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Theropod teeth from the Bajo Barreal Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Cenomanian-Turonian) at the “estancia Ocho Hermanos”, Chubut Province are described. Most of them show features of Abelisauroidea, a clade already represented in the Bajo Barreal Formation by Xenotarsosaurus bonapartei and other isolated remains including a left maxilla. Dromaeosauridae and Carcharodontosauridae represent the first record of these taxa for the Bajo Barreal Formation. Besides this, at least three theropod clades (Abelisauroidea, Carcharodontosauridae, and Dromaeosauridae) coexisted in central Patagonia during the Cenomanian-Turonian along with other theropods as Aniksosaurus darwini and Megaraptor sp.  相似文献   
Autophagy is a conserved process for the bulk degradation of cytoplasmic material. Triggering of autophagy results in the formation of double membrane‐bound vesicles termed autophagosomes. The conserved Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex is essential for autophagosome formation. Here, we show that the yeast Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex directly binds membranes. Membrane binding is mediated by Atg5, inhibited by Atg12 and activated by Atg16. In a fully reconstituted system using giant unilamellar vesicles and recombinant proteins, we reveal that all components of the complex are required for efficient promotion of Atg8 conjugation to phosphatidylethanolamine and are able to assign precise functions to all of its components during this process. In addition, we report that in vitro the Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex is able to tether membranes independently of Atg8. Furthermore, we show that membrane binding by Atg5 is downstream of its recruitment to the pre‐autophagosomal structure but is essential for autophagy and cytoplasm‐to‐vacuole transport at a stage preceding Atg8 conjugation and vesicle closure. Our findings provide important insights into the mechanism of action of the Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex during autophagosome formation.  相似文献   
During herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) egress in neurons, viral particles travel from the neuronal cell body along the axon towards the synapse. Whether HSV1 particles are transported as enveloped virions as proposed by the 'married' model or as non-enveloped capsids suggested by the 'separate' model is controversial. Specific viral proteins may form a recruitment platform for microtubule motors that catalyze such transport. However, their subviral location has remained elusive. Here we established a system to analyze herpesvirus egress by cryo electron tomography. At 16 h post infection, we observed intra-axonal transport of progeny HSV1 viral particles in dissociated hippocampal neurons by live-cell fluorescence microscopy. Cryo electron tomography of frozen-hydrated neurons revealed that most egressing capsids were transported independently of the viral envelope. Unexpectedly, we found not only DNA-containing capsids (cytosolic C-capsids), but also capsids lacking DNA (cytosolic A-/B-capsids) in mid-axon regions. Subvolume averaging revealed lower amounts of tegument on cytosolic A-/B-capsids than on C-capsids. Nevertheless, all capsid types underwent active axonal transport. Therefore, even few tegument proteins on the capsid vertices seemed to suffice for transport. Secondary envelopment of capsids was observed at axon terminals. On their luminal face, the enveloping vesicles were studded with typical glycoprotein-like spikes. Furthermore, we noted an accretion of tegument density at the concave cytosolic face of the vesicle membrane in close proximity to the capsids. Three-dimensional analysis revealed that these assembly sites lacked cytoskeletal elements, but that filamentous actin surrounded them and formed an assembly compartment. Our data support the 'separate model' for HSV1 egress, i.e. progeny herpes viruses being transported along axons as subassemblies and not as complete virions within transport vesicles.  相似文献   
Neurons are highly polarized cells forming an intricate network of dendrites and axons. They are shaped by the dynamic reorganization of cytoskeleton components and cellular organelles. Axon branching allows the formation of new paths and increases circuit complexity. However, our understanding of branch formation is sparse due to the lack of direct in-depth observations. Using in situ cellular cryo-electron tomography on primary mouse neurons, we directly visualized the remodeling of organelles and cytoskeleton structures at axon branches. Strikingly, branched areas functioned as hotspots concentrating organelles to support dynamic activities. Unaligned actin filaments assembled at the base of premature branches accompanied by filopodia-like protrusions. Microtubules and ER comigrated into preformed branches to support outgrowth together with accumulating compact, ∼500-nm mitochondria and locally clustered ribosomes. We obtained a roadmap of events supporting the hypothesis of local protein synthesis selectively taking place at axon branches, allowing them to serve as unique control hubs for axon development and downstream neural network formation.  相似文献   
Due to their abundance, taxonomic and morphological diversity, wide range of body sizes and broad geographical distribution, titanosaurian sauropods were one of the most important Cretaceous herbivorous dinosaur groups. Consequently, titanosaurs constitute one of the best samples in which to evaluate the relationship between bony structures and unpreserved soft-tissues within Sauropoda. We reconstruct the morphology and interpret the implications of selected soft-tissues associated with the titanosaurian caudal skeleton. These tissues, especially the M. caudofemoralis longus (CFL), exerted a considerable influence on the anatomy of the caudal vertebrae and haemal arches. In all studied titanosaurian taxa, the reconstructed caudofemoral musculature corresponds to one of three principal morphotypes that accord with previously recognised phylogenetic patterns within the clade. Basal titanosaurians had an elongate M. CFL that extended for much of the proximal half of the tail; in saltasaurines, this muscle was much shorter. Non-saltasaurine lithostrotians exhibited an intermediate condition. Furthermore, the differing position of the fourth trochanter, and therefore, the insertion of the caudofemoral muscles, among various titanosaurian taxa suggests distinctions in the locomotor function of these animals.  相似文献   
Here we report multiple lamniform shark teeth recovered from fluvial sediments in the (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Cerro Fortaleza Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. This small tooth assemblage is compared to various lamniform sharks possessing similar dental morphologies, including Archaeolamna, Cretalamna, Dwardius, Dallasiella, and Cretodus. Although the teeth share numerous morphological features with the genus Archaeolamna, including a developed neck that maintains a relatively consistent width along the base of the crown, the small sample size and incomplete nature of these specimens precludes definitive taxonomic assignment. Regardless, the discovery of selachian teeth unique from those previously described for the region broadens the known diversity of Late Cretaceous South American sharks. Additionally, the discovery of the teeth in fluvial sandstone may indicate a euryhaline paleobiology in the lamniform taxon or taxa represented by this tooth assemblage.  相似文献   
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