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Deoxyuridine triphosphatase has been purified from cultured human lymphoid cells in high yield and stable form by a relatively simple procedure. The properties differed somewhat from those reported previously, e.g. apparent Km, molecular weight, and effects of divalent metals. No other naturally occurring dNTP or NTP serves as substrate, however, the enzyme may be an important site of interaction with intracellular derivatives of analogues of dUrd. It is shown here that deoxyuridine triphosphatase acts on araUTP, 6-azadUTP, 2′-FdUTP, and 2′,3′-dideoxyUTP, but the enzyme has no effect on 5-C1dUTP, 5-BrdUTP, 5-HgdUTP and dUrd-5′[α-thio]triphosphate. For the preparation of one of the analogues, the enzyme, trans-N-deoxyribosylase, from Lactobacillus, was used to prepare the deoxynucleoside from the base, a procedure that may have general usefulness.  相似文献   
Recent studies using bee and wasp venom peptides have led to the hypothesis that proper complex formation with calmodulin (CaM) requires the presence of a basic amphiphilic helix on the surface of the target protein [Cox, J. A. (1984) Fed. Proc., Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. 43, 3000]. We have tested this hypothesis by examining CaM and troponin C (TnC) complex formation with two basic peptides, the wasp venom tetradecapeptide mastoparan and the physiologically relevant synthetic troponin I (TnI) inhibitory peptide [104-115], using far-ultraviolet circular dichroism as a secondary structure probe. Complex formation between mastoparan and either CaM or TnC results in an increase in helical content, whereas the helical content of TnI inhibitory peptide does not increase when bound to either protein. Significantly, mastoparan is 78% alpha-helical in a 50% solution of the helix-inducing solvent trifluoroethanol and has a high helix-forming potential according to the Chou-Fasman rules while TnI inhibitory peptide contains none and is not predicted to have any. We interpret these data as indicating that these peptides exhibit substantially different secondary structures upon binding to CaM or TnC. The ability of mastoparan to regulate the acto-subfragment 1-tropomyosin ATPase has also been examined. Mastoparan and TnI inhibitory peptide inhibited 31% and 45% of the activity, respectively. TnC and CaM promote differing degrees of Ca2+-sensitive release of inhibition by both peptides. Sequence comparison suggests that the basic residues present in both peptides are important for binding. However, we conclude that an alpha-helical structure is not a prerequisite for the binding of target proteins to CaM and TnC.  相似文献   
A cold-sensitive, streptomycin-sensitive mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae accumulates a 28S ribonucleoprotein particle when grown at low temperature. This particle contains 17S ribosomal ribonculeic acid which is degraded when exposed to ribonuclease. The particle does not serve as a precursor to 60 and 40S ribosomal subunits nor is it turned over when growth is allowed to resume at the permissive temperature; rather it is only diluted by growth. That streptomycin sensitivity (allelic with cold sensitivity) is ribosomal is evidenced by the inhibition of protein synthesis in vitro by streptomycin and the binding of labeled streptomycin to the mutant but not the parental 40S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to investigate flavin-nicotinamide reactions and interactions. A series of novel flavin-nicotinamide biscoenzymes have been synthesized by a general three-step procedure. The structures of these compounds were confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, absorption spectra and elemental analysis. These compounds consist of short linear hydrocarbon chains interconnecting the N-1 of nicotinamide and the N-10 of the 7,8-dimethyl-isoalloxazine ring. The compounds were reduced with sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) and the flavin portion was reoxidized with ferricyanide. Re-reduction of the flavin portion by the nicotinamide portion of the molecule was followed anaerobically at 442 nm. When the interconnecting hydrocarbon chain was unsaturated, a second order reaction was observed with a rate equal to that of lumiflavin and 1-propyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (NprNicH2) under the same conditions. When the two halves of the biscoenzymes were connected by saturated three- and four-carbon chains, the expected unimolecular reaction was not observed. Instead, the reduced biscoenzyme, after separation from excess sodium dithionite, was shown to have a strong absorption at 298 nm. This absorption is characteristic of hydration of dihydronicotinamides at the 5,6-double bond.In further studies, the C3-biscoenzyme exhibited an absorption at 600 nm due to a complex between the reduced flavin and oxidized nicotinamide portions of the molecule. Absorbance at 600 nm increased linearly with the C3-biscoenzyme concentration, clearly indicating that this is an intramolecular complex. When the C3-biscoenzyme was at 0°C in 60–75% dimethylformamide buffer solution, no absorption at 600 nm was observed. When excess dithionite was removed, the spectrum under these conditions showed definite peaks at 297 and 357 nm. These respective peaks were attributed to hydrated dihydronicotinamide and dihydronicotinamide species present in the reaction mixture.The reduced flavin was postulated to be a catalyst for the hydration of dihydronicotinamide. This hypothesis was tested by incubating 1-propyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide alone and with several concentrations of reduced riboflavin under basic anaerobic conditions. The results show that the reduced flavin increases the rate of disappearance of the dihydronicotinamide species and that the product shows an absorption near 298 nm. These results indicate that a reduced form of the flavin nucleus catalyzes the hydration of dihydronicotinamides.  相似文献   
