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The formin protein formin-like 1 (FMNL1) is highly restrictedly expressed in hematopoietic lineage-derived cells and has been previously identified as a tumor-associated antigen. However, function and regulation of FMNL1 are not well defined. We have identified a novel splice variant (FMNL1γ) containing an intron retention at the C terminus affecting the diaphanous autoinhibitory domain (DAD). FMNL1γ is specifically located at the cell membrane and cortex in diverse cell lines. Similar localization of FMNL1 was observed for a mutant lacking the DAD domain (FMNL1ΔDAD), indicating that deregulation of autoinhibition is effective in FMNL1γ. Expression of both FMNL1γ and FMNL1ΔDAD induces polarized nonapoptotic blebbing that is dependent on N-terminal myristoylation of FMNL1 but independent of Src and ROCK activity. Thus, our results describe N-myristoylation as a regulative mechanism of FMNL1 responsible for membrane trafficking potentially involved in a diversity of polarized processes of hematopoietic lineage-derived cells.  相似文献   
The starling cochlea was studied with TEM at four locations along the basilar papilla to investigate gradients in morphological features over the papilla's length and width. Hair cell shape changes continuously from neural to abneural and from basal to apical. Unlike the situation in mammals, there are no distinct populations of hair cells; the previously described types (tall hair cells and short hair cells) are merely extremes in a continuum. Contacts between THC are a normal feature. Except at the base of the papilla, SHC have very large cuticular plates, suggesting a micromechanical function for these cells. In contrast to the THC, the SHC normally completely lack afferent innervation; this indicates that their function is restricted to within the basilar papilla itself. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Pollen is considered to be an important dietary component for many species of flower-feeding herbivores. Its influence on oviposition site selection by the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus , and on the development of its larvae was investigated.
2. The effects of pollen presence and absence on adult, egg, and larval incidence in the field, and on larval development in the laboratory were compared through the use of Synergy, a composite hybrid oilseed rape Brassica napus variety comprising male-fertile (with pollen) and male-sterile (without pollen) plants.
3. In the field, adult females were more abundant on male-fertile plants during flowering, and a greater proportion of male-fertile than male-sterile buds were accepted for oviposition. These data indicate a possible role of pollen in oviposition site selection by female pollen beetles.
4. The numbers of first instar larvae on the two plant lines did not differ; however, more second instars were found on male-fertile than on male-sterile flowers. This suggests a greater larval survival on male-fertile plants, possibly due to the more readily available food resources and better nutrition afforded by the presence of pollen.
5. Laboratory experiments confirmed that a diet which included pollen improved survival to adulthood and resulted in heavier pupae and adults; however, pollen was not obligatory for larval survival and development.
6. The pollen beetle, previously thought to be an obligate pollen feeder, is therefore more generalist in its requirements for development. These findings may relate to the nutritional and behavioural ecology of other flower-feeding herbivores.  相似文献   
Exposure of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Monosa) to 0.25 μl l?1 H2S reduced the relative growth rate by 26, 47 and 60% at 15, 18 and 25°C, respectively. Shoot to root ratio decreased in plants fumigated at 18 and 25°C. Growth of spinach was not affected by a 2-week exposure to 0.10 or 0.25 μl l?1 SO2. Both H2S and SO2 fumigation increased the content of sulfhydryl compounds and sulfate. A 2-week exposure to 0.25 μl l?1 H2S resulted in an increase in sulfhydryl and sulfate content of 250 to 450% and 63 to 248% in the shoots, respectively, depending on growth temperature. Exposure to 0.15 and 0.30 μl l?1 H2S at 20°C for 2 weeks resulted in a 46% increase in sulfate content of the shoots at 0.30 μl l?1 and no detectable increase at 0.15 μl l?1 H2S; the sulfate content of the roots increased by 195 and 145% at 0.15 and 0.30 μl l?1 H2S, respectively. Fumigation with 0.25 μl l?1 SO2 at 20°C for 2 weeks resulted in an increase in sulfhydryl content and sulfate content in the shoots of 285% and 300 to 1100%. H2S fumigation during the 12 h light period or only during the dark period resulted in identical growth reduction and accumulation of sulfhydryl compounds; they were about 50 and 67% of those observed in continuously exposed plants. H2S- and SO2-exposed plants showed an increased transpiration rate, which was mainly caused by an increased dark-period transpiration. No effect of H2S and SO2 on the water uptake of the plants and the osmotic potential of the leaves was detected. Plants fumigated with 0.25 μl l?1 H2S for 2 weeks were smaller and differed morphologically from the control plants by slightly more abaxially curved leaf margins. Cross sections of the leaves showed smaller cells at the margins and smaller and fewer air spaces. The increased transpiration in the H2S-exposed plants is discussed in relation to the observed morphological changes.  相似文献   
