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In the present report, we characterize a monoclonal antibody directed at a surface differentiation antigen on human T cells. The monoclonal antibody, OKT17, recognizes a cell surface antigen present on the majority of resting normal peripheral T cells. In contrast, OKT17 is unreactive with normal B cells, B cell lines, T cell lines, or SIg+ CLL. Interestingly, after activation, the antigen recognized by OKT17 is lost from a subset of OKT4+ cells. We took advantage of this finding to explore further the functional heterogeneity within activated OKT4+ cells. Evidence was obtained that the PWM-activated OKT4+ subset remaining after depletion of OKT17-reactive T cells (OKT4+ 17-) contains radiosensitive helperr cells but is devoid of suppressor cells. In contrast, the activated OKT4+ 17+ population contains potent radiosensitive suppressor cells as well as radioresistant helpe cells. Taken together, these studies suggest that the OKT17 monoclonal antibody can differentiate two functionally mature, activated OKT4+ human T cells: OKT4+ OKT17+ radiosensitive suppressor cells and OKT4+ 17- radiosensitive helper cells.  相似文献   
In the present report we extended our previous studies demonstrating that obligatory T-T interactions are important in regulating human immune responses in vitro. Functionally distinct human T cell subsets were isolated by complement-mediated lysis using the monoclonal antibodies OKT4 and OKT8. Evidence was obtained that during allogeneic interactions, OKT4+, but not OKT8+, responder T cells are required to generate helper factor(s) capable of polyclonally activating human B cells independent of additional T cell help. Importantly, the alloantigen-induced helper factor(s) production and/or release was found to be suppressed by addition of graded numbers of radiosensitive OKT8+ cells. On the other hand, no evidence was obtained that supernatant derived from alloactivated OKT8+ cells could counterbalance the helper activity generated in the presence of supernatant from alloactivated OKT4+ cells. Furthermore, OKT8+ cells, known to suppress PWM-driven B cell differentiation in the presence of OKT4+ cells, do not suppress B cell differentiation induced by preformed helper factor even in the presence of OKT4+ cells. These data further underscore the importance of functional T-T interactions in immunoregulation in vitro and support the idea that the target of suppression of B cell differentiation, induced either by alloantigen-triggered helper factor or PWM, are OKT4+ cells and not B cells themselves.  相似文献   
Identifying sources of sampling variation and quantifying their magnitude is critical to the interpretation of ecological field data. Yet, most monitoring programs of reef fish populations based on underwater visual censuses (UVC) consider only a few of the factors that may influence fish counts, such as the diver or census methodology. Recent studies, however, have drawn attention to a broader range of processes that introduce variability at different temporal scales. This study analyzes the magnitude of different sources of variation in UVCs of temperate reef fishes off Patagonia (Argentina). The variability associated with time-of-day, tidal state, and time elapsed between censuses (minutes, days, weeks and months) was quantified for censuses conducted on the five most conspicuous and common species: Pinguipes brasilianus, Pseudopercis semifasciata, Sebastes oculatus, Acanthistius patachonicus and Nemadactylus bergi. Variance components corresponding to spatial heterogeneity and to the different temporal scales were estimated using nested random models. The levels of variability estimated for the different species were related to their life history attributes and behavior. Neither time-of-day nor tidal state had a significant effect on counts, except for the influence of tide on P. brasilianus. Spatial heterogeneity was the dominant source of variance in all but one species. Among the temporal scales, the intra-annual variation was the highest component for most species due to marked seasonal fluctuations in abundance, followed by the weekly and the instantaneous variation; the daily component was not significant. The variability between censuses conducted at different tidal levels and time-of-day was similar in magnitude to the instantaneous variation, reinforcing the conclusion that stochastic variation at very short time scales is non-negligible and should be taken into account in the design of monitoring programs and experiments. The present study provides baseline information to design and interpret results from visual census programs in temperate reefs.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis in C3 plants is CO2 limited and therefore any increase in Rubisco carboxylation substrate may increase net CO2 fixation, unless plants experience acclimation or other limitations. These aspects are largely unexplored in grapevine. Photosynthesis analysis was used to assess the stomatal, mesophyll, photochemical and biochemical contributions to the decreasing photosynthesis observed in Tempranillo grapevines (Vitis vinifera) from veraison to ripeness, modulated by CO2, temperature and water availability. Photosynthesis and photosystem II photochemistry decreased from veraison to ripeness. The elevated CO2 and temperature increased photosynthesis, but transiently, in both well irrigated (WI) and water‐stressed plants. Photosynthetic rates were maxima 1 week after the start of elevated CO2 and temperature treatments, but differences with treatments of ambient conditions disappeared with time. There were not marked changes in leaf water status, leaf chlorophyll or leaf protein that could limit photosynthesis at ripeness. Leaf total soluble sugars remained at ripeness as high as 2 weeks after the start of treatments. On the other hand, and as expected, CO2 diffusional limitations impaired photosynthesis in grapevine plants grown under water scarcity, stomatal and mesophyll conductances to CO2 decreased and in turn low chloroplastic CO2 concentrations limited photosynthetic CO2 fixation. In summary, photochemistry and photosynthesis from veraison to ripeness in Tempranillo grapevine were dominated by a developmental‐related decreasing trend that was only transiently influenced by elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   
