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The effect of yeast hulls (yeast ghosts) on sluggish or stuck white wine fermentations was studied. The enhancing effect on yeast growth and fermentation rate displayed by the hulls was shown to be similar to the effect provided by lipid extract from the same hulls. Unsaturated fatty acids and sterols were incorporated into the yeast from lipid extracts during fermentation carried out under oxygen-limited conditions. Adsorption of toxic medium-chain fatty acid (decanoic acid) onto the yeast hulls took place through a dialysis membrane. However, when the hulls were placed inside a dialysis bag, the increase in yeast growth and fermentation rate seen when freely suspended hulls were used did not occur. Accordingly, the effect of yeast hulls in preventing stuck fermentations cannot be attributed only to the adsorption and consequent removal of medium-chain fatty acids from the juice.  相似文献   
Production of fuel alcohol from oats by fermentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very high gravity (>30 g dissolved solids per 100 ml) mashes were prepared from hulled and hulless oats and fermented at 20° C with active dry yeast to produce ethanol. Excessive viscosity development during mashing was prevented by hydrolyzing -glucan with crude preparations of -glucanase or Biocellulase. Both these preparations possessed endo--glucanase activity. By using these enzymes and by decreasing the water to grain ratio, very high gravity mashes with low viscosity were prepared. Unlike wheat and barley mashes, oat mashes contained sufficient amounts of assimilable nitrogen to promote a fast rate of fermentation. The free amino nitrogen (FAN) content of oat mash could be predicted by the equation, mg FAN L–1=8.9n wheren is the number of grams of dissolved solids in 100 ml of mash supernatant fluid. Ethanol yields of 353.2±3.7 L and 317.6±1.3 L were obtained per tonne (dry weight basis) of hulless (59.8% starch) and hulled (50.8% starch) oats respectively. The efficiency of conversion of starch to ethanol was the same in normal and very high gravity mashes.  相似文献   
Summary The rate of ethanolic fermentation of high gravity wheat mashes bySaccharomyces cerevisiae was increased by nitrogen sources such as ammonium sulfate or arginine. This stimulation was mediated through increased proliferation of cells. Large quantities of proline, however, were excreted by the yeast into the medium when arginine was added as a nutrient supplement. The amount of proline excreted was proportional to the concentration of arginine supplied. Nitrogen sources such as ammonium sulfate or lysine enhanced the production of proline from arginine and its excretion into the medium. Results show that the stimulation of very high gravity fermentation by arginine is not merely through provision of a source of nitrogen but also because it serves as a precursor for the production of proline, a compound which may play a significant role in alleviating the effects of osmotic stress.  相似文献   
Cyclic AMP content in embryonic chick pelvic cartilage increases significantly as the embryo ages from 8 to 10 d. This in ovo elevation in cyclic AMP content precedes maximal cartilage alkaline phosphatase activity by some 24 h. We studied whether this temporal relationship may be causally related, using an in vitro organ culture. Incubation of pelvic cartilage from 9- and 10-d embryos in medium containing monobutyryl cyclic AMP (BtcAMP) resulted in significant increases in alkaline phosphatase activity (220 and 66 percent, respectively) as compared to that of cartilages incubated in medium alone. This stimulation was both concentration- and time-dependent with maximal response at 0.5 mM BtcAMP and 4-h incubation, respectively. Similar incubations of cartilage in medium containing 1-methyl-3-isobutyl xanthine (MIX), 0.25 mM, also resulted in increased alkaline phosphatase activity (114 percent). However, pelvic cartilage from 11-d embryos incubated in medium containing BtcAMP or MIX showed no increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. We postulated that developmental age was the factor responsible for this difference in response and that immature cartilage (that with little or no alkaline phosphatase activity) would respond to BtcAMP whereas mature cartilage (that with significant alkaline phosphatase activity) would not. This was tested by incubating end sections of 11-d cartilage, which have little alkaline phosphatase activity, and center sections, which have significantly alkaline phosphatase activity, with both BtcAMP and MIX. Alkaline phosphatase activity in end sections (immature cartilage) was stimulated by BtcAMP and MIX, whereas it was not stimulated in the center sections. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide inhibited BtcAMP and MIX stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity. Thus, the in vitro data suggest that cyclic AMP is a mediator for the stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity in embryonic cartilage.  相似文献   
W J Ingledew  M Bacon  P R Rich 《FEBS letters》1992,305(3):167-170
