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Neuroblastoma is the third commonest tumour of childhood inthe UK, having an incidence rate of 1 in 10 500. Incidence andmortality rates were calculated for the whole of the UnitedKingdom for a period of at least 10 years. The effects of age,stage and regional health authority at diagnosis, year of birth,year of diagnosis and sex on the incidence and mortality rateswere determined. Incidence was found to vary with age and stageat diagnosis, and there was a significant interaction betweenage and stage. A difference in incidence between the sexes wasalso discovered. Mortality was found to vary with age and stageat diagnosis, athough no interaction was found. The findingthat mortality has fallen in recent years may be an artefactdue to recent records being necessarily incomplete. Survivalstatistics were calculated for the UK and certain European cases,and the effects on survival of age, stage, region at diagnosisand sex were determined. Survival varied with age and stageat diagnosis, region of diagnosis and sex, although it was onlypossible to demonstrate significant differences between certainof the stages. It was impossible to test for any interactionterm by the methods used.  相似文献   
Effective small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated therapeutics require the siRNA to be delivered into the cellular RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Quantitative information of this essential delivery step is currently inferred from the efficacy of gene silencing and siRNA uptake in the tissue. Here we report an approach to directly quantify siRNA in the RISC in rodents and monkey. This is achieved by specific immunoprecipitation of the RISC from tissue lysates and quantification of small RNAs in the immunoprecipitates by stem-loop PCR. The method, expected to be independent of delivery vehicle and target, is label-free, and the throughput is acceptable for preclinical animal studies. We characterized a lipid-formulated siRNA by integrating these approaches and obtained a quantitative perspective on siRNA tissue accumulation, RISC loading, and gene silencing. The described methodologies have utility for the study of silencing mechanism, the development of siRNA therapeutics, and clinical trial design.  相似文献   
Ex vivo perfusion of human spleens revealed innate retention of numerous cultured Plasmodium falciparum ring-infected red blood cells (ring-iRBCs). Ring-iRBC retention was confirmed by a microsphiltration device, a microbead-based technology that mimics the mechanical filtering function of the human spleen. However, the cellular alterations underpinning this retention remain unclear. Here, we use ImageStream technology to analyze infected RBCs’ morphology and cell dimensions before and after fractionation with microsphiltration. Compared to fresh normal RBCs, the mean cell membrane surface area loss of trophozoite-iRBCs, ring-iRBCs and uninfected co-cultured RBCs (uRBCs) was 14.2% (range: 8.3–21.9%), 9.6% (7.3–12.2%) and 3.7% (0–8.4), respectively. Microsphilters retained 100%, ∼50% and 4% of trophozoite-iRBCs, ring-iRBCs and uRBCs, respectively. Retained ring-iRBCs display reduced surface area values (estimated mean, range: 17%, 15–18%), similar to the previously shown threshold of surface-deficient RBCs retention in the human spleen (surface area loss: >18%). By contrast, ring-iRBCs that successfully traversed microsphilters had minimal surface area loss and normal sphericity, suggesting that these parameters are determinants of their retention. To confirm this hypothesis, fresh normal RBCs were exposed to lysophosphatidylcholine to induce a controlled loss of surface area. This resulted in a dose-dependent retention in microsphilters, with complete retention occurring for RBCs displaying >14% surface area loss. Taken together, these data demonstrate that surface area loss and resultant increased sphericity drive ring-iRBC retention in microsphilters, and contribute to splenic entrapment of a subpopulation of ring-iRBCs. These findings trigger more interest in malaria research fields, including modeling of infection kinetics, estimation of parasite load, and analysis of risk factors for severe clinical forms. The determination of the threshold of splenic retention of ring-iRBCs has significant implications for diagnosis (spleen functionality) and drug treatment (screening of adjuvant therapy targeting ring-iRBCs).  相似文献   
Habitat loss and hunting threaten bonobos (Pan paniscus), Endangered (IUCN) great apes endemic to lowland rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Conservation planning requires a current, data-driven, rangewide map of probable bonobo distribution and an understanding of key attributes of areas used by bonobos. We present a rangewide suitability model for bonobos based on a maximum entropy algorithm in which data associated with locations of bonobo nests helped predict suitable conditions across the species’ entire range. We systematically evaluated available biotic and abiotic factors, including a bonobo-specific forest fragmentation layer (forest edge density), and produced a final model revealing the importance of simple threat-based factors in a data poor environment. We confronted the issue of survey bias in presence-only models and devised a novel evaluation approach applicable to other taxa by comparing models built with data from geographically distinct sub-regions that had higher survey effort. The model’s classification accuracy was high (AUC = 0.82). Distance from agriculture and forest edge density best predicted bonobo occurrence with bonobo nests more likely to occur farther from agriculture and in areas of lower edge density. These results suggest that bonobos either avoid areas of higher human activity, fragmented forests, or both, and that humans reduce the effective habitat of bonobos. The model results contribute to an increased understanding of threats to bonobo populations, as well as help identify priority areas for future surveys and determine core bonobo protection areas.  相似文献   