Rising atmospheric CO2 may increase potential net leaf photosynthesis under short-term exposure, but this response decreases under long-term exposure because plants acclimate to elevated CO2 concentrations through a process known as downregulation. One of the main factors that may influence this phenomenon is the balance between sources and sinks in the plant. The usual method of managing a forage legume like alfalfa requires the cutting of shoots and subsequent regrowth, which alters the source/sink ratio and thus photosynthetic behaviour. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of CO2 (ambient, around 350 vs. 700 µmol mol−1), temperature (ambient vs. ambient + 4° C) and water availability (well-irrigated vs. partially irrigated) on photosynthetic behaviour in nodulated alfalfa before defoliation and after 1 month of regrowth. At the end of vegetative normal growth, plants grown under conditions of elevated CO2 showed photosynthetic acclimation with lower photosynthetic rates, Vcmax and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) activity. This decay was probably a consequence of a specific rubisco protein reduction and/or inactivation. In contrast, high CO2 during regrowth did not change net photosynthetic rates or yield differences in Vcmax or rubisco total activity. This absence of photosynthetic acclimation was directly associated with the new source-sink status of the plants during regrowth. After cutting, the higher root/shoot ratio in plants and remaining respiration can function as a strong sink for photosynthates, avoiding leaf sugar accumulation, the negative feed-back control of photosynthesis, and as a consequence, photosynthetic downregulation.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic carbon fixation (AN) and photosynthetic electron transport rate (ETR) are affected by different environmental stress factors, such as those associated with climate change. Under stress conditions, it can be generated an electron excess that cannot be consumed, which can react with O2, producing reactive oxygen species. This work was aimed to evaluate the influence of climate change (elevated CO2, elevated temperature and moderate drought) on the antioxidant status of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv. Tempranillo leaves, from veraison to ripeness. The lowest ratios between electrons generated (ETR) and consumed (AN + respiration + photorespiration) were observed in plants treated with elevated CO2 and elevated temperature. In partially irrigated plants under current ambient conditions, electrons not consumed seemed to be diverted to alternative ways. Oxidative damage to chlorophylls and carotenoids was not observed. However, these plants had increases in thiobarbituric acid reacting substances, an indication of lipid peroxidation. These increases matched well with an early rise of H2O2 and antioxidant enzyme activities, superoxide dismutase (EC, ascorbate peroxidase (EC and catalase (EC Enzymatic activities were maintained high until ripeness. In conclusion, plants grown under current ambient conditions and moderate drought were less efficient to cope with oxidative damage than well‐irrigated plants, and more interestingly, plants grown under moderate drought but treated with elevated CO2 and elevated temperature were not affected by oxidative damage, mainly because of higher rates of electrons consumed in photosynthetic carbon fixation.  相似文献   
Degenerate primers based on conserved regions of the nucleotide binding site (NBS) domain (encoded by the largest group of cloned plant disease resistance genes) were used to isolate a set of 15 resistance gene analogs (RGA) from the diploid species Avena strigosa Schreb. These were grouped into seven classes on the basis of 60% or greater nucleic acid sequence identity. Representative clones were used for genetic mapping in diploid and hexaploid oats. Two RGAs were mapped at two loci of the linkage group AswBF belonging to the A. strigosa × A. wiestii Steud map, and ten RGAs were mapped at 15 loci in eight linkage groups belonging to the A. byzantina C. Koch cv. Kanota × A. sativa L. cv. Ogle map. A similar approach was used for targeting genes encoding receptor-like kinases. Three different sequences were obtained and mapped to two linkage groups of the hexaploid oat map. Associations were explored between already known disease resistance loci mapped in different populations and the RGAs. Molecular markers previously linked to crown rust and barley yellow dwarf resistance genes or quantitative trait loci were found in the Kanota × Ogle map linked to RGAs at a distance ranging from 0 cM to 20 cM. Homoeologous RGAs were found to be linked to loci either conferring resistance to different isolates of the same pathogen or to different pathogens. This suggests that these RGAs identify genome regions containing resistance gene clusters.  相似文献   
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