parasitism occurred on sentinel eggs placed on the middle part of tree canopy and highest parasitism was observed in trees where wasps had been released. Field progeny production was highest for T. bourarachae, followed by T. euproctidis and T. cordubensis. T. evanescens propagated less under field conditions. Inter-tree dispersal of all species except T. bourarachae was limited and, for biological control, releasing material should therefore be distributed on each olive tree, preferably also at different levels of the canopy.  相似文献   
The foraging strategies for both food or hosts of three trichogrammatid species: Trichogramma evanescens, Trichogramma cacoecia and Trichogramma dendrolimi were compared using artificial patches of Sitotroga cerealella eggs. In all experiments, inexperienced and newly emerged wasps of < 1 h old were singly tested. When the females were allowed to land upon the hosts, the decision-making process for initial acceptance or rejection was species-dependent. The initial search in T. evanescens was for food, whereas T. dendrolimi or T. cacoeciae start to oviposit immediately after their emergence. When honey-deprived or undeprived females were each exposed to single patches for 20 or 60 min, variations in mean number of probing females 'drilling and ovipositing' were also species-dependent. Acceptance of host eggs by honey-deprived females and subsequent egg deposition were higher in both T. cacoeciae and T. dendrolimi than in T. evanescens . For all species, the probing of honey-undeprived females was higher than that of deprived ones. When the exposure period was prolonged to 24 or 48 h and the number of patches per female increased to three, most of the honey-deprived or undeprived T. evanescens females attacked one patch, and only a few of them attacked two patches. Foraging activity of honey-deprived females of T. cacoeciae was restricted to single patches, whereas most undeprived ones attacked more than one patch. In contrast, honey-deprived or undeprived T. dendrolimi females attacked more than one patch. The experiments showed that T. dendrolimi females have more powerful ovipositing urges than looking for food and that the opposite was the case for T. evanescens , with T. cacoeciae being intermediate.  相似文献   
The effects of host age and parasitoid female age on the occurrence of 'Pseudoparasitism', using the Spodoptera littoralis-Microplitis rufiventris host-parasitoid system were investigated. The first four larval instars of the host are not equally suitable for parasitoid development. The proportion of pseudoparasitized hosts significantly increases when: (1) the age of the female parasitoid increases; (2) oviposition occurs mostly in fourth instar larvae; (3) a later age of the host instar is used; (4) the mandibles of the newly hatched parasitoid larvae mistakenly attack host interior organs (e.g. Malpighian tubules); and (5) an imperfect growth pattern of teratocytes occurs. The reluctance of female wasps to parasitize fourth instar host larvae is not due to the thickness of host cuticle but possibly due to the unfavourable physiological state of the host larvae. The age of host larvae at the time of parasitization may influence the adverse effects of parasitoid factors (e.g. polydnavirus, venom and teratocytes) on the growth of host larvae. It is suggested that females of M. rufiventris are able to determine the suitability of a potential host instar for the development of their offspring. The cell diameter of M. rufiventris teratocytes increases with increasing age of host larvae at the time of oviposition. The association within the host of living parasitoid larvae and functional teratocytes may be important for the survival of each other and consequently for successful parasitism.  相似文献   
To study the dynamics of stage-dependent immune responses in Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), single and superparasitism experiments were carried out using the parasitoid Microplitis rufiventris Kok. (Braconidae: Hymenoptera). Compared to younger (preferred) host larvae, the older (non-preferred) host larvae displayed a vigorous humoral response that often damaged and destroyed the single wasp egg or larva. Superparasitism and host age altered both the cellular and humoral immune responses. Younger host larvae showed a stronger encapsulation response compared to older host larvae. Moreover encapsulation rates in younger hosts (e.g., second instar) decreased with increasing numbers of parasitoid eggs deposited/larvae. In older larvae, the encapsulation rate was low in fourth, less in fifth and absent in sixth instar hosts. Conversely, the order and magnitude of the cellular immune response in S. littoralis hosts were highest in second instar larvae with the first instar larvae being a little lower. The immune response steadily decreased from the third through to the fifth instar and was least obvious in the sixth instar. In contrast, the general humoral immune response was most pronounced in sixth instar larvae and diminished towards younger stages. The results suggest that both cellular and humoral responses are stage-dependent. Wasp offspring in younger superparasitized host larvae fought for host supremacy with only one wasp surviving, while supernumerary wasp larvae generally survived in older superparasitized larvae, but were unable to complete development. Older instars seem to have a method for immobilizing/killing wasp larvae that is not operating in the younger instars.