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Bird specimens collected by 19th century explorer and ornithologist Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied form one of the foundation collections of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. However, parts of his collection remained in Germany and came to the Museum Wiesbaden. Since Wied described numerous new species without designating types, some of these specimens might be type material. Here we present a catalog of the 30 Wiesbaden specimens associated with him and discuss their potential type status. We conclude that 17 individuals in 11 species are potential type specimens that should be considered in future taxonomic work.  相似文献   
The ventral sebaceous gland of the Djungarian hamster is a macroscopically visible organ situated in the midventral area of the abdominal wall. It consists of densely packed acini arranged in lobules with common excretory ducts. The rich vascular network of the gland is characterized by fenestrated capillaries. Fenestrated endothelium has not yet been reported as a characteristic and regular finding within sebaceous glands. Results are discussed with regard to proliferation rate of sebocytes and the demand of fluid and nutrient supply.  相似文献   
Abstract. The ratio of the concentration of honeydew total amino acids to total sugars in the honeydew of eight species of aphids, all feeding on tansy, Tanacetum vulgare (L.), was determined and correlated with honeydew production and ant‐attendance. The honeydew of the five ant‐attended aphid species [Metopeurum fuscoviride (Stroyan), Trama troglodytes (v. Hayd), Aphis vandergooti (Börner), Brachycardus cardui (L.), Aphis fabae (Scopoli)] was rich in total amino acids, ranging from 12.9 to 20.8 nmol µL?1 compared with the unattended aphid Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kalt.) with only 3 nmol µL?1. Asparagine, glutamine, glutamic acid and serine (all nonessential amino acids) were the predominant amino acids in the honeydew of all species. The total concentration of amino acids in the phloem sap of tansy was much higher (78.7 nmol µL?1) then in the honeydew samples, and the predominant amino acids were glutamate (34.3%) and threonine (17.7%). A somewhat unexpected result was the finding that those aphid species with the highest total amino acid concentration in the honeydew always had the highest concentration of sugars. The lowest amino acid–sugar combined value was 104–28.8 nmol µL?1 in the non ant‐attended species M. tanacetaria, and the highest value was an average of 270–89.9 nmol µL?1 for the three most intensely attended aphid species M. fuscoviride, A. vandergooti and T. troglodytes. There is no evidence that any single amino acid or group of amino acids in the honeydew acted as an attractant for ant‐attendance in these eight aphid species. The richness of the honeydew (rate of secretion × total concentration of sugars), along with the presence of the attractant sugar melezitose, comprised the critical factors determining the extent of ant‐attendance of the aphids feeding on T. vulgare. The high total amino acid concentration in sugar‐rich honeydews can be explained by the high flow‐through of nutrients in aphids that are particularly well attended by ants.  相似文献   
Exposure of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Monosa) to 0.25 μl l?1 H2S reduced the relative growth rate by 26, 47 and 60% at 15, 18 and 25°C, respectively. Shoot to root ratio decreased in plants fumigated at 18 and 25°C. Growth of spinach was not affected by a 2-week exposure to 0.10 or 0.25 μl l?1 SO2. Both H2S and SO2 fumigation increased the content of sulfhydryl compounds and sulfate. A 2-week exposure to 0.25 μl l?1 H2S resulted in an increase in sulfhydryl and sulfate content of 250 to 450% and 63 to 248% in the shoots, respectively, depending on growth temperature. Exposure to 0.15 and 0.30 μl l?1 H2S at 20°C for 2 weeks resulted in a 46% increase in sulfate content of the shoots at 0.30 μl l?1 and no detectable increase at 0.15 μl l?1 H2S; the sulfate content of the roots increased by 195 and 145% at 0.15 and 0.30 μl l?1 H2S, respectively. Fumigation with 0.25 μl l?1 SO2 at 20°C for 2 weeks resulted in an increase in sulfhydryl content and sulfate content in the shoots of 285% and 300 to 1100%. H2S fumigation during the 12 h light period or only during the dark period resulted in identical growth reduction and accumulation of sulfhydryl compounds; they were about 50 and 67% of those observed in continuously exposed plants. H2S- and SO2-exposed plants showed an increased transpiration rate, which was mainly caused by an increased dark-period transpiration. No effect of H2S and SO2 on the water uptake of the plants and the osmotic potential of the leaves was detected. Plants fumigated with 0.25 μl l?1 H2S for 2 weeks were smaller and differed morphologically from the control plants by slightly more abaxially curved leaf margins. Cross sections of the leaves showed smaller cells at the margins and smaller and fewer air spaces. The increased transpiration in the H2S-exposed plants is discussed in relation to the observed morphological changes.  相似文献   
