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Zusammenfassung Im Ebrodelta ist, abgesehen von einigen Seen und Sümpfen, nur noch ein schmaler Küstenstreifen landwirtschaftlich ungenutzt. Hier hat sich ein Teil ursprünglichen Vogelreichtums erhalten, und hier wurde seit einigen Jahren eine Reihe faunistischer Erhebungen durchgeführt.Diese erbrachten mehrere erste Brutnachweise für Spanien oder die spanische Mittelmeerküste:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougallii, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Als Rast- und Überwinterungsgebiet ist das Delta von großer Bedeutung, z. B. fürEgretta garzetta undPhoenicopterus ruber. Enge Beziehungen zur Camargue sind vielfach erkennbar, vielleicht sogar hinsichtlich der Ausbreitung vonLarus ridibundus undHaematopus ostralegus. Regelmäßige Wintervorkommen vonMarmaronetta angustirostris sind erwähnenswert.Es wird mit einigen bisher unbekannten Brutplätzen von Laro-Limicolen bekanntgemacht, von denen eine Kolonie vonSterna albifrons mit 300–400 Paaren besonders vermerkt sei. Für weitere Arten können Bestandsangaben gemacht werden.Dieses einzige, bedeutende Brut- und Rastgebiet zwischen Camargue und Coto Doñana ist in höchster Gefahr, durch intensivere landwirtschaftliche Nutzung und touristische Erschließung vernichtet zu werden.
Resumen Datos ornitologicos sobre el Delta del Ebro. — Sin contar con charcas y marismas, el Delta del Ebro es una franja costera aun no explotada por la agricultura. Gracias a esto una numerosa variedad de aves ha podido mantenerse aprovechando las todavia persistentes condiciones orginarias del medio ambiente. Sobre estas aves se han venido acumulando en los ultimos años un buen acopio de observaciones.Se pudo constatar como nidificantes por primera vez en España o costas mediterranes a las siguientes especies:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougalli, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Como lugar de invernada o refugio durante el paso el Delta del Ebro tiene un especial interes, por ejemplo paraEgretta garzetta yPhoenicopterus ruber. Se establecen algunas relaciones con la Camarga principalmente en cuanto a la expansión deLarus ridibundus yHaematopus ostralegus. Se mencionan invernadas regulares deMarmaronetta angustirostris. Se señalan algunos nuevos lugares de cria para Laro-Limicolas, merece destacarse el hallazgo de una colonia deSterna albifrons compuesta por unos 300–400 pares. Para otras especies se dan datos numerieos estimativos.El Delta del Ebro es un lugar unico y de gran importancia, situado entre la Camarga y el Coto de Doñana, que está hoy en peligro de desaparición debido a la colonización intensiva de la agricultura y a la creciente afluencia turistica.
A synaptonemal complex (SC) analysis was carried out in male mice heterozygous (CHT/+) for three Robertsonian translocations. All pachytene preparations studied showed the presence of three trivalents. At early pachytene, the nonhomologous centromeric regions of the acrocentric chromosomes were unpaired. Heterosynapsis subsequently took place with complete pairing of the trivalents. Association between one of the three trivalents and the sex vesicle was observed in 30.4% of the nuclei. Association between the unpaired regions of two trivalents was present in 14.4% of the cells, suggesting that the relationship between unpaired regions of structural rearrangements and the X-Y bivalent may simply reflect the tendency of unpaired regions to establish end-to-end associations or heterosynapses among them, which are usually resolved during the pachytene stage of prophase I. Since the sex bivalent always has unpaired regions, these associations often affect the sex chromosomes.  相似文献   
A standardized protocol for the evaluation of hand disinfection by surgical scrub formulations was applied to volunteers in a multicenter trial. Povidone iodine (PVI), chlorhexidine (CHX), and a nonmedicated soap (NMS) were tested. The scrubbing procedure involved three daily hand washings for five consecutive days; surviving bacteria were counted daily after being collected in a suitable neutralizing solution. Immediate efficacy (IE), cumulative efficacy (CE), and remanent effect (RE) were calculated by reference to the control hand. Statistical analyses of IE, CE, and RE showed significant differences among the three scrub formulations. IEs of PVI and CHX were equivalent and different from IE of NMS; CE and RE of CHX were higher than those of PVI and NMS. On the basis of the statistical analysis, the population size required for further studies aimed at detecting significant differences between surgical scrub formulations could be estimated.  相似文献   
