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Summary ATrichoderma sp. (IMB-Tr) isolated from rice straw possessed cellulolytic and xylanolytic activity, comparable to those produced byTrichoderma reesei QM 9414 (a proven cellulolytic fungus). IMB-Tr produced 2.9 and 1.9 times, respectively, greater -glucosidase activity compared toT. reesei when grown on microcrystalline cellulose and rice straw. Percentage enzymic hydrolysis increased with increase in the sodium hydroxide concentration used in the pretreatment of rice straw and with the increase of enzyme concentration used in the hydrolysis. The extracellular enzyme fraction ofT. reesei possessed greater hydrolytic power than that of IMB-Tr. However, when a combined enzyme preparation from the two organisms was used, an appreciable degree of synergism was observed; an increase in reducing sugars up to 39% was seen. The reducing sugar produced by enzymic hydrolysis was mainly glucose, xylose and cellobiose. Fermentation of a 4.8% (w/v) sugar hydrolysate (produced by the enzymic hydrolysis of rice straw) bySaccharomyces cerevisiae produced 10.7 g/l of ethanol compared to 18.8 g/l produced by the fermentation of 4.8% (w/v) pure glucose.
Resumen Se ha aíslado a partir de paja de arroz una cepa deTrichoderma sp. (IMB-Tr) que posee actividades celulolíticas y xilanolíticas comparables a las deTrichoderma reesei QM 9414 (un hongo probadamnete celulolítico). IMB-Tr produjo 2.9 y 1.9 veces más actividad -glucosidásica queT. reesei cuando ambos se hicieron crecer en celulosa microcristalina y en paja de arroz respectivamente. El porcentaje de hidrolisis enzimática se incrementó con el aumento en la concentración del hidróxido sódico empleado en el pretratamiento de la paja de arroz y con el aumento de la concentración enzimática utilizada en la hidrolisis. La fracción extracelular enzimática deT. reesei poseía un mayor poder hidrolítico que la de IMB-Tr, sin embargo cuando se usó un preparado enzimático combinado de ambos microorganismos se obtuvo un apreciable efecto sinérgico, observándose un incremento de hasta un 39% de los azucares reductores producidos. Estos azucares fueron principalmente glucosa, xilosa y celobiosa. La fermentación de un 4.8% (p/v) del hidrolisado azucarado (producido por la hidrolisis enzimática de la paja de arroz) porSaccharomyces cerevisiae produjo 10.7 g/l de etanol comparado a 18.8 g/l obtenidos de la fermentación de 4.8% (p/v) de glucosa pura.

Résumé Une souche deTrichoderma sp. (IMB-Tr), isolée à partir de paille de riz, a une activité cellulolytique et xylanolytique comparable à celle deTrichoderma reesei QM 9414 (champignon cellulolytique reconnu). L'activité -glucosidase d'IMB-Tr cultivé sur cellulose micro-cristalline ou sur paille de riz est, respectivement, 2.9 et 1.9 fois plus élevée que celle deT. reesei. Le pourcentage d'hydrolyse enzymatique croit avec la concentration de la soude employée pour le pré-traitement de la paille et avec la concentration d'enzyme utilisée pour l'hydrolyse. La fraction exocellulaire de l'enzyme a une activité hydrolysante plus élevée dans le cas deT. reesei que dans celui de IMB-Tr. Cependant, si on emploie un mélange des activités enzymatiques des deux organismes, on constate une nette synergie et un accroissement des sucres réducteurs allant jusqu'à 39%. Les sucres réducteurs obtenus par hydrolyse enzymatique comprennent principalement du glucose, du xylose et du cellobiose. La fermentation parSaccharomyces cerevisiae d'un hydrolysat enzymatique de paille de riz contenant 4.8% (poids/vol.) de sucres fournit 10.7 g/l d'éthanol, au lieu de 18.8 g/l obtenus par fermentation de glucose pur à la même concentration.