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Earlier research has shown that the koinobiont parasitoid, Microplitis rufiventris , attacks and can develop on early instars of Spodoptera littoralis larvae with preference to third instars. However, the present study was carried out using the newly moulted sixth instar larvae at two different temperatures (20 ± 1 and 27 ± 1°C) to study the developmental interaction between the parasitoid and the last instar host larvae. Parasitoid eggs laid in singly parasitized host larvae invariably died. As the number of parasitoid eggs/host larvae increased, the proportion of eggs that hatched and number of viable parasitoid larvae successfully reached to their final instar increased. The effect of superparasitization seems to be dose (no. of eggs + parasitoid factors)-temperature-dependent. The results demonstrate a kind of 'Allee effect' suggesting that superparasitized last instar S. littoralis larvae provide a better host environment than singly parasitized hosts for the parasitoid, M. rufiventris . This may be due to host's hormone and/or low dose of factors injected with parasitoid eggs. The supernumerary individuals of wasp larvae developed normally to the point of emergence but most did not successfully emerge from the host. The improvement of both hatchability and post-embryonic development of parasitoid wasp was significantly (P < 0.01) greater at 20°C than at 27°C. The results of the present study are useful in understanding the evolution of life-history strategies and host range in parasitic hymenoptera.  相似文献   
Superparasitism refers to the oviposition behavior of parasitoid females who lay their eggs in an already parasitized host. Recent studies have shown that allocation of additional eggs to an already parasitized host may be beneficial under certain conditions. In the present work, mortality of Microplitis rufiventris wasps was significantly influenced by both host instar of Spodoptera littoralis larvae at parasitism and level of parasitism. In single parasitization, all host instars (first through sixth) were not equally suitable. Percentage of emergence success of wasp larvae was very high in parasitized first through third (highly suitable hosts), fell to 60% in the fourth instar (moderate suitable) and sharply decreased in the penultimate (5th) instars (marginally suitable). Singly parasitized sixth (last) instar hosts produced no wasp larvae (entirely unsuitable), pupated and eclosed to apparently normal adult moths. The scenario was different under superparasitism, whereas supernumerary individuals in the highly suitable hosts were almost always killed as first instars, superparasitization in unsuitable hosts (4th through 6th) had significant increase in number of emergence success of wasp larvae. Also, significantly greater number of parasitoid larvae successfully developed in unsuitable hosts containing three wasp eggs than counterparts containing two wasp eggs. Moreover, the development of surplus wasp larvae was siblicidal in earlier instars and nonsiblicidal gregarious one in the penultimate and last “sixth” instars. It is suggested that the optimal way for M. rufiventris to deal with high quality hosts (early instars) is to lay a single egg, while the optimal way to deal with low quality hosts (late instars) might be to superparasitize these hosts.  相似文献   
The effect of mating status and age of the female of Microplitis rufiventris parasitoid on the growth pattern of its teratocytes during the larval development is described as well as the changes in the number of these cells. The growth pattern of teratocytes derived from haploid eggs significantly differed from that of eggs deposited by mated females. Both cell diameter and the number of maturing M. rufiventris teratocytes was fertilization-dependent. Following the parasitization of Spodoptera littoralis larvae with virgin parasitoid females, the host larvae hosted a large number of cells of smaller size at the end of parasitoid development. The opposite effect was seen when the host larvae contained female parasitoid larvae. The age of the female at parasitization had an effect on the maximum cell size attained prior to parasitoid emergence. It seems that there are two factors other than mating which affect the number of teratocytes: degeneration inside the host haemolymph and to some degree accidental ingestion by parasitoid larva.  相似文献   
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