Calli of P. argentatum were grown on a newly designed liquid nutrient flow-through system which facilitated the subculturing of calli and delayed browning for 6 weeks. Friable calli were obtained on half-strength Gamborg B5-medium supplemented with 0.05 mgl−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Shoots developed on media supplemented with 0.2 mgl−1 benzylaminopurine but lacking 2,4-dichlorophenocyacetic acid.  相似文献   
A cDNA sequence has been used to derive the precursor structure of a highly repetitive protein in Xenopus laevis skin. From the sequence of a whole family of secretory proteins can be predicted containing a classical hydrophobic signal sequence at the NH2-terminal end of the precursor. The proteins contain four domains with high homology to porcine pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide. These four cysteine-rich, presumably physiologically active domains are separated in the molecule by a repetitive element, locating two such domains to the NH2 terminus of the precursor protein and the remaining two to the COOH-terminal end. The separating spacer consists of very unusual, precise, threonine and proline-rich repeats containing 9 residues which could be targets for extensive O-glycosylation. Additionally, processing at two pairs of basic residues is suggested to liberate two polypeptides ("spasmolysins") and "spasmolysin-glycoprotein."  相似文献   
The Ehrlich ascites tumor cell has been used as a model of an unspecialized mammalian cell, in an attempt to disclose the mechanisms involved in the regulation of cellular water and salt content. In hypotonic medium Ehrlich cells initially swell as nearly perfect osmometers, but subsequently recover their volume within about 10 min with an associated net loss of KCl, amino acids, taurine and cell water. The net loss of KCl takes place mainly via separate, conductive K+ and Cl- transport pathways, and the net loss of taurine through a passive leak pathway. Ca2+ and calmodulin appear to be involved in the activation of the K+ and Cl- channels, as well as the taurine leak pathway. In hypertonic medium Ehrlich cells initially shrink as osmometers, but subsequently recover their volume with an associated net uptake of KCl and water. In this case, the net uptake of KCl is the result of the activation of an electroneutral, Na+- and Cl- -dependent cotransport system with subsequent replacement of cellular Na+ by extracellular K+ via the Na+/K+ pump. In the present review we describe the ion and taurine transporting systems which have been identified in the plasma membrane of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. We have emphasized the selectivity of these transport pathways and their activation mechanisms. Finally, we propose a model for the activation of the conductive K+ and Cl- transport pathways in Ehrlich cells which includes Ca2+, leukotrienes, and inositol phosphate as intracellular second messengers.  相似文献   
The use of substrates containing well defined adducts at precise sites, is required to perform a careful analysis of the toxic and mutagenic potential of a lesion. As a first step in this direction the octamer 5'-d(CCGGCGGT), containing the sequence of the codons 12 d(GGC) and 13 d(GGT) of the human H-ras gene, was reacted with the antitumoral drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II). The platinated products have been purified by HPLC. A first set of experiments, including enzymatic digestions with nuclease P1 followed by alkaline phosphatase and acid-catalysed hydrolysis, allowed us to determine which bases were engaged in the cis-DDP lesions. Our results indicate that only guanine residues were chelated with cisplatin to yield bifunctional adducts. Furthermore, by performing enzymatic digestions with phosphodiesterases, we have located the adducts with respect to the 5' end of the octamer. Among the purified and characterized platinated oligonucleotides, three present a particular interest, since we have shown here that the cis-d(GpG) adduct is precisely situated either at the d(GGC) or at the d(GGT) or at both sites of their sequence.  相似文献   
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