Fresh samples of mullet (Mugil cephalus) and oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) obtained from a fish market were subjected to cold smoking. Some of the samples harboured low levels of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. After cold smoking, however, many samples showed relatively high levels of V. parahaemolyticus suggesting that a small population of naturally occuring organisms could multiply to significant levels during the process of cold smoking or during subsequent storage at room temperature. Nevertheless, smoke components were observed to exert an inhibitory effect on V. parahaemolyticus in broth. Salt concentration 1% appeared to increase the sensitivity of V. parahaemolyticus to smoke components.  相似文献   
The effect of estradiol-17β and progesterone given separately as well as in combination on the rate of hydrogen peroxide formation and lipid peroxidation in the uteri of ovariectomized rats was studied. Estradiol in 3μg dose per day per animal elicited maximum stimulatory response and progesterone (100μg), on the other hand, was without any such effect. However, progesterone given along with estradiol completely prevented the effect due to the latter. In the same way, vitamin E, a well known antioxidant was found to be extremelv effective in protecting the uterus from the highly peroxidative action of estradiol-17β.  相似文献   
A group of sialic acid binding (SAS) agglutinins has been isolated from the rat uteri at different stages [Proestrus (P), estrus (E) and diestrus (D)] of estrous cycle. Studies of biochemical properties indicate that SAS agglutinins are glycoprotein in nature having molecular weights between 28–31 Kd and microheterogenous pI. Function-based characterization revealed that inspite of the fact that all three proteins exhibit sialic acid binding property, the sialic acid binding affinities, calculated from Scatchard analysis, using 4-methylumbelliferyl sialic acid as a ligand, varied in stage specific manner (Ka:D-SAS-9.03×105 M–1, P-SAS-2.33×105 M–1, E-SAS-2.13×105 M–1). Circular dichroism spectra of these three agglutinins suggested that differences exist in the secondary structures of the proteins isolated from different stages. Removal of carbohydrate moiety by trifluoromethane sulfonic acid treatment and CNBr cleavage studies showed some homology between these proteins, however, the variation in the carbohydrate moiety was apparent from the sugar analysis data. Functionally and immunologically these proteins can be grouped as estrogenic and progestogenic SAS agglutinins.  相似文献   
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - The affiliation 2 in the published article was Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-NEIST Campus, Jorhat, Assam 785,006, India.  相似文献   
Themisone, also known as Atrolactamide, was found, in the 1950s, to be a very potent anticonvulsant. It was hypothesized that the -CF(3) substitution would maintain the anticonvulsant activity. Anticonvulsant testing of our novel compounds by the National Institute of Health's Anticonvulsant Screening Project of the Antiepileptic Drug Discovery Program identified analogue 1, 3,3,3-trifluoro-2-hydroxy-2-phenyl-propionamide, to have potent anticonvulsant activity (MES ED(50) of 9.9 mg/kg, ScMET ED(50) of 34 mg/kg and TD(50) of 100 mg/kg). Therefore, a diverse range of analogues were synthesized utilizing multiple synthetic pathways to explore the structure-activity relationship. Patch clamp electrophysiology experiments demonstrate that compound 1 is an effective T-type calcium channel blocker. Altogether, these results suggest these compounds as a class of orally available anticonvulsants.  相似文献   
High-temperature biotrickling filtration of hydrogen sulphide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biofiltration of malodorous reduced sulphur compounds such as hydrogen sulphide has been confined to emissions that are at temperatures below 40°C despite the fact that there are many industrial emissions (e.g. in the pulp and paper industry) at temperatures well above 40°C. This paper describes our study on the successful treatment of hydrogen sulphide gas at temperatures of 40, 50, 60 and 70°C using a microbial community obtained from a hot spring. Three biotrickling filter (BTF) systems were set up in parallel for a continuous run of 9 months to operate at three different temperatures, one of which was always at 40°C as a mesophilic control and the other two were for exploring high-temperature operation up to 70°C. The continuous experiment and a series of batch experiments in glass bottles (250 ml) showed that addition of glucose and monosodium glutamate enhanced thermophilic biofiltration of hydrogen sulphide gas and a removal rate of 40 g m−3 h−1 was achieved at 70°C. We suggest that the glucose is acting as a carbon source for the existing microbial community in the BTFs, whereas glutamate is acting as a compatible solute. The use of such organic compounds to enhance biodegradation of hydrogen sulphide, particularly at high temperatures, has not been demonstrated to our knowledge and, hence, has opened up a range of possibilities for applying biofiltration to hot gas effluent.  相似文献   
Yeast cell walls are critical for maintaining cell integrity, particularly in the face of challenges such as growth in mammalian hosts. The pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans additionally anchors its polysaccharide capsule to the cell surface via alpha(1-3) glucan in the wall. Cryptococcal cells disrupted in their alpha glucan synthase gene were sensitive to stresses, including temperature, and showed difficulty dividing. These cells lacked surface capsule, although they continued to shed capsule material into the environment. Electron microscopy showed that the alpha glucan that is usually localized to the outer portion of the cell wall was absent, the outer region of the wall was highly disorganized, and the inner region was hypertrophic. Analysis of cell wall composition demonstrated complete loss of alpha glucan accompanied by a compensatory increase in chitin/chitosan and a redistribution of beta glucan between cell wall fractions. The mutants were unable to grow ina mouse model of infection, but caused death in nematodes. These studies integrate morphological and biochemical investigations of the role of alpha glucan in the cryptococcal cell wall.  相似文献   
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