The topology of the interfaces between actin monomers in microfilaments and three glycolytic enzymes (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, aldolase and phosphofructokinase) was investigated using several specific antibodies directed against precisely located sequences in actin. A major contact area for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was characterized in a region near residue 103. This interaction altered, by long-range conformational changes, the reactivity of antigenic epitopes in the C-terminal part of actin. The interface between actin and aldolase appeared to involve a sequence around residue 299 in the C-terminal region of actin. The interaction of phosphofructokinase, in contrast, modified the reactivity of all antibodies tested. Finally, the phosphagen kinases arginine kinase and creatine kinase showed no interaction with the microfilament.  相似文献   
Summary Establishment of Plantago lanceolata and P. major ssp major among grass was studied in a field experiment in which survival and selection on date of seedling emergence and plant size was investigated in relation to the vegetation structure. P. major — in contrast to P. lanceolata — was not able to establish itself in grass because of its lower competitive ability caused by later germination, smaller seedling size, and shorter leaves. In both species there was selection for early germination. For P. lanceolata a significant correlation was found between the strength of selection and the light climate, determined by the structure of the grass sward. Plants that germinated early were at an advantage because they were larger, especially the leaves, when compared with plants that germinated late. It seems likely that selection was mainly by competition for light. Contrary to expectation P. major-seedlings had a higher shade tolerance than those of P. lanceolata. The performance of both species is discussed in relation to their different life strategies.Grassland species research group publication no 142  相似文献   
Two enzymes which possess 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate synthase, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate phosphatase and phosphoglycerate mutase activities have been purified from pig skeletal muscle. One of the enzymes corresponds to type M phosphoglycerate mutase. The other enzyme shows properties similar to those of the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate synthase-phosphatase present in mammalian erythrocytes. The erythrocyte and the muscle enzyme possess the same molecular (56 000) and subunit (27 000) weights. The synthase, phosphatase and mutase activity ratio is similar in both enzymes, and they are affected by the same inhibitor (glycerate 3-P) and activators (glycolate 2-P, pyrophosphate, sulfite and bisulfite).  相似文献   
Clear-plaque mutations were induced in the cI and cII genes of λ by treating lysogenic cells with 9-aminoacridine (9AA). Mapping of the mutations revealed that there were two hot spots for 9AA mutagenesis in cI, and one strong hot spot in cII. The hot spots in cI mapped close to 1 of the 3 runs of 4 G/C base-pairs and near the only run of 5 G/Cs, respectively, in this gene. Of 36 cI mutations tested, at most one mapped near a run of 6 A/T base-pairs. By analogy, the sequence responsible for the strong hot spot in cII may be the run of 6 G/Cs in this gene.  相似文献   
Summary The total resistance to transfer through a hydrophobic membrane used in the tubing method is due to an external liquid film and to the membrane itself. The global mass transfer coefficient is higher for alcohols than for other tested volatiles. PTFE microporous membranes are recommended.  相似文献   
Corynebacterium melassecola, a glutamate producing bacteria, has been cultivated in a 4-l batch aerated fermentor with glucose and fructose mixtures of various proportions as carbon sources and mineral ammonium as nitrogen source. Experimental results are analysed in order to obtain the specific rates and the conversion yields. A data reconciliation technique is used to manage with the experiments performed in similar conditions. The redundant experimental informations are used to test the carbon, nitrogen, available electrons, phosphorus and protons balances. The measurement of dissolved oxygen tension and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient indicates that oxygen was never a limiting substrate in the experimental device though the oxygen demand was up to 70 mmoles/l.h and the heterogeneity of the liquid phase. The highest specific growth rate (0.59 h?1) and the highest biomass production yield (0.48 gX/gS) are obtained with glucose as the sole carbon source. These two parameters progressively decrease with the increase of the proportion of fructose in the medium down to 0.43 h?1 and 0.38 gX/gS on fructose so that the specific carbon uptake rate remains constant and equal to 0.04 C-mole/gX h. From a metabolic point of view, this decrease of the carbon conversion efficiency into cellular material is correlated to a lower carbon flux through the pentose pathway as the fructose proportion is increased. This is correlated with an accumulation of fructose 1,6-biphosphate which further activates the lactate deshydrogenase resulting to lactate production though the metabolism remains strictly aerobic.  相似文献   
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