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In polyandrous mating systems, male reproductive success depends on both mate-acquisition traits (precopulatory) and sperm competitive abilities (postcopulatory). Empirical data on the interaction between these traits are inconsistent; revealing positive, negative or no relationships. It is generally expected that the investment in pre- and postcopulatory traits is mediated by environmental conditions. To test how dietary resource availability affects sexual ornamentation, sperm quality and their interrelationship in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), full-sibling groups were raised under three conditions differing in food quantity and/or quality (i.e. carotenoid content): (i) high-quantity/high-quality, (ii) high-quantity/low-quality or (iii) low-quantity/low-quality. After 1 year of feeding, food-restricted males developed a more intense breeding coloration and faster sperm compared with their well-fed brothers, indicating that they allocated relatively more in pre- and postcopulatory traits. Moreover, they outcompeted their well-fed, carotenoid-supplemented brothers in sperm competition trials with equal numbers of competing sperm, suggesting that food-restricted males maximize their present reproductive success. This may result in reduced future reproductive opportunities as food-restricted males suffered from a higher mortality, had an overall reduced body size, and sperm number available for fertilization. In accordance with theory, a trade-off between the investment in pre- and postcopulatory traits was observed in food-restricted males, whereas well-fed males were able to allocate to both traits resulting in a significantly positive relationship.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of 18 h of incubation of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO K1) cells with cycloheximide, hydroxyurea, and aphidicolin. Treatment of cells with cycloheximide alone at a concentration adequate to inhibit DNA synthesis to less than 10% of control was significantly less cytotoxic and clastogenic than treatment with hydroxyurea or aphidicolin, did not induce unbalanced cellular growth, and had no effect on the frequency of resistant cells in methotrexate selections compared with control cells. When combined with hydroxyurea or aphidicolin and compared with the effects of either drug alone, cycloheximide blocked the induction of unbalanced growth during drug treatment, reduced the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in recovering cell populations, and decreased cell killing. In addition, the increased frequency of methotrexate-resistant cells observed after treatment with hydroxyurea or aphidicolin was eliminated when cycloheximide was present during drug treatment.  相似文献   
We have investigated whether reporter genes influence cytoplasmic regulation of gene expression in tobacco and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Two genes, uidA encoding beta-glucuronidase (GUS) from Escherichia coli and Luc, encoding firefly luciferase (LUC), were used to analyze the ability of a cap, polyadenylated tail, and the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions (UTR) from tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to regulate expression. The regulation associated with the 5' cap structure and the TMV 5'-UTR, both of which enhance translational efficiency, was reporter gene-independent. The poly(A) tail and the TMV 3'-UTR, which is functionally equivalent to a poly(A) tail, increase translational efficiency as well as mRNA stability. The regulation associated with these 3' ends was highly reporter gene-dependent; their effect on GUS expression was almost an order of magnitude greater than that on LUC expression. In tobacco, the tenfold reporter gene effect on poly(A) tail or TMV 3'-UTR function could not be explained by a differential impact on mRNA stability; GUS and LUC mRNA half-life increased only twofold when either the poly(A) tail or TMV 3'-UTR was present. In CHO cells, however, GUS mRNA was stabilized to a greater extent by a poly(A) tail or the TMV 3'-UTR than was LUC mRNA.  相似文献   
We have developed a new type of bacteriophage lambda vector which provides a strong biological selection against non-recombinants that is independent of the sequences immediately surrounding the cloning site. This system, which we call 'selective substitution', is ideally suited for cDNA expression vectors where it is necessary to flank the cDNA insert with sequence elements (promoters etc.) required to produce a biologically active mRNA in vivo. Selective substitution is a general method, which may be applied to many types of vectors. In this report, we have specifically applied selective substitution to the construction of a new mammalian retrovirus expression vector. The level of background obtained with this vector (that is, the number of plaques obtained when the vector is ligated in the absence of insert DNA) is 0.02% when compared to ligation with restriction fragments and 0.1% to 0.4% when compared to ligation with newly synthesized cDNA. These features have allowed us to easily and efficiently generate several large cDNA libraries using total and size selected cDNA.  相似文献   