A number of mutations (45) expressed as cold-sensitive conditional lethal pheno-types were screened by transduction for their linkage to the streptomycin-resistance locus; 7 showed such linkage. Of these, two were studied in greater detail. The sedimentation profiles of ribosomes from cultures grown at low temperature differed from wild type and from one another. Both mutants lost ribonucleic acid control at low temperature. It is suggested that a high proportion of mutants expressing a cold-sensitive phenotype harbor mutations in genes affecting ribosome synthesis or regulation.  相似文献   
Shaw, Maxwell K. (University of California, Davis), and John L. Ingraham. Fatty acid composition of Escherichia coli as a possible controlling factor of the minimal growth temperature. J. Bacteriol. 90:141-146. 1965.-If Escherichia coli ML30 is shifted from 37 to 10 C during exponential growth in glucose minimal medium, a 4.5-hr lag results. During this lag, the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids increases in the cellular lipids. However, the adjustment of the fatty acid composition does not appear to be prerequisite to growth at 10 C. If shifts are made to 10 C into minimal medium containing glucose after starvation for glucose at 37 C for 0.5 and 16 hr, the lag periods at 10 C are 4.5 and 6 hr, respectively. Withholding glucose during the lag periods does not affect the duration of the lag periods, but no change in fatty acid composition occurs if glucose is not present. Supplementing the medium with glucose after the lag period permits immediate growth at 10 C; however, the fatty acid composition is still typical of cells grown at 37 C. It is concluded that the fatty acid composition of cells does not determine the minimal temperature of growth.  相似文献   
In view of its proposed key role in the acrosome reaction, phospholipase A2 has been isolated and purified from human spermatozoa. Following SDS-PAGE, a single major band was obtained with an estimated molecular mass of 16.7 kDa. Sequence analysis of the N-terminal portion of the molecule revealed the identity of the first 19 amino acids to be YNYQFGLMIVITKGHFAMV. From this partial analysis it is evident that the phospholipase A2 of human spermatozoa represents a new sequence. Of interest is the location of glutamine-4, phenylalanine-5, methionine-8 and isoleucine-9; this sequence appears to be highly conserved throughout evolution.  相似文献   
Single-site mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that lack the ability aerobically to assimilate nitrate and nitrite as sole sources of nitrogen have been isolated. Twentyone of these have been subdivided into four groups by transductional analysis. Mutants in only one group, designated nis, lost assimilatory nitrite reductase activity. Mutants in the other three transductional groups, designated ntmA, ntmB, ntmC, display a pleiotropic phenotype: utilization of a number of nitrogen-containing compounds including nitrite as sole nitrogen sources is impaired. Assimilatory nitrite reductase was shown to be the major route by which hydroxylamine is reduced in aerobically-grown cells.In memoriam of Professor R. Y. Stanier  相似文献   
Rabbits of allotype a1a3 were injected on days 0, 2, and 4 with mixtures containing equal amounts of pigeon erythrocytes (Prbc) coupled to para-azobenzenearsonate (AA) and to para-azobenzene-N-trimethylammonium (TMA). On day 6, the allotypes of antibody from plaque-forming cells (PFC) of the blood were determined by observing the inhibition of plaque formation by anti-allotype sera. Anti-AA PFC appeared to consist for the most part of cells making antibody of allotype a1 since 65% of them were inhibited by anti-a1 serum and only 8% by anti-a3. Anti-TMA PFC, on the other hand, appeared to consist mostly of cells making antibody of allotype a3, since less than 1% of them were inhibited by anti-a1 but 47% by anti-a3. Antibody allotype for spleen PFC was also determined on day 6 and was similar to that found for blood PFC. Anti-AA PFC were inhibited 74% by anti-a1 serum and 15% by anti-a3 whereas anti-TMA PFC were inhibited 19% by anti-a1 and 43% by anti-a3. Serum hemolysin specific for AA hapten from a1a3 animals was also strongly inhibited by anti-a1 serum but not by anti-a3 whereas the converse was true for hemolysin against TMA hapten. The a1a3 rabbits, in whcih the anti-AA was restricted to allotype a1, were mated to produced homozygous a3a3 animals. When the PFC and serum antibodies of these a3a3 offspring were examined by specific inhibition, the anti-AA activity was found to be of allotype a3 rather than being a-negative. The number of anti-AA PFC in the blood of a3a3 rabbits was lower than that in blood of a1a3 or a1a1 animals. In addition, the TMA hapten appeared to inhibit the response to the AA hapten. Thus a1a3 rabbits immunized with AA-Prbc alone had 14-fold more anti-AA PFC or 18-fold higher anti-AA hemolysin titer than a3a3 animals immunized with both AA-Prbc and TMA-Prbc. Our results are discussed in relation to various explanations which have been offered for an imbalance of allotypes in a given antibody.  相似文献   
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