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The relationship between the surface electromyogram (SEMG) and force was examined during maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Isometric MVC of elbow flexors were studied in 18 subjects who performed 27 trials, each consisting of six MVCs lasting 45 s at intervals of 30 s. There was a decrease in the median frequency (Fm) of the SEMG and of the compound action potentials (CAP) during MVC. The CAPs demonstrated that the fall in Fm was associated with a proportional increase in signal power, whereas CAP amplitude did not decrease, indicating intact neuromuscular transmission. The SEMG root-mean-square amplitude remained fairly constant, progressively deviating from force with time of contraction (r = 0.40). When SEMG amplitude was corrected for the Fm change, it tracked force more closely (r = 0.68), indicating a fall in motoneuron drive during MVC. The corrected SEMG was used to calculate the change in the generalized firing rate of motoneurons. The firing rate decreased 60% in the first and sixth contractions, tracked force closely, and corresponded to the firing rate fall seen in late adaptation of motoneurons (r = 0.90, P less than 0.001).  相似文献   
By addition of 1-(14)C-sodium acedate to the growth medium of Nocardia asteroides, it can be shown that the lipid content increases during the exponential phase, but does not vary during the stationary phase of the growth. Nocardic acid biosynthesis from the medium molecular weight fatty acids occurs chiefly during te stationary phase. As these compounds are localised in the cell walls, it becomes evident that the lipid envelope of the walls is still increasing when the cell growth and division have stopped.  相似文献   
Cross-correlation histograms (CCH) were computed for discharge sequences of pairs of motoneurones which were excited by sinusoidal muscle stretches. These CCH's were compared before and after opening of the recurrent inhibitory loop by Renshaw cell blocking agents. Periodic patterns in the CCH's indicative of specifically timed phase relations between discharges of different motoneurones were enhanced after Renshaw cell blockage. This was confirmed by power spectra computed for the CCH's. They contained power peaks about 50Hz which tended to increase after depression of recurrent inhibition. The correlation was thus due predominantly to line current interference which seemed to act as a common entrainment input at the spinal level. It is concluded that Renshaw cells de-correlate discharge patterns of different motoneurones of the same pool by injecting uncorrelated signals into them. This de-correlation is an important prerequisite for distortion suppression of signal transmission in a multi-channel system, like that of stretch reflex, and for its linearization.  相似文献   
The effects of parameter dispersion among motor units on the neuromuscular system performance as well as interaction between muscle segments and spinal cord mechanisms are investigated. Elementary components of the system are modeled to simulate with simple models their input-output characteristics. A leaky SS-IPFM encoder with a time-dependent threshold simulates the motor-neuron encoding characteristics. An amplitude and time dependent nonlinear model represent the motor unit mechanical output to neuronal input relationship. The dispersion of parameters in the components of the whole muscle control model is investigated in the open loop mode. It is shown that the dispersion of parameters in the multi-efferent channels converging on a common tendon provides a spatial filtration generating a smoother muscle force in addition to extending the linear dynamic range compared to a similar system having identical motor units. Muscle segmental interaction is investigated in this distributed model by closing the loop through a coupling matrix, representing afferent-motorneuron interaction on the spinal cord level. A diagonal matrix represents no segmental interaction and a uniform matrix represents a uniform interaction between segments through the muscle spindles and Golgi tendon feedback elements. The close loop simulation studied shows that (a). The type of segmental interaction has little effect on the overall system performance, i.e., range of linerity and stability, which is the result of having a muscle system with a large number of motor units. (b) There are only minor differences in results between the uniform and normal parameter distributions tested. (c) A loop gain of 4 divided by 8 in the distributed model can provide linearity through the full physiological force range. (d) Type of segmental interaction has significant effects on the individual segment. A uniform matrix provides a more stable segment due to the spatial filtration resulting from the segmental interaction, while the diagonal noninteracting matrix shows instabilities on the local segmental level despite global stability. The more realistic exponentially decaying spatial interaction matrix yields both global neuromuscular and local segmental stability with the same linear dynamic range generated with the uniform or diagonal matrices.  相似文献   