Leaves taken from micropropagated shoots of several apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars were cultured in vitro on Linsmaier & Skoog (LS) medium or the rice anther culture medium of Chu et al. (N6) containing various concentrations of either benzyladenine (BA) or thidiazuron (TDZ) plus naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Of the TDZ concentrations tested, 10 M was most effective and it was equivalent to, or better than, 22 M BA for both the percentage of leaves regenerating shoots and number of shoots formed per regenerating leaf in almost every experiment. Lower concentrations of NAA (1.1 and 5.4 M) gave best results with both BA and TDZ. N6 medium gave consistently better results than LS. Lowering total salt concentration or total N concentration of LS to that of N6 did not improve the response nor did changing the NO3:NH4 ratio. The 3–4 leaves on the most distal part of the shoot were most responsive and tended to form the most adventitious shoots. Placing the leaf cultures in the dark for the first 2–3 weeks of the culture period produced the best results. Optimum results were obtained by culturing leaves from the distal part of the shoot in the dark for 2 weeks on N6 medium containing 10 M TDZ and 1.1 or 5.4 M NAA, then moving the cultures to 16 h daylight at a photon flux of 60 mol s-1m-2.  相似文献   
The influences of age and maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) on serum lipoproteins with special regard to the concentration, composition and distribution of high density lipoprotein (HDL) subfractions were investigated in 51 healthy males of different characteristics: younger than 35 years, untrained (n = 14, mean age 28.2 years, SD 6.0; VO2max, 47.9 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.8) and trained (n = 11, mean age 27.9 years, SD 4.3; VO2max, 61.1 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.1), older than 50 years untrained (n = 14, mean age 58.9 years, SD 5.9, VO2max, 29.3 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.3) and trained (n = 12, mean age 59.3 years, SD 7.2, VO2max, 45.7 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 7.7). The fasting-state serum concentrations of total cholesterol, tri-acylglycerol and lipoprotein-cholesterol were measured. The HDL-subfractions were separated by density (rho) gradient ultracentrifugation. Concentrations of cholesterol, cholesterylester, tri-acylglycerol, phospholipids, apolipoprotein (apo) A-I and A-II were measured in the subfractions HDL2b: rho = 1.063-1.100 g.ml-1; HDL2al: rho = 1.00-1.110 g.ml-1; HDL2a2: rho = 1.110-1.150 g.ml-1; HDL3: rho = 1.150-1.210 g.ml-1. Elderly untrained subjects showed increased serum concentrations of total-, very low- and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol and elevated tri-acylglycerol levels. The HDL-cholesterol concentration was decreased, due to reduced concentrations of HDL2-subfractions. Significant changes in the composition of HDL2-subfractions were found in elderly untrained subjects. The HDL2-subfractions had more protein, a decreased apoA-I:A-II ratio and less phospholipids in comparison to HDL2-subfractions from younger untrained and trained, and elderly trained subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Small-scale spatial heterogeneity of soil organic matter (SOM) associated with patterns of plant cover can strongly influence population and ecosystem dynamics in dry regions but is not well characterized for semiarid grasslands. We evaluated differences in plant and soil N and C between soil from under individual grass plants and from small openings in shortgrass steppe. In samples from 0 to 5 cm depth, root biomass, root N, total and mineralizable soil N, total and respirable organic C, C:N ratio, fraction of organic C respired, and ratio of respiration to N mineralization were significantly greater for soil under plants than soil from openings. These differences, which were consistent for two sites with contrasting soil textures, indicate strong differentiation of surface soil at the scale of individual plants, with relative enrichment of soil under plants in total and active SOM. Between-microsite differences were substantial relative to previously reported differences associated with landscape position and grazing intensity in shortgrass steppe. We conclude that microscale heterogeneity in shortgrass steppe deserves attention in investigation of controls on ecosystem and population processes and when sampling to estimate properties at plot or site scales.  相似文献   
Summary The stability of allelic gene expression of X-linked phosphoglycerate kinase was studied in seven carriers of a rare genetic variant named PGK München. The enzymatic activities in erythrocytes of five heterozygous females and three hemizygous males were determined repeatedly over a period of 10 years (1975–1984) and shown to remain constant. As the phosphoglycerate kinase activity is lower in cells expressing the PGK München allele, the ratio of the two cell types in all heterozygous females of the PGK München kindred could be calculated from the PGK activity and from the known allozyme activities in erythrocytes of homozygous wild type or hemizygous PGK München carriers. Since the maternal or paternal origin of both alleles is known from the pedigree, the quantitative expression of the maternally derived allozyme in heterozygous women could be determined. In heterozygous carriers the cell pool expressing the maternally inherited allele was significantly increased, independently, of the PGK allele linked to the maternal X chromosome (P<0.001). Our data show that inactivation of one of the two X chromosomes in human female erythropoietic stem cell precursors may be non-random, at least in the kindred and cell populations described here. The results are discussed in the context of random X chromosome inactivation (Lyon hypothesis).Dedicated to J.S., the senior of the family studied, on the occasion of her 80th birthday  相似文献   
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