Microalgae feedstock production can be integrated with wastewater and industrial sources of carbon dioxide. This study reviews the literature on algae grown on wastewater and includes a preliminary analysis of algal production based on anaerobic digestion sludge centrate from the Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (HFC AWTP) in Tampa, Florida and secondary effluent from the City of Lakeland wastewater treatment facilities in Lakeland, Florida. It was demonstrated that a mixed culture of wild algae species could successfully be grown on wastewater nutrients and potentially scaled to commercial production. Algae have demonstrated the ability to naturally colonize low-nutrient effluent water in a wetland treatment system utilized by the City of Lakeland. The results from these experiments show that the algae grown in high strength wastewater from the HFC AWTP are light-limited when cultivated indoor since more than 50% of the outdoor illumination is attenuated in the greenhouse. An analysis was performed to determine the mass of algae that can be supported by the wastewater nutrients (mainly nitrogen and phosphorous) available from the two Florida cities. The study was guided by the growth and productivity data obtained for algal growth in the photobioreactors in operation at the University of South Florida. In the analysis, nutrients and light are assumed to be limited, while CO2 is abundantly available. There is some limitation on land, especially since the HFC AWTP is located at the Port of Tampa. The temperature range in Tampa is assumed to be suitable for algal growth year round. Assuming that the numerous technical challenges to achieving commercial-scale algal production can be met, the results presented suggest that an excess of 71 metric tons per hectare per year of algal biomass can be produced. Two energy production options were considered; liquid biofuels from feedstock with high lipid content, and biogas generation from anaerobic digestion of algae biomass. The total potential oil volume was determined to be approximately 337,500 gallons per year, which may result in the annual production of 270,000 gallons of biodiesel when 80% conversion efficiency is assumed. This production level would be able to sustain approximately 450 cars per year on average. Potential biogas production was estimated to be above 415,000 kg/yr, the equivalent of powering close to 500 homes for a year.  相似文献   
The effects of river flow diversion on biodiversity were assessed using Coleoptera as an indicator group in three habitats of the Kihansi Gorge (Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania), before and after commissioning of a hydropower plant. Data collected using sweep netting and pitfall traps showed that the effect of diversion of the river flow was site-specific, affecting particularly the spray habitat. Rarefaction analysis of both sweep netting and pitfall samples indicated that the expected richness of Coleoptera declined significantly in all habitats after commissioning of the power plant. Sweep netting and pitfall samples showed that the highest Shannon–Wiener diversity index value before the diversion of the river flow was in the spray zone, but the index value decreased after diversion. Changes in the other two habitats were less prominent. Analysis of variance using diversity index values from five pitfall samples in each habitat type before and after commissioning indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in the diversity index between the two sampling periods or among the three habitat types. Renkonen's similarity index between habitats showed that pitfall samples had higher similarity (87%) than did samples from sweep netting (69%). It is suggested that for mitigation purposes, artificial spray systems, which have been installed in other wetlands of the Kihansi Gorge, also be installed to cover the whole Lower Wetland in which this study was undertaken. In order to maintain overall biodiversity in the Kihansi Gorge, it is suggested that the ecosystem conservation approach be prioritised.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates that secondary structure information beyond purely protein secondary structure content can be predicted from FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) spectra of proteins with a high degree of accuracy. Both neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFISs) were employed to predict helix/sheet segment information. The best results were achieved using ANFISs with fuzzy subtractive clustering based on normalised, compressed amide I data with an average SEP (standard error of prediction, root mean of squared errors) of 1.51. Predictions for average helix/sheet length based merely on the amide I band maximum position in combination with the full-width at half-height resulted in a comparable average SEP of 1.62. This suggests the importance of information on the position and width of the amide I band maximum for the prediction of helix/sheet segment information. Finally, the most promising pattern recognition approaches found in this study were applied to a protein with an as yet unknown x-ray structure: native a1-antichymotrypsin (a1-ACT).  相似文献   
Twenty modified‐Whittaker plots were stratified at different sampling locations from February to May of 2008 in the central zone of Korup National Park, Cameroon. Our interest was to assess floristic diversity and investigate their relationship with environmental variables. Diversity profiles and rank abundance–curves were used for diversity analysis while canonical correspondence analysis and species–response curves were used to investigate the relationships between the response and explanatory variables. Of the 66 families identified, the Rubiaceae (999 species) were the most abundant. The Sterculiaceae (basal area = 10.482 m2 ha?1) were the dominant family, while the co‐dominant families included the Ebenaceae (basal area = 9.092 m2 ha?1) and the Euphorbiaceae (basal area = 8.168 m2 ha?1). Soil variables explained 54.3% of total variation in family distribution. Canonical axes were related to different environmental gradients: axis1 was related to increasing canopy cover (r = 0.6951); axis 2, increasing Magnesium (r = 0.8465) and effective cation exchange capacity (r = 0.5899); axis 3, increasing effective cation exchange capacity (r = 0.5536); while axis 4, increasing Phosphorus concentration (r = 0.5232). Our results demonstrate the advantage which diversity profiles have over single or combination of indices, and the importance of using a combination of methodologies in diversity analysis.  相似文献   
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