The effects of ultraviolet light on cellular DNA replication were evaluated in an asynchronous Chinese hamster ovary cell population. BrdUrd incorporation was measured asa function of cell-cycle position, using an antibody against bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and dual parameter flow cytometric analysis. After exposure to UV light, there was an immediate reduction ( 50%) of BrdUrd incorporation in S phase cells, with most of the cells of the population being affected to a similar degree. At 5 h after UV, a population of cells with increased BrdUrd appeared as cells that were in G1 phase at the time of irradiation entered S phase with apparently increased rates of DNA synthesis. For 8 h after UV exposure, incorporation of BrdUrd by the original S phase cells remained constant, whereas a significant portion of original G1 cells possessed rates of BrdUrd incorporation surpassing even those of control cells. Maturation rates of DNA synthesized immediately before or after exposure by alkaline elution, were similar. Therefore, DNA synthesis measured in the short pulse by anti-BrdUrd fluorescence after exposure to UV light was representative of genomic replication. Anti-BrdUrd measurements after DNA damage provide quantitative and qualitative information of cellular rates of DNA synthesis especially in instances where perturbation of cell-cycle progression is a dominant feature of the damage. In this study, striking differences of subsequent DNA synthesis rates between cells in G1 or S phase at the time of exposure were revealed.  相似文献   
The order and recombination fractions () between the bovine major histocompatibility complex DRB3, DYA, and prolactin (PRL) genes were determined by typing of 254 sperm from a triply heterozygous bull. A recently developed method, primer extension preamplification (PEP), was used to amplify the bovine sperm genome prior to amplification of specific loci by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). At least 28 copies of the DRB3, PRL, or DYA gene were obtained from 50 cycles of PEP. For sperm typing, alleles of each locus were discriminated by restriction endonuclease cleavage of PCR products and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the restriction fragments. The most likely gene order is PRL-DRB3-DYA, with =0.025 (±0.012) and =0.150 (±0.024), respectively. The odds are 128:1 in favor of this order in comparison with the second most likely order DRB3-PRL-DYA. Our results demonstrate the power of sperm typing in concert with PEP for multilocus gene mapping.  相似文献   
Molecular genetic analysis of individuals from 6 Egyptian and 33 German families with fragile X syndrome and 240 further patients with mental retardation was performed applying a completely non-radioactive system. The aim of our study was the development of a non-radioactive detection method and its implementation in molecular diagnosis of the fragile X syndrome. Furthermore, we wanted to assess differences in the mutation sizes between Egyptian and German patients and between Egyptian and German carriers of a premutation. Using non-radioactive polymerase chain reaction (PCR), agarose gel electrophoresis and blotting of the PCR products, followed by hybridisation with a digoxigenin-labelled oligonucleotide probe (CGG)5 and chemiluminescent detection, we identified the fragile X full mutation (amplification of a CGG repeat in the FMR-1 gene ranging from several hundred to several thousand repeat units) in all patients. We observed no differences in the length of the CGG repeat between the Egyptian and German patients and carriers, respectively. However, in one prenatal diagnosis, we detected only one normal sized allele in a female fetus using the PCR-agarose assay, whereas Southern blot analysis with the digoxigenin labelled probe StB 12.3 revealed presence of a full mutation. Our newly established nonradioactive genomic blotting method is based on the conventional radioactive Southern blot analysis. Labelling of the probe StB 12.3 with digoxigenin via PCR allowed the detection of normal, premutated and fully mutated alleles. For exact sizing of small premutated or large normal alleles, we separated digoxigenin labelled PCR products through denaturing poly-acrylamide gelelectrophoresis (PAGE) and transfered them to a nylon membrane using a gel dryer. The blotted PCR-fragments can easily be detected with alkaline phosphate-labelled anti-digoxigenin antibody. The number of trinucleotide repeat units can be determined by scoring the detected bands against a digoxigenated M13 sequencing ladder. Our newly developed digoxigenin/chemiluminescence approach using PCR and Southern blot analysis provides reliable results for routine detection of full fragile X mutations and premutations.  相似文献   
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