The incubation of linoleic acid with cells causes profound effects on membrane associated phenomenon. Using the fluorescent probe diphenyl hexatriene (DPH) to monitor lipid changes in the microenvironment of the cell surface, we find that linoleic acid reduces the polarization values (P) in mouse lymphocytes and BHK cells. Measurements on lipids extracted from the cells grown in linoleic acid produce similar results. We also find in the mouse lymphocyte that capping of Ig is inhibited and con A stimulated mitogenesis is unaffected. In contrast to the latter effect, LPS and PHA stimulated mitogenesis is inhibited and in the rat lymph node, con A stimulated mitogenesis, greatly enhanced. We also show that linoleic acid alters the binding of antibodies to the cell surface of EL-4 lymphoma cells. These observations suggest that linoleic acid alters cellular function by interfering with protein/lipid interactions within the surface membrane.  相似文献   
Frequency variations in the human voice result from voluntary and involuntary changes in the parameters of the vocal system. The present work deals with involuntary frequency perturbations from two theoretical aspects: 1) the influence of pitch period variations on frequency changes in the band-limited signal which results from the resonant characteristics of the vocal tract; 2) the physiological parameters of the vocal system which are potentially able to govern involuntary frequency changes. It is shown that the modulation function of the vocal-cord wave can theoretically be derived from its harmonics using FM demodulation techniques, and that higher distortion may appear at higher harmonics. It is also shown that involuntary geometrical changes of the vocal tract and its terminal impedance as well as tension and initialarea changes of the vocal cord—changes well within the physiological range—can influence frequency changes in the human voice. The present results are correlated with our reported experimental findings on involuntary voice tremor, used in psychological stress evaluation. The role of the central nervous system, and possible mechanisms for these phenomena, are discussed.  相似文献   
COPII and COPI mediate the formation of membrane vesicles translocating in opposite directions within the secretory pathway. Live-cell and electron microscopy revealed a novel mode of function for COPII during cargo export from the ER. COPII is recruited to membranes defining the boundary between the ER and ER exit sites, facilitating selective cargo concentration. Using direct observation of living cells, we monitored cargo selection processes, accumulation, and fission of COPII-free ERES membranes. CRISPR/Cas12a tagging, the RUSH system, and pharmaceutical and genetic perturbations of ER-Golgi transport demonstrated that the COPII coat remains bound to the ER–ERES boundary during protein export. Manipulation of the cargo-binding domain in COPII Sec24B prohibits cargo accumulation in ERES. These findings suggest a role for COPII in selecting and concentrating exported cargo rather than coating Golgi-bound carriers. These findings transform our understanding of coat proteins’ role in ER-to-Golgi transport.  相似文献   
A key challenge in structure-based discovery is accounting for modulation of protein-ligand interactions by ordered and bulk solvent. To investigate this, we compared ligand binding to a buried cavity in Cytochrome c Peroxidase (CcP), where affinity is dominated by a single ionic interaction, versus a cavity variant partly opened to solvent by loop deletion. This opening had unexpected effects on ligand orientation, affinity, and ordered water structure. Some ligands lost over ten-fold in affinity and reoriented in the cavity, while others retained their geometries, formed new interactions with water networks, and improved affinity. To test our ability to discover new ligands against this opened site prospectively, a 534,000 fragment library was docked against the open cavity using two models of ligand solvation. Using an older solvation model that prioritized many neutral molecules, three such uncharged docking hits were tested, none of which was observed to bind; these molecules were not highly ranked by the new, context-dependent solvation score. Using this new method, another 15 highly-ranked molecules were tested for binding. In contrast to the previous result, 14 of these bound detectably, with affinities ranging from 8 µM to 2 mM. In crystal structures, four of these new ligands superposed well with the docking predictions but two did not, reflecting unanticipated interactions with newly ordered waters molecules. Comparing recognition between this open cavity and its buried analog begins to isolate the roles of ordered solvent in a system that lends itself readily to prospective testing and that may be broadly useful to the community.  相似文献   
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