The bacterial quinol oxidase, cytochrome o, is an enzyme which is highly analogous to the better known cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome aa3, but with the important difference that it lacks the near infra-red absorbing pigment CuA. In this article we report an absorption band in the near IR spectrum of cytochrome o with a maximal absorption at 758 nm, and which is attributable to the ferrous high-spin haem. The 758 nm band has an extinction coefficient of 0.2-0.3 mM-1.cm-1 at 758-800 nm. This region in cytochrome aa3 is dominated by the CuA absorption. The 758 nm absorption is lost on addition of CO or cyanide to the reduced enzyme. The carbon monoxide compound of cytochrome o also has absorbance bands in the near infra-red, and these may be attributable to a low-spin ferrous haem compound.  相似文献   
EXAFS of the type-1 copper site of rusticyanin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra at the Cu K-edge have been recorded of the oxidized and reduced form at pH 3.5 of rusticyanin, the type-1 or 'blue'-copper protein from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. The EXAFS of oxidized rusticyanin is well simulated with models assuming a ligand set of 2 N(His) and 1 S(Cys) at 1.99 and 2.16 A, respectively. Upon reduction, the average Cu-N ligand distance increases by approx. 0.08A. For both redox states studied, the fit by the simulation is significantly improved by including a contribution of an additional sulfur ligand at approx. 2.8 A. From comparison with structural data of other blue-copper proteins, it is concluded that the copper coordination environment is relatively rigid, which may be a clue to its high redox potential.  相似文献   
The cytochrome bo quinol oxidase of Escherichia coli is one of two respiratory O2 reductases which the bacterium synthesizes. The enzyme complex contains copper and 2 mol of b-type heme. Electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spectroscopy of membranes from a strain having amplified levels of this enzyme complex reveals signals from low- and high-spin b-type hemes, but the copper, now established as a component of the oxidase, is not directly detectable by epr. The high-spin signal from the cytochrome bo complex, which we attribute to cytochrome o, when titrated potentiometrically, gives a bell-shaped curve. The low potential side of this curve is biphasic (Em7 approximately 180 and 280 mV) and corresponds to the reduction/oxidation of the cytochrome(s). The high potential side of the bell-shaped curve is monophasic (Em7 approximately 370 mV) and is proposed to be due to reduction/oxidation of a copper center which, when in the Cu(II) form, is tightly spin-coupled to a heme, probably cytochrome o, resulting in a net even spin system and loss of the epr spectrum. The low-spin cytochrome b titrates biphasically with Em7 values of approximately 180 and 280 mV, similar to the high-spin component but without the loss of signal at high potentials.  相似文献   
1. Electron-transport particles derived from Escherichia coli grown aerobically contain three b-type cytochromes with mid-point oxidation-reduction potentials at pH7 of +260mV, +80mV and -50mV, with n=1 for each. The variation of these values with pH was determined. 2. E. coli develops a different set of b-type cytochromes when grown anaerobically on glycerol with fumarate or nitrate as terminal electron acceptor. Electron-transport particles of fumarate-grown cells contain b-type cytochromes with mid-point potentials at pH7 of +140mV and +250mV (n=1). These two cytochromes are also present in cells grown with nitrate as terminal acceptor, where an additional cytochrome b with a mid-point potential of +10mV (n=1) is developed. 3. The wavelengths of the alpha-absorption-band maxima of the b-type cytochromes at 77K were: (a) for aerobically grown cells, cytochrome b (E(m7) +260mV), 556nm and 563nm, cytochrome b (E(m7) +80mV), 556nm and cytochrome b (E(m7)-50mV), 558nm; (b) for anaerobically grown cells, cytochrome b (E(m7) +250mV), 558nm, cytochrome b (E(m7) +40mV), 555nm and cytochrome b (E(m7) +10mV), 556nm. 4. Cytochrome d was found to have a mid-point potential at pH7 of +280mV (n=1). 5. Cytochrome a(1) was resolved as two components of equal magnitude with mid-point potentials of +260mV and +160mV (n=1). 6. Redox titrations performed in the presence of CO showed that one of the b-type cytochromes in the aerobically grown cultures was reduced, even at the upper limits of our range of electrode potentials (above +400mV). Cytochrome d was also not oxidizable in the presence of CO. Neither of the cytochromes a(1) was affected by the presence of CO.  相似文献   
Two distinct iron-sulphur centres of the 'HiPIP' (high-potential iron-protein) type are distinguished in both pigeon heart and ox heart mitochondria. These two species, although both are paramagnetic in the oxidized state, exhibit signals which differ in their detailed line shape, field position, and temperature- and power-dependence. They also exhibit different thermodynamic and kinetic behaviour and are located on opposite sides of the mitochondrial coupling membrane. One of these centres corresponds to Centre S-3. The other 'HiPIP'-type centre is removed readily from the mitochondrial membrane and its physiological function is not known.  相似文献   
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